By kl4us4

2.3K 38 8

My collection of Ben Solo oneshots previously posted on my tumblrs: @/mandochlorian & @octavia-marie-blake. S... More

It could be like this every day
peachy (NSFW)
trouble II (smuggler!ben)

trouble I (smuggler!ben)

194 2 0
By kl4us4

Summary: Ben's supposed to be a smuggler, right? That means giving you the shipments that he promises, not putting you in a life-threatening situation.

You clench your teeth, looking at the time. He's late. He's never late. In the five years that you and Solo have been doing business together, he's always been on time.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," you mumble to BB-3, dismissing its defeated beeps as you sit on the bridge of your ship.

In five years, you've always met at the same place. But he's nowhere to be seen.

Grunting, you turn to head back into your ship. Grabbing the comms, you search for the Falcon, holding the headset up to your ear.

"Ben! Where the hell are you?!" You shout to him, frowning at the static you hear, "stop messing around!"

From inside the Falcon, Ben lets out a loud sigh, "Great just what I need right now!" He shakes his head, looking at the small fighter ships following him. Chewie roars, telling him to answer you. Ben sighs, grabbing the headset, "Listen, Princess," he begins, frowning as the Falcon jolts from being shot at, "I don't mess around."

You roll your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek in frustration, "You're late!"

Ben lets out a small laugh, "There are worse things than being late!"

Tired of his shenanigans, you hold your head in your hand, "Like what? Being killed by your client for not delivering, like I will be if you're late!"

"No!" Ben shouts back at you, the shitty connection making his voice hurt your ears, "Like being shot at by three tie fighters!"

"Tie fighters! What?" You exclaim, eyes wide, "Ben, what have you gotten yourself into?!"

Chewie roars, punching in buttons as he tells Ben they're heading into hyperspace. "Punch it, Chewie!" Ben nods, hoping his father's dice really do bring them luck. Ben holds the wheel steady, his shoulder pressing the earpiece closer to his mouth, "It's not my fault, okay? Just be ready!" He announces before dropping out.

"For what?!" You shout to the void, not getting a reply. A loud noise rips the sky apart, and you look outside the front window. The Falcon comes out of hyperspace, followed by smaller ships on its tail. "Shit!" Turning to BB-3, you crouch down slightly to speak to him, "Send a transmission to Captain Solo, give him our location, tell him his son has done it again."

BB-3 watches you run outside the ship, gun and saber in hand before it does its job. Looking into the sky, you eye the Falcon attempting to land beside your ship. Aiming your blaster at the ship that continues firing at Ben, you hold your breath and fire rapidly at it. As it focuses its attention on you, you can see its weapons firing up.

"Shit." You whisper again, breaking out into a sprint as it's fire follows behind you closely. In its distraction, the Falcon is able to land. You skid into its ramp, nearly colliding with Ben who rushes out. He holds your arms, looking to you, "I'm here! I'm here!" He exclaims, taking a deep breath. When he sees your angry expression, he lets go of you and takes a step back, "What the hell have you done?" You ask him through clenched teeth.

"Nothing!" He presses, reaching into his pocket and fiddling around to find something.

"Where's Chewie?" You frown.

Ben finds what he's looking for and pushes it to you, clasping your hands around it, "Just don't let them get this."

You look down at the red hard drive, "Stars, Ben," you mumble, "What is this?"

"It's serious. It's deathly serious." Ben admits, his eyes wide as he stares into your eyes, "Don't let anyone get their hands on it."

Upon instinct, you and Ben both grab your sabers, giving each other a glance before turning to the unwanted guests.

"Okay, I promise," you whimper, frowning at Ben's serious expression. Turning to your ship, you're about to head to it when Ben pulls you back.

"Hey." He mutters, "If something goes wrong, stay in the ship. Don't hesitate to leave. Anything for the plan to be safe, okay?"

Plan? You don't answer. You just give him a look before rushing to your ship. You call out for BB-3, making sure he takes care of it. You sigh, shaking your head down as you watch the droid hide the harddrive. A pull. Something tells you to go outside.

