Genshin Impact Headcanons

By roughietough

164K 2.2K 1.8K

Headcanons / "fake scenarios" Mostly Venti and Bennett LOLLLL. Girl name reader, but open to all. I do not... More

Bad Boy Razor
Annoying Venti
Bennett the Bully
Cool Diluc
Scars, Kazuha
Persistent Albedo
Holding Hands, Mix
Venti's Song
Library, Bennett
Sakura Moth, Albedo
Hickey, Mix
True Name, Venti
Loyal Kaeya
Sunscreen/Splash Pad, Bennett
Sleeping, Mix
Rooftop, Venti
Softness for you, mix
Sunscreen/Splash Pad, Venti
Rival Gangs, Bennett
Protecting them, mix
Unexpected, Venti
Sparks, Mix
Angry, Venti
Cat, Venti
Christmas Game
Make Them Blush, Mix
Y/N In Galore
Daily Life, Dainsleif
Xingqiu, comfort
Finding out you're pregnant, mix
A bad prank, Childe
Kisses, mix
Online things, Mix
Dizzy, Xiao
Teenagers, Aether
During Pregnancy, mix
Birthmark, Itto
Schoolboy, Gorou
Homework, Bennett
Shaking their hand off, Mix
Forced Partners, Childe
Feeling sick, mix
First Kiss, Razor
Avoidance, Scaramouche
Jealous, Mix
A hard night, Mix
Pick Up Lines, Mix
Dancing, Zhongli
Thank you for 1k votes!
You call yourself ugly
I See You, Venti
Unintentionally Cute, Mix

Fatherhood, Mix

4.7K 72 58
By roughietough

Reader x Characters

-Ohhh he is a sweet dad, and a really good one
-He definitely ain't raising no spoiled kids, he's good with discipline
-The child goes to him asking for permission, him: "Ask mommy." Meanwhile your child feels sad because he's less strict hehe
-When your child is still a baby he is so in love with them, cradling and holding them all day and all night.
-Sometimes you walk in the room and see him singing to the baby
-When the baby is finally asleep he smiles to you feeling exhausted and you two can relax together for the first time the whole day
-*Lay's down on couch with you* "Ahhh~ She/he's finally asleep." You two start talking about life.
-When coming back from adventures he will have a gift for your baby and you
-Keeps your child out of his fame, will let him/her join him when they're older if they want to and it's safe
-Thinks having a child was one of the best decisions he's made, marrying you being the first

- He is a quieter dad
-He enjoys taking care of the child and playing with them
-Brushes their hair, and changes them, also will supervise bath time for you
-He is a lot more okay than most people to stay up late with your crying baby, since he is used to late nights
-"My daddy's really smart and cool." Says your child who totally looks to Albedo as their inspiration hehe
-You are probably closer with your kid but he probably dealt with them more when they were a baby
-Bedtime stories my gosh
-Draws them 🥺 Probably drew you two together (most of the time without you knowing)
-Holds the child's hand when outside UDHZJX
-Helps with homework
-Likes to make snowmen with them
-There's a problem? Go see daddy because he will make it better lolll

-Playing with the child 24/7
-Praying everyday against bad-luck and harm to the baby and to you
-His luck is slightly better these days :)
-Gets flustered when the baby legit won't stop crying, often ending up with you taking the baby because he doesn't know what to do LOL
-Shares baby time and chores pretty equally with you
-A little overprotective
-Loosens up when you're around
-Brings back gifts from adventures, which they often time are either drenched from being rained on or slightly damaged but it adds to the ☆charm☆
-Awake all night honestly, watching you and the baby
-Used to taking care of his family, so taking care of you and the baby is comfortable for him
-Your child's friends are always curious about Bennett, because of his bad luck and because they secretly think he's cool and may be crushing crushing him LOL
-Good at cheering them up when they are sad or down or sick
-Proud Father

