The unpredictable Avenger(On...

Od PiratePhox4

220K 5.4K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... Více

and than there were 10
The Avengers(1)
The Avengers(2)
The avengers(3)
Captain America: the winter soldier(1)
Captain America: the winter soldier(2)
captain America: the winter soldier(3)
Avengers age of Ultron(1)
avengers age of Ultron(2)
avengers age of Ultron(3)
Captain America: civil war(1)
Captain America: Civil War(2)
Captain America: Civil War(3)
Black panther(1)
Black panther(3)
Black Widow(1)
Black Widow(2)
Black Widow(3)
(One-shot) romantic research
(one-shot) researching lovers!
Infinity war(1)
Infinity war(2)
Infinity war(3)
Infinity war(4)
Avengers: Endgame(1)
Avengers: Endgame(2)
Avengers: endgame(3)
Avengers: endgame (4)
Falcon & Winter soldier (1)
Falcon & Winter soldier (2)
falcon & winter soldier (3)
falcon & winter soldier (4)
Falcon & winter soldier (5)
Shang-chi (1)
Shang-chi (2)
shang-chi (3)
Spider-Man: NWH (1)
Spider-Man: NWH (2)
Spider-Man: NWH (3)
Spider-Man: NWH (4)
Doctor strange: MoM(short)
Y/n Tennyson Christmas special
Valentine's day special!
BP: Wakanda forever (1)
BP: wakanda forever (2)
BP: wakanda forever (3)
BP: wakanda forever (4)
secrets of the Omnitrix (1)
secrets of the Omnitrix (2)
secrets of the Omnitrix (3)
secrets of the Omnitrix (4)
secrets of the Omnitrix (5)
special number 23(One-shot)
night to remember(one-shot)
Be-Knignted (one-shot)
Updates (+Q&A)
...hear me out...

Black panther(2)

4.2K 107 43
Od PiratePhox4

In the hall towards shuri's lab, T'Challa, with four Dora, make their way to the open door. Once there, the Dora milage stop at the entrance, as T'challa went on inside. Shuri then approaches T'challa, and bows.
Shuri: "My King"
T'challa: "Stop it. Stop it"
Shuri laughs and they do their special sibling handshake before walking down the spiral walkway into her sprawling, futuristic lab. Shuri strolls with T'Challa by work tables of high-tech gadgets, However, something interesting caught T'challa's eye.

T'challa: "is that y/n?"

At the work table at the end, stood a large crab like creature, with a black and white looking outfit on its body.

Shuri: "he has his own little project, and meant to go greymatter to work on it, but turned into that instead"

Brainstorm: "excuse you. Brainstorm is the next best thing to greymatter! being a cerebral crustation means that I am the second smartest species in the known five galaxies!"

Shuri: "yet you can't use simple tools"

Brainstorm: "I'll have you know, that it's much harder when your hands are a pair of pinsers!"

Zed the. Barks in agreement.

Brainstorm: "see! Even zed agrees"

Shuri shakes her head, and turns back to T'challa, who was smiling at their interaction.
Shuri: "I've already sent a car ahead to
Busan for you. Who are you taking with you to Korea?"

T'challa: "Y/n and Okoye. And Nakia as well"
Shuri: "You sure it's a good idea to take
          your e x on a mission?"
T'challa: "Yes. We'll be fine. I'm surprised you didn't mention that I'm bringing y/n"

Shuri: "that's because hero work is his thing"

Brainstorm: "you best believe! I suppose I could put this project on hold"

Y/n returns to human form, and walks over to the two, just as shuri goes over some gadgets for the mission.
Shuri: "I have great things to show you, brother. Here are your communication devices for Korea. Unlimited range, also equipped with audio surveillance system"

Y/n: "more compact than the plumber ones. So it's much easier to carry"
Shuri: "I actually used those as a design inspiration. Now, Check these out. Remote access Kimoyo beads. Updated to interface directly with my sand table"

Y/n: "damn. How advanced has wakanda become in the last five years?"

Shuri: "very advanced. My ideas are more usually than thet thought"

T'challa: "And what are these?"

