Midnight Disaster | Harry Pot...

By Lost_BlueBird

28.5K 1K 144

⚠ Sequel to 'Midnight Guardian'⚠ Year Four. Harry now has a family and is looking forward to a boring year b... More

Capitulum Unum
Capitulum Duo
Capitulum Tertio
Capitulum Quartum
Capitulum Quinque
Capitulum Sextum
Capitulum Septem
Capitulum Nonum
Capitulum Decem
Capitulum Undecimum
Capitulum Duodecim
Capitulum Tredecim
Capitulum Quattuordecim
Capitulum Quindecim
Capitulum Sedecim
Capitulum Septemdecim
Capitulum Octodecim
Capitulum Novendecim
Capitulum Viginty
Capitulum Viginty-unum

Capitulum Octavum

1K 42 9
By Lost_BlueBird

Ron and Hermione had ended up resorting to pulling Harry out of the hospital wing for dinner. They hadn't asked any questions about what happened which meant they were waiting for Harry to bring up the topic or had already talked to Professor Dumbledore about it. Knowing Ron and Hermione's curiosity and persistence better than most, Harry chose the latter.

Throughout the journey to the Great Hall, Harry heard Ron and Hermione go on and on about the arrival of the two schools last night, the Goblet of Fire which was going to be selecting the champions, those who had put their names in the Goblet, along with those who had attempted but failed such as Fred Weasley, George Weasley and their friend Lee Jordan. Apparently an age line had been placed around the Goblet and all of those who weren't seventeen yet found themselves wearing exceptionally long white beards. Harry could barely hold back his laughter when he heard that. Fred and George had been so certain they could have fooled Professor Dumbledore on entering.

"Well, I guess that means Angelina Johnson is the best chance for Gryffindor," Ron said as they entered the Great Hall. It was still fairly empty since dinner wasn't for another hour yet. Angelina was a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. "Better her than that Diggory bloke. I still can't believe you think him entering is a good idea, Harry. He nearly killed you last year."

Harry bit back his annoyance as he sat down at the Gryffindor table with Ron to his right and Hermione to his left. "No he didn't," he said desperately trying to hang on to his patience. "What would you have done, Ron, if you had been in his shoes? I had a Firebolt. I was the largest threat to their team. It would make sense that they would try to take me out of the game. Besides, they didn't try to kill me. Cedric Diggory plays fair. Angelina plays fair. Either of them would be a good choice for Hogwarts."

"Harry's right, Ron," Hermione added matter-of-factly as she pulled out a book from her bag and appeared to start reading. "It is just a game. This is just supposed to be a friendly competition between schools. Diggory did apologize for what happened anyways. Why are you still upset about it?"

Ron scowled as he enfolded his arms across his chest like a stubborn child. "You know it was a lot more fun before you became sensible Harry," he said in frustration. "Here I thought Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin would have turned you into a Marauder not another Hermione."

Harry smiled at the comment. "Sirius wanted to turn me into a Marauder, Ron," he said in amusement. "Unfortunately, Remus got to me first. He was the sensible one of the Marauders when they were in school. I guess he was the one who kept Sirius and my dad in line from time to time. You didn't tell Fred and George about Moony, Padfoot and Prongs, right?"

Ron shook his head. "Are you kidding?" he asked. "Do you have any idea what they would do if they found out you were the son of a Marauder? Do you have any idea what they would do if they found out Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black are Marauders? They would demand to know every prank they ever pulled and guess who they would test them on: 'M'-'E'—me! No way! I am not going to be their test dummy!"

Looking over at Hermione, Harry could see a smile on her face. At least he wasn't the only one finding this amusing. "You do have a point, Ron," Harry said thoughtfully. "Maybe I should tell them. Hermione told me about their plans for a joke shop and if Sirius and Remus can help them—"

"Don't you dare Harry," Ron warned but there was no denying the presence of fear in his voice.

Students slowly filtered into the Great Hall. Ron provided a distraction by telling Harry that Viktor Krum was one of the Durmstrang students trying to enter the Tournament. Harry could hardly believe Krum was still in school as he listened to Ron go on and on about wanting Krum's autograph and trying to build up the courage talk to the international Quidditch star.

