PowerPuff Z (Male Goku Reader...

By PizzaVictory1

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(Don't own any art used) "I am Protector Of the Innocent, I am the light in the darkness, I am Truth...ALLY T... More

(Planned) Arcs


890 24 19
By PizzaVictory1

(A/n: I'M LATE AS FUCK IM SO SORRY...Also Might be a Little Rusty Idk)

Narrator: the City Of Townsville! A beautiful City full of Joy and Wonder, where everyone Lives there daily Lives without a Care in the world-


Suddenly A Girl in Green Goes Crashing Through a Tree. the narrator Sighs before Speaking again.

Narrator: Sadly This City of Joy And Wonder is Currently in the mist of a Heated struggle Between it's Heroes.

The girl in green rubs her head as She Sits up, Two others Quickly Joy here, One in Pink the other in blue. Both covered in Scuffs and Bruises From the Fight they are currently in.

Narrator: The PowerPuff Girls!

Blossom: You okay Buttercup?

Buttercup Rubs her head as She Slowly Gets up before crossing her arms.

Buttercup: Pft of course I'm alright it's gonna take a lot more than that To take me down.

Bubbles Winces slightly When she spots a Cut on her head.

Bubbles: Um Buttercup are you sure You're Ok?

Buttercup Wipes Off some Stray Blood from the cut on her head, She lets out an Annoyed and pained hiss As She nods towards bubbles.

Buttercup: Positive Bubbles.

The Girls Look Towards the Distance and Gain Serious Looks.

Buttercup: So what's the Plan Bloss?

Blossom Looks Conflicted For a Second before Gaining back her serious Look as Mocking Laugher is Heard Before Three boys Land Infront of them.

Narrator: And there Villainous Opposites the RowdyRuff Boys.

Brick Smirks as He crosses His arms.

Brick: Well from where I see it, Miss Know It all has No Real plan.

The girls Look Over to Blossom who looks down.

Bubbles: Is that true Blossom?

Blossom Stays silent, Buttercup looks shocked.

Buttercup: Oh shit You Really don't have one

Brick laughs while pointing at her.

Brick: See! Miss Know it all Really Does have no plan! This Is just rich hahahah.

Blossom Looks Frustrated while Buttercup Clenches her fists As Green energy Courses Through them at hearing Brick's Laughter. Bubbles Gains her rarely Seen "bubbles Vicious" Glare at the mockery Towards her sister. The boys seeing this have different reactions. Butch Jumps Up and Down Similar To a Boxer Ready To strike while Chuckling to himself and Boomer Scratched his Cheek bored before getting ready To Fight as well. Brick Steadies Himself from his Laughter and smirks.

Brick: Woah Ho! It looks like you three sissy's Still have more Fight than I though, Not like it's gonna matter.

Before the Six Could Go back to there battle A voice Rings Out.

???: Hey!

The Six look over to there Right and See a Boy with Strange Hair and Tail ,Wearing the bottoms of a Fighter Uniform and Two Fingerless blue gloves. he's also Holding a Red Staff with a Holster On his Back That looks too small for it.

The Boy Glares at the RowdyRuffs and Points His Staff at them before speaking.

???: are you the ones Who did this?

He then points a Finger at a Few Injured Civilians and Broken Buildings some of which Are on fire. Brick Raises a Brow At the strange boy.

Brick: Maybe we did. What are gonna do about it monkey Boy?

The Boy then gets in a stance with his Staff ready.

???: My Name Isn't Monkey Boy It's Son Y/n, And I'm here to-

Suddenly Butch yells at top of his Lungs. Startling Everyone as A Green Aura Covers his fists.


Butch Suddenly Goes at the boy with Extreme Speed And Launches a nasty Right hook at Y/n's Face causing him to fly into a Building. The PPG's Stare in Horror As The building collapses On top of y/n. Butch Lets out a Sigh of Relief as Boomer and Brick Laugh.

Boomer: Haha The Monke Boy Flew.

The three boys Turn back to The girls.

Brick: Now Back to-

Y/n: W-Wow You hit hard.

They All look surprised As y/n pushes Rubble Off of Himself And Spits out a Tooth Onto the ground. He puts away The staff which shrinked To a smaller size. he Looks back at the Boys, More specifically Butch And Smiles.

Y/n: Haha you're Pretty Strong, I can tell This Is gonna be a Fun Fight.

They all look Confused As Y/n Walks back Towards The Six before Bowing Infront Of Butch.

Butch: Uh Dude what are you-

Y/n then looks Serious before into a Fighting Stance.

Y/n: Alright I'm ready for you.

Butch Glares at Y/n Before Attempting the same Punch as Before. But Surprising Everyone Present, Y/n dodges The Blow and Lands a hard Hit to Butch's Stomach, The blow Causes Butch to spit out Some Saliva Before going flying Similar to y/n Before. Butch Quickly Recovers and Flys Back At y/n Launching a Barrage of Hits that connect to the small Boy. Y/n Blocks A Few of Them Before Quickly Landing a Blow To butches Face and Viceversa.

