Always and Forever (Undertale...

Por Just_Vibing_Man

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Being a member of society is hard. Being a member of the Royal Guard is harder. You've known this for a while... Mais


A Day of Business

395 18 31
Por Just_Vibing_Man

Sleep is uncommon territory for you.

You did sleep. You could sleep. You just chose not too.

It's not like you never sleep. You do, but it's only when your body feels like it's about to die or you have days off, which almost never happen.

So whenever you don't sleep, like now, you like to keep yourself busy. Keep blood pumping or some shit your doctor said.

In all fairness, he was a good doctor who didn't encourage your habits but he isn't here, is he?

Because you decided not to sleep, you started working on those assignments Captain Undyne and Commander Edge gave you, which were rather easy. Which meant they were done rather quickly.

So then why were you up at 4 am?

You were researching the box your Captain gave you.

You had been writing on maps searching the safest routes, you were crossing off areas to avoid that Hate Group, and for some reason taking note of any and all tourist attractions in the region in cause the deal was over before you had to come back home.

You spent, and I'm not joking, 3 hours on tourist attractions alone.

Enio was boring as hell.

All they had was this museum with, you will admit, beautiful paintings but they didn't sound fun. It wasn't near the beach and all they had was this lake in the middle of the fucking woods which you crossed off immediately. And you doubt a tour of the kingdom will be entertaining.

Why were you making a big deal about this anyway? You'll be working for two weeks then you'll never have to see this short ass again!

Deciding you're done, you lean back into your chair and stretch out your arms and legs with a yawn.

Glancing at the clock, you feel a part of you die inside as you realize you have to get ready for the day.

At 4 am.

What fun.

You undo your hair and let it fall, grabbing a piece of it to smell. You immediately drop it in disgust holding back a gag.

How did it smell this bad? You showered yesterday.

Or was it last week?

God, taking care of a baby have you amnesia.

You begin to clean up the papers and books scattered around your dining table, which you barely used, placing them back into the box nice and neat. You separate the papers that you considered important before standing up and heading to your bedroom.

Your room wasn't much. You don't have enough time to decorate so you bought the cheapest things you could find that were of decent material. Your bed was in the center of the wall when you walked in, with a desk on one side and a nightstand on the other with a lamp. Across the bed was a dresser and a TV hanging above. Your closet was on the wall next to the nightstand, doors semi-open to reveal your clothing.

Turning on the light, you head for your closet and scan through your shirts. You eventually pull out two button-ups, one light blue and one white.

What to wear?

Ahhh, the pointless dilemma.

If you wore blue, it flattered your skin well. It was also one of your favorite shirts. However, your clients name was literally Blue so maybe that would mean something?

Y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶

If you were white, it seemed more professional to make up for being a complete idiot yesterday. You wore this shirt often though and  you were honestly getting bored of it.

T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ ̶

Does this even matter? This job is only two weeks. Then he'll never have to see you again. This isn't even your first time meeting him so his opinion of you is already probably shit.

Sighing heavily, you hang the blue shirt.

You grab some black pants and socks from your dresser before heading to your bathroom. It was small, but you spared it no extra thought to it as you turned on the shower.

Stripping your clothes, you toss them into a hamper nearby before stepping in. The warm water feels nice on your skin as you grab shampoo and massage it into your hair.

This was honestly your favorite part of the day. The time you get to yourself before you went off to work. It was slow, but you liked slow since time felt longer.

Sadly time was never on your side because before you know it, you were stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around you. You quickly squeeze any excess water from your hair, tucking the towel right before rummaging for your blow dryer.

Blasting warm air on your hair, your mind wonders to your job. Papyrus had texted you last night Sir Blue's schedule which seemed very light like you hoped it would be. Then again, he was related to Papyrus and Commander Edge so anything was possible.

The rest of your time in the bathroom just flows past you as you fix your hair and put on your clothes. The warmth of the bathroom begins to fade when you look at yourself in the mirror, nodding at the fact you don't look like a complete mess.

Walking out, you head back to your dining table and grab the pile of papers you separated, along with your phone and wallet. Heading to your front door, you grab a black jacket hanging nearby and slip it on, placing both your phone and wallet into pockets inside. Finally, you sit down as you grab some match shoes, tying them nice and tight before you stand up again and head out your door.

