Claire Redfield x Male Child...

De RhykerRomanoff

8.6K 137 40

Hey all my resident evil peeps! Since I'll be done with my other Resident Evil story within a week or so I wa... Mais

Chapter 1: Welcome To Racoon City
Chapter 2: How Big Is The R.P.D?
Chapter 4: Mr X Is A Bitch
Chapter 5: Sherry's Mom Is A Bigger Bitch
Chapter 6: Goodbye Racoon City

Chapter 3: Sherry's Your New Sister

1.2K 24 5
De RhykerRomanoff

(A/n - sorry for the pause! Just fell into a little slump. Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

You went up and grabbed the lion medallion since it's sitting right there and you hold onto that one as well. You then followed your mom up the stairs to the East side of the R.P.D. You go through a door to a nicely lit office area, it's actually pretty calming. You went through the door into the hallway, your mom found the weapons locker room key card which was good. You walked down the other side of the hallway when you saw a door with an exit sign over it and what sounded like a helicopter. You saw it's lights and heard it getting closer. It crashed into the R.P.D and you saw smoke come from the end of the hallway. You walked out onto the little platform where the stairs were and saw the dead, charred bodies of the helicopter pilots. You then heard "HEY! Y/N!? CLAIRE!?". "LEON!? WE'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" your mom said and looked down at him. You followed her down the steps to him as the helicopter caught on fire. "Leon! We really gotta stop meeting like this" your mom said as you stared at the helicopter. "Are you two alright? Police chopper... It just, came out of nowhere..." Leon said and gestured to it. "Yeah, we're fine" she answered. "I take it you don't have the key..." Leon said. "No, I don't... It's good to see your face, though. How are you holding up?" your mom asked. "I am...hanging in there" Leon answered. "Helluva night, huh?" your mom said and the two laughed. "Not really the time to be flirting" you snapped at them. You didn't like the idea of your mom dating someone or flirting with them. The helicopter then exploded and you felt a gust of warm air hit your face. The fire alarm then went off. "Leon, you should get going" your mom said as the zombies started to get up and come towards the sound. "Don't worry about me. Just...get you and y/n to safety" Leon said. "No, Leon, seriously, they're getting through the fence! Please, just go!" your mom said. Leon started to leave and turned back to say "we're gonna make it. All three of us". He then ran off and you took a deep breath. "What was that about?" your mom asked you. "Nothing" you said and kicked a rock. Your mom sighed and then tried to get ahold of Marvin but he didn't answer. "D...Do you think he... Ya know?" you asked, not wanting to say the full thing. "No he's fine, he's probably just tired" your mom answered. Your mom took the bolt cutter and cut the chains off of the door. You opened it when suddenly a zombie grabbed your mom. You took your knife and stabbed it in the head which made it let go and stumble a bit, your mom shot it's legs off and took your knife out and handed it back to you. You kept it in your hand just in case. You realized you were back where you first were, in the hallway where you got the book for the medallions. Your mom got the wheel she needed for the steam on the second floor. She also got the fuse for the door. She got you safely to the fuse box and put the fuse in. The door opened fully and you followed her back to the main area. You made your way through a bunch of zombies to get to the weapons room. Your mom got a grenade launcher and some flame rounds with the key card. "Well this'll definitely come in handy" you say. Your mom got supplies and then you followed her to the second floor steam room. She put the wheel in and twisted it until the steam shut off. You walked out into a hallway that had a broken window and there was rain on the floor. You see a giant tongue come down and pierce a body. When it notices you your mom takes out the grande launcher and kills it with a flame round. "Now that is scary" you say a little traumatized. You go into the next room which seems to be an office. Your mom gets a battery for something and other supplies. You then walk out of the room, hoping there's not another one of those things, and walk further down the hallway. There's a locked door that you can't get into and then another door that you unlock. It's the same room you got the medallion in earlier. You go into the library and follow your mom into the room with the bomb. You then realized the battery was for the bomb. She put the battery in and then made you hide behind the wall. When it went off you followed her and she got the third medallion and handed it to you. Just then you heard a noise and a monster jumped at you and clawed at your face. You fell backwards and your mom kicked it off of you and shot at it with another flame round. It fell to the floor and she helped you up. "Are you okay?!" she asked frantically. She wiped your cheek and she saw blood. "I'm okay, it doesn't hurt too