Y/n: "what are what?"                   

Shuri: "The real question is, what are those?! Why do you have your toes out in my lab?"
T'challa smiles, then props his foot into one of the chairs.  
T'challa: "What , you don't like my royal sandals? I wanted to go old school for my first day"

Y/n: "bruh. You can't be serious. You wore those in public?"

Shuri: "here, try these on Instead"

T'Challa takes off his sandles, and put his feet into the shoes, and they lace up instantly, forming a perfect fit.

Shuri: "Fully automated, like the old American movie Baba used to watch. And I made them completely sound absorbent"

T'Challa stomps his foot down, and thanks to the shoes, they made no sound.
T'challa: "Interesting"
Shuri: "you know what I call them"
Y/n: "let me guess, sneakers?"

Shuri stays quiet.

T'challa: "I believe you hit right on the money"
Shuri: "whatever"
Shuri then walks over to three mannequins, One wears T'Challa's Current suit. Another with a golden panther tooth necklace, and the last just a panther tooth Necklace.
Shuri: "If you're going to take on Klaue you'll need the best the Design Group has to offer"
Shuri points at T'Challa's current suit.
Shuri: "Exhibit A. Old tech"

Y/n: "pfft!-"
T'challa: "Old..?"

Shuri: "Functional, but old. ”Eh, people are shooting at me, wait let me put
          on my helmet”!"

T'Challa smiles, amused, while y/n was laughing his butt off.
T'challa: "Enough.."

Y/n: "no, no, keep going"

Shuri: "Now look at these"

T'Challa spots a gaudier gold tooth necklace.
Shuri: "Do you like that one?"

Y/n: "looks like a bit much"
T'challa: "Tempting . But the idea is to not be noticed. This one"

Shuri uses her Kimoyo beads to sync the suit to T'Challa.
Shuri: "Now tell it to go on"
T'Challa does as told, and without warning, millions of vibranium laced nanites spill from the necklace and form a new black panther suit around the mannequin.
Shuri: "Oooh! ! The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace"

Y/n: "that is absolutely amazing"

Shuri: "thank you. Now strick it"
T'challa: "Anywhere?"
Shuri: "Mhm"
T'Challa turns to the mannequin in a relaxed fighting stance. Shuri nods and T'Challa spin kicks the mannequin.
Shuri: "Not that hard, genius!"
T'challa: "You told me to strike it, you
          didn't say how hard"
Shuri picks the mannequin back up and drags it over to the same spot.
Shuri: "I invite you to my lab, and you just kick things around"

Y/n: "I agree. Maybe not hit that hard?"

T'challa: "Well maybe you should make it a little stronger, eh?"
Shuri shrugs as Wakandan Script built into the suit glowing indigo where the impact of T'Challa's foot landed. T'Challa then looks closely at the glowing script.
T'challa: "Wait a minute"
Shuri: "The nanites absorb the kinetic energy and hold it in place for redistribution"
Y/n: "I take back what I said before. That is amazing"

T'challa: "Very nice"
Shuri: "Now strike it again , in the same spot"
T'Challa backs up for a kick. Shuri presses record on her Kimoyo. T'Challa sees this and looks at her suspiciously, while y/n, who stood next to her, looked confused.
T'challa: "You are recording?"
Shuri: "For research purposes.."
T'Challa loads up then BOOM He kicks the indigo spot and goes flying backwards across the room , crashinginto a tab full of Shuri's gadgets. Shuri cracks up, as y/n literally falls to the floor in laughter.
T'challa: "Delete that footage!"

Y/n: "h-holy crap man! You got owned by a freaking mannequin!! Oh my gosh! I wish I record that!"

Shuri: "I'll send you the recording later"

T'challa: "no you won't!"


A lexus sedan drives through the market and pulls into a parking stall next to several expensive looking luxury cars. T'Challa , Okoye and Nakia climb out of the sedan dressed to kill. A Wig covers Okoye's tattooed head.

Y/n however, stood already waiting, with zed by his side. Y/n wearing a basic suit with an excessive amount of green, and zed wearing a bow and top hat.

