Batfam(mostly)/Young justice...

By Rand0m-Angst4Fr33

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First time doing oneshots so if it's bad or anything lemme know. Will contain: Wholesomeness(very low chance... More

'I'm not doing so good...'
Dick's Boyfriend
They find out


373 3 0
By Rand0m-Angst4Fr33

???'s POV:
I was heading toward the security room to do my usual rounds when the alarm went off and immediately I pulled my Escrima Sticks out of the belt around my waist.I hid myself in the shadows as I crept around Cadmus-Level 52,rounding a corner I saw three teens,each dressed equally as strange as the other.

Two of the teens were ginger-red heads but didn't look like siblings,the other had what looked to be buzz-cut blonde hair.As I neared them,I realised they were the only three side kicks the Justice league had.I moved back down the hallway and contacted Dr.Desmond who answered rather quickly.
"What is it,Grayson?"He answered sounding irritated.
"I've found the intruders sir.Three of them and they're the Justice Leagues sidekicks.What do I do,sir?"I replied,accidentally taking my eyes off the three.
"Take them out and bring them to a holding unit.Proceed with caution,Grayson.If you fail I will not hesitate to eliminate you."He threatened and then silence surrounded me and the super teens.
'Eliminate me?He doesn't mean. . .of course he would he's-'
I was cut off when a thud sounded next to me,looking down I saw an arrow sticking out of the wall and felt a warm liquid slither down my arm.Averting my eyes,I inspected my left arm to find a cm deep wound in my upper arm.
"There's more where that came from if you don't come out,yknow!"One of the two red heads spoke,deciding to stick to stealth,I quietly ran through the shadows and reached the dark-skinned,blonde person and hit him over the head with my Escrima Sticks.He let out a small squeak of surprise and staggered forward before regaining his balance.

The yellow and red costumed kid turned to face us and his mouth formed a small 'O',I smirked before another arrow came whizzing past my head,grazing my right ear.I stepped out of the shadows and analysed the group of super teens in-front of me,deciding the guy with the bow and arrow was the most dangerous I charged him,throwing smoke pellets at the ground surrounding him.I ran into the smoke and roundhouse kicked him only for his arm to jump to his aid and dodge it.Pulling my Escrima Sticks in-front of me,I jumped up and did a backflip over him and,taking him by surprise,hit him round the back of the head with them.He fell face first onto the floor and a slight crunch could be heard as he cried out in pain and grabbed his nose as it spewed crimson-red blood onto Cadmus' white floors.

His friends immediately ran in the direction of his cries and once the smoke disappeared and caught sight of their teammate on the floor.He was curled up on his side his nose held by both of his now-bloody hands,I took this as the chance to take him out of the fight.I brought my leg up and kicked the redhead on the side of the head causing him to stiffen for a second and then slump down as if relaxed and asleep.This angered the other two as the yellow and red costumed kid came out of nowhere and threw punch after punch at me.I briefly remember jabbing my Escrima Stick into his side and pressing the button to electrify him.His back arced as electricity sparked his body,he slumped down onto the floor chest rising with quick breaths as I took my finger off the button.I grabbed him in a choke hold and brought my Escrima Stick to the side of his head.

Before it could connect,a turret of water wrapped itself around the wrist that held my Escrima Sticks.I let go of the kid and turned toward his last standing friend.He pulled his water-sword-whip thing back and my body went tumbling with it,I was slammed onto the floor and felt the air leave my lungs for a moment before it came rushing back.Looking down at my chest I saw a barefoot nestled there,moving my eyes upward I found it belong to the dark-skinned kid.He looked at me with hatred evident in his eyes,as a distraction I smiled and that seemed more than enough because his foots weight lifted off my chest as a confused look spread across his features.But it dawned on him second too late,as I wrapped my legs around his ankles and pulled my body backward.This made him lose balance and he fell back,the ground came up to greet the back of his head and with a loud thud he hit the ground.I looked at him,my eyes widened as I saw blood slowly form a puddle around his head.Looking closer he seemed to be a getting a tad paler.
I have never been a killer and didn't plan on starting now,crawling as fast as I could toward him,I looked at his torso.
The one sign he was alive was the small rise and fall of his chest,letting out a relieved sigh,I lifted his head up to inspect the damage.His head wasn't too injured,there was a fairly medium sized cut however it wasn't too deep so it wasn't anything a small gauze pad could help with.
Pressing the small comm in my ear,I contacted Desmond to let him know I had them but they were a bit injured.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No one's POV:
Once realisation had hit Dr.Desmond who Grayson had captured,he changed his plans immediately.He told Grayson to bring them to the extraction room and told his Genomorphs to set up three extraction tubes,which they quickly got to work on.