Silence for Harry was becoming difficult to keep. He couldn't believe the way Ron was talking about Krum. It sounded almost like the way the Creevey brothers treated him. He honestly thought Ron wouldn't get caught up in the whole celebrity craze since Ron had seen the actual affects of it first hand. Thankfully their dorm mates Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom arrived allowing Ron to start talking about his obsession with them. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown arrived shortly after them, taking seats across from Harry and Hermione. With all of the conversations around him, Harry fell back into his own thoughts and no one was the wiser.

Looking around, Harry finally noticed the Goblet of Fire was placed in front of Dumbledore's spot on the Head Table. A large woman that could rival Hagrid in size sat in the seat to the right of Dumbledore's. She wore black satin and had her long hair pulled back tightly. Her black eyes didn't look anywhere as friendly as Hagrid's as she seemed to scan the crowd of students.

Sitting to the left of Professor Dumbledore's chair was a man wearing furs with short, grayish-white hair that was slicked back. He seemed small when compared to the woman but a little taller than Professor Snape who sat at his right. The man also had a goatee that hid most of his chin. He was periodically glancing at Professor Snape who seemed to want nothing more than to ignore the man completely.

Noticing Harry's confusion at the Head Table, Hermione informed Harry that the large woman was Madame Maxime from Beauxbatons and the man was Professor Karkaroff from Durmstrang. In addition to the two visiting teachers, Ludo Bagman was present at the Head Table along with Mr. Crouch. Harry couldn't help but feel relieved that Sirius wasn't here since he had a serious problem with Mr. Crouch.

Professor Dumbledore finally arrived and the feast began. Having missed out on nearly an entire day of meals, Harry thought he would have been famished but his mind was still preoccupied with what had happened last night and this afternoon. He mindlessly fiddled with his necklace that was around his neck as he ate slowly. It was hidden from view underneath his collared shirt which was where Harry wanted it to stay. He had no idea how he was going to explain this to Sirius and Remus, let alone Ron and Hermione.

Eventually the plates cleared as silence filled the Hall. Everyone looked up at the Head Table and watched as Professor Dumbledore stood to address his audience. "Now that everyone is fed and watered, the Goblet will make its decision momentarily," he said. "For those who are chosen, please come forward and proceed on to the chamber behind us to receive instructions."

Suddenly all of the candles went out except those inside the carved pumpkins. The Goblet seemed to illuminate with bluish-white flames. The tension in the Hall thickened as everyone waited. Several people gasped as the flames changed to red followed by sparks flying out almost like firecrackers. A second later a large flame erupted into the air with a piece of parchment. Dumbledore snatched it out of the flame but held it close to the light to be able to read the name as the flame returned to its bluish-white state.

"The first champion selected is from Durmstrang," announced Professor Dumbledore. "Viktor Krum!"

Applause filled the Hall. Harry noticed Viktor Krum stand from where he was sitting at the Slytherin table and proceed to the designated area. Professor Karkaroff congratulated his student as he passed, clapping louder than anyone else. It appeared that everyone had been rooting for Krum to be the Durmstrang champion.

As the noised faded, everyone once again stared at the Goblet and waited. They didn't have to wait long for the flames to turn red again as another parchment flew out along with flames. Once again Professor Dumbledore grabbed the parchment and held it close to the flames to read the next champion chosen.

"For Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore. "The champion will be Fleur Delacour!"

The applause for the second champion was certainly more polite than the first. Several of the champion's fellow classmates were in tears as the tall, blondish-silver haired young woman entered the chamber, joining Krum. Harry couldn't help but notice the second champion slightly resembled a Veela but kept his mouth shut. His experience with Remus told him that not all people were receptive to half-breeds if that was what Fleur Delacour was.

For the third time silence filled the hall as everyone focused on the Goblet. There was only one champion left to be chosen, the Hogwarts champion. Each house waited in suspense, wanting someone from their own house to be chosen. What seemed like an eternity but in reality was probably a few moments, the Goblet again turned red followed by sparks flying out. A large flame shot out along with a piece of parchment containing the name of the final champion.