It's still dark out for the most part, but you notice the sun slowly rising up. It's breezy but nothing extreme, it felt nice as you walked down the street to a nearby Carriage Stop.

It arrived at 4:35 (you checked your phone) and you got on, paying the coachman the fee before telling him the address to Sir Blue's house.

...and Papyrus' house.

.....and Commander Edge -

Basically, every skeleton lives together.


God, your amnesia's getting worse.

There were more, because of course there were, but you've only met a handful of them in person. Until yesterday, Papyrus, the Commander and his brother were the only skeletons you've interacted with more then once.

Right, you also know Commander Edge's brother.

He was....

...interesting to say the least?

Wonder what mood he'll be in today. Bitchy, annoying, or both? It's always a gamble with him.

By 4:55 (you checked your phone again) you arrived at the house. You thanked the coachman who tipped his hat and wished you to have a nice day before riding off. You turn to the house again, already feeling exhausted for what's to come.

Or because you haven't gotten any sleep.

The house was big, not mansion big but it was nice. Why they lived in their own house instead of the castle is something you're unsure of but don't ask. You simply gather your nerves together before you step forward and lightly knock on the door in hopes of not disturbing anyone else who is asleep.

It swings open after the third knock, a chuckle coming out of your throat as you see a familiar face, err, skull.

"GOOD MORNING GENERAL!" Roman greets you cheerfully, moving aside with a wave and you take it was a sign to walk inside. "ARE YOU READY FOR A FANTASTIC DAY?"

"How do you know the day will be fantastic?" You smile as he closes the door and walks ahead of you into the kitchen. "Have you added "predicting the future" to your long list of talents?"

The skeleton shakes his skull looking genuinely frustrated making your smile bigger. "SADLY NO, THOUGH THAT WOULD BE VERY COOL." He tells you as he goes to his fridge and begins searching for something.

"I JUST HAVE THIS FEELING TODAY WILL BE FANTASTIC." Roman explains, grabbing a carton of eggs from the fridge before closing the door. "HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS?"

You quickly shake your head with a humble smile, shaking your hand to show him you were fine. "Thank you but I'm alright."

"NONSENSE! THE BEST WAY TO START A FANTASTIC DAY IS TO HAVE A FANTASTIC BREAKFAST!" The skeleton insists, gesturing you to sit down at the dining table as he starts up the stove. "NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION."

You sigh before pulling up a chair, tossing your papers on the table as you begins to look over then once more. "Sunny side up. Over easy."

Roman nods with a hum before placing the carton on the kitchen counter and grabbing some eggs. You grab the papers you tossed and began to look over then as Papyrus begins to cook.

Now that you think about, you've never been inside of their house. You've known both Roman and Commander Edge for a long time but you've only interacted with them for work. It wasn't as weird as you thought it would be, in fact in took comfort with the skeleton cooking breakfast.

It was just, weird that you didn't feel weird.

Maybe it's because you're here for work. Yeah, that explains it! You're business focused today, you aren't relaxing. Roman is making you breakfast so you'll have energy, not because he's your friend!

Well, you two are somewhat friends. You cared about him a lot and he cares about you along with the Commander and the Captain. You considered all of them your friends - !

Friendship had nothing to do with anything right now!

You snap out of your thoughts rather quickly, getting back to your task at hand. Sir Blue's schedule was very laxed today, a meeting in the morning and then the rest of the day he would do paperwork and occasionally spoke with the King or other members of the Cabinet.

All you can hope is that it stays that way.

"HERE YOU GO!" You retain a neutral face as you look at the skeleton who places 2 eggs like you requested hot and ready in front of you with a fork.

It's just 2 fucking eggs but you haven't eaten in over 12 hours so they were fucking heaven.

You hide your excitement well, smiling at Roman as you pick up the fork and nod at him. "Thank you so much."


"No thank you." You shake your head while smiling gently. The skeleton seems content with your answer before he heads back to the fridge and grabs some more food.

You use the fork to cut part of the egg, with you take a bite of as you continue to review. It wasn't much, you will admit that, but again you never cared what you ate. Just as long as it wasn't your cooking.

As you eat, you hear another set of footsteps approach the kitchen. They were being dragged across the floor, this person obviously still groggy from the fact they had to wake up at 5am.