Once the sidekicks injuries had been attended to,they were immediately brought to the requested room and placed into the tubes.Dick was told to monitor them and once all three awoke he should start the Cloning process.
They woke up after 20 minutes and looked at each other in turn,taking in the shackles they had on and the tubes they were in.All in all,they concluded that they were in trouble.Then realising that there was another being in the room,they looked toward it to see a young boy that looked to be about 10-13 years old.Wally fake coughed to get his attention,he looked up,surprise seemed to have found itself on his face but as Aqualad looked closely at him,his body language suggested that he was uncomfortable.

He pushed himself off the wall he leant on and walked over to a console that was placed in front of the extraction tubes.As he pressed the screen a faint light blue light glowed on his face,Speedy getting irritated with the lack of information decided to talk.

"Right,this is slightly annoying and a bit of an inconvenience.Who are you?Why are we in these tubes?And lastly,What do you want from us?"He asked as if he expected to get an answer.

Much to all of their surprises,he answered.
"I'm S-1,but my real name is Dick Grayson,"He replied sounding like he hadn't talked in years,however his face fell rather grimly as he answered the second part,"My boss kinda wants to clone you guys and then. . .y'know,urr,kill you.Guess that also answers your last question..."he says while tapping away at the small screen.

"I'm sorry. ."was the last thing they heard him say before long metallic arms extended out of the bottom of each tube.Three finger like rods produced themselves out of the arms and stabbed into their sides.

Aqualad's POV(Kaldur):
As the arm things clawed into my side,I opened my eyes and saw Dick looking at the floor sadly.
"D-Dick."I choked out and he looked up so fast he could've outmatched Kid Flash.He looked directly at me and I saw the fear,worry,guilt and anger in his eyes.I didn't understand why he would feel any of these,except for guilt,maybe.
I heard KF and Speedy scream out in pain as the electricity did it's job.
I saw the console screen flash green before the metallic arms of pain retracted and burrowed themselves into the tube.I looked at my two friends and they looked at me,silently asking if each of us was okay.With firm nods of our heads,they looked back at Dick.I continued to look at them and saw Wally seemed a bit confused about his behaviour and Speedy didn't look too happy with him.

Just as Dick was about to say something,a guy walked in through the the big doors behind him,Dick turned around and I saw him visibly tense up.While the two talked,I felt two pairs of eyes on me and looked to see Speedy and KF looking at me.I tilted my head towards Dick trying to communicate Did you see how he tensed up? They both understood and nodded their heads,breaking the silence was the sound of a hand colliding with skin.Our heads darted in the pairs direction,Dick was on the floor clutching his cheek while the lab coated man fixed his posture and gave him a look of disgust.

I felt my eyes widen when he kicked him in the stomach,Dick then curled into himself just like Roy had when we fought him.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP AN EYE ON HIM!!"The guy in the lab coat practically screeched at Dick.He reached down and grabbed dick by his hair,pulling him up,Dick gave him a pained yelp in return.I saw movement in the corner of my eye and turned to see KF trying to vibrate through this cuffs.He wasn't able to vibrate through them although his tube exploded and KF ran towards the guy and punched him in the face repeatedly before Dick ran over and pulled him off.This earned him an elbow to the face and a kick to the shin,he said something to KF who stopped pummelling the guy and then ran back to our tubes and got us out.Speedy grabbed his bow and arrow and shot the circular things,below each of our tubes,that held our DNA.

We all walked over to Dick who was knelt next to the guy-doctor looking person,I placed a hand on his shoulder.He flinched at the contact which concerned us and when loud footsteps were heard down the hall,he jumped up and out of his skin.A person who looked almost identical to superman walked into the room,his eyes scanning the room and landing on Dick.
Before any of us could move to help him,he had jumped onto Dick and punched him in the face followed by a sickening crack and a cry of pain.