Professor Dumbledore took the parchment and glanced at the name before addressing the awaiting staff and students. "And from Hogwarts," he said pleasantly. "Cedric Diggory!"

The entire Hufflepuff table roared in applause as they all rose to their feet with the entire Ravenclaw table following suit. A large amount of Gryffindors also stood and applauded, Harry being one of them. Cedric appeared to be overwhelmed as he retreated to the chamber where the other two champions were waiting. Slowly, the applause died down allowing Professor Dumbledore to speak again.

"Now that our champions are chosen," Dumbledore began, "We hope that all of you will give your champion the support they need. Sometimes a little encouragement is all someone requires to go the extra—"

The Goblet shocked everyone by turning red once again. Murmurs broke out as sparks flew. For the fourth time that night a flame shot out along with a piece of parchment. Professor Dumbledore carefully pulled the parchment out of the fire and read the name on it. Silence filled the hall as Dumbledore slowly blinked and inhaled deeply. He cleared his throat then looked up at the students who were all waiting in a mixture of confusion and suspense.

"Harry Potter," Professor Dumbledore announced.

At first Harry thought his ears were playing tricks on him. He had heard wrong. He must have. Professor Dumbledore had not just called his name. This was all a dream...a very bad dream which he would soon wake up from. That was the only explanation. Unfortunately when everyone turned their attention to him Harry knew he hadn't heard wrong. He knew his nightmare was a reality.

Harry closed his eyes as he finally began to process what he had just heard. "Please tell me this isn't happening," he quietly pleaded but received no answer as he knew he wouldn't. Opening his eyes, Harry didn't dare look at those around him. He didn't want to see their shocked, suspicious or evil looks that he was probably receiving.

"Harry Potter," Professor Dumbledore called again. "Please come forward."

Reluctantly, Harry stood and approached the Head Table as he shook his head slowly. He was trapped between feelings of disbelief and anger. Why couldn't he have just one normal year? Why did he always have to be singled out? Looking directly at Professor Dumbledore, Harry knew the old man noticed Harry's range of emotions and motioned for him to join the champions in the chamber behind the Head Table. There was no smile on the Headmaster's face. Neither were pleased with this happening.

Harry didn't look at anyone else as he followed the same path the other three students had taken into the chamber. Entering, Harry didn't pay attention to any details of the room or the three teenagers who currently occupied it. He simply walked over to the corner of the room and sat down on the floor, pulling his knees to his chest. He ignored the confused gazes he received from the three champions who were standing by the fireplace.

Cedric Diggory was the first to say something. "Harry?" he asked curiously. "Harry, are you all right?"

Harry just shook his head and buried his face in his knees. He had never wanted to disappear as badly as he did right now. How in the world was he supposed to be a part of something catered for seventh year students? He heard someone approach and crouch down in front of him but couldn't bring himself to look up to find out who it was.

The door opened once again followed by a group of people hurrying into the room. Harry remained completely still, hoping against hope that he wouldn't be noticed. Everyone started talking at once. Harry quickly put his hands over his ears hoping to shut it out. He knew they were talking about him. He knew they were complaining about him. He knew no one would defend him.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Professor Dumbledore said loudly, silencing the arguments. "I can not explain how Harry's name was chosen or why we have four champions instead of three. And before you start Professor Karkaroff, I assure you Harry did not find a way past the Age Line or convince someone to put his name in for him. He has been in the hospital wing since before dinner last night."

"So how do you explain this then?" asked Professor Karkaroff. "There can't be two Hogwarts champions and only one from the others."

"Unfortunately there is nothing we can do," Mr. Crouch said curtly. "The rules clearly state that all of those chosen by the Goblet of Fire must compete in the Tournament. Since the fire has gone out, no more champions can be chosen until the next Tournament."

"So we have to accept this?" Karkaroff shouted. "Unacceptable! I knew this would never work! I should take my students and leave!"