T'challa: "your here Early"

Y/n: "XLR8 is very useful"

Nakia: "enough talk, This way"
Okoye: "Bast willing this goes quickly, and I can get this ridiculous thing off my head"
Nakia: "It looks nice. Just whip it back and forth"

Y/n: "you did not just make that joke"

Nakia leads them to an Elderly woman, who was talking in Korean. Nakia then responds in surprisingly perfect Korean.
Nakia: "안녕 소피아, 만나서 반가워"
(Hello Sophia, good to see you)
Nakia smiles, but the Elderly Woman doesn't smile back.
Sophia: "이 넷은 누구야?"
(Who are these four?)
Nakia: "이 두 사람은 케냐에서 온 친구입니다. 주머니가 아주 깊습니다."
(My friends from Kenya. Very deep pockets)
Sophia: "그리고 그 소년은?"
(And the boy?)

Before nakia could speak for y/n, a rather loud beeping is heard from the Omnitrix. Then, y/n walked forward with a smirk.

Y/n: "나는 해를 끼치지 않는다는 뜻이야. 그냥 친구들과 즐겁게 지내고 싶어."
(I mean no harm. Just wish to have fun with some friends)

Sophia looks at y/n for a moment, and then at the watch. The elderly woman grows a smile.

Sophia: "맥스는 어때?"
(How is max?)

Y/n: "잘 지내요 소피아 양"
(He's doing fine miss Sophia)
Sophia smiles, before gesturing behind her, just as a man in a black suit opens a hidden entrance way. He allows the wakandans, y/n, and zed through into a small dark room with a A back door with Korean writing on it and Two more Korean goons guarding each side. They eye the five closely, especially zed, as it definitely wasn't natural to see a dog in a top hat. As they step through a  metal detector, it didn't beep once for any of them, as vibranium can't be detected by them, and the Omnitrix is too advanced for it. Then they pass through a door, and out onto the upper balcony of a buzzing, high-class casino. There are a few Gaming Tables on the balcony level and a bustling pit down below.
T'challa: "Spread out. The buyer is likely already here"
Okoye heads for the balcony vantage point while T'Challa and Nakia go down to the first floor. Y/n and zed stay still for a bit, as y/n was only looking down.

Y/n: "grandpa is gonna kill me for going into a casino… but hey, it's for wakanda"

Zed barks at y/n, who looks back down at her. With a smile, y/n gives the space dog a pat on the head. However, something cought y/n's eye. He quickly turns on his comms and squints his eyes.

Y/n: "Americans inbound"

Nakia: "aren't you American?"

Y/n: "that's… that's besides the point"
T'challa: "how many?"

Y/n: "three at the moment"

Zed barks, causing y/n to look at her, only to see her pointing. Y/n follows her eyes, only to sigh.

Y/n: "scratch that. Five. Zed cought sight of more"
T'challa: "Six. Just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA. It just got a little more complicated"

Y/n: "which friend?"

T'challa: "a nice little hobbit"

Y/n: "oh god. I'm not missing this"

Y/n and zed quickly rush down into the pits to group up with T'challa, who had already stepped next to the one and only everett ross.
T'challa: "Agent Ross"
Ross: "Your highness"

Y/n: "hello Bilbo!"

Ross let's out a very annoyed sigh.

Ross: "hello Tennyson"
T'challa: "You are buying from Klaue.."
Ross: "What I'm doing or not doing on behalf of the US government is of none of your concern. Now, whatever the hell you're up to, do me a favor and stay out of my way"
T'challa: "we gave you Zemo"
Ross: "And didn't I kept it under wraps that the King of a third world country runs around in a bulletproof cat suit. I'd say we were even"

Y/n was about to speak up, but was quick shut down by Ross.

Ross: "and don't even get me started on you. Aren't you supposed to be grounded?"

Y/n: "excuse me?"
Ross places a Pass bet. T'Challa dumps a stack of chips on Don't Pass. Y/n just stands there and watches.
Ross: "You both really need to leave, now.

