The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK fea...

By -eatseokjins

71K 2.6K 1.3K

A sequel to The Mediator. Wendy has now ended her Year One as a Physiotherapy student and once again, she's... More

Chapter 1: Seoul I'm back!
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: JYP Family
Chapter 4: The Fair Game
Chapter 5: Together forever?
Chapter 6: The Fair Game 2
Chapter 7: Mixed feelings
Chapter 8: Eodiga?
Chapter 10: The Tuan Family
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: What's the truth?
Chapter 13: Let the game begin
Chapter 14: The Climb
Chapter 15: Denial & Mind blown
Chapter 16: Hide and seek
Chapter 17: The Date
Chapter 18: Goodbye
Chapter 19: Healing
Chapter 20: Fly with Peter Pan
Chapter 21: Homeshare
Chapter 22: Status Quo
Chapter 24: Runaway Groom
Chapter 25: Unraveling the truth
Chapter 26: Save my friend
Chapter 27: Back to square one
Chapter 28: On hiatus
Chapter 29: We are One
Chapter 30: Jane
Author's note
New story: Seoulmate

Chapter 23: Too good to be true

2.1K 77 50
By -eatseokjins


By day, COFFEE TERIOR is the colour of supermarket potatoes, it has that classic look, and the jazz pours out of the open doors along with the aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

But now that it's almost tomorrow and the light of the day has been replaced by the unrelenting blackness of the night, the frontage is as grey as the smooth concrete sidewalk at my feet.

I took in a deep breath, sucking in the air that carries a hint of dampness.

Wendy had just called me a moment ago and she specifically told me to meet her here, at around 12. Although I had a quirky feeling by this sudden request of hers, part of me was also worried and suspecting if she had had another argument with Mark hyung.

I checked the time on my watch, it's already 11:58pm and yet, there was not a single sight of her. I shivered in the dark, cold night and rubbed my hands for some heat.

She better have a spare key to COFFEE TERIOR. I'm so not going to entertain her out here in the cold.

Just as I was mumbling to myself, a sack was suddenly thrown over my head and I could feel a few people trying to bring me somewhere.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! LET GO OF ME! HELP ME! HELP ME~!", I yelled out loud, my voice penetrating through the quiet night and I struggled to get off from their grip.

However, those group of people were too strong for me. All I could figure out next was that I was then seated onto a chair.

And then, I heard her voice.


It was Wendy.

"DAMN! You guys got her too?!", a bead of perspiration trickled down from my forehead.

"Who are you? Are you guys saesang fans? If you are, I'm telling you that this is not funny at all~ LET GO OF US RIGHT NOW!", I shouted again.

Then stupidly, it took me sometime to realize that my hands weren't even tied up. Quickly pulling off the sack from my head, my eyes were literally bulging out when I saw those familiar faces in front of me.

"SAENG-IL CHUKHA HABNIDA, JACKSON!", all of them chorused at the same time.

GOT7, BTS, 15&, Miss A, Henry, Amber and my fellow ROOMMATE housemates were all present there and they soon proceeded on to sing me a birthday song.

Right after they end, Wendy, whom I had once assumed was abducted by them like me, was surprisingly walking towards me with a cake in her hands.

"Come on Jackson, make a wish and blow those candles before it goes off."

Although I have yet to recover from the shock of this surprise party, I still did what I was told.

Clasping my hands together, I made three wishes in my mind.

1. For my family and friends to stay healthy as always

2. For GOT7 to be even successful and well known

3. For me to find my special someone soon

Then, I opened my eyes with a bright smile flickering across my face.

Puckering up my lips, I gave a gentle blow and the fire on the candles then went out.

"YAYYYY HAPPY 21ST JACKSON!", everyone cheered again and I could soon find tears welling up in my eyes.

"Thank you guys", I bowed at them all,

"Jinjjya jeongmal gomawoyo!"


While one side was having a celebration in the middle of the night, this girl here was secretly meeting someone in a dark alley.

"You've got what I want?"

"Yes of course sweetie", the guy tried to caress her face but she managed to back off in time.

"Then hand them to me."

"Not if you pay me first~", he continued teasing and the girl soon brought out an envelope.

Licking his fingers before counting the amount of money in it, the grin on the guy's face soon grew wider when he realised that she had given him more than enough.

"Wow that's so kind of you", he waved the bills at her and threw her a smirk.

Then, gesturing for his other friend at the back to come forward, he took over the small bag and threw it towards the girl.

