Diamonds in the Rough

By procrastiauthor3000

168 10 0

A collection of short pieces of fiction based off writing prompts More



19 2 0
By procrastiauthor3000

"Are you crazy? Red and pink?

Tiana regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Kara dropped the hot pink top she was holding, looking hurt "what's wrong with this?"

"Well, everyone wears that combination" Tiana said, thinking quickly, "don't you want to try something different?"

Kara ignored her and turned back to the cupboard. Tiana blew out a careful breath as the girl's movement revealed the bronze dagger strapped to her waist. How did I get stuck with babysitting a pre-teen? She thought as her eyes took in each outfit hanging in the cupboard.

"What about the green one?" she said, finally, "It really brings out your eyes."

Kara scoffed, "I don't need to look pretty while slicing people in half, you know."

"You don't have to, but that doesn't mean you can't."

"No one's slicing anyone in half" Ryan said, walking into the room. He turned to Tiana, "You were supposed to keep her out of trouble."

Tiana rolled her eyes, of course she had a crush on the one guy with a homicidal half-sister, "I am keeping her out of trouble, that's why she's talking about slicing people in half instead of actually slicing people in half."

Ryan massaged his forehead, "I'm sorry, I'm just really on edge right now"

Tiana nodded, "I get it."

"I don't" Kara said, holding the green blouse against her, making Tiana smile "why are we waiting for them to find me when I can find them first and annihilate them all."

"Because" Ryan said, patiently, "your plan most definitely involves getting you killed and mine gives you a 30% chance of survival."

"That's what you say" Kara grumbled, "I was doing fine before you guys showed up."

"I think your bloody jacket which is now in 5 pieces on my bathroom floor would beg to differ" Tiana said, mildly, picking out a pair of black jeans "I think these should fit you and help you blend in."

Kara took the clothes from her with a muttered thanks and left the room.

Ryan ran a hand across his face, "I'm so sorry for bringing you into this."

Tiana shrugged, "hey it's not like you forced me, you just showed up at my door with a bleeding 15-year-old and I did what anyone would have done."

He laughed, "I'm pretty sure most people would have called the police."

She grinned, "I've not really been on such good terms with the cops since I got that parking ticket"

"I knew a criminal like you wouldn't turn me away."

"Well, I would have if I wasn't having such a boring weekend, I thought having an army of faceless people trying to kill me would liven things up a bit."

He smiled at her affectionately and Tiana smiled back, all the irritation from having her Saturday night interrupted, gone. She knew then that she would do it anything for him. He brushed her hair away from her face and she melted into his touch. Immediately the door was flung open, and Kara stood there, wide eyed "they're here." 

Prompt retrieved from Pinterest (THEFAKEREDHEAD.COM)

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