-Annoying Dad LMAOO
-Daaaaaad jokesssss
-Really loves his children
-Does their hair, prepares their lunches
-Singing to them
-The day he first laid eyes on his baby in the hospital he was instantly in love, instantly changed.
-He's like a lion to other people who try to bother his children, but with his children and you he's soft and loving
-Holds baby a lot A LOT
-If twins he basically always has at least one with him
-Burping duty and diaper changing duty 😂
-Takes them out A LOT
-"Wanna go on a walk with Daddy?"
-low key makes me think of park dads (dad's that take their children to the park more than the mother does)
-If he had a daughter my gosh he would make sure she was known as the rich girl as a teenager
-Decent at discipline, somedays he seems really strict and other days he seems too lax (that's where you balance him out hehe)
-Your children will probably go through love-hate phases with him

-Really sweet dad
-Teaches exorcism ways to them hehe
-Playful with them
-Loves taking them outside and especially during winter
-Cuddles them but gets overheated
-"Dad can you pull me on the sled?" HE'S DOWN FOR IT.
-When they are babies he really loves feeding them, especially strained foods (babies first solids) because he thinks it's adorable that they try to chew
-Really loves their tiny baby hands, so he will always press his finger on their palm and watch them slowly close their fingers on him
-Really loves his children, becomes enraged when he here's about bullies being mean to his children
-Often watches them with a soft smile
-"Le-lets have more kids, Y/N..."He suggests nervously, face a little blushed

-Introverted Dad
-Like a silent protector/guardian
-He is definitely only the most open with you, but his children would be next people he is comfortable with
-Source of wisdom/knowledge for his kids
-Children have a question about the world? Just go ask daddy
-Will do what you ask him to do, but you spend more time with the kids
-He does secretly really enjoy tucking them in and giving goodnight kisses is routine
-Strokes their hair and sometimes will wordlessly fix something they are wearing
-REPAIR DAD, door hinge busted? GREAT DAIN IS ON IT
-Spends a lot of quality time with them as babies
-Likes how they fall asleep in his arms, so he will often times have quality silent times with them, where he's watching a movie and then are sleeping on his chest kind of thing
-Really admires them
-Feels bittersweet while watching them grow up
-Children all have a deep respect for him, even though he isn't as sociable
-He will every now and then tell you how happy he is that he started a family with you, and tell you about how he admires his babies
-Wishes he didn't work as much so he could see you guys more often

-He is protector 👹
-(I can just see him either having only daughters or all daughters except for one son)
-He loves to brush their hair
-School problems? Diluc is the answer
-Life problems? Diluc is the answer
-Any questions? Once again, go to daddy
-On field trips or birthday parties students are always staring at your child's dad, thinking he looks scary, but they also secretly like him
-"My daddy's cool"
-He is warm so baby loves him, and he holds yours and his baby on his bare chest a lot, and it's the cutest thing for both of you
-Probably would shower with his baby rather than bending over the tub trying to wash him/her
-In public like a dark tall figure looking dead and serious but then he's holding the hand of a cheery little toddler

-Omg he is a great dad
-His puppies 😭💓💞
-He seriously holds the children all the time, and if you had twins or more, HE GOT THEM
-When they are grown up he will do their hair really sweetly and like put a bow in it for the girls, AND HE WOULD TOTALLY PUT TIES ON FOR HIS SONS
-"Go help mommy." "YES DAD." They don't disobey for the most part, he got that covered 😂
-Like, children and you and him, cuddles
-Likes taking them outside a lot
-Would teach them about war and fighting if they showed interest
-Totally fixes them up if they got hurt
-Sleepless nights when they were babies
-Tired out but at the same time they give him energy
-He really loves his children so much

-Cool dad
-Park dad HAHAHZ 💀
-He plays with his children my gosh it's cuteeee
-Sings to them
-Shares knowledge with them
-When they are babies he definitely loves holding them, and his protector senses are peeked
-No picture him big spooning you and the baby 😭 cuteee
-"Ohh yikes that was a big one" -his reaction to barf mess and loaded diapers 😂😂
-He is very expressive
-Children will have a phase were they hate him and have a phase when they couldn't be prouder that he's their dad
-Tell him about a bully? "Tell little miss Emma to mind her own business or you'll punch her out" HAHAHA, HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY WANT YOUR KID TO HE JUST SAYS IT TO CHEER THEM UP AND GET HIS OWN FEELINGS OUT
-Gets sentimental every now and then, watching them age is bittersweet for him
-Proud daddy