Y/n Quickly Swings His Leg And Lands a hard kick To Butches Stomach Launching Him towards His Brothers. Both Ruffs Dodge There brothers Incoming Body before Glaring At Y/n.

Brick: Alright No One Embarrasses a Ruff and gets away with it! BOYS!

Butch Gets up Slightly Groggy while Boomer laughs At him, They both Look towards there Leader As he Glares at y/n.

Brick: Commence Operation: Beatdown!

Both Brothers Smirk as they nod there heads before rushing At y/n, Y/n Blocks A blow From Boomer But Then Gets Hit by a Energy Charged Fist from Butch followed By A Kick To the Jaw By Brick. Y/n Quickly Recovers and Uses His tail to grab Boomer By the Neck before Slamming Him into the ground, he Changes his Hands With ki and Slams Them into brick and Butches Chests.

Y/n: Stop...

Butch: Huh?!

Brick: The Fu-

Y/n: Y/n Time.

The Ki blasts Erupt Causing Both of the ruffs to be Launched into buildings. Boomer Quickly Get up And Lands a Hit To y/n's Side Before They both end up Clashing In the air. Meanwhile The Girls Are watching This In Shock and Awe with a Side of Anger From Buttercup.

Buttercup: Ok What the Hell is this!

Blossom: Buttercu-

Buttercup: First We get our asses Handed To us By these Chumps, Then all of a Sudden Monkey Boy Over there shows up out a nowhere is Holding his Own!

Bubbles: Buttercup-

Buttercup: It just Doesn't make any sense!

Buttercup finishes her small rant and starts to breath heavily as Her sisters stare at her With "Really?" Faces.

Blossom: You done.

Buttercup breaths Out Before Gaining her composer.

Buttercup: Yeah I'm done.

All three Watch as Y/n Continues to Do a Decent job against the Ruffs Showing Off Abilities like Flight (Although they could tell He was Struggling to fly for long) Energy manipulation (Ki) Super strength and Durability, Buttercup not looking away from the brawl speaks

Buttercup: So What are your theories?

Her sisters look at her.

Bubbles and Blossom: Huh?

Buttercup: About this Guy? Like why does he have these abilities, Where did he come from, You know the usual.

Blossom ponders for a second as she watches as Y/n Dodges a barrage From Brick Causing Him to Hit Butch.

Blossom: Oh...I'm gonna Say Maybe he's one of mojo's Experiments With the Powers of Chemical X?

Buttercup shakes her head.

Buttercup: Nah...We would have Felt That...maybe He's A Robot Boy From Some Professors lab...The tail is probably a Aesthetic choice.

Bubbles smiles as She Says her theory

Bubbles: He could be an alien from Space, Kinda Like Superman and theses Abilities could come From The Concept of Ki? 

Buttercup and Blossom Look at Bubbles.

Buttercup: That's Even more stupid.

Blossom: Yeah bubbles It's a Bit too outlandish to say he's an alien, And People harness there ki all the time and can't do that.

Bubbles crosses her arms and looks away from her sisters annoyed.

Bubbles: Fine But if he's an alien and Uses ki You guys Owe me 100- No 300 Bucks.

Blossom And Buttercup look back towards the fight which seems to be Wrapping Up With both Y/n and the boys Looking Worn out.

Blossom and Buttercup: Deal.

Butch and Boomer Are currently Knocked unconscious while brick Is Still standing While breathing heavily looking banged up, Y/n Looks Worse than all three but is somehow Still standing.

Y/n: *Huff* *Huff* Y-You know...I H-Haven't Had A fight like this in awhile...Let's Do this again After You train.

Brick looks At y/n Confused.

Brick: W-Well monkey boy That's gonna be hard inside a prison now isn't it?

Y/n Nods His Head. He wipes a Streak of blood Off the side of his mouth Before he speaks

Y/n: I Know That *Huff* That's why I'm letting you Guys Go.

Brick's eyes Widens at Y/n's Words Same with the Girls.

Buttercup: W-What did he say?

Blossom: Let them go!

Bubbles: That's....Really nice.

Brick glares at Y/n. Clearly not getting the Boy's Logic

Brick: You some kinda Optimist Or Something? What's stopping Me and My bros From coming back and Beating you down!

Y/n smiles as He reaches behind his head And laughs.

Y/n: Well that's the idea isn't it? For you guys to come back Stronger So we can fight again.

Y/n Picks Up The Power Pole Before Before gaining A Serious Look, the look actually Surprising The PPG and Brick.

Y/n: But don't get me wrong, If you don't give up your evil ways I'll be here To stop You. I don't want that to be the case though, I just want to get stronger and Have fun with a good Fight.

Brick: W-What?

