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By -eeclipwze

155K 3.4K 518

หšโœงโ‚Š ๐๐€๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐Ž๐…๐… ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐„๐“๐…๐‹๐ˆ๐— ๐’๐„๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’: ๐๐‘๐„๐“๐“๐˜ ๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐“๐‹๐„ ๐‹๐ˆ๐€๐‘๐’ หšโœงโ‚Š Quinn Mon... More

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4.2K 108 57
By -eeclipwze

MY feet hurt from running so fast through the hospital corridors, Dad was trailing behind, I scanned every room possible until I whipped round a corner and ran straight into the chest of a tall man in scrubs.

"Hi, please tell me where my Mother is, they said room 23 but she wasn't there." I panted out of breath, the doctor gently held my upper arms and moved me back from him so he could see me.

"Her name?" He asked, my Dad came up beside me and firmly shook the doctors hand, I turned away and glanced around the halls as the two men exchanged information about my mother.

The doctor led us toward the elevator and up a floor, he explained to us about her injuries and how many people were coming in tonight due to the storm. I almost choked when he said they blamed the storm for her accident, I beg to differ about that theory.

"She's not awake at the moment but I can promise you she'll be absolutely fine, she is good hands here." He smiled softly at the two of us, I let my dad go into her room and slouched my back up against the door.

"You're lucky, her car was totalled, she's a strong woman surviving that." The doctor stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets. I nodded and turned away from him, it's not that he was bothering me, don't get me wrong he was handsome as hell, but I could only focus on my Mother right now.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water?" The doctor offered, I glanced back toward him and pressed my lips down into a small smile, "A water would be great, thank you." I retorted, watching him nod and stroll off down the hall.

I allowed my Father to spend some alone time with my mum in her hospital room, figuring that I'd just see her shortly and could speak to her then. I sauntered over to the few seats opposite the hospital room and sat down. My hands rubbed up and down against my jeans in attempt to warm them up, wind whistled outside the hospital and that worried me as we'd have to make our way home in this weather.

My phone was dead so I couldn't message any of the girls to let them know what had happened, the fact that A had caused this accident makes bile trickle up my throat.

"Here you are love." The doctor came back into view, hand extended holding a blue plastic cup filled with water. I hesitantly took it from him and thanked him quietly, taking this moment to finally get a proper good look at him. I have to admit, he's more good looking than I first realised, with his dark brown hair combed back and slightly messy, thin stubble along his jaw and around his mouth. The way his dark blue scrubs fitted him perfectly, he had to only be in his 20s.

"Hopefully we'll only have to do one more scan for your mother then she'll be free to head home." He sat down beside me, I glanced over to him and nodded. "Ledger, Ledger Walters." I gently placed my free hand into his own and shook it slowly.

"Quinn Montgomery." I said softly, watching as crease lines formed on his cheeks as he smiled. "I know your Uncle, Byron, he taught me at college." Ledger looked back to the hospital door before us.

"What did you study in college?" I asked, lifting my water to my lips and allowing the cool beverage to calm me down slightly. "First aid, I took Literature and Chemistry." Ledger looked back to me, I noticed how his eyes had trails of green in them, but were mostly azure, it was enough to make you want to melt into him completely.

"What about you?" He asked, catching me off guard I shook my head slightly and sighed, "I just got home from College in Philadelphia, I did an entrepreneur course, so whatever I wanted to go into I could have a little bit of business studies with me." I smiled softly.

"That's good, it's a great thing to do, I think I'll want my little girl to grow up and do that subject." He hummed, I gulped down the fact he has a daughter, strangely my eyes slowly fixated onto his left hand, no ring?

"You have a little girl?" I asked out of pure curiosity, "Yeah, she's only 4, I was a teenage Father, had her at 18 with my college girlfriend, when we split up I still agreed to have half-custody of her as I'm the father." Ledger smiled as he got up a photograph of her on his phone.

She was beautiful, wavy brown hair that fell to her upper arms, a smile that instantly photocopied itself onto you and made you smile too, her eyes were a light brown, honey coloured in the sun.

"She's beautiful, what's her name?" I asked him, he shut his phone off and slipped it into his pocket, turning his body to the side to face me more. "Diem, it's a hometown name, Clara, my ex, decided to give her." Ledger said.

"Hey look, I gotta run downstairs because I have an appointment with someone at 7," Ledger lifted his wrist to look at his watch, "Will I see you again?" He asked, his grin growing wider.

"I suppose." I smirked, liking the fact I had a little bit of power over him, he actually wanted to see me again, Ledger Walters, the hot doctor. God this makes being back in Rosewood worth it.

"I'll see you around Montgomery." He tapped my knee lightly as he got up, sending me a flashy grin before he strolled off down the hallway and left me alone smiling like an idiot.

Mocha attacked my legs as I locked up the front door behind me, I scooped him up in my arms and kissed the top of his head firmly. Dad had been informed Mum would have to stay overnight, he insisted that I go home and he stays.