-Teasing father *sighsss
-Really loves his kids
-Good with discipline
-You are the decision maker so a whole lot of "Go ask mommy" 's
-Showers either with the baby or is fine with bending over the tub to clean them
-Misses them while working
-When they are babies he loves talking to them, blowing on their tummy (giving a raspberry) and little tickles
-Loves the sound of baby's laugh
-Diaper bag duty ayye
-When they are older he would do their hair and fix their ties, clothes and other things
-Interested in their love life 😭
-Piggyback rides
-"That's enough TV." "How was school?" "Have you been reading?" "Did you help mommy while I was away?" Common phrases you could hear
-Probably grosses out his kids by kissing you in front of them

-Chill af dad
-Some days he's really loose with punishment and other days it's hard-core man
-Misses his children while away but misses you a little more 😂
-Omg I can just picture them crawling all over them and he is either not paying attention or smiling and laughing
-Brings them gifts DAILY
-Tells them poetry LOL 😭
-If you had a daughter she most likely has said, "I'm going to marry daddy" and Kazuha just laughs then agrees jokingly causing you to sulk in the corner
-Man is alright with doing the diapers and showers
-Bro will defend his family on his life, like he wouldn't hesitate to chop off somebody's ear kinda thing
-"Let me go ask mommy" after his baby asks him for permission on something
-Likes dressing his children too, he's got a stylish side
-Definitely talks about/ teaches children about peace and justice
-Will buy your children flowers for an achievement and / or some food
-If he had a daughter he would definitely be secretly really protective especially of her relationships thinking she deserves better
-Holds their hands often when they are young

-Pack omg
-He loves them so much
-Good good with discipline
-Likes to carry them
-Likes to brush their hair and clean them
-Loves seeing them happy and satisfied especially after a meal
-Plays with them a lot
-Has a harder time with babies but after watching you spend time with your new born he picks up a few concepts
-Doesn't understand when babies can and can't eat solids
-Trips with you all the time, you go, he goes, with the baby strapped to him
-Protector mode on
-He sleeps with you and the baby very close to him every day, in a protective manner
-Teaches them how to swim
-Children go to you for school help 😂
-Overall affectionate with his children and definitely urges them on to achieve their dreams and goals, feeling like a proud leader of the pack when he sees them learn and grow and achieve

-Kind of like a celebrity dad
-Holds children close in public
-Got them security guards
-Likes brushing their hair
-Kind of tsundere /harsh but not in a serious way, like "Daddy, give me a kiss" and he might answer with "Ew no," but then kiss then willingly right after he said that 😂😅
-Likes talking about government and how people are stupid 💀
-Basically a gangster celebrity dad and you're more like the voice of reason
-When they are babies he tries to help out as much as possible but since he is quite busy he actually hired a maid/helper for when he's not around
-Might be a slight spender on his children because he wants the best for them
-Good with discipline
-Helps them when they are sick or injured with the most care
-Still shy about affection yet every now and then he let's his true nature out and gets all soft
-Deep down he really loves them so much more than he thinks
-You and his kids are easily his favorites and everyone else in his life are quite aware of the fact
-Will take days off from work just to be with you and help out with the kids
-After work he will always check in on you
-Surprises his babies with gifts once a month on a random day each time
-Similar to Itto where if their's a bully he will tell his kids to bully them back, but Scara probably means it 💀

-Your children love him so much
-Their real life hero
-He cooks for them and makes it fun, being creative and making faces out of the food or making it cute and aesthetic
-Helps them change and doing their hair
-All about getting them to help you
-"Can we go out?" "Okay but let's ask mommy if she needs anything first, ok?"
-Anytime they leave he asks for a kiss and if you're around he will gesture to them to kiss you too
-Piggyback rides
-Loves helping them with schoolwork
-Cuddly dad
-When they were babies he seriously loved holding them
-Emotionally attached to them that he deep down has an anxiety that anything bad will happen to them (more so than usual parent stress), yet he's not a helicopter parent
-Good at cheering them up
-"Oooh yikes, that's a stinky diaper"
-Likes to jokingly say, "Alright, it's mommy's turn with the baby," passing you the child
-Will try his best to take stress off of you, hoping to give you more peaceful nights then he has with the crying baby
-Proud yet bittersweet when his children achieve things like graduation