You could hear from here that they wore fluffy slippers, some sort of noise was made whenever this person stepping with them. You have several guesses to who is could be, but you'll only know for certain when you look up since they begin to get closer to the kitchen.

You glance up from your papers and smirk at this new surprise guest entering the room. He didn't seem to notice you right away which you're very thankful for while he yawns tiredly and scratches his butt. (Coccyx?)

"g'mornin' paps." The guest tiredly greeted, walking over to the fridge.

"GOOD MORNING RED!" Roman greeted back with enthusiasm.

You will never understand how he as so much.

Sir Red goes unfazed by the tallers loud voice as he opens the fridge, bending down to scan its contents before shaking his skull disappointedly and closing it.

"stretch up yet?" The shorter yawned, walking over to the seat in front of you. He still doesn't notice you as he places his skull on the table with his arms around it for comfort.

"HE WILL BE SOON." Roman answered as he placed some more cooked eggs onto a plate. "OH GENERAL, YOU HAVE TO TRY HIS COFFEE. IT'S JUST AMAZING."

You nod at the skeleton who looks back at you excitedly. "I'll think about it."

Sir Red lifts his head from the table slightly to look at Roman before he slowly turns to you, his eye lids(?) half closed. You pick up another piece of egg before waving at him and popping it into your mouth.

"Good morning." You greet the shorter calmly.

His eye sockets widen in both surprise and horror, shooting up from his sleeping pose rather quickly with his face flushes red. This causes the chair to lift up on its two back legs, and Sir Red nearly falls backwards before he tightly grips the table and pulls himself forwards.

"w-why the fuck are you here?!" He demands from you in frustration, pointing at you exaggeratedly. You shrug and place your eyes back to reading.

"Work." You simply reply, taking another bite of egg.

"then go to the fuckin' cas'le! not ma' damn house!" He lectures you as he snaps his fingers, a pair of pants falling into his hands. " 'm fuckin' naked you bitch!"

"HEY!" Roman snaps at Sir Red, turning in his direction with a frown and his bone-brows down. "NO NAME CALLING!"

"It's fine Roman." You assure him as you continue to read. "And I would hardly call ducky boxers and a dirty t-shirt naked."

Sir Red stops putting on his pants backwards as he turns into a tomato, Roman looking at his cousin before smiling brightly once again.

"YOU STILL WEAR THEM?" The taller asks excitedly, his eye sockets literally sparkling with anticipation.

How the fuck are they doing that?!

Sir Red's skull is now blinding your eyes as he pauses from putting on his pants, and looks away in embarrassment. "yeah, they're nice 'n breezy."

You suppress a giggle as he continues putting on pants.

Once Sir Red has them on, you finally glance up at him with a smirk. He looks back at you with annoyance, his skull finally having calmed down.

Having finished your food you place down the papers and grab your plate, getting up from the table. You stare at the sitting skeleton before deciding to say, "They're on backwards."

You smile before walking over to the sink right next to Roman, Sir Red noticing you were right and turning into a tomato once again. You hear him fumble to take them off as you begin to wash your dish.

"fuckin' cocky ass bitch - "


Sir Red groans before he mumbles an apology and slips on his pants. He sits back down at the table with a frown, before his eye sockets land on your papers across from him. Shrugging, he grabs them just as you place your dish on a nearby rack and turn around to see him reading it.

"...stars, 'course they hired you." He grumbles frustratedly as he hands you back the papers. You take them wordless sitting back down in the chair, glancing at the clock that read 5:00.

Roman slides a plate of more eggs on the table along with a plate in front of Sir Red with a fork. The shorter mumbles a thank you as he snaps his fingers and uses magic to lift some onto said plate.

The quiet from earlier settles in once again as Sir Red begins eating. Roman begins to cook some bacon next, placing the pan he used for the eggs to the side to cook off.

After a while, you decide you've memorized Sir Blue schedule and stand up from the table with papers in hand. Sir Red glances up at you as you walk over to the side of a wall before standing straight. You fold your arms behind your back with your papers as you make eye contact with the skeleton.

"what'ca doin'?"

"It feels rude to be sitting when everyone wakes up." You explain calmly to the short, who scoffs at you and points with his fork.

"since when are ya' nev'a rude?" He asks you sarcastically, cutting more of his eggs and putting them into his mouth.

