𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋 ~πƒπˆπ‚πŠ 𝐆𝐑𝐀...

By ziggs_mxyfield

52.1K 1.5K 220

'𝐁𝐨𝐲 π–π¨π§ππžπ« 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐑𝐞π₯𝐩 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚π₯π₯ 𝐭𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬?' π—œπ—‘ π—ͺπ—›π—œπ—–π—› Dick Gr... More

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 πŽππ„
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 π“π–πŽ


1.3K 49 4
By ziggs_mxyfield


        PHOEBE HAD NO IDEA that she had been under Trigon's control and almost killed Rachel and Gar until she awoke. She had no idea that she almost beat Gar to death with the other Titans. It wasn't until she could hear Rachel's voice calling out for her from afar that she could come back to her senses. 

        "Phoebe please, this is my father in your head. This isn't you." 

        "Please, come back to me! " 

        Waking up from her senses, she was back inside Angela's living room, Rachel in front of the girl. Looking around she noticed Gar, blood smeared on the side of his face as Dick sighed in relief, standing next to Gar. 

        "What the fuck just happen-" 

        Phoebe was cut off by Dick pulling the girl in for a bone-crushing hug, resting his chin on her head. "Thank fuck you're back to normal," Dick whispered, letting the girl go. 

        He stood next to Phoebe as Rachel explained everything. "My father, Trigon, took control of you and the others. They're currently all outside. I need to stop him, I just needed to make sure you two were safe and back to normal." 

        Not even acknowledging Rachel's ramble, Phoebe pointed to the gemstone in Rachel's head. "Cool gem." 

        "Thanks, but that's not the point-" 

        "I get it," Phoebe sighed, cutting Rachel off, "You gotta go stop your father before he kills us all." 

         Following Rachel outside, they stopped right in front of the house, Phoebe, Dick and Gar keeping their distance from Trigon and the others. 

        Pointing to the ground, Phoebe whispered to Dick, "Guess Dawn's out of her coma." 


        Watching from the distance, Rachel's dark magic started to flow out and around her a force of wind sent out as she hit him. Stumbling back, she hit the ground as Trigon disappeared into nothingness. 

        "Fuck, that hurt." Gar groaned, Phoebe holding out a hand for him to get up. Accepting, she pulled the boy up, walking over to the other Titans. There stood Kory, Jason, Donna, Hank, and Dawn. Rachel walked back slowly, a small smile on her face from her accomplishments. 

        Dick ran ahead, pulling the young girl in for a hug. Giving them their moment, the rest of the Titans made their way over. 

         Only soon after did it start to get hectic. News reports, police, and paramedics all arrived to report everything that was going on. Phoebe stood out of the camera frame, listening to the reporters interview an officer. "Clearly, this has been some type of disturbance. Can you tell us what happened?" 

        "We can't say for sure. All we know is that whatever the cause of the phenomenon, it appears to have been abated by this new ground of masked heroes. So, apart from some dead birds, we seem to have-" 

        The officer was cut off by Jason running from behind Phoebe into the camera frame, opening his fat mouth. "TITANS ARE BACK, BITCHES! WHOO!" 

        Groaning, Phoebe walked across the camera, grabbing him by the arm and off to the side. "You can't just call the entire world bitches." 

        Scoffing, Jason crossed his arms. "Like you wouldn't?" 

        "Yeah, I probably would." Phoebe couldn't take it anymore. After seeing Jason die in her vision, she pulled him in for a hug. "Promise me that we never go to a diner for dinner and you jump in front of me because some jackass has a gun pointed at me."

        "That's a little detailed, but sure." 

        Pulling Jason away from the hug, she looked him in the eyes. "You better fucking mean it, or I'm killing you myself."

        Putting his arm around the girls shoulders as they walked away, he laughed. "Oh come on Decker, you know you love me- ooh there's Hank! I should probably go annoy him." 

        Phoebe watched as Jason skipped off to annoy Hank. She didn't mind, her and Hank were never really fond of each other anyway. Being left all alone, Phoebe kicked at the pebbles in front of her. 

      ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ 

        Standing around Donna's car and Dick's minivan, everyone was ready to say their goodbyes. Dick slung his duffel bag around his shoulder, walking back over to the group. "I gotta give it to you, Rach, you really know how to throw a party." Dawn laughed, leaning against the open trunk of Dick's minivan. 

        Donna was allowing Dick and Phoebe take her Jeep as she knew they had a long drive ahead of them and the old minivan would break down.

        "Yeah," Jason smiled, turning to Rachel. "Do it again. Love beating Dick's ass." 

        Dick scoffed, walking past Jason to put his duffel bag in the back of Donna's Jeep. "Keep dreaming, bird boy." 

        "Nice one, really inventive." 

        Dick chuckled. "I'll be here all week." 

       Phoebe stood silent, still trying to process everything that happened. Her vision, Rachel, the Titans splitting up once again. Kory took notice of this. "Pheebs, you're awfully quiet. You okay?" 

        "What?" Phoebe asked, shooting her head up. Comprehending Kory's question, Phoebe sighed. "Yeah, still trying to process everything going on."