"But you can't, Karkaroff," growled Professor Moody. "Your champion must compete along with the rest of them. This is a binding magical contract. Quite convenient, wouldn't you say?"

"Whatever are you talking about, Moody?" asked Karkaroff.

"Well it's quite obvious if you think about it," Moody growled. "Since we have ruled Potter out of putting his own name in, the only possible explanation is someone put Potter's name in the Goblet, knowing he like everyone else chosen would be forced to compete. He would have to face the dangers that had been set up based on a seventh year's knowledge. If you look over at Potter you can see that this is clearly the last place he wants to be."

As if on cue, everyone looked around the room until the noticed someone huddled in the corner behind Cedric. Professor McGonagall hurried over to Harry's side, knowing she could simply say she was responsible for Harry because he was in her house and no one would be the wiser since the majority of the adults weren't aware of how close Harry was with the majority of the teaching staff. "Mr. Potter, are you all right?" she asked.

Harry slowly looked up at her then glanced around the room, noticing everyone was staring at him. Rubbing his eyes underneath his glasses, Harry knew now wasn't the time to be entirely truthful and nodded. He met Dumbledore's stare though and both of them knew he was far from all right.

"Back to the topic at hand," Bagman announced trying to change the topic. "Barty, the champions need their instructions."

Mr. Crouch seemed to snap out of a deep thought and clear his throat. "Yes, the first task will test your courage," he said. "You will not be told of what it will be until the day of the task, November twenty-fourth. None of you are allowed to ask for or accept help from your teachers on the tasks in this Tournament. You will face this first challenge armed with only your wand. Once this task is completed, you will receive information on the second task. Since this Tournament is extremely demanding, all of you are excused from your end-of-year-tests. That is all, right Albus?"

"I believe so," Professor Dumbledore said with a nod. "You do know you are welcomed to stay at Hogwarts, Barty—"

"No, I need to return to the Ministry," Crouch interrupted. "Young Weatherby was left in charge and is probably overwhelmed by now."

Everyone took that as their cue to leave. Madam Maxime ushered Fleur out of the room with Professor Karkaroff following her with Viktor. Harry noticed Fleur and Viktor glance at him with what appeared to be a mixture of suspicion and confusion on their faces...well, more on Fleur's then Viktor's. Viktor seemed to have only one expression, a brooding one.

"Cedric, I suggest you retreat to the Hufflepuff Tower," advised Professor Dumbledore in a pleasant but firm tone. "I imagine your housemates are eagerly awaiting your return to celebrate."

Diggory nodded as he stood up. He glanced back at Harry before leaving. Once the door closed, Harry knew he was in trouble. Being surrounded by Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Moody and Professor Snape was certainly not a good thing no matter who you may be.

Closing his eyes, Harry tilted his head back until it hit the wall. He stared up at the ceiling, not really seeing anything at all. He knew that none of the other champions believed that he had nothing to do with this meaning the entire school would be the same. Would they stand by him? Hate him? Ridicule him? Harry could only shudder at the thought. This was exactly why he didn't want to compete in the first place.

"Harry, I know there is nothing I can say that would ease your worries but I must insist that you try to keep a level head," Professor Dumbledore said patiently, trying to bring Harry out of his silence. "We will find out who put your name in the Goblet."

Harry sat up straight and looked directly at Dumbledore. "What's the point?" he asked simply. "I still have to compete in this thing." He let out a sigh and stood up. He needed to get out of here. He needed to be alone to think. "I'm going to go wake up now," Harry added softly then left everyone in silence. It was clear that Harry had far from a level head at the moment.

Walking through the now empty Great Hall, Harry tried to think of some place to go. The last place he wanted to go was the Gryffindor Tower. He didn't want to face his housemates yet. They would all either be offended that he accomplished what they could not or congratulate him for being able to represent the Gryffindor House. Harry didn't want to hear either.

Before Harry knew it, he found himself up in the Owlery with Hedwig perched on his shoulder. He looked out into the darkness of the night and silently prayed that this was all just a joke despite what he knew deep down to be true. Panic had begun to set in. What was he going to tell Sirius and Remus? Would they believe him? Would anyone? Harry hardly believed it so how could he expect anyone else? His only defense was that he had been in the hospital wing the entire time. That was why the teachers believed him.