"I'll stop being rude whenever you pull an actual brain out of your coccyx - "

"THAT APPLYS TO YOU TOO GENERAL!" You tense up slightly at Roman but nod nonetheless.

"I wouldn't say it was name calling - "


You simply nod at him while Sir Red frowns and continues to eat.

You wouldn't say you hate Sir Red, in fact you respected him more than anything. He was the Kingdom's Deputy Advisor, which meant he supervised what is being said to the public from a political standpoint as well as what the Royal Family or Ambassadors do and say.

He was good at what he did. Sure, he came off as a slob who probably hates the sun and smiles and sits on his ass (if he had one) 24/7, but he knew what needed to be said or done at the right time.

With that being said, he's also a pain in your ass (which you have.)

The man is a slob, the biggest one you've ever seen. He leaves his trash all over the place and smells like absolute shit. His clothes are washed every single day but they smell horrible once he puts them on.

That's literally just his BO! He doesn't even have a body!

Then he's also super annoying. Like, insanely annoying you don't know why he even tries. Whenever he's around, he does just the most weirdest shit and he attempts to bother you whenever he sees you to get a reaction.

So yeah, you don't hate him.

But if he was somewhere, you wanted to be at least 20 feet away from there.


Roman's voice snaps you back to the present and you look up at entryway where your Commanding Officer stands -

Shirtless you may add.

His rib cage wasn't that different from a humans, it was just slightly more, pronounced, which is the best way you can describe it.

He looked exhausted and obviously still very groggy, similar to his brother before, and he doesn't seem to notice right away like him as well.

"Morning Nitwit." The Commander grumbles tiredly. "Brother."

"sup boss." Sir Red greets him, standing up from his seat and heading to the sink with his plate.

"Good Morning Gen - GENERAL?!" Your Superior finally notices you out of the corner of his eye socket, his skull turning bright orange.

...You knew you were invisible but this was a whole new level.

You plaster a soft smile on your face and nod. "Good morning Commander."

"W-WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" He demand from you, using both his arms in attempt to cover up  his rib cage (it didn't.)

"For Sir Blue, Commander." You answer calmly.  "I've been hired as his bodyguard for his upcoming trip to Enio."

Commander Edge looked dumbfounded as he processed your words, before groaning loudly in despair, turning to Papyrus with annoyance. "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS YOU NITWIT?"

"OF COURSE!" Roman chirped proudly. "I RECOMMENDED HER MYSELF!"

"Did you now?" You inquire the skeleton, this being new information.


You chuckle and continue to smile at Papyrus, Commander Edge having given up on covering himself as he sits down at the table. "Can't argue with logic."

"IT'S NOT LOGIC, IT'S FAVORITISM." Commander Edge grumbles distastefully.

It's more pity than favoritism.

"SHE IS THE BEST EDGE AND YOU KNOW IT." Roman talks about, having finished the bacon which he placed on the table next to eggs. "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS."

"Those are very heavy words Papyrus." You playfully tease. "Be sure not to rattle him up like last time."

A yawn comes from behind you. "what happened last time?" A fifth voice asks groggily.

You and the three other skeletons in the room turn to the entryway once again to find Sir Marsh, wearing nothing but a blue open jacket, sweatpants, and fluffy pink slippers.

Two shirtless guys in one day, you're either just lucky or crossing 20 lines of common curtesy.

"REMEMBER WHEN WE ASKED GREEN TO GIVE US SOME TAX MONEY FOR THE MANOR?" Roman informed his brother, Red standing next to him washing his plate. "THAT WAS LAST TIME."

"oh yeah, didn't 'dyne make a lecture 'bout that - " Sir Marsh cuts himself off, his eye sockets landing on you, his skull dusting a light blue as he stands frozen.

"You're not the first person to not see me right away, it's completely fine." You nod your head as a gesture of respect. "I'm sorry if I'm here on such short notice. Coming to my clients place of residency is part of my job so don't mind me."

Sir Marsh continues his pause for a beat before he chuckles. "i don't mind you being here for work." He claims, shoving his hands into his pockets as he steals a glance at the other skeletons in the room. "i mind the fact i'm half-naked and we haven't been on a first date yet."

