Reincarnated as a merman in a...

By Wolfqueen2610

294 15 4

This story is about a teen named Tanaki who was an office worker in his first year of collage and one day on... More


The begining

148 13 4
By Wolfqueen2610

It was just a normal night for Tanaki as he was heading home from work on a late night after being overworked by his boss he walked quietly down the street and came to a cross walk where he waited for the light to turn as he started making his way across .

He had failed to notice the oncoming truck. For he was listening to music only when the truck was too close to move or save himself did he notice the bright lights coming toward him as he widened his ebony black eyes before everything went dark.


Tanakis POV

As Tanaki opens his eyes he found himself in a pitch black box and immediately started to panic as he found that the box was filled with water and that he couldn't feel his legs only a heavy limb attached from his waist down.

He soon calmed down to take in his surrounding as he noticed he could breath but was still confused as it was pitch black and he couldn't see a thing . all he knew was that he was moving and two people were talking about something along the lines of selling or bidding and who would win. So he decided to take a nap and see if anything changed when he wakes up .

~TIME SKIP~ 2 hours later

Tanaki was rudely awakened by bright lights pointing at him in the glass encasement and he was able to see now he decided to observe himself in the reflection of the glass as he was put in utter shock at the newfound beauty

He had stunning ocean blue eyes with long and healthy white hair and his skin was untouched and as white as snow , he had plump pink lips and a perfect tiny nose and what shocked him the most was the most beautiful ocean blue tail he has ever seen

he was taken out of his shock when he noticed the large audience in which they had masquerade mask covering half their face as someone stood on the stage next to him talking through the microphone the were holding " welcome one and all to the annual spring auction and I'll tell you now we have some real interesting things for you to bid on today."

Tanaki was shaken to the core after hearing the word auction and realized that he was about to be sold like he was in the black market as he was panicking the man continued to speak to the crowd "the first item up it this merman that had gotten caught in a fishing net bid starting at 90,000 shillings".

He was in panick as the bids kept getting higher and higher he was frightened about what would happen to him if someone with bad intentions had won. As he was panicking his vision started to blur

Right before he was about to get sold guards bursted through the doors being led by a handsome man with ebony black hair and ruby red eyes dressed in
Armor but you can tell by the power radiating off of him that he was not a force to recon with

As the guards started to arrest people and the auctioneer the unknown man went up to the glass encasement just as Tanaki had blacked out out of pure shock and fear as he heard chaos and the last thing he saw before he blacked out we're those shining ruby red eyes.

~Authors note ~
Hey thanks for reading the first chapter and thanks for the support I appreciate feedback for this is my first story and I would like your opinion on what I could do better thanks for reading and see you next chapter ^u^

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