I switched the living room lights on but groaned when nothing happened, "Power cut, just great." I sighed to myself.

My hands fumbled with my phone charger as I plugged it in and watched as it lit up with multiple notifications from everyone. It was currently 11 pm, most of the notifications were from the girls. Except for one that caught my eye.

Can you meet? It's important.

My brows furrowed at the messaged there's only one person I know who begins with the letter J, I went to respond but the abrupt banging at my front door caused me to jolt and drop my phone.

I panicked, picking up a candle stick off the cabinet nearby me and holding it as a threat of a weapon in case it was an uninvited guest at the door. Potentially A.

The banging continued, I quickly unlocked it and swung it open to reveal a very pissed off looking Jason Dilaurentis, his hair dripping wet and clothes drenched, I glanced over his shoulder at the rain protruding down from the sky, no car? He had walked from his to mine in this weather, stupid boy.

"Wh-What do you want?" I asked, confused as to why he looked like he wanted in my house, which was not a good idea. "You fucking promised you wouldn't tell anybody," Jason snapped, brushing past me harshly and inviting himself into my home.

"Um, do elaborate," I mumbled, shutting the door and locking it, I turned round to face him slipping his shoes off and wandering off toward the living room like he knew this place. I kick myself for thinking that because unfortunately, he does know this place.

"So here I am thinking no one knew about that summer, because my secret was safe with you," he perched himself on the end of the sofa, I sat down on the arm of the other sofa well away from him. "But then I receive this note, and I know you've told somebody." Jason leans over and hands me a crumpled piece of paper.

I unfold the paper and bite the insides of my cheeks,

I know what you did, Quinn does too, tut tut tut, did no one ever tell you drugs make you forget things Jason?

"What the hell is this?" I asked, flinging it back at him and crossing my arms over my chest. "It's bullshit that's what," Jason stood up and lifted his hands to his eyes, he rubbed them harshly in a way that took me back to our big fight all those years ago. 


"Why would you fucking do that to me?" I screamed at him, throwing his phone against the wall, Jason stood staring daggers straight at me. I had to admit he was terrifying.

"You pissed me off, I need you to understand that I own you Quinn, I have a say in our relationship." Jason scoffed.

He paced up and down his bedroom, his hands lifted up to his face as his fingers pressed against his closed eyes, he rubbed them aggressively.

"You don't get to do shit like this Jason, you used me!" The tears falling down my cheeks burnt, like how he burnt my heart to shreds with the humiliation he had caused for me.

"Shut up! alright? Your voice is annoying." Jason mumbled, looking back at me and stuffing his hands into his Jean pockets.

I hated him, I hate how I let him meet me all those times, I hate how I allowed him to kiss me, to touch me in all the ways I craved to be touched, I hate that I was easy, that I did all of that with him so many times, I hate that I let us be a thing for so long and for him to have now ruined my life.

My eyes were blurred with tears, I'd been crying since this morning, the way every girl whispered and pointed "That's the whore that begged Jason Dilaurentis to fuck her" and how every boy whispered "I reckon she could beg me to fuck her next, we should all try get in with her"

He had taken a video of us...doing it and sent it to his friends, captioning it 'Because she begged me to do this, I didn't want to say no, she has nice tits.'

I thought he liked me, I really thought I was someone special and that all those compliments and kisses meant something. He was a brilliant liar, a beautiful one.

"Just get out of my house Quinn, unless you're gonna fuck me again then you can st-" he didn't finish his sentence because the sound of my palm colliding with his cheek cut him off.

"You are sick, I hope you fucking rot for what you've done to me." I cried, shoving him backwards and swiftly making my way out the room.


I didn't realise the memory had caused a tear to slowly escape my eye, I wiped it away before Jason could notice.

"I have no idea what that's about," I shrugged. Mocha whined and pawed at my ankles, I crouched down and picked him up, Jason stared at me for a few seconds before standing up and brushing his jeans down.

"I apologised so many times for the asshole I was Quinn, can't you just move past it?" Jason scoffed, "I have tried to! yet you're still nasty to me, you still drop in smug comments, you were never sorry and you know it!" I retorted, the puppy in my arms nuzzled his head up against my jaw, whining and crying at the sudden raise in our voices.

"I was high all-the-fucking-time! Can you blame me for being a dick?" Jason threw his arms up, I gave him a 'bitch you serious' look and scoffed so loud it hurt my throat.

"Just get out, I don't want to hear from you anymore." I mumbled, walking quickly over to my door and unlocking it, Jason ran his tongue over his front teeth and hissed in a sharp breath. My jaw clenched as he moved to the front door and lingered in front of me, "Fuck you Montgomery."

Then the door slammed behind him on its own, his presence still hovered in the room, his aroma suffocated me, I wished nothing more but for him to stay away from me.

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