At least that was what they said.

Harry let out a sigh as he leaned forward against the railing, still staring out into the darkness. He didn't know when he had become so skeptical of everyone. Perhaps it was when he discovered his innocent godfather had been imprisoned for twelve years without a trial. Maybe it was when he found out how the wizarding world mistreated werewolves. Maybe it was the training Sirius had given him this summer. It was hard to say. All Harry knew was that his view of this world had changed. The problem was he really didn't know what it had changed into yet.

"You do realize you are out past curfew, Potter," a voice from behind said snidely making Harry jump in alarm and turn around to see Professor Snape. "Afraid to meet your adoring public?"

Harry's gaze fell as he turned back around and once again stared out into the darkness. "You don't know anything about me, sir," he said softly. "If you did, you would know that would be the last thing I want." He heard Professor Snape taking a few steps closer and was surprised the man hadn't started taking points from Gryffindor yet.

"Is that so?" Snape asked coldly, leaving no sign that he actually cared at all. "So what do you want?"

Closing his eyes and silently counting to a quick ten to keep his temper in tact, Harry held out his arm and waiting for Hedwig to move from his shoulder to his arm. Once she settled on her new perch, Harry looked into her eyes and glanced up at the other owls. Hedwig let out a hoot before flying up and landing besides a sleeping brown owl. Turning around again, Harry met Professor Snape's cold stare with his own pleading eyes. "I want to disappear," Harry said sincerely. "I want to be like everyone else...a nobody."

Professor Snape narrowed his gaze for a long moment. It was almost like he was trying to figure out if Harry was being truthful by looking into the teen's eyes. Not feeling comfortable with the Potion Master's stare, Harry had to look away then walked around his teacher, wanting to leave as soon as possible. What was the use? No one would believe him anyways.

"Mr. Potter," Professor Snape said as Harry reached the door. "We all have wants and desires. The problem is very few of us will ever be able to fulfill them. It is better to accept the life fate has handed to you than to waste your time on dreams that will never come true."

"I know," Harry said softly. "I just hate wanting what everyone takes for granted." He left the Professor Snape in a stunned silence. He knew Snape had always assumed he had loved the publicity that came with being the-boy-who-lived. He knew everyone probably assumed that. Harry was abruptly pulled out of his thoughts when he reached the Fat Lady. He muttered the password then entered into silence. From the looks of things everyone had given up waiting for him.

Harry couldn't help but feel relieved.

As quietly as possible, Harry dragged himself up to his dorm room, hoping against hope that his roommates were all asleep. He entered the room slowly and was instantly overwhelmed by darkness along with Neville and Ron's snoring. Well, at least they're asleep, Harry noted.

The problem was Harry was wide awake since he had slept most of the day. He pulled his shoes off and retreated to the windowsill and stared out into the cloudy darkness. He could finally feel his frustration coming to the surface and wanted nothing more that to punch the wall but knew that would most likely wake up everyone in the Tower...well, maybe everyone but Ron.

Harry spent the remainder of the night trying not to think of anything at all which was easier said than done. By the time dawn arrived Harry had mentally run through every possible reaction Ron, Hermione, Sirius and Remus could possibly have and none of them ended on a good note. With each scenario, Harry's imagination grew and the reactions of his friends and family grew worse.

Staring out at the lake, Harry watched the sun slowly rise, lighting up the Durmstrang ship. It seemed impossible to believe how out of control everything could become in the time frame of two days. Two days ago Harry just had his schoolwork to worry about. Well, two days ago he also worried about magical outbursts but that was now taken care of. One step forward, two steps back.

Resting his head against the cool window, Harry once again tried not to think. He knew there would be people who didn't believe him. He knew he was going to be singled out just like he had been while living with the Dursleys. He would be the one everyone made fun of. It as amazing how similar his life was no matter what world he was in.