Y/n loses His Serious Look and just smiles As he rubs the back up of his head.

Y/n: I mean it's hard to find Anyone who can give me a good fight you Know? I mean the last One who gave me a Real fight Was That Mercenary Guy but that Was a month Ago.

The girls and brick Look confused by y/n's reasoning.

The Girls & Brick: *This kid is crazy!*

Blossom Then Yells towards the young fighter.

Blossom: You can't let them get away! who knows what kind of Destruction They could cause!

Y/n Looks at the Ruffs, Inspecting the wounded boys for a few minutes he looks Back Towards Blossom.

Y/n: listen They can't Do much right now, It wouldn't Be Right To do anything else to them. There beaten.

While y/n Was Speaking Brick Picked up his Brothers And started to slowly Fly away. The Girls Watched On As The Ruffs Flew away beaten. They Considered Going after the boys for a second but There Injuries Wouldn't allow that. After the boys Disappear into the distance the girls shift there Attention towards the Strange Boy who Moves towards them, He brings out a small bag from His white Waist band, He takes out three Green beans That look similar to Lima Beans from the bag before handing them to the girls. The girls look at Y/n confused.

Buttercup: What the hell is this?

Y/n Just smiles at the toughest Fighter before Taking out a Fourth bean.

Y/n: It's a Senzu Bean!

Bubbles tilts her head in confusion.

Bubbles: Senzu bean?

Y/n Nods his head before Eating the bean, After a Few second of chewing the girls Watch in shock as Y/n's muscles tense for a second as All his Injuries heal. Y/n grins.

Y/n: it heals You see?

Buttercup and Blossom still Look at the beans in there hands With mistrust. But Both quickly look towards Bubbles as they hear a crunch, bubbles Just ate the bean with nearly Zero Hesitation.


They watch as A Similar Process with Y/n happen To Bubbles with the only thing Different being A Strange blue Outline covers bubbles before disappearing. Bubbles is Silent Before Letting out laugh as she stretches.

Bubbles: Wow it really works!

Buttercup and Blossom look towards there Senzu Before eating theres, Similar to Bubbles As there wounds heal they have pink/green outlines. Blossom looks Amazed At the nearly instant healing, Buttercup slowly flexes Her fists before shadow boxing to test herself. Buttercup finds herself surprised That the Strange boy's words Rang true, Hell She feels Better than Before. Buttercup crosses Her arms before Speaking.

Buttercup: Guess You were Telling The Truth after all.

Buttercup Eyes The Boy with Still little mistrust, Y/n Tilts His Head Confused at the look. Blossom Clears Her Throat Drawing everyone's Attention.

Blossom: We Appreciate the Help but I have to ask, Who are you and what brings you to Townsville?

Y/n Chuckles as He rubs the back of his head with a Dopey grin on his face. Buttercup cheeks Turn a little Pink Slightly At the Dopey Expression Y/n Has.

Y/n: hehe Sorry, Me and My Grandpa are Visiting A Friend Of mine. My Name's Son Y/n it's Nice to meet ya!

Y/n Bows Respectfully towards the three, Blossom Smiles back before Bowing Back.

Blossom: Nice To meet You Y/n, My Names Blossom and these are my sisters.

She Now Gestures Towards Buttercup and Bubbles.

Blossom: the One In Green is Buttercup and the one in blue is bubbles.

Buttercup Nods her head Towards the Boy While Bubbles Waves with a Small grin on her face.

Buttercup: Sup

Bubbles: Hi!

Suddenly A Roar Rings out Startling The Four For a Second, they all look Over and See a Giant Monster Slowly Moving towards the City. Blossom Sighs As Even with the Senzu Bean She and Her sisters are still mentally Exhausted. She looks Over to y/n With a Slightly Apologetic Look.

Blossom: Mind helping Us again?

Y/n just smiles As he takes out the Power Pole and Nods his head Enthusiastic. They each look towards the Monster With Confidence before Taking off towards it. Everything freezes as the narrator..Narrates.

Narrator: And Thus from that Day Onward Son y/n Became a Great help To the powerpuff Girls and Vise Versa! Taking on various Threats From Mojo JoJo, The Nefarious HIM and Even Later Fighting the Dreaded Demon King Piccolo! Sadly The Unstoppable Quartet would Break as y/n would leave Townsville to train with the earth's Guardian.

We see A Teenage PPG along with others Walking Towards a Arena. We Cut To a familiar Looking Teenager Sitting On a Cloud with a Smile on his face as He approaches Townsville.

Narrator: But now with the 23rd Budokai Taking Place in Townsville the Friends will be reunited..but will they be able to Take on what Threats lay ahead of them?

We see silhouettes of various figures.

Narrator: Find out next time On POWERPUFF Z!

A/n: Ok Again I'm externally Sorry this took So long, My Will to write was Drained for awhile By Life Being a Bitch.

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