
By Cameroon_Maceroon

30.9K 1K 663

Angel feels like dead weight on everyone's shoulders, useless waste of time for everyone else, yet for some r... More

I can't
To far
Close shot
Getting better?
Rough night
How did I get so lucky?
Bit too much love~
TV shitlord
Not in the mood...
The fear in his eyes
Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me.
Chapter 25
We're here
I didn't mean to...
It's Over
Guess who's back?
-Final (Part 1)-


683 27 15
By Cameroon_Maceroon

(Kinda inspired by a comic I've read like 20 times lol)

Alastor felt a terrible pain in his head, like the worst headache he had ever had, he groaned. He opened his eyes slowly and was met with white, he was even more confused. He moved around and pulled himself up weakly, he was met with a blur of white and pink. He rolled onto his back and looked around at his surroundings. There was a lot of pink and he couldn't make out much, his blurred vision slowly started turning back to normal and he could make out some things. He saw a large mirror, he saw something or someone snoring lightly, and an animal? A pig it seemed. He suddenly realised where he was, Angels room.

He almost fell of the bed when he realised, he looked at Angel peacefully asleep, had something happened last night? He watched Angel for a moment, before jumping at a knock at the door, he hid under the covers and threw pillows on himself to cover himself up. He heard the door click and the door creak open, Angel groaned as the light shine into his face,
"Angel! Why are you still asleep! You said you'd help me and Vaggie with repairs and we think Alastor's gone out." Charlie said, walking through Angels messy room and opening the pink curtains, letting the light shine through. Angel moaned and complained.
"Nooooo! Five more minutes!" He shouted, he moved his arm to roll over on his side but something stopped him, something small and warm. Angel looked under the covers and saw Alastor's red ears poke out, he quickly covered them and looked back up at Charlie, she didn't see.
"Okay look, me and Vaggie are waiting downstairs, get ready and get out of bed! Lazy." Charlie said, leaving the room and leaving the door open. Angel groaned again but quickly jumped out of bed a s soon as he heard her footsteps going down the stairs.

Alastor ripped the covers off and got out of the bed, he was sweating. He blushed when he looked over at Angel, who was wearing small black shorts and socks covering his feet. He looked away from Angel and snapped his fingers, his suit came on, but it was quite messy, his magic became harder to use when he was hungover. He straightened his bow and suit in general, looking to see if Angel had made any effort to change, he didn't, obviously. Alastor gestured his hand towards the bathroom as Angel was about to start changing in front of him, Angel grunted and went into the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later wearing baggy light pink pants with a spider on them and a strapless beige crop top. Alastor had a light blush on his face but simply summoned his staff and made his way to the door, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching the door and jumped into the cupboard.

Angel chuckled as he opened the door, the footsteps coming from a floor below,
"Fuck face, it's coming from down there!" He said, pulling Alastor out of the cupboard, almost falling back onto him because of their weight differences. Alastor blushed in embarrassment and looked down, Angel laughed again, softer this time,
"Why are ya so worried about being caught with me?" He smiled, picking up Alastor's wrist so he couldn't turn away from him. Alastor thought for a moment,
"It's not like that, I've just... Never been in this sort of relationship..." He said, trying not to make eyes contact with the other demon,
"What kind o' relationship have ya been in then?" Alastor froze at the question.

He thought for a moment, what kind of relationship had he been in, he had been in two, but...
"The none love type?" He said completely seriously, the girls who dated him did it because he was a famous radio host and they wanted money, he knew that. Angel cocked his head, a relationship without love, could you call that a real relationship? He sighed,
"Umm, well that ain't a real relationship, I just don't get it. Would it be so bad to tell the others, if we are in a relationship?" Angel asked, pulling Alastor's head up to look at him. Alastor spoke without thinking,
"It's just not simple, what would they think? It would be embarrassing." His eyes widened, he didn't mean it like that. Angels smile dropped and he frowned at Alastor, letting go of him.