Unable to wait anymore, Harry jumped off the windowsill and went to his trunk. It didn't take him long to find the small mirror Sirius had given him for emergencies and this was definitely an emergency. He needed to talk to his guardians. He needed their help.

Harry put on his shoes and grabbed a cloak to wear then left the dorm room as quietly as he came leaving no sign that he had even been there last night. He continued down the stairs, through the Common Room, out of the Gryffindor Tower, and out of the castle as he put his cloak on. He needed some place where no one could find him for a while. He needed some place where no one would hear Sirius yell.

Sitting down by the lake, Harry looked at the mirror in his hand and called for his godfather, silently praying that the man would have his own mirror on hand. When he received no answer, Harry called again only louder this time. After another long silence, Harry was ready to give up when the sleepy face of Sirius Black appeared in the mirror.

"Harry?" Sirius asked in confusion. "Harry, you really need to stop channeling Moony. No one in their right mind is awake this early on a Sunday." Sirius was silent for a moment as his grogginess slowly passed. He took a good look at Harry and frowned. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

"No," Harry answered honestly. "Sirius, something happened and I don't know what to do."

Sirius rubbed his eyes, now completely awake. "Did you have another episode?" he asked instantly.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "No—yes, I had one but that's not what I need to talk to you about," he said quickly. "Sirius, someone entered me in the Tournament. I swear it wasn't me. I don't know who did it but Crouch, Bagman and Dumbledore all say I have to compete in this thing. You helped arrange it. Please tell me there is a way I can get out of it."

Sirius looked absolutely confused. "Slow down there, Pronglet," he said. "Start from the beginning and don't leave anything out."

So Harry did. He told Sirius as much as he could remember about his headache and what Professor Dumbledore had done to correct the problem. He then went on and explained how it would have been impossible for him to enter himself in the Tournament and everything that happened after his name had been called. To say Sirius was furious would have been an understatement. Fortunately, Sirius wasn't angry at Harry.

"I can't believe Dumbledore didn't contact us," Sirius ranted. "I honestly don't know what we can do about the Tournament but trust me when I say Moony and I will certainly have a few words with Dumbledore. He had no right to put that thing on you without consulting us first." Sirius held his tongue as he calmed down. "As hard as this may be, Harry, try not to worry about this. I believe you. I know you would never put your name in the Goblet. Explain what happened to your friends. When they see how distraught you are over this they will have no choice but to believe you. If they don't and start to give you a hard time then they weren't really your friends to begin with."

"Sirius, what am I going to do?" Harry asked fearfully. "How can I not think about it?"

"Listen Harry, Moony and I will be there as soon as we can," Sirius said reassuringly. "We'll figure something out. I promise."

Now Harry felt bad for telling Sirius the truth. He hadn't intended on Sirius dropping everything and coming. He had just wanted someone to talk to. "Sirius, I'll be fine," he said quickly. "Really. You don't have to come. I'm sure you and Moony have more important things to do—"

"Nice try, Harry," Sirius interrupted. "Nothing is more important than you. Remus and I will be there before you know it. We need to straighten a few things out with Dumbledore anyways. Hang in there, kiddo."

Harry watched as Sirius vanished from the mirror. The cold morning breeze caused Harry to shiver, forcing him to pull his cloak around him tightly. He knew he couldn't stay out here long but he really didn't want to go back to the castle. Sirius believed him which was the good news. The bad news was that Sirius and Remus were coming to Hogwarts and probably wouldn't be in the best of moods when they did. The question now was whether Ron and Hermione would believe him too.

He had no idea how long he stayed by the lake, just staring at nothing in particular. He had cast a heating charm on his cloak and no longer felt the cold morning air but knew he wouldn't stay out here forever. Sirius was right. He needed to get his mind off of this. Diving into his schoolwork would do that but it would also require returning to the Gryffindor Tower.

And that is completely out of the question.

Moving so he was resting against a large rock, Harry closed his eyes and listened. He could hear the water hitting the shore and the Durmstrang ship, the tree branches blowing in the wind and the distant noises from various creatures in the forest. Focusing on that, Harry could feel himself relaxing. He could feel his exhaustion from being up all night catching up to him.

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