You feel a lump in your throat rise up at his comment as you force your face to remain the same. The others on the other hand snap their skulls towards Sir Marsh, Commander Edge looking absolutely pissed which Sir Red and Papyrus look somewhat shocked and surprise.

...okay, what the actual fuck was he doing?

No, like seriously, what the fuck?

You played along yesterday because he was your Superior who helped you out. You humored him, let him do what he wanted, hell, he flirted with you of all the things he could've done and he still wants to play that card?

No one flirts with you! No one even talks to you outside of work. Jane and Micheal don't count, you've know them for years! You met this dude yesterday!


Was he doing this to mess with you? Get a reaction out of your constant bitch face? Play with your feelings? You almost laugh out loud at the thought he'd want to actually sleep with you.

"MARSH!" Roman gasps exasperatedly. "YOU DON'T JUST SAY THAT!"

"Y-YEAH!" Commander Edge jumps in, standing up from the table, holding his fist out determinedly. "YOU DON'T JUST HIT ON MY FFFFIRCEST ASSEST LIKE THAT!"

See, not a friend.

Also, thank you Roman for being the only other person with common sense like always.

The skeleton hums in agreement with his scarier doppelgänger. "THAT'S RIGHT! YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THE MANUAL FIRST!"

"EXACTLY - " Commander Edge starts off his agreement but cuts himself off and pauses for a hot second.

"...I'm Sorry, What?"

"yea', what?" Sir Red jumps in after so long of staying quiet

Yeah, what?

"LUCKY FOR YOU, I ALWAYS HAVE IT HANDY!" Roman chirps, leaning on the counter behind him as he snapped his skeletal fingers, a flash of orange dropping a pink book into his hands. "WE CAN REVIEW THIS AT DINNER TONIGHT."

"solid plan as always bro." Sir Sans compliments the taller with a wink, teleporting to a seat next to Commander Edge before sitting.

Oh right, they can teleport -


"THAT IS NOT A SOLID PLAN!" Your Commander argues angrily, slamming his hands on the table and pointing at the monster next to him. "YOU DON'T JUST SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO SOMEONE SO CASUALLY!"

"y-yea." Sir Red jumps in, obviously uncomfortable. "b'asides, she's way outta ya' league."

"I mean, at least he gets to play." You jump in without hesitation, Sir Marsh suddenly holding back a massive fit of giggles while Sir Red frowns in annoyance.

"go ta' hell ya' fuckin' crazy - "

"damn, what crawled up your imaginary ass and died today?" Another voice drops in a more joking manner.

Oh my god, how many skeletons live in this fucking house?!

"GOOD MORNING STRETCH!" Papyrus greets his look-alike cousin, who tiredly waves in return.

"g'morning paps - oh shit." Sir Stretch begins but he cuts himself off as he looks in your direction.

"uhhhh..." His eye sockets widen in surprise for a quick second before he snaps his fingers and points to you. " - General [L/N] right?"

You nod at the Advisor, offering your hand for him to shake. "Miss [Y/N] is suitable, but thank you."

He's the first person to notice you right away, good on him!

"I heard about your famous coffee Sir." You say with a friendly smile as he takes your hand. "It sounds very delicious."

"nyeh, thanks." He smiles back at you, pulling his hand away seeming somewhat awkward. "you, uhhhh, wanna try some?"

"Oh no, that's completely fine - "

"sweet'art, trust me." Sir Red advises in a cautionary tone, teleporting(!?) next to you and placing a hand on your shoulder. "if ya' gonna babysit berry, ya' gonna need a good cup of coffee."

You turn your head in Sir Red's direction, face straight flat and staring back at his somewhat tired and bored expression.


"First off, you've known me long enough to know if you ever called me sweetheart with that foul tongue of yours again, I'd kick your pathetic ass all the way to London." You state informatively, a variety for expressions scattered throughout the room but Sir Red stays unamused.

"Second, I wasn't asking for your opinion. I've once made a trip all the way across the country without a wink of sleep with a crying baby and three cranky pregnant women so watching over Sir Blue for 2 weeks will be easier then getting you to shower." Commander Edge smirks at your remarks, while Roman frowns in annoyance but doesn't jump in.

