Spellbound [COMPLETED]

נכתב על ידי amc714

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Annabel's life use to be normal. Well, as normal as being the Sheriff's daughter can be. But since the myster... עוד

Chapter 1 Annabel
Chapter 2 Ben (10/2014)
Chapter 3 Old Strangers
Chapter 4 Secrets and Dreams
Chapter 5 Temptations and Society
Chapter 6 My wish your nightmare
Chapter 7 Welcomes and Presentation
Chapter 8 First Impressions
Chapter 9 Welcome to my World
Chapter 10 Everything has Changed
Chapter 11 Falling Together, Coming Apart
Chapter 12 I'm Sorry.
Chapter 13 Goodbye, Hello
Chapter 14 Make Me . . .
Chapter 15 Sirens
Chapter 16 On The Line
Chapter 17 Collision
Chapter 18 Safe Return
Chapter 19 Haunted
Chapter 21 Scars and Stories
Chapter 22 Body Electric
Chapter 23 Hangman
Chapter 24 Everything and Nothing
Chapter 25 She's Here
Chapter 26 I See Fire
Author's note (It's not over, relax)
Chapter 27 Bad Blood
Chapter 28 Shots Fired
Chapter 29 Be my Guest
Chapter 30 Straight and Fast

Chapter 20 Starlight

166 6 1
נכתב על ידי amc714

It was a Friday night and Ben and Ana were together in his sanctuary. They sat outside in the balcony, which was very large. The floor space had about the same amount as the living room and a concrete railing. There was patio furniture that consisted of a red and white cushioned daybed, two matching outdoor couches, a few foldable metal side tables, and a patio table/fireplace in the center of it all. It was all placed closer to the door and away from the railing.

The couple was lying together under cozy throw blankets in the daybed underneath the stars with a crackling fire and a box of pizza.

"This is nice. No complications, no distractions, just us," Ana said softly. She was laying her head on Ben's chest as he held her closely.

"Yeah. I like the idea of us always being like this," he said blissfully.

"But you do know we won't be, right? Always like this?" Ana said sadly.

"Someday, I'm gonna grow old and die. And when you're back in a few years, I won't be. And when you remember me, I'll be gone."

"Hey, you don't know that. You're a powerhouse and-"

"And every other powerhouse has died. We don't even know what my lifespan is."

"Those powerhouses were killed. No one knows how long they could've lived."

"But I'm here. So that means someone from my family long ago survived. And I don't have any lost relatives as far as I know."

"As far as you knew two weeks ago, you were the only one who wasn't human."

She giggled a bit. He had a point. There was no telling whether she would have another life with Ben.

"Well, tell me something. Will you still love me when I'm no longer like this? Young and beautiful. And will you love me in memory if say I don't join you in your next lifetime?"

"You really have to ask? Isn't it obvious?"

"I still want to hear it."

"Of course I will. I will love you until the very end of everything-if the universe went into oblivion tomorrow and I found out I'd never live another day, I'd die happy knowing that I've been in love at least once, and even more so because I did it with you."

"Even if I'm not so ready to say those words out loud?"


"Even if we haven't done anything?"

"I've seen the world turn into what it is today and done everything humanly possible and more. But I didn't know love until I met you."

She grinned and kissed him, giving him as much love in her kiss as he did in his words. Their mouths were enlaced in passion, faith, and truth.

As they parted, she couldn't help her sudden laughter.

"What? What is it?"

"I-It's just," she kept laughing.

"Okay, Carter. Spill."

"Okay, okay, okay," she composed herself. "It's just funny how we have to talk about this stuff. I mean, you've got to admit our situation's a bit odd. We're talking about things that people in their twenties are terrified of discussing. I feel like I've aged ten years since I met you."

"Yeah, you get used to it though. And if you are like us, and you do get your own lifetimes, you'll get used to gaining your memories back and stuff. It's funny because it's almost like you never age-your mind is constantly returning to that state of maturity and just stays there."

"But don't you ever get tired of it? Aging over and over again?"

"No. I mean there's always a different kind of life to live in every era."


Ana thought about this for a moment. She wondered what Ben had been like in his past lifetimes. It was amazing to think that Ben had lived in eras that she could only dream about and read in the history books.