Your eyes can't believe what they're seeing. The three people, covered in white armour. Stormtroopers, still here from the days of the Empire.

"We know you have it, Solo." One of them speaks up, ignoring you as you walk up to the three of them.

Ben tilts his head as he pouts, "No clue what you're talking about."

Frustrated, the left trooper rushes up to Ben, shouting, "If you act like a fool," he points his blaster to Ben's head, "then you'll die like one!"

"Step away!" You order, staring the trooper down, fire and hate in your eyes. Your green saber is ignited, pointed in his direction. The trooper lets out a scoff, making you raise your eyebrows incredulously, "Get that gun away from his face. You snarl, hopelessness entering your chest along with fear.

How are you getting out of this one? It's not like you can control minds, you've never been good at that. You're better at physical force using. Shit! Shit shit shit

He knocks his blaster against Ben's forehead, not enough to knock him out but enough to make you flinch and gasp, "What are you going to do about it?"

A sudden roar makes the trooper rapidly turn before one of his friends are shot down by Chewies bowcaster. You take the opportunity to rip the trooper from Ben, pressing the end of your lightsaber to his chest before igniting it with a huff. His body falls limp. He falls to the ground. Your chest rises and falls slightly as you look at the one trooper left, who looks at the three of you before stumbling back. Lifting your hand, you freeze him to his place as you put your lightsaber back on its hilt. Ben swings his saber, slicing into the stormtroopers stomach.

Just like that, it's quiet and they're all on the floor. Turning to Ben, you take a step toward him, "What now?"

Chewie roars happily, his arms stretched towards you.

"Chewie!" You smile, jogging to him in order to get a legendary Wookie hug. When you pull back, you smile at him, "I bet those troopers are a sight you never thought you'd see again."

Chewie nods, giving you a shrug and a roar before Ben walks up to the two of you. He puts an arm around you, looking to Chewie, "Aren't we lucky to have her?" Ben sighs happily.

"You're lucky you're not dead this time!" You look up at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"This time?" He repeats, giving you a confused look.

You stare up at him through your lashes, "There'll be more, of course. You didn't think they'd give up that easily, right?"

"Right, right!" Ben nods, looking to the ground awkwardly as you pull away from him and his hold.

Chewie watches with an amused look on his face to which Ben frowns at while your back is turned.

You turn around, letting out a sigh, "Ben, do you have the shipment?" You ask. His face falls. "Great." You sigh shakily, one hand rubbing against your face as you close your eyes, "I'm dead."

"No, no," Ben shakes his head, "It's okay."

"No, it's not," you laugh, looking up into the sky, hopeless, "I had to deliver that to Kanjiklub tomorrow morning to pay off my end of the deal."

Ben's lips are parted, watching you idly as you sit down on the ramp of the Millenium Falcon, just thinking of a way out. There's no way... you're dead now. They won't give you any more time. You're done.

Catching eyes with at Ben, Chewie nods his head towards you. Ben raises his hands, confused until Chewie pushes him towards you. He stumbles, coughing awkwardly before he sits down next to you. Smiling, Chewie heads into the Falcon.

"It'll be okay," Ben tells you, looking at your old ship, "You'll be fine, I know it."

"How?" You ask, looking to him, "How the hell could you know that, Ben?"

He turns to you, pressing a hand against yours. He rubs the back of your hand gently and he gives you a smile; a kind, genuine, fond and loving smile.

"Because," he mumbles, taking a gulp, "you have me."

"You got me into this mess!" You exclaim, pulling your hand away from his and standing up to pace.

"Yeah? Well!" Ben fumbles for words, standing up too. He tries to push away the feeling of rejection entering his chest. "I'm gonna get you out of it!"


"I just will! I'll - I'll stick with you!"

"Prove it!"

