Make Believe with my Rockstar

By BlackOrchid93

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Audrey is successful Campaign Manager, who relocates to L.A due to her new job, but is thrown off tracks when... More

A word to my readers
Relocating to the states
New chapter - Renewed friendships
Renewed friendships - Drew's POV
A self-named father
Something old, something new
Our place is earned, not given
The Disciples
Love isn't always fair!
The Last Supper
Jen, the wife
Drunks tell the truth
A friend in need
Will you be my roommate?
He said yes!
Sweetheart, we got a situation
Do you know what that means for us?
Told you I'd make you fall
Audrey's skeletons
Audrey's skeletons - Part 2
I never fell out of love with you
Parting ways, roomie
I did this my way
We might get to keep him
Babysitter club
We all fall down, sometimes
Make believe
Keep on saving our Goodbyes
Reality check
Simon says:
Big time fuck up
Goodbye Drew
To hope
Little white lies
The Ghost of Yesterday
Album release
The End

Sobriety issues

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By BlackOrchid93

Drew's P.OVI can hear Rob's voice. Why can I hear my Rob's voice?! I try to open my eyes but my head hurts like a motherfucker.-He's waking up. – Comes Audrey's whisper.All I can see is white lights and angry faces. Concerned too, but mostly angry.-You lived another day! This was my manager, sounding not so happy.-Where am I?-At the hospital. – He states flatly.Audrey's face comes into view and Rob is standing behind her. That's why I was hearing his voice!-How are you feeling kid? – He asks flatly, not budging from behind her.-Like shit.-Good! – Audrey spits out and leaves the room.Shit! She's beyond pissed this time. I throw my head back and it lands against the wall with a thud.-Auch!-That's the least you deserve, but I won't take the pleasure of killing you away from her. – Rob smiles bitterly.-I'll let you two talk. – He refers to my manager and exits the room.My manager explains to me how Audrey had found me blacked-out drunk in the bathroom and rushed me to the ER. He kept babbling how this was a PR nightmare and the length he had to go to keep this from the media.-And you didn't tell me you were living with her. – He finishesThe way he pronounced 'her' didn't sit well with me. -And how the fuck is that your business? – My nerves got the best of me and I was not batshit angry. He opened his mouth but closed it again when Audrey stepped into the room.-Leave! – I told him and he excused himself.We are left alone and all I can do is just look at her and take in all the details of her face. She is worried and angry and tired and scared.-Thank you...- I whisper-Don't! Just don't talk! Anything you will say will make it worse. Let's just get you out of here and back home. Give me time to cool off and we can throw this behind and get you on track again.-You're not bailing on me?! – I was surprised she was not already decapitating me, but also scared at how cold she sounded.-I'm not. I'll go get your things in the car.She turns to leave but I stop her.-Audrey...-What?!-Please come here, please.She walks closer to the bed.-What do you want?-To hold you for a moment? Is that too much to ask at this moment? – I as insecure but genuinely.She just nods, but still sits on the bed and allows me to hold her. I am trying to be better for her and for the band, but I most definitely need to become better for myself, so that I can get back the things that I want.************Back at the apartment, I'm left alone with a very pissed Rob. -What? Ask already. You've been staring at me for the past hour and it's getting disturbing. – He speaks, casually looking at me behind his shoulder.-Did she call you?That makes him turn around and face me.-No. I just happen to like taking a four hours flight every now and then, since I got nothing better to do with my time.I almost snort, but refrain it, not to piss him off further.-You're right. That was a stupid question.-Of course she called me, kid. She was alone and scared with you almost dying on her. It was either me or your parents.-I'm glad she called you.-Look Drew. I know you and I haven't seen eye to eye lately, but I still care, ok? I've raised you like my own and as much as Hollywood put a stick up your ass, I can't just not care about the little kid who'd come to me and talk about his dreams and the way he wanted to change the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you gotta lay back for a while and get in touch with your roots. Do you still remember why you wanted to do this, in the first place? – He moves his hands around as to indicate the career I had built.When I don't speak, he continues:-Listen kid. Audrey's gonna be home soon and I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, so we don't have much time left to talk man to man. As much as I care about you, I do about her too. Stop whatever charade you have going on your mind if you don't want to hurt her further. She already has a lot going on as it is. If your intentions are, say, to sate a past obsession, better quit it while you're on time.-I think I'm in love with her. – My voice so bass that even my chest trembles when I speak those words out loud. That shuts the giant man up. He looks at my eyes for a while before scratching his throat.-Well, I wasn't expecting that, honestly. In that case, pick yourself up then and be ready to put on a hell of a fight, cause from where I stand, I know it won't be an easy task.I exhale frustrated, when Rob leaves me alone with my messy thoughts. I do remember how it all started, but there was a point where it became hard to stay on track. We had these really famous people talking about us, saying stuff like how this band was growing so fast and how we'd take the world of Rock by storm; these giant studios trying to get us to sign, making promises we had never even thought of. That was the moment that we felt like we had become larger than life and everything revolved around it. We started producing materials that people wanted to hear rather than what we wanted them to. They wanted us to put on a show and that's exactly what we did. I'd get on that stage and raise my middle fingers up high on display and scream my lungs out babbling stupid shit like "Fuck yeah motherfuckers!" and that was it. BOOM! Instant celebrities. But that was not the Drew who started with a dream. Meeting Audrey, brought me back in time and to my senses. I remember the dream now. And I know where I want this journey to take me. I am not the "fuck you fuckers" guy who breaks ribs on stage and drinks himself to oblivion only because drunk me sounds better. I am the little boy from a little town, with a big dream and an even bigger message. I am Drew Bennett, The Prophet of The Disciples.

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