        "Rach," Donna spoke up, getting the young girls attention. Donna put a small smile on her face, slightly tilting her head. "Maybe give us a heads up next time so I can go do my own eye makeup. Your demon dad wasn't much for subtlety."  

        "I kinda liked it," Kory laughed, "It was really gothic, you know?" 

        "Uh," Gar raised his hand, sitting on the ledge of Donna's open trunk. "I didn't. You guys almost fucking killed me." 

        "Hey man," Hank took a deep breath, putting his arm around Dawn, "We're really sorry." 

        "No, it's cool." Gar stood up, keeping his hands in his pockets. "Hey, I know it wasn't really you guys." Gar put a smile on his face, walking closer to Rachel. "It couldn't have been. Dick and Phoebe were actually kinda funny, in a weird, psycho way."   

        Popping his head out from the front of the van which he was trying to fix, Dick raised an eyebrow. "You do realize I'm listening?"

        "Saw some fucked up things in my vision," Phoebe recalled, taking a deep breath. Looking around at the group, Phoebe felt some type of warmth. "We should probably take off." 

        "In that case," Dawn murmured, trotting up to Phoebe. The woman pulled her friend in for a hug, leaning her chin against Phoebe's shoulder. "Where you guys heading, anyway?" 

        "Uh," Phoebe stuttered, letting go of the hug. "I don't know," Turning her head to Dick, she yelled out, "Where are we going?" 

        "Uhm," Dick pursed his lips together, wiping his hands off with a rag. "I don't know, it's a mystery." 

        "You fucker!" Phoebe yelled out to Dick, "Where are we actually going?" 

        "Not telling!" 

        Turning back to Dawn, Phoebe pouted. "He's fucking annoying." 

        "Guess some things never change," Hank chuckled, depending on if he should say anything to Phoebe or not. "You're not too bad, Decker." 

          "You either, Hank." 

        "Uh," Rachel's voice grabbed everyone's attention. "You do realize that we're leaving too, right?" Rachel pointed between her and Gar, who had dumbfounded expressions on their face." 

        "I'm sorry," Jason scoffed, crossing his arms as he glared at Rachel. "Am I dog shit? Because I definitely remember that Dick told me I'm tagging along with you guys." 

        "We're dropping you off at the nearest gas station." 

        "Right," Jason scoffed, knowing Phoebe was joking. When Jason didn't see Phoebe crack a smile or laugh, his smile dropped. "Wait, actually?" 

        Ignoring Jason's confusion, Phoebe approached Donna, holding the girl's hands. "Wish we could've seen each other under better circumstances," Phoebe joked, earning a slight chuckle from Donna. 

        "Would've been nice to have a girls night." 

        Turning to where Kory was standing, she noticed she was gone. Her eyes averted to Kory standing with Dick right near the drivers side door, her hand placed on Dick's shoulder. Phoebe's smile slowly started to drop, showing her jealousy. 

        "You are so in love with that man," Donna whispered, into Phoebe's ear from behind. 

        Rolling her eyes, Phoebe wouldn't even deny it anymore. "Yeah, you're right. I am." 

        She finally let the words out of her mouth. Phoebe Decker was hopelessly in love with Dick Grayson. 

        "Hey!" Gar called out to Dick, grabbing him and Kory's attention. "Do we get to meet Batman anytime soon?" 

        "Uh, no. Superman." Dick chuckled, freaking Gar out. 

         "Seriously?" Gar's face was frozen, not moving a single muscle. 

        "No. Get in the car." 

        Looking between Gar and Rachel, Phoebe smirked. "SHOTGUN!" The girl screamed, sprinting for the passenger side door as the two teenagers were on her tail. Opening the car door and hopping in, it took all her might to pry the door closed. 

        She could hear the shouts of Gar and Rachel through the glass, pissed off that they had to sit in the back with Jason. Sticking her tongue out at Gar and Rachel, they groaned as they hopped in the backseat. 

        "Great, now I have to sit next to Gar and Jason however long," Rachel whined, crossing her arms as she sat back. 

        "Hey, I have to deal with Jason as much as you do!" Gar groaned, muttering at Rachel. 

        "Are we all slandering me today?" Jason scoffed, opening the other backseat door and sliding next to Gar. "Because I'm awesome. And hot, let's not forget hot." Closing the door next to him, Jason sighed as he sat back in his seat. 

        "How the fuck did I get stuck with all the kids?" 

        "Dick isn't a kid," Rachel quipped, speaking up. 

        "Once you know him like I do, he's the biggest child you'll ever meet." 

        The drivers side door opened, signaling Dick hopping into the car. Closing the door behind him, he buckled himself in and gave Phoebe a giant smile. "Are we ready to take off?" 

        "Only if we listen to my music," Jason hummed, resting his feet on the head of Dick's seat. "Green Day should help us blow off some steam." 

       Phoebe's eyes lit up by Jason's mentions of Green Day. "Ooh, yes! Fucking love Green Day." 