  They watch the dice roll. They land on 3. The dealer takes away Ross' bet, and slides T'Challa's massive payout over to him. This puts a smug grin on y/n's face.
T' Challa: "Klaue is leaving out that door with Us. You've been warned"
T'Challa walks toward another craps table, leaving the pile of chips behind. Y/n looks back and forth between the chips and T'challa, before ultimately deciding to go with T'challa.
Ross: "Hey, you won"

Ross scratches his brow as a familiar man, who was sitting next to T'Challa, grabs them. Ross eyes the man, who shrugs.
Stan: "You know what, I think I'll just take these, bring 'em over here and hold on for safe keeping"

He slides them all onto the don't pass bet and Ross walks off in search of T'Challa, and in hopes that y/n wasn't with him.
Ross: "Ok heads up, the King of Wakanda and the menace are here. They can't leave with Klaue"
T'Challa stands at a roulette table when Ross walks up to him. Y/n was on the other side of T'Challa, with zed eyeing literally everyone.
Ross: "Alright , vibranium from the attack on Sokovia links back to a person that I'm not actually saying I'm here to make a deal with, but that deal will not be called off. When the dust settles you and I can work something out"
T'challa: "I am not here to make a deal. And my friend here isn't quite fond of deals"
Ross rolls his eyes.

Ross: "that kid doesn't know the upside of a pancake"

Y/n: "insult me again, and you'll have a giant hole in the back of your pants"

Nakia: "Klaue plus eight"

Ross looks to the entrance and immediately moves away from T'Challa and y/n, who tried to keep zed hidden. T'Challa watches Ross approach another table. T'challa turns his back to avoid being seen. Y/n does the same, but also started walking away. He remembers klaue, so Klaue might remember him.

Okoye: "In position to secure our exit"
T'challa: "And the vibranium"
Nakia: "I don't see it yet"

Y/n: "zed. It's Scooby time. Sniff out that vibranium"

Zed nods, and began sniffing around, and within seconds, she glared at every one of klaue's goons.

Y/n: "oh joy. They all got weapons"
Okoye: "I thought there were no weapons allowed in here"
Nakia: "There's not supposed to be"
Okoye: "Someone did not get the memo. Definitely armed"

Y/n stays quiet, watching the interaction between klaue and Ross from the side. At one point, klaue grabs Ross by his shoulders, hard, and did it for way too long.
Nakia: "Six more, it's a set up"
Nakia: "We need to move on Klaue"
T'challa: "Stand down. We can't afford a shoot-out"

Y/n: "agreed"

Y/n went back to watching klaue and Ross, but it was a mistake, as klaue reaches into his pants and pulls out a wrinkled, sweaty paper bag, with "fragile" written on it with a sharpie.

Y/n: "are you freaking serious? That man had it in his damn pants"

Zed whines, and covers her eyes.

Y/n: "me too girl. Me too"
Nakia: "it's now or never"

Y/n let out a sigh, only to turn around, seeing a man staring at him, especially his watch.

Y/n: "g-guys.."

T'challa: "yes y/n?"

Y/n: "I've been made. And he's walking right at me in a very pedo way"

The man gets right up to y/n, and reaches out, but before y/n could do anything, zed runs up and bites the man right where the sun don't shine. The man yells out in agony, even y/n winced a little at that.      

Y/n: "that's definitely gotta hurt.."

An arm from behind y/n wraps around his neck, and begins to strangle him. Y/n struggles for a moment, before activating the Omnitrix.

Y/n: "big mistake pal!"

Y/n headbutts the man behind him, and slams down on the Omnitrix, transforming into an alien he had unlocked back in Germany, which he officially named ditto.

Ditto: "booya! It's hero time!"

The one turned into four, and all of them dogpile onto the man, beating him in every which way. Zed even joined in, and smashed his face in with her paws.

Ditto1: "oh yea! Who's the man?"

Ditto3: "we than man!"

Ditto4: "you know it!"

Ditto: "didn't realize how much fun this guy was!"

However, the four dittos and zed began to hear something charge up. Turning around, they all froze at the sight of klaue aiming his prosthetic arm, which was actually a weapon, at them.