"Be careful with that girl, it may ruin your life", he didn't forget to warn her. In his eyes, this girl still looked quite young and he thought that it would actually be a waste for her to be involved in this right at this age.

However, the girl only stared coldly at him before asking him one more question.

"Can I trust you?"

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Of course, throughout the years, how many celebrities have actually looked him up and met him secretly for this deal? Tons of them!

Smirking in triumph, he then replied the girl,

"Duh~ You can always count on me."



COFFEE TERIOR is bustling with joy right now, with everyone here to celebrate Jackson's birthday.

A few hours back, Youngji had called us up to share with us this plan of hers and we were all more than eager to take part.

It was fun watching Jackson being tricked by us but on the other hand, touching as well, when we watched him shedding tears for us. I didn't know that he had such a soft spot there when it comes to family and friends.

"LOL, it's time to taste our master piece now", Mark came up to me and handed me a slice of cake.

It was the one we had baked at the cake shop and I sure hope that it's edible even though we spent most of our time fooling around there.

As we each took a bite, our eyes widened and looked at each other just about the same time.

"DAEBAK!", our words synchronized with each other's and we both broke into fits of laughter.

"What's so funny here?", Jackson soon joined us and asked curiously.

"Anyway, the cake is really delicious!"

"That's the point!", I giggled.

"Wendy and I made them! Of course it would be!", Mark gave Jackson's back a slap which made him spit out the rest of his cake.

"Oh my god! You sure you didn't add anything funny in there?", he cocked his head up and raised an eyebrow.

"That, I'm not too sure", I said with a smile and then positioned his head to face a certain direction.

"Thanks for your compliment, but I think you might wanna check them out now."

Youngji and Bambam were flirting at one corner and I could tell from Jackson's face that he wasn't feeling really happy about this.

"Those two! I did remember warning them to draw a line between their skinship in Roommate but they never listen uh...", I clearly heard him muttering under his breath.

Yet, he acted as if there was nothing wrong as he then excused himself from us.

"That bro. He never figures out his own feelings although he keep teaching people how to", Mark chuckled while playing with my hair.

"Anyway, what are we going to do tomorrow? More dates?"

I pretended to sigh at his question.

"Oh please, I hope not. I'm kind of sick of you now...", I said jokingly.

He flicked my forehead, with his other hand placed on his hips.

"Hey, how could you say that? This symbolizes our real married life in future!"

"And who says that I'm getting married to you?", I stretched out my arm and tried to distance myself away from him.

"Don't forget, I have yet to forgive you...", I then reminded him.

Mark had a confused look all over his face now and he pursed his lips in thought.

"Huh? But I thought you kissed me?"

Oh, he meant the one which I gave him at the kitchen? That was just one time which I really couldn't resist.

"So? What if I tell you that the kiss didn't mean anything?", I decided to play along with him.

But he managed to snake his arm around my waist and brought me towards his chest.

"Then this better mean something."

His lips pressed onto mine within a second and I could feel him grinning between the kiss.

*cough cough*

We separated from each other following the cough and we found Jin standing in front of us.

"Sorry, I would like to borrow them out for awhile for some personal matters. Do you guys mind not tagging along?", he asked the VJs before leading us out of the cafe.

Once we stepped out, Mark asked him almost immediately.

"Hyung, what's the matter?"

I watched him and nodded my head towards Mark's question.

Jin wasn't looking too good as he held a solemn look on his face.

"Jessica, she's back."


In the blink of an eye, three weeks have passed and this marks the last week of our WGM filming and of my stay here in Korea. In just seven more days, I will be leaving for Singapore again.

For the past few weeks, Mark and I have successfully completed all of our missions, which were mainly going out on dates, doing what couples usually does, except for one when Song II Gook sunbaenim turned up at our house.

Oh my, that was definitely a day I couldn't forget.

There was chaos everywhere and it was a really hectic day for both Mark and I as we had a hard time baby sitting the triplets - Daehan, Minkgook and Manse.

"DAEHAN-A~", I shouted.

"MINGOOK-A~", then it was Mark's turn.

"MANSE-A~!", and both of us together.

Phew, I remembered that our voices got hoarse after that 48 hours with them.

"Let's not get triplets in future. One or two will probably be enough", that was the lesson which Mark had learnt from that day itself and he told me this worry right away.

I simply laughed it off.

However, everything was just flowing so smoothly and there was this one thing which surprises us.