        Putting the car in drive, Dick headed down the road and away from the house. "First of all, I'm not listening to that punk crap. Second, Jason if you don't get your feet off of my chair I swear to fucking god I'll rip them off." 

        Gar gasped, turning to Rachel. "Did he really just insult Green Day." 

        "Shameful," Rachel shook her head in disgust, "Billie Joe would be disgusted by you." 

        Stealing Dick's phone out of the cup holder, she quickly hooked up the bluetooth to the car before blasting Jesus of Suburbia, making Dick groan. "Come on, Pheebs! Don't turn into one of them!" 

         "What are we?" 

        "Angsty teenagers." 

       Jason shrugged his shoulders. "I mean you're not wrong but it still hurts." 

        Turning her head to the three teenagers in the back, Phoebe smiled. "I personally love Green Day so Dick can suck it if he doesn't like it." 

        "Damn," Gar dragged out the word, getting hyped. "Shots fired!" Turning back around in her seat, Phoebe turned up the song. Phoebe personally loved Green Day. Wally had introduced her to the music years ago, which she took a great liking to. 

         Dearly Beloved, are you listening?

        I can't remember a word that you were singing.

        Are we demented or am I disturbed?  

        The space that's in between insane and insecure

        The nine minute song came to an end, making Dick sigh. "You know what, it isn't too bad." 

        "Great, then you're gonna love American Idiot." 

        "Oh god." 

        The guitar intro started to play, allowing Phoebe, Jason, Gar and Rachel to bop their heads to the beat. "Don't wanna be an American Idiot!" Phoebe and Jason sang at the top of their lungs, completely missing the pitch. 

          "Don't want a nation to dub the new media!" Gar and Rachel followed right after, singing into their fists as if they were microphones. 

          "And can you hear the sounds of hysteria?" Dick mumbled, not wanting to get very into the karaoke session. 

        "The subliminal mind, FUCK AMERICA!" The four sang out, Dick groaning as he felt like wanting to rip his ear's off of his head. 

        "If this is how the entire car ride is going to be, I'll happily drop you all off at a gas station and leave you there." 

        Putting her hand on Dick's shoulder, Phoebe gave it a light squeeze. "Oh, come on Dick. Loosen up, have some fun. Our would almost got taken over by Rachel's dad but it didn't. We should be celebrating!" Turning back to look at Rachel, Phoebe widened her eyes. "No offense, Rach." 

        "None taken." 

      ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ 

        It had been a long few days, three kids and two immature adults all in one car definitely caused chaos. Dick had drove them to Gotham where he went to speak with Bruce, and was now driving all the way to the other side of the country, San Francisco. Bruce thought it would be a good idea for Jason to be trained by Dick and Phoebe, be around people closer to his age and style. 

        Dick still hadn't told the group exactly where they were going, but once he mentioned San Francisco Phoebe knew, and he knew that she knew. They drove over the Golden Gate Bridge, filled with traffic.

        "Where are we going?" Rachel groaned, hanging onto Gar. "It's been days, just fucking tell us." 

         Phoebe knew this was a good time to mess with Dick. Smirking, she turned to the boy in the drivers seat. "That's a good question, Rach. Where exactly are we going?" 

        "You'll have to wait and find out." 

       "That's it," Jason sighed, sitting up in his seat. "I'm offically starting a Dick Grayson hate club. All in favor to join the club, please say I.

        Gar was the first one to speak up. "I." 



        Dick shot his friend a nasty glare in the passengers seat. "Really Pheebs? You too?" 

        "I'm just cranky and wanna get out of this car." 

        Finally reaching their location, Dick pushed them all into the elevator. "Scoot in, shitheads." 

        "I'm not a shithead," Phoebe pretended to be hurt, as Dick pressed the button to the highest level. 

        "You are so a shithead." 

        Phoebe pushed Dick's head playfully, making him push his arm. "You guys are fucking children," Jason groaned, stepping between the two, "You're worse than Gar, Rachel and I and we're actual kids." 

        The elevator dinged, causing everyone to pause. The doors opened, and it was just how Phoebe had remembered Titans tower. Elegant and fancy, yet it felt like home. Stepping out, Phoebe took a deep breath. 

        She was home. 

        "Welcome to Titans tower," Dick smiled, putting an arm around Phoebe's shoulders. Gar and Jason smiled at each other, running in opposite directions to check the place out. Rachel stayed silent, her bag slung over her shoulder. Walking closer to the giant windows, the young girl looked out into the sunlight.

        "You think she'll be okay?" Dick whispered into Phoebe's ear, making sure Rachel wouldn't hear. 

        Phoebe shook her head yes. "Yeah," She murmured, then suddenly speaking up to grab the girls attention. "Hey Rach." Rachel turned back around, pursing her lips. "Why don't you say we ditch the guys and go do some shopping?" 

        Rachel smiled, dropping her bag. "Sure."

        Dick dramatically gasped, pulling his arm away from Phoebe's shoulder. "How rude, leaving me already?" 

        "You're a dickhead." 



and season two has started!
the five of them are so chaotic i stg-
also this beautiful banner was created by
 whxeler so yeah!

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