The Descendant Of The Hero Of...

By Metroid99

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Ben Tennyson, The Hero Of Heroes. Someone who stood up and who many looked to for help or just plain looked u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

3.2K 54 33
By Metroid99

We see (Y/N) and Lana walking around the town together. (Y/N) had told her everything that has happened to him up to that point. After he had told her Lana looked down with a glare.

Lana: I knew something was up with those jerks. I can't believe you were put through all that

(Y/N): Yeah, but hey I'm fine. So, how have you and the others been?

Lana: We've been fine....Though we've also been worried about you too

(Y/N) scratched the back of his at hearing this.

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry about that. But hey I'm okay

He gives her a big smile, causing her to smile back. 

Lana: Yeah, and we were so happy to see you when we caught you on the news

(Y/N): Heh, I guess I have been getting a bit of attention

Lana: A BIT?!

(Y/N) was shocked from Lana's sudden outburst.

Lana: A bit doesn't even come close, (Y/N)! You basically made such a big movement in the hero community. Hell, you even have multiple fan groups

(Y/N): *shocked*Fan groups! I wasn't going for anything like that. I just wanted t-

Lana: I know, you wanted to help people. Just like when we were little

A smile made its way onto Lana's face.

Lana: I'm happy you kept that promise that you made to all of us


We see a young (Y/N) running being chased by a young Lana.

Y. (Y/N): Come one Lana you gotta keep up!

Y. Lana: That's no fair, (Y/N)! You know I can't run as fast as you!

Lana continued to chase (Y/N), with him laughing all the way. Soon Lana gave one big push and leaped onto (Y/N) tackling him. The two rolled for a bit before stopping laying next to each other laughing. They laid there for a little bit longer, after they had stopped laughing looking up into the sky.

Y. Lana: Hey, (Y/N)?

Y. (Y/N): Yeah?  

Y. Lana: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Y. (Y/N) looked over to his sister with a big smile.

Y. (Y/N): Is that even a question?! I want to be a hero of course!

He shot up onto his knees, with Lana following shortly after.

Y. (Y/N): I want to be a hero that everyone can look to for help! And more importantly I want to be a hero, that can protect you, mom and every single one of our family!

Y. Lana: Really?

Y. (Y/N): Yeah, and that's a promise too!

Lana stared at him for a second before a smile spread across her face as well.

Y. Lana: You better keep that promise then

He nodded to her, before the two were called in by their mother for dinner. The two immediately heading in giggling.

Flashback End...

The two laughed at the memory, remembering it fondly.

(Y/N): Yeah, I remember that. I guess that was the day that really shaped who I became, huh?

Lana giggled a bit.

Lana: Yeah...

They stayed quiet for a bit as they continued to walk, to nowhere in particular. Suddenly Lana looked back to her brother with a smile.

Lana: Hey, how about you come have dinner with us. Like the old times

(Y/N): Yeah, that'd be great. You guys still live in the same house, right?

She nods and the two were about to make their way there. But they stopped hearing an explosion in the distance. They looked on in shock for a second, before some type of car drove by at incredible speeds. (Y/N) looked at where the explosion had occurred, before looking back to Lana with an apologetic look. Before he could speak however Lana cut him off.

Lana: It's okay, I know. Just be careful alright

(Y/N) smiled and gave her a thumbs up, before running in the direction where the explosion occurred. He activates the Ultratrix, transforming into a red bipedal manta ray. It wore a black upper ware and black and white skintight shorts. This was (Y/N)'s Aerophibian form Jetray.

He flew at hypersonic speed towards the location. He flew across the city catching the attention of multiple people who cheered upon seeing him, with many even starting to record him fly by. Jetray soon making it to a trainyard, he looks around a bit and sees a pink colored jeep parked outside it. He stared at it a bit confused before hearing fight deeper into the trainyard. Without taking any more time to think he speeds into the yard. Upon making it into there, he soon comes across two girls in there seemingly fighting whatever was causing the destruction. One had long blonde hair and wore a red dress with red heels. Along with red hoop earrings. She also wielded a blue pistol. Along with her was a girl with long purple hair with a red streak in it. She wore an outfit that just screamed goth as well. She wielded a long blue katana.

 (Yup, also by the way if you didn't know these two technically count as anime characters)

Looking at them a bit confused, his attention was then drawn to what they were fighting. It was a large black and red train that had a razor-sharp maw. 

Jetray looked on in complete bewilderment.

Jetray: *Did I get high without knowing? Ugh, whatever lets just deal with this*

He fired his neroshock beams at the strange train monster, injuring it and causing it to look in his direction along with the other two girls.

