Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

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After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice


2.8K 58 101
By TheWonderland04

Author's Note:

Ah, the first episode of the season: Becoming. Now we finally hit Unbecoming. The memories... Also, man, have I've been on a strange spiral lately....



Side Notes:

Have you guessed it yet? It's probably not as important but Jim is slowly coming clean about something!


The start of the episode was none too kind to the viewers as Queen Usurna quickly made her way down the steps, staff in hand and a non-welcoming look upon her face. Her scowl seemed deadly as her face came into a view.

"You want to know something, I am getting really sick and tired of these starting or ending like crap!" Mary hissed. "Like, why would I watch something that makes me feel upset. It's like seeing someone trying to mismatch outfits. It's sick."

Steve snorted, "now you know how we feel watching you put on a show with a new boy." The crowd gasped as Mary's face turned red due to anger.

"You're just jealous!"

"Lower the prisoner," she demanded, tightening her lips as the cage lowered, Jim jostled around as he gripped onto the bars. The door was pulled open and Jim's arms were instantly locked in the Krubera's vast hands. The Trollhunter grunted and glared at the trolls, trying to remain calm and to not show his fear.

He was pushed forward as Vendel stepped beside Usurna, a gentler tone as he spoke to Jim. "Are you still refusing to admit your friends had any hand in this?"

The Trollhunters sighed, throwing up their hands and turning to Jim. They figured he would take the blame so his friends wouldn't be in trouble. The issue was that Claire and Toby didn't know what was more frustrating, that they knew him well enough to know that he would do that, or that he even did it in the first place.

"Jim, you shouldn't be handling this alone." Claire started.

"But I went in there alone, you wouldn't have been in the Darklands if I didn't. Right?"

"We were going in the Darklands, anyways, Master Jim. One way or another."

"It's my fault. I'm responsible, everything they did was for me." Jim gestured to himself, seeming to not regret anything he has done.

"Then, this is beyond even my authority. I am sorry." Vendel mentioned, looking off to the side. While Vendel rarely showed any negative emotions around Jim, this was serious. The elder struggled to remain eye contact but Usurna was quick to speak, hatred in her voice.

"James Lake Junior, you stand accused of unleashing Gunmar on the world and failing to protect Trollkind."

"Take his name out of your mouth! All because she wants to arrest a boy, Gunmar could be causing more damage and they keep their only protector locked up!" Barbara yelled out. "You think since your whole specie and the planet is in peril, you'd keep the only one who could possibly stop it, locked in a cage! That is my son!"

"Uh, somebody tell me why Trollmarket and the have suddenly become her concern. She lives deep underground and barely comes to the surface because of the light, let Vendel handle it, he is responsible for Trollmarket."

"Exactly, she leaves her own land to take charge of another."

"If you let me out, I can fight!" Jim's argument went no further as her hand was quick to raise, silencing him.

"You will face trials in front of the tribunal for your crime. If found guilty, as you say you are."

"The consequence," Vendel added, causing Jim to turn his direction from Usurna to the Elder, listening carefully. "Could be... Death."

"I'm sorry?"

"What the hell else is new! Death here, death there, DEATH EVERYWHERE! Can we not bring up frickin' death for two minutes! Gosh!" While Jim processed what was becoming of his future, the crowd spassed, his close friends seeming upset by what had to take place.

They were right, it was always death, and granted, a sixteen year old should not have to be used to hearing his life at risk but it was all he heard. Sometimes he was afraid of it, others he could look Death straight in the eye but how many times would he have to fight like this? Then only to face Gunmar, his options were slim.

He looked at his friends who seemed more irritated then surprised, a grim look had crossed their faces but they seemed like they were ready to take down anyone who made their lives much harder.

Usurna spoke again, "but an offer of mercy is on the table, if you surrender the amulet to be destroyed, you'll be exiled."

"And your life, spared," Vendel finished.

"This literally makes no sense. Let's either kill the only line of defense we got when we know that Gunmar is OUT and ready to destroy the world or destroy the thing that literally made him the defense, send him off, and still watch the world crumble! It's not helping trollkind, it's going to kill them in the end! They're the ones endangering it!" A student cried, gripping their hair.

"Man, we're all gonna die! The Tribunal will send all of us to our doom!"

"I don't understand, then there won't be a Trollhunter." Jim said, arms opening to express his thoughts, more disturbed at the thought of the Trolls losing their protection than his own death.

"Wait, wait, wait. This is not happening!"

"If I can remember from Blinky constantly mentioning it. The thing that had saved every life for centuries and locked Gunmar away was that amulet. Seeing it's destruction of the Master and or object would result in termination of the world." Eli stated, smiling when the crowd blinked at him.

"Thanks for summing that up, Eli! Not like we already know that!"

Toby turned to Jim, "he speaks like Blinky now. I think he needs some time away."

"For too long, we trolls have relied on Merlin's antiquated magics to shelter us," Usurna had her head held high as she spoke, "As for the evil we face tomorrow, that is up for our own race to decide," she poked him with her staff, "not some human child."

"Uh!" Toby yelled, the whole crowd seeming enraged at the thought process. "They aren't the only ones in danger here! Gunmar will eat us next! So we have every right to be involved!"

"Yeah! Jim was picked for a reason, so screw you!" Darci yelled at the T.V. screen, the newfound couple smiling and blushing while they attacked the show.

"I love it when you get angry at other people, so dangerous."

"Alright, too much, T.P."

The queen stepped off, an angry scowl now crossing her face while Vendel kept his gaze on Jim who had pulled his amulet from his pocket and now tightly wedged in between his fingers.

