Transformers: Prime(Fanfictio...

By 4Vac1499

94 0 0

My name is Onyx. The lost one. Young. As serious as the Prime himself. 17 in human years. This is my story. ... More

~OC: Onyxia Eclipso Maximus~


28 0 0
By 4Vac1499



  A cool breeze whistled around my audio receptors, optics closed and my meditative state unwavering...

':Hello...? Earth to the rock..:'

  Can't a bot get any peace around here?

  I groaned mentally. Every. Dang. Day.

  I put a digit to my com.

':Are you serious right now? I thought I actually turned it off this time! Stupid com. What now, Cliff?:'  I remarked with a groan in my tone this time. 

':Just letting you know that Doc bot excluded you...:'

  I kept myself quiet. Why am I not surprised?

':...from the next energon scouting meeting again is all...:'

  My optics snapped open as I cried out in rage.


  I quickly walked out of the elevator in the direction of the monitors where Ratchet and Optimus were currently in a deep discussion, but i didn't care. 

  "Morning, 'Nyx!" said Bulkhead happily to me as i passed. Is he serious right now? At a time like this?

  "My name is Onyx, Bulkhead." I said in an malcontent manner.

  He backed off in an instant, "Uh, Alright. Y-Yeah. Good talk!"

  I constantly have to question myself: How in Cybertron did I even get in with this group? 


  "Ratchet," I barked in a low threatening tone the second I stopped behind the duo. 

  I got their attention all right... But all they did was stare back at me. 

  I sighed and crossed my arms, "Have the two of you got nothing  to say?"

  "By the fact that you rudely interrupted and important discussion between me and Optimus?" he scoffed. "Ye-."

  "You purposefully excluded me from a simple energon scouting mission. Why can't you accept the fact i'll eventually have to go and risk my life for others sake one day?" I pointed out matter-of-factly. 

  Those words made Ratchet look at Optimus for help. I put the pieces together before either could say anything. I couldn't believe it.

  "You've been in lead with this this whole time?" i asked in slight anger. 

  Optimus stepped forward, "Onyx, I merrily-." 

  "You what? We affirmed to include not only present warrior-class bots on this team, but also future warrior-class bots. If someone wasn't quite ready for the most out of the wold experiences... a good way to start them off would be to go on small energon scouting missions, under supervision." 

  "Today was not one of these, Onyx. It's called protocol. It may have been-." he began.

  "Three years Optimus. Three! You know what? I bet the three of you were planing of going without me. Want to know what else? Since you broke our deal I'll be the one deciding when i go or not. Without you." I turned around, my thin metal-like trench coat hems flapping in a dramatic way to make my point, making my way towards the groundbridge.

  My arms glowed before my twin black and white nichirin Cybertanas attached to my back. Ahh...It feels good to have them at my sides again. 

':Arcee, I'm coming to you.:' Icommed her. 

  A chuckle come from the other side,':That was quick. Are you sure you got things settled out?:'

  I glanced back at Optimus who only glanced back at me with sympathetic optics for a brief before turning his back on me again. ':Not exactly. He can't exactly grasp the fact he needs to let go and let me help or we'll never win this war.:'

  "Groundbridge co-ordinance set now," i said out loud. The bridge swirled to life.

  A loud eruptive bang told me he dropped his tool again in shock. 

  "Onyx! How did you-," he began.

  My eyes narrowed as i strolled to the groundbridge, "You tend to pick up a few things and get creative when you're stuck in a med-lab for three earth years. You're my friend, not my sire."

  Everything suddenly turned blue as i went through.

  Little did i know that the silence now won't compare to the loudest silence of my spark shattering into unrepairable shards of every bot who cared for me.

~Man, i almost forgot what it felt like writing a fanfic to one of the first cartoons i ever began to write fanfics about. I was not surprised how many reads it got on the first page that only consisted of a oc discription. You all have my deepest thanks. Who doesn't love Tranformers? Also, if it weren't for the inspirational stories and its characters of Nova Login: Herald of Primus/Novera Prime and Amanda Beckett: Cybertron's Champion, this story wouldn't have been possible. I will now end each page i add to every story i write a Bible verse or a quote to bring inspiration to other author's hearts as they have to me...(from: Verse Of The day)(STILL PRAYING FOR ALL OF YOU!)

PSALM 97:10--Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.~


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