"Lastly, I'm not a personal fan of coffee." You state calmly. "No matter what, it tastes overly bitter. So I don't want a cup." Your turn to Sir Stretch and put a smile back on your face as if you weren't totally pissed. "And while I'm sure you coffee lives up to it's expectations, I am completely fine with a glass of water that I can get when I'd like."

"So thank you, but I must decline." You nod your head in respect at the taller before turning back to Sir Red, your smile now back to an annoyed frown. "And as for you, don't call me that ever again and mind your own damn business." You warn the shorter, who's expression still remains unchanged.

"Is that clear, Sir?"

The skeleton says nothing for a while, however it feels like an eternity to your anxiety. It begins to build up again as you calm down from your outburst.


You're being judged.

You can feel it.

You can feel Roman's disappointment, you can feel Sir Red's irritating as he just continues to stare into your eyes, you can  feel the Commander amusement of making a complete fool of yourself in front of the others -

Oh my god, the others.

Sir Marsh CHECKed you yesterday, but that's a completely different thing from judging. He's judging you, and he's judging you hard.

You feel it more intensely this time.

You can feel his surprise and shock, and the disgust he feels at your behavior towards his cousin. How dare you speak to him like that? He'll back off with the flirting now at least.

Then Sir Stretch -

You feel his eye sockets just burn into the back of your head. You can feel his disappointment at now having you watch over his brother. You acted out of line, he won't want you on the job anymore after this.

He'll probably tell Captain Undyne, maybe both him and Sir Marsh. You can already predict her disappointment in you. You chose you specifically and getting fired on the first day here, your first day back just makes your stomach twist and turn in anxiety.

That all your good for huh?

Disappointing people?

'You really are pathetic.'


"...crystal general mcbitchington." Sir Red replies after an eternity.

"GODDAMNIT RED, THAT'S THE THIRD TIME!" Roman groans in disappointment at the shorter.

"THAT WASN'T EVEN A GOOD INSULT!" Commander Edge jumped in, sitting back down as he's obviously now relaxed. "YOU GOT TO HIT CLOSE TO HOME."


"WHAT?" Edge asks with a teasing smile towards his cousin. "SHE CAN TAKE IT, ISN'T THAT RIGHT GENERAL."

...He knew what he was doing.

"Oh course Commander."

You'll thank him later.

"SEE." He gestures to you to prove his point. "IF SHE CAN'T THEN SHE ISN'T THE BEST."

"And like you said Roman, I am the best." You chuckle, ignoring the d̶i̶s̶g̶u̶s̶t̶e̶d̶ stare coming from Sir Sans.

Roman frowns and points his skeletal finger at you ready to lecture. "USING MY WORDS AGAINST ME IS EVIL."

"But they're right." You shoot back with a soft smile.

"i can't deal with this much cheerfulness in the mornin'." Grumbles Sir Red, pinching the bridge of where his nose should be, most likely having a headache.

"Good." You nod, still smiling. "Maybe it'll rub off on you."

"god, i hate ya' so much." Sir Red grumbles, and you continue to smile as you ignore the sting his words have.

"That's lovely." You nod towards the Advisor before turning your head towards Sir Stretch, who tenses as you make eye contact and his cheekbones turn a bright orange. "Do you know when your brother will wake up?"

His eye sockets widen slightly before he seems to grab ahold of himself, shoving his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants. "uhhhh, soon probably."

Wow, so helpful.

You resist the urge to roll your eyes as you nod. "Duly noted. Roman made some eggs and bacon if you're hungry."

The Advisor puts on a nervous smile and rapidly nods. "y-yeah, sounds nice."

"HERE'S YOUR PLATE!" The skeleton jumps in, sliding a plate of food across the table which he caught rather quickly before sitting across from Edge.

"wha - make meh' coffee first!" Sir Red demanded as Sir Stretch began to eat.

"you know i always make it after eating."

"ya' not the one who stayed up 'til 2 am."

"no, i stayed up 'til 3 'cause blue wouldn't shut up about today."

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH TODAY?" Roman jumps in sitting down next to his brother, placing a plate of food in front of the Advisor who says a thank you.


"nothing." Sir Stretch answers. "he's excited actually."

"the hell would he be excited about?" Sir Red asks, shoving more eggs in his mouth.

"her." Sir Stretch replied, pointing to you.

"her?" Sir Red asks skeptically.


"thought he didn't want her." Sir Marsh joins in after a while.