As they gazed at the stars, her mind drifted into images of Ben in a suit, girls swooning over him at parties in the roaring 1920s. Then dancing in balls in the 1400s. She pictured him dancing with beautiful women, a fake smile plastered on his face.
She began to compare him to every classic heroine she could think of. Gatsby, Heathcliff, Pip, and Vronsky. She found that he was all of them in a way, but she hoped that he wouldn't have to experience the same downfalls they did.

Or perhaps he did already.

Sure, he always told her that she's the only one he's ever loved, but surely he's had his share of scandalous affairs.

Perhaps he was none of them, she thought, perhaps he was the heartbreaker rather than the heartbroken. Perhaps he was like Estella and had no heart, or like Daisy and left a girl for dead.

But no, she just couldn't picture it. Her heroic Ben, a heartless and careless man, seemed impossible. She came to the conclusion that he was probably more like Vronsky-he would drive a woman mad over how in love with him she'd be.

But right now, he was her Jay Gatsby. The one who's laying the world at her feet and showering her with love, riches and magical, otherworldly wonders.
She just hoped she wouldn't become like Daisy, leaving him to pay for her wrongs.

Well, he did almost die because of your little car accident! Her subconscious pointed out. That's when it struck her.

They would never have their happy ending, for their love is one like the classics-sad, beautiful, and tragic.
Either she'll be the death of him, he'll be the death of her, or their love will be the death of everyone. No matter the outcome, she knew one thing was for certain.

Their love would be his ultimate downfall.

U.S.A. 1925

"Everything's just grand! How do you live here all alone?" she exclaimed.
Her name was Eleanor, but she always went by Ellie. She was a lovely thing-short, sleek hair, tall enough to wrap her arms around my neck, and beautifully tanned skin. But not too tan, just enough to give her a never ending glow.

I was showing her around my mansion at the time. It was a big property in Long Island, one of the largest there was.

We were in the living room, under the crystal chandelier and surrounded by the finest furniture. The windows were tall and reached the ceiling. It was a house meant for the novels, or at least that's what Fitzgerald said. He was a friend of mine, a talented writer. You don't just come across stories like his everyday.

"Benji, everything is so beautiful!" She exclaimed once more.

"I get by alright. And don't worry about me being alone, that's what the parties are for," I said.

"You're legendary parties, you mean?"

"Yes. And besides, I have pretty good company aside from that every now and then."

"Is there some mystery girl I don't know about? Because I will meet her sooner or later."

"No, darling. Just my sister and some family friends."

"Right! That legendary sister of yours I never get to see. Sometimes, I swear Benji, that you make all of this up. I mean your sister couldn't have possibly lived in every country in South America."

"But she has. She's sent pictures if you'd like to see them."

"No, if she's anywhere near as stunning as you, I might die of envy."

She smiled. She always loved to smile. Ellie and I have been together for a few months now. She thought we were in love. But I knew she was more in love than I was. I felt more of a likeness to her. It was more serious than a crush, but it wasn't love either. It was a perfect middle ground. Not the high that everyone speaks of or writes stories about, but one that's just satisfying enough to help me get by.

She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Your life is truly a dream, Ben! Does everything just get conjured up from that beautiful mind of yours? I bet you had to cast a spell or something to get where you are now."

I laughed and shook my head.

"Not today, Ellie."

She kissed me, and I returned the kiss the same way they do in those motion pictures-passionate and hard.

Her love made life a little better. But I couldn't help but feel like I was deprived of something.

I've seen people in love, and we weren't like them. Arrianne and Cam's love was electric. The way Cam described it, love made you feel like you were finally alive. Like there was nothing else to live for other than that person you share it with.

And it wasn't just because you were both so similar. No, the feelings came from the fact that that person is the missing piece you never knew you had.
Arrianne would always quote Emily Brontë.

She once said, "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. I've never read or heard words that were more true, Ben. That's what makes love what it is, the fact that the two people who share it have the same souls within each other."

"But Heathcliff and Cathy's love didn't last."

"You're wrong Ben, they never parted to begin with. Cathy died, yes, but her soul always haunted his, waiting for him to join her. And at the very end, they were reunited in the other side. Don't you get it Ben, love never ever dies. It's infinite, like the stars of the universe."

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