Klaue: "hey kiddy! nice seeing you again"

Ditto1: "oh crap"

Klaue releases a massive shock wave from his arm, sending the four dittos and zed flying backwards, all impacting heavily on either walls or pillars.

Klaue: "Get the diamonds, quick! Before the boy turns into something bigger"
everyone of klaue's goons unload, raining shells on an overturned table that just so happened to have Ross and T'Challa behind it. The four dittos collect back together, and return to normal, despite the boy grunting in pain.

Y/n: "that hurt like hell…"

When y/n sits back up, he immediately spots klaue on the top balcony, nearing the entrance. So, he turns to T'challa, and yells out.                

Y/n: "klaue's getting away!"
T'Challa nods, and leaps half way up onto a column , bounds off to the upper balcony, right behind Klaue. Y/n soon joins him, with a quick transformation into wildmutt, following the same path as T'challa.
T'challa: "Murderer!"

Y/n let's out a roar, stopping klaue in his tracks. Klaue turns around to face the two. At first, he attempts to fire an average pistol at them, but instead, he throws it to the side, and puts his hands up, the as Klaue's Prosthetic arm splits open, causing y/n to whimper slightly.
Klaue: "You know, you look just like your old man"

Y/n quickly grabbed T'challa, and turned around to face his back on klaue, as he fires a blast at them. This sends the pair down back into the pits below. The get back up, and sprint out of the casino, with zed trailing behind them.           
T'challa: "Shuri!"

Shuri: "Yes yes yes! Wait ... Which side of the road is it?"
T'challa: "For Bast sake just drive!"
Shuri: "Okay okay, calm down brother!.. is y/n with you?"

Y/n returns to human, and forces himself and zed into the car that shuri was currently in control of.

Y/n: "yes. Now drive!"

T'challa prints after the cars as nanites scramble from his necklace, covering his entire body, forming his new suit. T'challa continues running as the the car pulls up behind him, at the last second he single-leg flips and lands on the hood of the car digging his hand and boot claws into the hood as it screams off.

Y/n: "that's the coolest thing I've seen all night"
Shuri: "Woo! Let's go!"

Y/n: "that's the spirit! let's get going!"

Y/n activates the Omnitrix and slams down, but nothing happens. He slams down again, again, and again, but nothing happens. He finally looks down, and smashes his head into the dashboard.

Shuri: "what was that? Y/n?"

Y/n: "I'm running dry here guys. Let's get this jerk quickly"

Looking ahead, y/n could see a group of cars, followed by the same car that T'challa and the other had arrived in. Meaning that he and T'challa had joined the chase. With a somewhat angered expression, y/n rolls down the window and pulls out a medium sized rectangle from his pocket. With a press of a button, the rectangle changed into a small hand held pistol. An alien pistol. Leaning out the window, y/n holds out his arm, ready to take fire at any point. The car suddenly darts to the left, causing y/n to jerk around, before pulling himself back in.

Y/n: "shuri.."

Shuri: "sorry!"                      
Looking back at the road, y/n spots them getting closer. Shuri was closing in, the two cars filled with klaue's goons. They out of nowhere, make a right turn, dropping down a steep hill. One passes through traffic, while the other crashes.
Shuri: "We're not going to make it!"

Y/n: "just keep going! T'challa!-"

T'challa: "already on it!"

T'challa leans to the side of the car, and digs his claws into the pavement, causing the car to make a very sharp turn, afterward, T'challa returns to the center of the cars roof.

Y/n: "nice one T'challa!"

In no time, they were able to catch up to one of the SUVs. Y/n leans out the window, and fires a shot right into the back of it. Suddenly, The scared driver leaps out of the car , causing the SUV to collide with parked cars. The car out of nowhere jerks, causing y/n to jump.                     
Shuri: "what was that?"

Y/n: "I have the same question"
T'challa: "Don't worry about it . You're doing great!"

They follow the enemy car onto a very busy bridge, which y/n growls at. He opens the door, and crawls out onto the roof with T'challa, then pulls zed up with him.
Shuri: "Hey, look at your suit! You've been taking bullets charging it up with kinetic energy!"