Letting out a frustrated grunt, Ben matches up to you. His hands pull you towards him, he leans down to press his lips onto yours. Ben's lips are pressed to yours for a few seconds before you pull away, looking at him with wide, dumbfounded eyes.

Ben takes another gulp, "You don't have to be afraid, I'm not going anywhere."

You eye Ben's features, looking into his eyes, then his parted lips, before returning back to meet his gaze. You press your lips back to his, closing your eyes and moving your lips against yours. Ben's eyebrows raise slightly when you take a step closer, feeling your body pressing against his.

"Alright, kids," Han announces, "I think that's enough."

In shock and surprise, Ben pulls away from you rapidly, even taking a step back for safe measure, "D-Dad?" He stutters, eyes wide as he stares at him. Then it clicks and he turns to you, "You snitched on me to my dad?"

Han gives you a nod, "Good to see you again, Y/N," he smiles kindly, bringing you in for a hug, "You surviving?"

You let out a laugh, scrunching your nose, "Barely. Your son has been a lot of trouble."

Han lets out a humph, looking at Ben, "Who have you pissed off now?"

Ben takes a breath, "You're not gonna like it," he admits, watching as his dads face falls, "Empire enthusiasts..."

"Just what we needed!" Han exclaims, a furious smile on his face, "That's great! While you're at it, why not get Kanjiklub on your back too!"

"Well, actually..." you mumble, eyes plastered onto the ground as you try not to awkwardly laugh.

Han's face falls, "Great. Chewie, you were supposed to take care of him!"

A roar comes from the ship and Han just runs a hand through his face while he lets out a big sigh.

Before he can speak again, Ben speaks up, "Wait, look." His eyes are on the sky, squinting at what looks like a transport ship... with the Imperial symbol on it, "We gotta go!"

"Shit!" You curse, "Okay, you lead the way, I'll follow!"

Ben shakes his head, clasping a hand onto your arm, "No, they'll separate us! Come with me."

"I can't!" You shake your head, "My ship."

Han looks between the two of you, eyes landing on yours, "He's right, kid. We all go in the Falcon. And I'm driving." Han rushes into the ship.

"Ben," you call out to him, "The harddrive." You gesture to your ship.

He gives you a look, all he says is "Hurry."

And just like that, you're jumping from the landing pad of the Falcon, soaring through the air and landing into a sprint. Ben watches you for a few seconds, seeing you begin to run, and he admires how talented you are. Your heart beats loudly in your ear as you reach your ship, seeing BB-3 beep up at you, happy to see you.

"Hey, Bud!" You lean down, "We gotta go. Now!"

BB-3 follows you outside your ship, and you bend to carry him as you run. He's too slow on his own. He's heavy, but you manage, almost making it to Ben. Your heavy breath, mixed with the pounding of your head with each rough step makes it hard for you to hear what Ben's shouting at you from the ramp of the Falcon.

You only realise his shouts were a warning sign when a green blast shoots you back into the ground. BB-3's body goes flying into the air, landing on your left arm and sending a massive wave of pain through it. You shout, cowering into a ball as you squeeze your eyes shut at the pain. Your whole body feels like it's aching now, and you struggle to breathe properly. You're winded. Everything is so disorientating.

From your position on the ground, you can see the transport ship landing. Behind it, a larger ship comes out of hyperspace. A number of troopers exit it and fall back onto the ground, weak and exhausted. You whimper, feeling tears brim your eyes as you look to the Falcon.

Ben's shouting, trying to run to you but Chewie holds him back. He punches buttons on the side of the ship, and you see steam erupt from the ramp controls. It begins to close, slowly.

Weakly, you reach a hand out to BB-3. He begins moving, slowly towards the Falcon. And then he speeds up, you push him with the force. He beeps loudly, moving faster than ever. Ben notices, reaching a hand out and doing the rest of the work to pull BB-3 on to the ship just before the ramp closes. You breathe, seeing black spots take up all your vision. The world underneath you feels as though it's moving so quickly, even though your head is pressed against a stable surface.
With one last breath, exhaustion overcomes you.

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