much" you say, trying to be strong. She sighs and kisses your forehead. You evade a zombie and then help her lift the bookcase that fell in front of the door. You make your way down to the secret exit and you put all three of the medallions in, exposing different parts of the exit as you enter them. You look over and see Marvin, barely breathing and passed out on the sofa. Your mom opened the white door and flashed her flashlight down there checking it out. "Good. We can get out of this hellhole. Hey Marvin! Guess what! Think we found a way out! Marvin, come on. Let's get you out of here. Let's go" your mom said. Marvin jumped up and started breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" you asked worriedly. "No, I... Just go. Save yourself" he said and clutched his wound. "C'mon, it's bad. We've got to get you to a hospital now--" your mom tried. "PLEASE, Claire... We both know how this is going to end. Get out of this city, get your boy to safety" he says. "I can't just leave you here" she says back. "Claire, please... Go... Do this for me" he says. Your mom gets up and says "ok... Hey, Marvin... Thank you". You look sadly at Marvin and then follow your mom down the stairs as the secret passageway closes up again. The lights turn on automatically as you walk into the room. It's small and holds a desk and some weird artifacts. You then walk to an elevator and press the button. The mood is now sad and you feel like you want to cry, Marvin was nice and he helped you. You wish the world wasn't like this. "Why do good people die?" you ask your mom as a tear drips down your cheek. She wipes your tear away and caresses your cheek. "I wish I had the answer y/n/n, but I just don't know. Life is unfair" she says. The elevator door opens and you walk through it and your mom presses the down button. You walk through the doors and down some stairs into some sort of boiling room. You're walking when you see and hear footsteps above you on the grated floor. "Hello! HELLO!?" your mom calls out to the person. You see a pushed over case blocking the next door. You try to help your mom move the case but it won't budge. Your mom kneels and uses her flashlight to see inside the room. You both see what looks like a girl. "Hello...?" you whisper. "Hey... It's ok. We won't hurt you, I promise. Do you need help? can take my hand" your mom says and reaches her hand out. "" the girl whispers. "I'm sorry, I can't understand you" your mom says back. "You need help" the girl says more clearly this time. "Why...?" your mom asks. "He's right behind you" the little girl answers and points. "What?" your mom questions and you turn around to see a nasty looking guy with a big arm and eyeball coming out of it. "!" you say and tap on her shoulder. She turns around and sees him for herself. The man swings a pipe down in the grated platform and breaks a hole in it which then sends both you and your mom flying down. You land on your back and get the wind knocked out of you. You cough trying to breath. The man jumps down after you and stands up. Your mom realizes your closer to him and quickly grabs you and pulls you to her, "sweetheart, can you stand?" she asks. You cough a little but stand and she helps you. "Just try to stay behind me" she says and then starts shooting at him. He chases you and swings his pipe wildly causing pipes to burst and steam to bust out everywhere making it hard to see. Your mom shoots at his eye which makes it get all red and irritated. He swings his pipe down at you but your mom goes right to dodge it and you go left, separating the two of you. "Y/n! I can't see you!" she screams. You stand up and move backwards trying to see where everything was. You then feel instant pain as the big monsters pipe connects with your stomach sending you flying backwards into a wall. "Stay away from him asshole!" your mom screams and shoots at his eye causing him to crumble to the floor. He gets so irritated he falls over the edge and what you think is to his death. Your mom runs to you and carries you out of the steam. She lays you down and checks your stomach, it's bruised and there's probably a few cracked ribs. To your surprise she cries a little. "Mom, what is it? Why are you crying?" you ask and try to sit up. "I just want to protect you" she says and wipes her tears. "It's okay, I'll be okay" you say and hug her. She takes a deep breath and then shakes her head, trying to push the sadness away. "okay, let's keep going" she says. You nod and she helps you stand. It hurts like a bitch but you're gonna have to push through. You go over to a ladder that needs to be let down from the top. "Hey! Little girl...!? It's safe now... It's over" your mom calls out. She comes to the edge and looks down, "are you sure?". "Yeah, I promise. Everything's fine. I just need you to lower that ladder for us" your mom answers. "Will you help me find my mom?" the girl asks. "...Your mom is down here?" your mom asks back curiously. "I think so. I hope so" she says and looks down. "Yeah...of course. We'll help you" your mom says trying to catch her breath. The girl then let's the