Alastor tried to speak but Angel spoke first,
"Okay so I'm an embarrassment now? Al what the fuck?" Angel was annoyed, he didn't expect much but he didn't expect that from him.
"No! Angel you know that's not what I mean, it's just... I don't know...." He said, trying to find the words. Angel scoffed and pointed at the door,
"Ya can leave now..." He said, turning away from Alastor. Alastor tried to approach Angel but Angel slapped his hand away, he tilted his head to the side so that Alastor could see half his face, 'get out' he mouthed. Alastor sighed, his smile was gone and he walked over to the door, silently opening the door and leaving,
"I love you..." He whispered, just loud enough for Angel to here, before shutting the door.

Angel sighed and sat down at his desk chair, he crossed his arms and looked over at the picture of one of their dates. He picked up the photo and slammed the photo face first down on the desk, a small crack being heard as it made impact with the desk. He took a deep shaky breath and looked away from the photo. His pig oinked and he looked down at him, smiling sadly,
"We both knew it wouldn't last long boo, who was I kidding anyway, I don't deserve love, even fake love." He chuckled softly, his pig looking at him sadly, as if he could see right through him. Angel rolled his eyes at Fat Nuggets and stood up, realising he still had to help Charlie and Vaggie with whatever.

He stomped down the stairs and greeted everyone grumpily, not even caring to even glance over to where Alastor was sitting, ignoring everyone else in his hungover state. Husk laughed at him as he knew what was going on with him, well, sort of. He didn't really know about the fight the two just had but he could tell that he was in a bad mood not just from the hangover, it still amused him though. Angel stormed down the stairs and he watched him confused, he came up to the bar and ordered a shot, Husk poured him something and he quickly drank it and slammed the shot glass down,
"Hey... You good long legs?" He said, handing him another shot which he proceeded to down as well.

Angel sighed and finally looked at Alastor, he wasn't paying attention,
"Me and the dick ova there got into an argument, it's fine though, nothing a few shots and a good time!" He said enthusiastically, laughing. Husk shrugged and chuckled with his friend. They unfortunately had to stop though as Vaggie grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him away. Angel groaned and waved goodbye to Husk, he chuckled and picked up an alcohol bottle to start his morning drinking. Meanwhile Alastor was still sat on his chair thinking about Angel, he was mad at himself, but also a little frustrated with Angel for twisting his words, he knew he couldn't blame him much though.

"Okay we could start here, you need to be really careful when peeling the wall, some of the corners are sharp and will cut you, not to hard though you just need to be careful for infections." Charlie said pointing to the wall on front of the tow other demons, they both nodded and got to work. Angel actually liked the job, it was a stress reliever ripping the wallpaper of and replacing it with new fresher wallpaper. He ripped of the brownish-red apple covered wallpaper and attached the light bright red wallpaper on. Vaggie did the same on the wall next to him and they worked as a sort of team, they guessed. Vaggie did keep her distance though as his sudden rage, he seemed to have a lot to burn off, it sort of freaked her out.

Angel stomach grumbled, the dinner was the last thing he had ate, and he honestly didn't care. Vaggie noticed how he informed his hunger and put down the wallpaper she had just ripped of,
"Hey Angel? Wanna stop for a while for a lunch break, it's been two hours." Vaggie got down from her ladder, looking at Angel hopefully. Although she didn't get along with the demon, she knew he had his own problems and that something was wrong, Charlie could always guess when people were hiding something and it was quite obvious there was something. Angel smiled and looked down at Vaggie,
"Nah toots, ya can though. I'm good hear, surprisingly." He smiled and chuckled softly. Vaggie crossed her arms and gritted her teeth in a worried smile, she knew she couldn't convince him to eat anything so she just gave up quickly. She shrugged and nodded, leaving through the elevator leaving Angel in the corridor on his own, he didn't care.