Speedy ran over and threw the guy off him,kneeling down,he helped Dick up and looked him over.I went over to them and stood in a defensive position in case the superman look alike attacked again.However that one punch toward dick seemed to satisfy him as he quickly relaxed.I looked behind me at Dick and Roy,Dick had a red mark on his left cheek and his nose was bent at a painful angle-bruise already forming in the area.
He averted his eyes towards me and a shimmer of hoped sparked in them,I smiled and turned back around toward the other kid.
"Why did you attack him?"I asked,concern and anger leaking into my voice.
He looked at me quizzically,"He was the closest person near me?"I heard Wally snort and try to cover it up as a sneeze but it didn't work.Roy stood up and pulled Dick with him,he marched toward the younger looking superman.He glared at him and then carried on walking,a protective aura surrounded him.

~~~~Everything went the same as in the show except Roy was there~~~~

No one's POV:

It turns out Batmans partner in crime-fighting ,Robin(Jason) had been hiding in the shadows at the Hall of  Justice and reported to Batman as soon as he got back.This led to the justice league and the dynamic duo heading toward Cadmus and lots of explaining on the Sidekicks behalf.
However Batman took lots of interest in the new smaller black haired boy,he looked awfully like Richard Grayson from Haly's Circus.
"Aqualad,who is he?"Batman asked,pointing to the boy that Speedy was holding rather protectively.
"That's Dick Grayson,Batman.He worked for Cadmus against his will,he's 13 years old and was taken when he believes to have been 8."Aqualad replied,remembering what the boy had told him on their way out.
Dick removed himself from Roy,with a bit of complaining from the latter,and walked over to Aqualad and Batman.
"I don't think I told you my real name,did I?Well I'm Richard Grayson,but my nicknames Dick."Dick explained after overhearing the pair talking,Jason's eyes widened in shock,Batman had been on the lookout for this kid ever since he watched his parents die.
"Well I suppose we're going to need to get you a place to live.I have a close friend who'd be more than happy in adopting you."Batman turned and winked at Jason who felt a slight smile spread across his face before pulling it into a fake scowl.
Jason had been extremely lonely at Wayne manor and although he loved living there,he didn't have anyone to talk to.Bruce was always working on something and,of course,Alfred was the butler so he was usually doing butler things.

~~~~A day later,at the orphanage~~~~
Dick's POV:
I don't think I fit in very well,a lot of the kids would usually shove me and hit me if I talked to them but I knew that I would be out soon so I put up with it.
I was brushing my teeth and,although I've only been here for a day,I already had a black eye,both my cheeks stung from the older boys slapping me,a cut on my cheek from falling into a glass cup and a bruise that covered the entirety of my upper arm.

The lady that ran the place was really nice though and I'd probably be in a lot worse of a condition if it wasn't for her.I finished brushing my teeth and jumped into bed.

I woke up to a hand nudging my side,I opened my eyes but quickly shut them when I saw the bedroom light.I eventually opened them to see it was one of the younger kids at the orphanage,although she seemed upset and upon closer inspection I saw that there was a bright red mark on her right cheek.I quickly pulled the covers off,now sitting on my bed and asked what happened,then the older kids that caused almost all of my injuries spoke up and told her to leave.
I looked around the room and saw there was no other kids in here,the guys then made their way towards my bed and I stood up.I made a dash for the door but the eldest grabbed my bruised arm and squeezed as hard as he could,I let out a pained gasp as he dragged me infront of him.He raised his leg and I felt it connect with the cheek I'd cut,I let out another cry but this one was quieter.

I felt a heavy foot on my chest as I remembered how me and Aqualad had fought and I had ended up like this.But I wasn't working with Cadmus anymore which meant I shouldn't fight back,however the weight in my chest got heavier and heavier and I saw black dots dancing infront of me.
Then I heard the door open and in a moment of shock the guys' foot lost all its weight on my chest.
"OI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"I heard someone shout.I sucked in a huge breath as my chest's unwanted visitor left and shifted my body so that I could see who came through.
The bullies scampered as a taller,older and much more buffer guy appeared in the doorway,once they were gone the younger kid ran over to me and got down on the floor.
"Oi,are you alright?"he asked,I tried to talk but couldn't so I nodded my head and he let out a small sigh before bonking me softly on the head while saying something about not defending myself.I smiled and let out a small but soft laugh.
Later,I found out this was Batmans friend and his other adopted kid and went home with him,however it didn't take long for me to figure out his identity and join the newly formed Young Justice League.I decided on a hero name:
It means ghost,which is fitting seeing as I'm Batmans other sidekick and he always blends in with the darkness.

I hope you enjoyed this,it took wayyyyy too much time to write🙃
Anyways let me know if you have any other ideas of things to write.
Word count:2878

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