Panther looks down at the glowing glyphs of energy built into his suit.
T'challa: "Pull around the truck. Y/n, are you recharged?"

Y/n: "I'm at full!"
Shuri accelerates ahead, closing in on the SUV, but just as T'challa and y/n are about to look inside, a passing tractor trailer blocks their view.

Y/n: "seriously? That's surely convenient"

Y/n shakes his head, and activates the Omnitrix, slamming down on it immediately.

T'challa: "is that new?"

Y/n: "yep. Need a name for it. Very plant like"

T'challa: "not now. Let's get moving"

T'challa jumps from the car in control of shuri, and onto the trailer. with y/n doing the same with his vine like legs. For some reason, zed followed him. T'challa then hops onto the hood of the SUV. With y/n latching onto the side.

Y/n: "no klaue. This one's a bust!"

T'challa: "move!"

Y/n jumps from the SUV, wrapping an arm around zed, and back onto the car in control of shuri. T'challa then launches off the SUV, distributing the kinetic energy from his suit with immense concussive force, causing it to crash and Flip down the bridge.

 Y/n whips his arm out, grabbing onto T'challa, and pulls him back onto the roof of the car.
Shuri: "You show off"

Y/n: "I know, right? And I think I got a name"

T'challa: "well?"

Wildvine: "WILDVINE!"

Shuri speeds off the bridge, and back into the city.

Wildvine: "klaue's getting away! He's in the last one, and we're a bit ways away"
T'challa: "Faster, Shuri!"
Shuri: "I'm going as fast as I can!"

Pulling forward, the last remaining SUV was visible, With y/n glaring with his single eye.

Wildvine: "up ahead!"

Shuri: "I see it!"
The two vehicles then make left turns, booking down a short road, then make a quick right, along a brightly lit two lane road. Suddenly, Klaue slides his body out to the SUV's window as his driver makes a sharp right onto a wider ave nue. Once he got a clear view, he shot a sonic blast right at them, but T'challa and y/n, with zed still wrapped in his arm, launch themselves off the car before it could explode. Taking a page out of a friend's book, swings himself around with his free arm, as T'challa, on the other side of the street, runs across a glowing billboard, then leaps off, right towards the SUV. The driver notices this, and tries to swerve, but T'challa had already dug his claws into the vehicle. Y/n then throws zed right at the car, and then himself. Digging his own surprisingly sharp fingers into it, while zed was munching open the trunk.
Wildvine: "zed, the tire!"

Zed barks out, and reaches around, biting right into the tire, causing it to impound, and burst off the vehicle. Y/n quickly grabs the alien pup, and leaps off the SUV, landing safely on the ground, with T'challa joining them a second later. As ahead of them, the SUV had crashed, and flipped itself upside down, onlookers were already.. well... Looking. T'challa quickly approaches the SUV, just as klaue struggles to crawl out of the window. Y/n had already returned to human form, but stayed where he stood.
T'challa: "KLAUE!"
Klaue slowly gets to his feet and tries to level his arm, but running up, T'challa evades the blast and is only nicked on the shoulder. T'challa grabs Klaue's arm, and completely rips it right off.
T'challa: "Did you think we would forget?!"
Klaue only laughs. This puts a very worried expression on y/n's face.
T'challa: "Look at me murderer! Where did you get this weapon?"
Klaue: "You savages didn't deserve it"

T'Challa grabs him by the throat and slams him into the SUV.
Klaue: "Oh, mercy! King, mercy!"
Seething, T'challa exposes his claws prepared to strike.
T'Challa: "Every breath you take is mercy from me"
Y/n: "T'challa!"

T'Challa turns to y/n, who's worried face now turned into fear. Behind him, Okoye and Nakia we're also arriving, along with Ross.

Y/n: "now's not the time... e-everyone... Everyone is watching"
Ross: "Come on guys , let's go huh"

T'Challa eyes around. He has little choice and nods.

Y/n: "let's get the hell out of here..."

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