"well, he did, but then he began to think of her as a new friend and he, made things."

"THAT'S NOT SUSPICIOUS." Commander Edge remarks sarcastically with a chuckle.

"nothing weird, it's just like, get to know you better questions and he even wants to go to that cafe he likes for lunch."

"aaannnnnnnd it's all for her?" Sir Red asks, gesturing to you.

"yep." Sir Stretch answers, popping the "p."


Yeah, you agree with Sir Red. Why?

...that's something you'd never thought you'd say.


Okay, please for the love of god let this be the last one.

You all turn to the entrance of the kitchen to find Sir Blue, already dressed up and carrying a folder and some flash cards under his arms with the brightest smile you've ever seen.

Damn, Sir Red was right. You can't deal with this much enthusiasm in the morning.

...these skeletons were changing you and it's been less than a day, what the actual fuck -

"Good morning Sir." You greet your client with a patient smile, who looks at with slightly widened eye sockets but he somehow smiles almost brighter.


"Just Miss [Y/N] is fine thank you." You correct him politely before gesturing to the table. "Roman made eggs and bacon if you're hungry."


"No, I had something to eat before you woke up. Thank you though." You nod again as he nods at you before walking over to the kitchen counter and setting up his plate.


You pretend to ponder, not wanting to reveal the fact you're tired as hell and want to cry for an hour. "I did some research before heading to bed, than woke up and come here."

"BUT IT'S 5 AM?" Sir Blue questions as he takes the last free seat at the dining table. "ARE YOU NOT TIRED?" He gasps as he realizes something." YOU SHOULD TRY SOME OF PAPY'S COFFEE! I'M NOT A VERY BIG FAN BUT IT JUST WORKS WONDERS!"

You chuckle at his wonder like attitude but shake your head. "I have heard, but I'm alright. I've already told Sir Stretch I am not a personal fan. As for my sleep schedule, I usually go to bed early but I thank your concern."

Roman and Commander Edge slightly frown but continue eating while Sir Blue nods nods at your answer before he begins eating.

Everything then returns to a peaceful silence. Some of them make some small talk but overall, the room is quiet. Domestic even.

It's nice.

You smile to yourself as you watch the skeletons before your turn back to your folder to do some reading.

...aka, making yourself look busy so so you don't feel awkward and left out in a strangers house.

Maybe going over Sir Blue's schedule will help you!

You flip through the papers of the folder and reread the information, becoming bored at reading it again. You hold back a frown before opting to just stand there all "professionally," holding the folder in your lap and looked straight ahead.

...wait, is that even the proper phrasing?

You're standing up straight, and your folding is flat against your thighs. That normally the lap area of your legs.

But you're standing.

People refer to laps when they're sitting, their legs set up horizontally and flat. Does that count if the legs are vertical too? Or does a lap just not exist anymore when you stand up?

Maybe you can ask Micheal. You'd probably get kick out of him either getting annoyed or being genuinely as confused as you.

You fail to hold back a smile at the thought of bothering Micheal. It'd be insanely funny because that's his thing. Cheering you up when he doesn't even try.

Him and Jane's thing anyway.

...okay, maybe him, Jane and Peter.

He was just so cute and adorable - ohhh! And he does this thing where he tries to speak and he says syllables instead and it's literally the cutest thing ever -

"stop lookin' stupid."

Your thoughts break away from Peter when you turn to Sir Red and you smile quickly drops to a frown. He looks at you with the same expression and he gathers the attention of everyone else at the table.


"Pardon?" You inquire the skeleton, holding back the urge to sound annoyed.

"ya' stupid smile is creepy as fuck, stop doing' that."

Roman sighs and rubs his skull (face) with both his hands as he lets out a groan. "RED, WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS."

"what, it freaks meh' out!" Sir Red claims as his defense. "she's just starin' atta' wall for no fuckin' reason?"

"Oh, so you'd rather have me breathing down your neck 24/7?" You ask, failing to hide a hint of sarcasm.

Sir Red scoffs. "fuck nah' you have an ugly ass face and ya' breath smells like onions."

...okay, that one actually kinda hurt.

He's not wrong but that was a low fucking blow dude.

"THAT'S IT!" Commander Edge snapped, slamming his fists on the table and pointed to his brother dramatically. "IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE AND STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH, THEN I BAN YOU FROM BREAKFAST."