Jetray: Alright, I don't know exactly what is going on here but if you're causing trouble then I'm afraid I'm going to have to step in

The train monster roared and launched at Jetray, with him quickly flying up avoiding the attack. He then fired down another neroshock, but this time the train monster turned transparent, with the beams phasing right through it.

Jetray: *It's a ghost huh, well then good thing I got someone who can deal with ghost* 

The train monster became whole again and launched at Jetray again, who quickly flew out of the way and dived down, a green flash enveloping him shortly afterward. Once the light subsided it revealed a grey ghost like creature floating there in Jetray's place. This was (Y/N)'s Ectonurite form Ghostfreak.

Ghostfreak: Well then you damn locomotive lets go

The train monster roars, and a blast of molten coals shot out from its smokestack. Multiple clumps of molten coals rained down towards Ghostfreak who just scoffed at it. He then rushed forward towards the coals, dodging out of the way of them, while heading towards the train. He then disappeared and reappeared behind the train, who quickly turned around growling at him. Ghostfreak pulled back his pale grey skin around his stomach, with black and white stripped tentacles jutting out heading straight towards the train. The train again turned transparent, with Ghostfreak chuckling at this.

Ghostfreak: Idiot...

The tentacles stabbed into the train with it convulsing and roaring in pain.

Ghostfreak: Unfortunately, for you a ghost can't avoid another ghost

The tentacles then wrapped around the train, with Ghostfreak then flying down dragging it along with him. Slamming it into the ground hard, rattling it quite a bit. Ghostfreak retracted his tentacles, with the train slowing getting back up still slightly rattled from Ghostfreaks assault. It glared at him with it's now cracked headlight, roaring once again firing off another wave of molten coals at him. Ghostfreak again chuckles before disappearing once again, dodging the coals. He then reappears in front of the train with his claw drawn.

Ghostfreak: Bye bye

He shoved his claw through the train's headlight, with it thrashing and roaring trying to get Ghostfreak off it. Ghostfreak soon pulled back hard pulling an eyeball like thing out from the headlight, the train stopping shortly after slumping over. Ghostfreak looked at it for a second before it disintegrated along with the eyeball. Ghostfreak looked on again confused before sighing.

Ghostfreak: Oh well, at least it's done

He turned to the two girls.

Ghostfreak: Hey are you two ok-

He was cut off dodging out of the way of the goth girl who slashed at him with her katana.

Ghostfreak: The hell! Is that how you thank someone?!

She said nothing as she went for another slash, that he dodged. He was about to retaliate but was stopped when he was shot by the blonde girl causing him a great deal of pain. He disappeared and reappeared a bit of a ways back away holding his arm.

Ghostfreak: What the hell did I just get shot with

Blonde Girl: Sorry to tell by our weapons were designed to kill supernatural

He looks at the blonde girl, who walks up next to the Goth girl.

Blonde Girl: Now then Mr. Ghost we're gonna have to kill you, for one taking our kill and two unfortunately for you we're ghost hunters. So yeah, any last word?

Goth Girl: It's not like it matters, let's just kill him already

The Blonde Girl looks at her nonchalantly before shrugging, then firing at Ghostfreak. He dodged them, not wanting to be hit by them anything from that gun again. The goth girl then rushed towards him slashing at him with her katana. He dodged them, and sent out a tentacle at her, that she dodges then slashing it causing him to recoil back in pain. He left himself open long enough for her to rush in and slash him multiple times with her katana, him screeching in pain from it. He was then blasted back from another shot from the Blonde Girl's gun. He bounced off the ground a bit before rolling a little. He shakenly picked himself up and glares at the two girls who were approaching him.

Ghostfreak: *Ghostfreak isn't a good choice for this battle. Even if he isn't an actual ghost those weapons, they have still hurt like hell. Time to change things up*

A green flash surrounds him, making the two cover their eyes from the flash. Once it died down, the two then dodged out of the way of an energy blast. Looking towards where Ghostfreak was they see a small plant like creature standing there. This was (Y/N)'s Tuffle form known as Truffle.

Blonde Girl: So, this ghost can transform too huh? This will be interesting

Goth Girl: Let's just hurry up and kill it


Truffle fired out another energy blast at them, that they dodged. The Goth Girl rushed at him and tried to slash at him again to which he simple dodged before firing another energy blast point blank sending her back. He then dodged out of the way of shots from the Blonde Girl, he retaliated by firing more energy blast at her that she quickly dodged as well. Truffle then fired another energy blast at her that she dodges but was caught off guard by another blast meeting to where she had dodged to. Truffle fired out a flurry of blast at the two with them doing their best to dodge them. Some of the blast nicks them, with the Blonde Girl trying her best to return fire. With an irritated growl the Goth Girl rushed towards the Tuffle, while getting hit constantly by the blasts. She tried again to slash him only for him to dodge it. Suddenly multiple large vines burst from the ground and wrap her up restricting her movements. The Blonde Girl was about to fire at the vines but was stopped when more vines came up and restricted her as well.