Like what Jin had told us, Jessica had returned, which I then confirmed with Yerin and Jimin.

They told me that she acted normal as if she had given everything a thought and that she was all focused in her trainings lately. After trainings, she would just head back to the dorm and lock herself in there.

Jimin was even complaining that she didn't even had the chance to fight with her which left me laughing my head off.

But really, jinjjya dahaenghida.

I hope that everything will just stay like this, like now.

Mark was holding me in his chest as I snuggled close to him on the bed.

It was already in the night and the two of us were preparing to sleep.

Placing a soft kiss on my forehead, Mark then whispered into my ears.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we will be having our wedding photoshoot for WGM tomorrow night. Ah, and that probably explains why my heart had been thumping so fast since a few hours back.

I must be really nervous.

Shifting myself a bit, I soon find myself laying on top of Mark's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

'Lub dub Lub dub Lub dub~'

It was beating very fast too and a noisy, gleeful laugh then escaped from my mouth.

"Oppa, you are nervous right?"

He flinched at my words but he've got to admit that.

"Of course", he ruffled my hair,

"This is my once in a lifetime experience."

I raised my eyebrow at his words.

"You mean that there won't be second?"

"Yeah...", he pouted but then his head soon shot up.

"Wait", his eyes glistened with joy.

"Unless you are saying that you agree to get married with me in future!"

I smacked his head.

"Dream on!"

That was what I had said to him in reply, but in my heart, it has always been a 'Yes'.


The next morning when I woke up, I felt an empty spot next to mine.

Rubbing my eyes and slapping my face to wake myself up entirely, my eyes then darted to a piece of memo which was left on the table.


GOT7 and I have some schedule on for today so I won't be able to accompany you for the day. However, I will make it up to you. Remember to turn on the radio and tune in to XX channel at 6pm sharp! Don't forget! And also, after that, I will meet you at the studio for our wedding shoots straight away in the night! I will miss you and I can't wait to see you in the snowy white gown already!

Love you,


I couldn't help but smile at the sweet note which he had left for me. I wonder what's installed for me in the evening.

It better be something good.



After finishing off with the housework, I plonked down onto the sofa and turned on the radio.

"Yeoreoboon, thank you for tuning in to Radio Star today! It's me, Kyuhyun from Super Junior! And today, we have a few guests here. Let's all welcome GOT7!"

"COME AND GET IT! GOT7! Annyeonghaseyo GOT7 ibnida!"

I heard the boys' greetings through the audio.

"Okay, let's see what we have here for today", Kyuhyun oppa then cleared his throat.

"Hmm... It seems here that something had been arranged beforehand for today's show uh... Mark-ssi, care to share with us what's the special occasion for today?"

Then, I heard Mark's voice speaking into system.

"Erm. Wendy-ssi, can you hear me?"

There were muffles in the background and I could make out JB's voice saying something.

"Pabo-yah! Of course she can if she remembers to tune in! Besides, everyone can hear what you say up here!"

"Oh right", Mark said senselessly which made me laugh in the quiet living room all by myself.

After which, he continued.

"Wendy-ssi, do you remember what day is today?"

I immediately looked up at the calendar on the wall.

15 May 2015.

"It's 15 May 2015, which marks a year since we have known each other. So, I can actually refer this to as our one year anniversary?", he let out a soft chuckle as he said that.

"Wendy-ssi, I just want to let you know that it is really my pleasure to have met you in my life. Although there were ups and down during the process, I'm really glad that you were still willing to fly along with me. I love you, and I promise that I will take even good care of you in future", he paused for a while.

"And to all fans out there. Thank you for your never ending support towards the both of us and I love you guys too! Thank you for making 'We Got Married' a success and we promise never to disappoint you guys. We will stay strong as one. And with that, GOT7 would like to dedicate this song to all of you out there, especially to you jagiya~", he didn't forget to emphasize that word,

"Yeoreoboon, this is GOT7 here with the song, 'Forever Young'."

Forever Young Shawty Forever Young
Forever Young Shawty Forever Young
Forever Young Shawty Forever Young
Your eyes that saw me for the first time
In them, I saw a number of stars
They were following me in a funny way that day
So, why, on that day...

