Avalon's Queen

By jadynluna

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This queen has enemies but can she face them all. Will she give her kids a kingdom to live for. All these que... More



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By jadynluna

Angelina's POV

Today was Evelina's coronation. Everything was going to plan. I stood in front of everyone holding the royal scepter and the diamond ball. These were the kingdoms most prized possessions. This is how we pass down the title. I remember that I was named ruler of Avalon this way.

This was so many years ago. It was also the morning after Ayden's death. Now I stood here proud to be a mother of the new queen. Music began to play as me and my family waited for Evelina to join us. We all stood here happily for the new queen.

I saw Evelina walk towards me with a smile on her face. I looked at Avalon and it brought a smile to my face. I may be forty two but I felt young for seeing my kingdom grow. All the girls in the village had crowns on their head.

They we're Zory's flower crowns. They looked so happy and they seemed to be in love with what my daughter was wearing. It was her coronation gown that was the most beautiful dress anyone has ever seen. I loved the details that they made in the dress.

All the guys stood proud and at attention when she walked passed them. They we're showing Evelina their respect to make her a new queen. I tightened my grip on the scepter and diamond. I watched as she slowly walked towards us.

Malleus was here with us wearing his prince crown. My family was wearing their crowns as well. Evelina wasn't able to wear a crown. I was wearing Avalon's crown so that I can give to her after. This was an amazing day. My little girl grew up gracefully.

I looked to the crowed to see Pierce and Niklause happily holding their hands. I looked to see king Zenith and queen Nicki sitting in the royal seats. They bowed their heads as Evelina walked towards them now. Angelo was standing in front of us all.

He had to make sure nothing went wrong. My kids were behind me and I could tell they were happy for their older sister. Malleus stood on the other side of Angelo because he courted her. It was a privilege to see this for everyone in the whole kingdom.

Evelina finally made it in front of me. I looked at her and I could tell she was scared. She was terrified of what would happen next. She would not be a royal princess anymore. She would be a royal queen. I wanted to help her calm down but I couldn't.

I raised up the scepter and the diamond in my hand for all to see. "With this I make a new reign begin. With this I make a kingdom reborn. With this I make a new Fire rise" I said aloud for everyone to hear. They all put their hands up to her.

This shows the kingdom is with her. "With these items the kingdom will go down the royal bloodline" I said as everyone lifted their hands higher. I saw Evelina looking up at me instead of her subjects. She was freaking out because she wanted them to trust her.

"Will go down the royal bloodline" I hear everyone say at the same time. I get back on track to what I was saying. This was really hard to not mess up. I just wanted to make her queen and say congratulations. I wanted to cry so bad. They we're going to be happy tears.

"With this scepter you will lead. With this diamond you will follow" I said as everyone copied me. "Lead Avalon into the future and follow our great ancestors legacy" I said well everyone was still saying everything after me. Everyone put their hands down.

Here was the most exciting part. "Princess Evelina will you be only as strong as the kingdom and in return make the kingdom stronger" I said down to her as she was on her knees. No one was talking during this time. I was waiting for her answer now.

"I will be as strong as the kingdom and in return I will make the kingdom stronger" she said as she looked down at the floor. I handed the objects to Angelo as he stood beside me. He took them carefully in his hands.

I took off my crown and placed it on Evelina's head. She stood up and I grabbed the objects again. I handed them to Evelina and she took them in her own hands. She turned to her people slowly. I smiled at her to let her know she would be okay.

"Today Evelina's reign will begin" I said as everyone started to clap and cheer. I saw Evelina's smile as her subjects celebrated her reign. This was a great day to start a new era. Well everyone was clapping flower petals started to fall from the ceiling.

I saw Pierce and Niklause kissing each other. I turned to see Alaina clapping her hands in the stand. I saw Angelo raising his sword happily as well as the other guards. I saw queen Nicki and king Zenith smiling and cheering Evelina's name.

I small crown was placed on my head as they all adored their new queen. I stepped out of the way we'll Evelina put them down in the case. She walked towards her throne and sat down. She looked down to all of us. I couldn't believe how happy I was.

I saw her siblings cheer for her and stand by her throne. I stood beside them now to celebrate with them. Everyone stopped cheering once I got everyone's attention. "This is a great day for a new queen" I began to say.

"Now let's cheer for all to hear" I said as everyone started to cheer with me even more. "To Avalon" they said aloud. We could hear this nonstop in the castle throne room. It was very exciting. We all bowed down and cheered out "Avalon's queen."

The end

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