"ya' bannin' meh' from breakfast?" Sir Red scoffed again, leaning back into his chair and crossing his arms. "for makin' a joke?"

You resist the urge to scoff. Typical excuse from someone like him.


"oh my god, 'm so scared!" Sir Red exclaimed sarcastically, Roman sighing tiredly to the side and Commander Edge beginning to grow angry. "my younger brother is makin' leave, boo hoo!"

"Why Are You Always Like This - " The Commander grumbled. "APOLOGIZE OR LEAVE!"

The Advisor leaned back into his chair with a scoff, crossing his arms as he made eye(?) contact with his brother. No one at the table dared to move a metaphorical muscle, not even you, out of pure curiosity and slightly fear.

Sir Red then turned his head and looked at you. He made eye contact with you too, and you could practically feel the hatred he felt towards you. It's not a new feeling, but you do feel extremely uncomfortable.

Not that he's know. You're not giving him that satisfaction.

Suddenly the skeleton rolls his eye lights and makes a quiet "tsk" noice, before standing from the table. He doesn't move to grab his plate as he swiftly leaves the room.

"fuck this bullshit." You hear him mumbles as he passes you towards the stairs. His footsteps become distance after a while and you soon turn back to the table to observe the others.

Commander Edge has sit back down, pinching the bridge of his nose while groaning tiredly. Roman awkward drinks a glass of water that you didn't see him get, clearly just as uncomfortable as you. Sir Sans meanwhile seems annoyed of all things, tapping his fork between two of his fingers and looked at his plate with a frown.

Sir Stretch and Blue just sit in their chairs, somewhat stiff and on edge. They weren't used to this like you were, you're assuming that anyway so their uncomfortableness was valid.

A very long minute goes by and nothing happens. Sir Red continues to be upstairs, probably jerking off or something to make his room more dirty than you can assume it is. Sir Blue gets back to eating so Sir Stretch and and Sir Sans follow suit. Commander Edge doesn't touch his food, instead tapping his foot impatiently while Roman moves his food around unsure of what to do.

...would now be a good time to say something?

Like, change the atmosphere of the room or whatever?

That's what people do when things are weird, right?

Oh fuck, would that be professional?

No, it wouldn't.


...just play it off as something casual!

Yeah, that's not weird!

Okay, so just compliment them or something!

Say something about their house! Normal people like to talk about their houses right?

"...You all have a lovely house."

Fuck yeah, you just did social interaction!

Some glance up at you while others turn their heads, Roman being one of those people. Whatever he was feeling before seemingly washed away, and he smiled brightly at your compliment.


"Did you now?" You asked while attempting to seem more casual and proper.

Roman nods and opens his jaw to speak again but Sir Blue cuts him off eagerly. "YEAH, WE DID! WE BOUGHT SOME NEW CLOCKS BECAUSE MOST OF THES WE HAD WERE BROKEN!" He informs you. "WE ALSO ORDERED A BUNCH OF NEW APPLIANCES AND INSTALLED THEM LAST WEEK!"

"oh my stars, that dishwasher?" Sir Marsh joined in, Roman watching blankly for a quick beat before smiling contently. "fucking lifesaver, i love that thing."

"YOU DON'T EVEN WASH THE DISHES." Commander Edge points out.

"ohhh, we also bought this new vacuum." Now Sir Stretch joined in with a chuckle. "takes you like five minutes to clean the living room. it's awesome."

"YOU'VE NEVER EVEN TOUCHED A VACCUM!" The Commander exclaimed.

"but you have." Sir Stretch chuckles. "and you get it done in five minutes."


"edge, that's his job." Sir Marsh chuckles, the Commander frowned at the reminder.


Sir Stretch scoffed at the accusation, putting a challenging smirk on his skull. "i will have you know that i'm excitement at my job."

"I would hope so, or otherwise you wouldn't have it."

Commander Edge glares at you with annoyance as Sir Marsh snickers at your comment and Sir Stretch smirks with pride. You feel like you should take it back, but Commander Edge sighs before you can and continues to eat.

"i like her." Sir Stretch comments, looking at you with a smile. You can't help but smile back in return, and nod as a response.

"I like me too."

Continuar a ler

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