-Omg bard archon dad
-Very humble and wise
-Telling stories and singing songs to them every dayyyyyy
-Will shower with them as babies
-Potty training loll
-He makes jokes about their spit ups and diapers to you
-Children need life advice? Go to dad
-Learn the ways of the gods through him (considering they're demi-gods)
-Part of them will love him lots and the other part will hate that he is a bard and alcoholic 💀 but they respect that he is never aggressive while drunk
-Hand holding
-Cuddly / loving father
-Loves playing with them and hyping them up when they make progress
-"Oh my goodness, did you just take your first steps?! Did you just take your first steps? Yes you did!! Good job my baby!~" Very excited Venti
-Probably has embarrassed your children more than once with affection to you in front of them and affection to them in front of others
-Tired out but pushes himself to do more to take stress off of you
-Wrote songs about them
-Venti's friends are familiar with your children because he introduces them to them
-Very PROTECTIVE, and the house has been made safe very superbly
-Proud father noises
-Attends all the children's events (he's their biggest fan)

-Quiet Introverted dad
-Watches then with a funny face when they do odd things
-Strap the baby to his back
-Hand holding when they are older
-Silenty helps them around the house when they are learning how to walk
-Protective af, man is on the lookout
-Nightmares of losing them
-Prays for them everyday
-Man is the best when they are choking and he is the best at soothing the crying babies
-When the children are older they might feel like they don't have a relationship with him, but you explain that he indeed loves them very much, and that he just bad at showing it
-Will surprise them with sweet gifts
-Teaches them about gods (as they are demi-gods)
-When they are a lot older he will tell them about his history / life story
-Likes feeding them when they are young and unable to feed themselves
-Is okay with either showering them separately or with him
-Hopes that they have a very happy life, and feels great joy and pride when they achieve things
-Their smiles are like rays of sunshine to him
-Every now and then he will do these adorable things like giving them a flower or making their food fun, which always warms the child's heart (and yours)

-Silly dad
-Very much encourages reading
-Rich dad, he gets his babies the best stuff
-Loves holding them even when they are toddlers
-Likes feeding them too
-"What a messy baby" He says and dabs their face with a napkin, then laughs and kisses them
-Kinda like a celebrity dad, walking around in rich clothes (and the child too) holding their hand
-When they are babies they sleep on his chest 🥺
-Very helpful husband
-Will always tell you to take a break, whether that's simply laying down or going skydiving lollll
-Likes to chase them around the house in a playful manner
-Bakes sales at school? How come your child always has so much money to spend on it?? Hmmmm a mystery~
-Definitely the type of dad to passive aggressively roast people who were snarky about his children BAHAHAH
-Probably has a very close relationship with his children his entire life
-Let's be for real, old man /grandpa Xingqiu would be elite 🔥

-Perfect dad???
-Good with discipline
-Omg knowledge keeper they go to him for questions
-He is like a teacher, and teaches them about being the gods
-Calmly and conservatively gives his affection to his family
-Humble dad
-Great comforter
-Children will go through a rebellious phase where they want to disobey him probably
-When they are babies he works miracles for calming them down and getting them to sleep
-Does a lot of work around the house
-Doesn't mind doing any of the baby work
-Protective of his family
-Proud Father moments when his children achieve things
-He likes to brush their hair with his fingers as a way of displaying his affection
-Definitely buys his children flowers bouquets and meals as a means of celebrating an achievement of theirs
-Best dad cook
-Your children's friends are crushing on him yet scared of him tbh 😂
-Overall he is a pretty spot on father

A.N. OMG HEY, LONG TIME NO SEEEEE, THIS TOOK ME LIKE YEARS TO PUBLISH??? Sorry I would've finished sooner but recently I put a time limit on wattpad and Instagram so I only have an hour per day to use wattpad :( SO EDITING/WRITING HAS BEEN IN CHUNKS. Anyways here it is, happy late valentines!! 💝💋

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