Vaggie went down on her own, Charlie looked over at her and lifted an eyebrow,
"Do you need something, where's Angel?" She asked. Vaggie rolled her eyes,
"The guy refused to eat, obviously had to expect that I guess, I'm just coming down for a little lunch." She replied, making her way towards the kitchen. Every time they said his name Alastor would scoff, making Husk chuckle silently,
"Wow, you to must really have gotten into a bad argument huh?" Husk said, taking another sip of his booze,  Alastor just grunted, straining his very annoyed smile. Husk took that as a yes and continued laughing, earning a death state from Alastor which made him stop. Charlie and Vaggie looked over,
"Fight? Well I guess we can't expect much from you two." Charlie said, Vaggie wondered if that's what Angels bad mood was about, she shrugged once more and took another bite out of her pop tart.

Angel continued ripping wallpaper of the walls, thinking about Alastor and the fight. He was quite upset, he really thought the relationship was going great, well that didn't last long. Angel picked up new wallpaper and though, did I just imaging the whole relationship? Maybe he never loved me... He just did it for sick entertainment didn't he! I'm an idiot, why would anyone care anyway. He was so deep in thought that when he ripped the wallpaper off, he used all of his force, all of his rage and sadness out into his arms. This was to much force though, and the ladder tipped, Angel gasped and tried to balance, but just made it lean more. Angel fell backwards onto the sort of sharp edge of the stair banister, which was just opposite him, there was a small shout as his head collided with the banister, he swore.

They all heard the fall and rushed up the stairs, even Alastor, although he was mad that didn't cloud his care for the other demon. They went up the stairs quickly and Charlie gasped to help Angel up. There was a small splash of blood on the dark oak banister and Angel kicked the ladder of his other leg,
"Fucking let go of me, I'm fine!" Angel pulled his arm from Charlie grasp, Charlie gave him a worried look, as did the other. Vaggie moved towards her girlfriend to check if she was okay, growling at Angel. Angel moved away, holding the back of his head,
"Angel your bleeding!" Charlie pointed at Angels blood stained fur as he pulled it away from the back of his head, the one day not to where gloves, he scoffed. Nifty rushed up to him to pull him down and see his head, she touched his thigh to try to reach his head. Angels protective instincts kicked in as he felt a sudden surge of pain, he kicked and gasped, putting his hands to his mouth. Nifty grunted and flew back, into Alastor. They all looked up at Angel, anger fear and worry on their faces. Angels eyes widened and his hands began to shake,
"Fucking stop looking at me like that, go away!" He shouted.

Angel pushed past the others, the slightest limo in his walk, he hid his face, hiding the tears in his eyes. He rushed up the stairs to his room, revealing the large gash in the back of his head, right above his neck. He stomped up the stairs and they heard a slam from upstairs, they all just stayed there, unmoving, staring at eachother in disbelief.

Angel collapse onto his bed, he wiped away the tears from his eyes, lifting himself up, no time to cry. He looked at his phone and realised, he had to see Valentino in an hour, as if his day couldn't get worse. He sighed and looked at his bloody hands, his pig oinked at him and cocked his head. Angel sighed and leaned back, picking up Fat Nugget's food and shoving it into the food bowl, without care. His pig went and gobbled down the food happily, Angel smiled weakly. He groaned as he felt the start of a headache, probably from blood loss, he got up and realised the pain in his leg, not the pain from before, the pain in his ankle where the ladder fell, he scoffed. He opened his medical kit and picked up light pink bandages, he first wiped the cut a little making it saying with some of his leftover vodka, as long as it was alcohol right? He then put the bandage over the wound and put a scarf over it to make it unnoticeable. He wrapped up the ankle with a stick and bandages to hold it up, that's what he used to do when he was younger and his dad beat him till his bones broke, a bad memory.

He then swung a bag around his shoulder, wiped the dripping mascara from his face, this old makeup was enough, it didn't matter anyway as he knew it would be a long night of... Men. He took a deep shaky breath and left the light pink bathroom, then the bright pink and white bedroom. He quietly made it downstairs through the lobby and out the door, oblivious to the fact that Charlie had been watching him as he left, worried about her friend. Alastor and all of the others remained in their rooms, thinking about today's events, what they could've done better. None more than Alastor though, who was eating himself with guilt over what he had said and what he had not done. His only wonder was, what would happen next?

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