ladder down and your mom helps you up. "This way" the girl says and leads you. You follow her up a staircase to a lever, "it won't move...". You go to pull it but your mom treats you like a baby and pushes you gently back and does it herself. "You got it!" the girl says enthusiastically. The platform then begins to move over. "So...what's your mom like?" your mom asks her as you wait for the platform. "She works at Umbrella. She's making an important new medicine" the little girl answers as the platform sets in. "Umbrella? That big pharmaceutical company?" your mom asks a little amazed. "My mom's always at work. I don't get to see her much" the little girl says which makes you a little sad for her. "Well, hopefully, you'll get to see her again soon. So... Where's your dad?" your mom asks as you make it into another room. "He, um...worked with my mom but... He's gone" she answers. "Wow... Both of my parents are gone -- it's just me, my brother and my son here" she says and gestures to you. "Oh... I'm sorry..." the little girl says. "Don't be. It means we've got something in common and... That's a good thing, right?" your mom says. You weren't really sure why she was opening up to a stranger kid but at least you didn't have to talk. Talking about your past is hard enough. Your mom sees a ladder and starts to climb it. You let the girl go ahead of you because you took longer considering your possible broken ribs. Your mom helped you out of the hole and made sure you were okay. "Over there!" the girl said and went to the gate that had headlights pouring through it. You hobbled over to where she was going. "It's closed..." she says sadly. "Dammit. We need a key card. Come on..." your mom says and tries to lift it and gets the girl to help. You use one of your arms but it won't budge. "And you're sure this is the way?" your mom asks her. "This is how my mom took me last time" the girl answers. You then hear a man's voice in the distance say "Sherry!? I've been looking everywhere for you, Sherry...". You see a bigger man approach and your mom moves in front of the both of you protectively. "Brave little girl to leave your house in the middle of this mess..." he says. He then pulls out a gun and aims it at your mom, "on the ground, hands behind your head". "You can't be serious..." your mom says in disbelief. He shoots a bottle in the distance and then aims back at your mom, "on the ground. Now". Your mom does what he says and you're not sure if he wants you to do the same. He looks at you crumpled over a bit, clutching at your side and then looks to Sherry and throws ties at her. "Sherry, tie her hands" he says. "Why're you doing this?" Sherry tries to ask. "Shut up. Tie her" he says dismissively. "Ok, then. You tie her up now, or she dies" he says and points a gun to your mom's head. You unbutton the clasp on your knife and walk over to the ties. "Fine I'll do it" you say. As you go over to grab the ties, in one swift motion your grab your knife and aim for his neck but he moves and you only hit his shoulder. He pistol whips you and you fall to the ground clutching your nose. Sherry quickly grabs the ties and ties your mom's hands, not wanting anyone else to get hurt. "Little asshole" the guy mutters. Your mom becomes angry. "What's this all about?" she spits at him. "Child endangerment, for starters. Sherry, come here" he says and uses his key card to unlock the gate. "What are you gonna do to her?" your mom asks. "None of your fucking business" he answers coldly. "You hurt her, I swear to god, my brother is S.T.A.R.S and I will fucki---" she begins to say but he kicks her in the stomach. "Sherry, get over here! What's your name? What's your fucking name!?" he asks and points the gun to her head. "Claire!" your mom answers through gritted teeth. "Sherry, you come with me now or say goodbye to Claire!" he says. You feel dizzy and try to move but can't. "Ok, ok! I'll go...! You better be taking me to my mom" she says and runs over to the exit. "Absolutely" he says. Your mom sits up and says "don't listen to him! He's full of shit!". He then pistol whips her but only manages to clip her mouth. "Stop hurting them! Please!" Sherry says. The man takes ahold of her and says "don't tell me how to do my job". "Stop! Let me go! Let me go!" Sherry yells. "Obviously, nobody taught you manners! We'll fix that. Oh yes, we will" he says. Your mom manages to get free but the gate closes as she gets to it. You can hear Sherry yelling for the guy to let her go. "I'LL GET YOU, YOU FUCKER" your mom screams and hits the gate with her foot in frustration. You rub your eyes trying to be able to see clearly. You sit up a little as your mom wipes the blood off of her lip and grabs something Sherry dropped. "Stay safe, Sherry..." she says. She takes a deep breath and then looks at you, she's blurry and you give up trying to sit up and just lay back against the pavement. You close your eyes as everything goes dark and you hear your mom rush over to you and yell "no no! Y/n! Don't fall asleep, please!".

To be continued...

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