Goth Girl: God damn it, let us go now!

She glared down at the tuffle, who made a motion like he was sighing. Another flash surrounded him, with it dying down revealing (Y/N) back in his regular form. The Goth Girl looked at him a bit shock, with the Blonde Girl looking at him shocked as well at first before it turned into....lust.

(Y/N): Okay, how about you both calm the hell down and let me explain.

They both look at him waiting for his explanation.

(Y/N): Okay, to tell you both something that should be pretty obvious now I am not a ghost. The names (Y/N) Tennyson

Goth Girl: Tennyson? I guess that explains your transformations then

(Y/N): Yeah, you two got names or what?

Goth Girl: How about you let us down first 

(Y/N) shrugs a bit before holding up the Ultratrix. It lets out a small pulse that gets rid of the vines. The Blonde Girl stretches a bit, while the Goth Girl dusts herself off. All the while (Y/N) looks at them waiting for them to answer.

Goth Girl: My name is Stocking, and this blonde bimbo is my sister Panty

(Y/N): Panty and Stocking?

Panty: Yeah, big boy. What you like the ring of it

She says this while getting uncomfortably close to him, causing to back up a bit. She was stopped however before she could go any farther by Stocking chopping her in the back of the head, then pulling her away.

Stocking: Be careful around her. Her main goal when we got kicked out of heaven wa to have sex with a thousand men

(Y/N): Thanks for the war-

He stopped when he suddenly realized what she had said.

(Y/N): Wait kicked out of Heaven!?

Stocking: Yeah, we're angels who were kicked out of Heaven by Michael himself due to our less savory behavior. I.E her lust and my preferences

(Y/N): Okay, then that's a lot to take in

Stocking: And the only way for us to get back into Heaven is by killing ghost

(Y/N): And that explains why you two were here

She nods.

(Y/N): Well, sorry about stealing your kill then

Stocking: *shrugs* Eh, there's plenty more ghost we can kill

(Y/N) lets out a small sigh looking up seeing the sun was already setting.

(Y/N): I should get going, I have something important I need to get to

Panty: Oh, come on we just got started meeting each other. Why don't you come over to my place so we ca-

(Y/N): Not interested. You really aren't my type

Panty looks at him a bit irritated.

Panty: Oh, yeah and what is your type then?

(Y/N) scratches the back of his head.

(Y/N): To be honest between someone who is sweet and loving and something like how your sister acts

Upon hearing this Stocking looked at him a bit shocked with a small bit of red dusted on her cheeks.

(Y/N): Anyway, I gotta go

He transforms into Jetray and quickly flies off leaving the two sisters there. An irritated Panty looked at where he flew off to with a scowl.

Panty: Hmph, can you believe someone like him, huh Stocking......Stocking?

She looked back at her sister seeing her seemingly lost in thought, with her blushing greatly. When then cut to a bit later, seeing that it just had turned dark. Jetray soon lands at the front of a house on the edge of Union City. He transforms back to his human form and smiles at the building, walking up to it. Once he got to the front door, he knocked hearing some footsteps walking towards the door. It soon opening revealing the woman with short blue hair.

Blue hair woman: Hel-

She stopped upon seeing him, tears perked in her eyes.

(Y/N): Hey.....Mom

Blue hair woman: (Y/N)!!

She quickly hugged, with him hugging her back. Looking behind her (Y/N) sees Lana smiling to him, along with the other blue hair girl and boy staring at him shock nearly in tears also. 

(Y/N): Hey guys, I'm home

With that the Blue hair woman brought him into the house, where he was bombarded by his siblings with hugs and tears of happiness. Unknown to him however, up on the rooftop Nevin was seen watching from above, glaring down at the building. He heard a ping in an earpiece he was wearing, with him bringing his hand up to it activating it.

Nevin: Yeah, I found him......Don't worry he won't know what hit him

Up in space a ship was seen moving towards the planet.

On board the ship we see multiple strange robots, moving around managing the ship and piloting it.

One robot then walked up to a chair that was facing away from him.

Robot: Sir, we are nearing the planet and from what we had gathered it has changed quite a bit from when you were last there. But one thing is still certain

???: And that is?

Robot: There is a Tennyson...

Upon hearing this the robot was suddenly surrounded by a red aura, then exploding shortly afterwards.

???: So, your lineage still lives on huh Tennyson? That doesn't matter though because...

The chair then turned revealing a strange floating creature was there.

Creature: They will soon meet the true wraith of...

It then transformed into a being that resembled Ben Tennyson, though with many major differences.


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