...Couldn't I forget about you, in that moment
The day the shining you, came towards me
To me you're the Best of the Best no one I ever had
I'll give you a gift, So I won't regret

Miss you I really miss you
If you're still not bored of me I'll sing a song for you
Turn the radio o-o-on
Turn the radio o-o-on

Miss you I really miss you
So that you'll be able to think of me, I'll sing for you
Turn the radio o-o-on
Turn the radio o-o-on
Cuz I wanna be

Forever young this moment that's just ours
Forever young I don't want to let itget away
Forever young woo baby
Woo woo baby woo woo baby
Cuz I wanna be
Forever young you and I, just as we are
Forever young even if time passes by
Forever young woo baby
Woo woo baby woo woo baby
Forever you're my shawty

Forever you're my shawty
Place me in your heart the way the night keeps the stars
With your eyes, and your smile
They melt me, and make me more excited

Come to me just like that and
Feel me and this beautiful night
Hey shawty I wanna be with you forever young
No matter how I look at it you're ma baby girl

Miss you I really miss you
If you're still not bored of me I'll sing a song for you
Turn the radio o-o-on
Turn the radio o-o-on

Miss you I really miss you
So that you'll be able to think of me, I'll sing for you
Turn the radio o-o-on
Turn the radio o-o-on
Cuz I wanna be

Forever young this moment that's just ours
Forever young I don't want to let itget away
Forever young woo baby
Woo woo baby woo woo baby
Cuz I wanna be
Forever young you and I, just as we are
Forever young even if time passes by
Forever young woo baby
Woo woo baby woo woo baby
Forever you're my shawty

Listen to me baby
Can you hear my heart that says it loves you?
Embrace my sincerity towards you
Just be my side, just like this

Forever young shawty forever young (uh)
Forever young shawty forever young (come on)
Forever young shawty forever young (uh)
Forever young shawty Cause I wanna be

Forever young this moment that's just ours
Forever young I don't want to let itget away
Forever young woo baby
Woo woo baby woo woo baby
Cuz I wanna be
Forever young you and I, just as we are
Forever young even if time passes by
Forever young woo baby
Woo woo baby woo woo baby
Forever you're my shawty

And that marks the end of the song.

Tears were welling up in my eyes as our past memories flashed through my mind.

True enough, Mark and I have really been through a lot to be together up till this day and it was now then I realized how much he actually meant to me and the same of me to him.

Getting myself a piece of tissue from the table to wipe away my tears of joy, it was then my phone vibrated.

The screen revealed to be a text from Mark.

From: Mark oppa

Jagiya~ I hope that that was a pleasant surprise for you! And don't forget about our very important date tonight! 8pm sharp at the studio alright? I will be finishing off with here shortly so, see you soon! <3

A smile was plastered on my face.

Then typing fast on my phone, I replied him.

To: Mark oppa

Thank you for all your love oppa! I was really touched just now listening to you on the radio. Don't you worry, I will be heading to the studio as soon as I change out of my dirty clothes. I won't escape this time. See you too and saranghaeyo! :3



"Okay guys! Good job there! We've wrapped up for today!", Kyuhyun hyung announced and then came walking towards me.

"And all the best for your wedding shoot later Mark-ssi!"

"Thanks hyung!"

Fishing out my phone from my pocket, I checked if Wendy had seen and replied to my message previously.

Fortunately, she did.

From: Wendy

Thank you for all your love oppa! I was really touched just now listening to you on the radio. Don't you worry, I will be heading to the studio as soon as I change out of my dirty clothes. I won't escape this time. See you too and saranghaeyo! :3

The message read and my heart tingled with joy at her reply.

Today can't just get any better, I thought to myself as I started packing up.

It was then my phone started ringing.

Assuming that it was Wendy calling, I picked it up after the first ring.

"Jagiya~", I sang happily into the phone, but my face soon fell when I heard the voice of the person on the other line.

"Why are you calling?", I asked in a serious tone.



Initially, I heard Mark hyung whistling to a happy tune as he started packing up his stuffs.

He must be really happy to be meeting up with Wendy noona soon, I smiled at the thought.

However, I soon overheard him on the phone.

"Why are you calling?", his face then turned serious and after that, he was already leaving us hurriedly.

"Hyung, where do you think you are going?", I grabbed hold onto his hand just as he was about to leave.

"Aren't you joining us in the same ride to the wedding studio to meet noona?"

He swallowed his saliva and then pulling off my hand, he told me,

"Youngjae-a, tell Wendy and the rest that I will be there, I promise. There are just some other important things that I have to settle now."

With that, Mark hyung's figure gradually disappeared down the corridor.

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