"I'm aware this is a terrible choice, young one but it is solely your's to make." Vendel added, Jim's eyes locked on the beautiful blue hue that had lightly hummed at him.

"The trial begins at dawn, you have until then to decide." She finally began to leave the room while her guard had forcefully placed Jim back into the cage, Vendel watching with a grim look.

Vendel paid no mind to the people who had commented that he actually cared about a human. It was true and shocking. Despite his lack of care when it came to some trolls, he had been showing numerous times that he actually cared about the boy and what happened to him. He rarely said no either.

"Oh, I see how it is!" Blinky yelled, a smile on his lips as he spoke, clear to Vendel that Blinky was not mad that he and Jim were treated differently. He turned to face the elder, "Thank you, for looking out for him."

"Aw! Guys, he actually does care! There can't be any excuses anymore!"

The boy yelped as he stood, heading to the cage door and pressing against the bars while the cage lifted, leaving him alone and suspended in the air once more. While the others who had been locked in other hanging cages had been asleep and so had the guards, Jim stayed awake, speaking to no one in particular.

"Is this what you wanted? To hurt everyone?" Jim's voice broke, his lips going thin as he spoke, the amulet in hand. "To ruin my life? Why did you choose me, huh?" The tears had finally begun to fall, voice cracking as he spoke the words that he thought he'd never say. "I wish I never picked you up in the first place."

Coming to a stand, the boy went to the other side of the cage, throwing the amulet and leaving it to lay in the crevice of the stone floor. He slid down to the cage floor, crying as he whispered.

The whole crowd yearned for Jim. He didn't deserve this when he tried his hardest to help everyone. Any sarcastic or funny comment they had or wanted to make was gone in an instant.

"Jim, honey." Barbara started, "I know this is the future and it doesn't look all that great. But, from watching you work to save these creatures, as scary as it is for me. What you did was right, and the amulet called your name for a reason, you're doing a wonderful job."

"Thank you, mom. I'll try to remember that." Yet, he knew he wouldn't. If this was bound to happen, he would be in the same spot, hurt and doubting himself.

"You made a mistake." As Jim's sad words hung in the air, the amulet lit up, the carvings on the side glowing from the darkness as the metal hands spun and clicked, letting a glowing blue orb to lift from the amulet, mysteriously floating to out of the jail block and into the hero's forge.

It cascaded around the hero's figures, Jim's voice echoing from the orb as it had appeared in front of the one troll that hadn't lasted a day. "You made a mistake," the orb spun around the cowring statue before it appeared in the amulet. "I wish I never picked you up in the first place."

From the sadness, the crowd quickly changed their postures, growing intrigued at what was happening. They all turned to Blinky, hoping for some answers on what was going on but the Troll simply shrugged, never having the chance in the past to know what was truly going on.

The statue glowed as the amulet continued to spin, another orb pouring from the magical device, this time, heading to a saddened Jim which instantly scared the boy, a comical accent came from the glowing blue orb.

"So, the amulet made a mistake, ay? You would not be the first!" Jim leaned a little back, becoming more alert as he was careful.

"It looks like his spirit visited Jim," Darci said. "Have you ever heard of something like this?"

"Rarely, I doubted it. After all, others had not needed wisdom in this form, instead visiting the council." Blinky rubbed his chin, thinking. "I am shocked at the amount of power a spirit can possess to do this, unless they had to."

"Who are you?"

"You don't recognize me?!" The voice said in shock, Jim a little weary and pressing himself against the bars as the blob floated and moved around almost comically. "Perhaps a hint or two, I didn't have much luck being the Trollhunter, either." Jim gave the blue orb a shrug of his shoulders, not being able to place it. "Trained by Blinky, couldn't last a day, ripped limb from limb!"

As the orb circled and bumped into Jim countless times, it had finally dawned on Jim, the boy letting out a breath.

"Whoa, Unkar the Unfortunate?"

Despite there being no expressions to the orb, his emotion and shock were definitely poured into the words he spoke. "That's what stuck?! I was hoping for Unkar the Ultimate!"

"Well, you died in one day, dude. I think the only time you were called ultimate was how fast you did die." Toby mentioned, grinning lightly.

"Dude, are you seriously going to try and tease a dead Trollhunter. Even I'm not that stupid!" Steve pitched in, leaning over the seat to speak to Toby.

"Nah, from the crap they said to Jim before, I'm talking mad crap!"

"Why are you here?" Jim asked as the glowing blue ball of magic had taunted him, mocking his words.

"You wish you never picked up the amulet in the first place, well, I'm here to offer you what I never had... a second chance." The words dawned on Jim, the boy letting out a slight gasp before his arms moved quickly to shield his eyes from the burning light that emitted from the orb.

Jim cried as the cage was surrounded in blue smoke, the amulet ticking and the arms swirling before everything clicked, the scene going from a dark room to a familiar alarm clock, striking at six a.m.

"Good morning, Arcadia Oaks. If you're still in bed, you are missing the most beautiful sunrise, clear skies, and a beautiful morning ahead. And big news..." The voice was drowned out as Jim pulled the magazine from his face. Instead of a scream due to the fact of the time, he was shocked, stunned, and quiet.

"Wait, what?!" Someone gasped out as the crowd tried to process what had happened. "Did he go back in time!?"

Blinky hummed, "the power to give someone a "second chance," that seems impossible, I have a feeling this is not just Unkar."

"Dude! You're given a second chance to not be the Trollhunter!?" Toby cried, shaking Jim. "Do you know what this means!?"

"I don't get locked up soon due to letting Gunmar out?"

He pulled the blanket from his body, gasping as he silenced the alarm, feeling his body and holding his head while he panicked silently.

"This should not be happening, I'm in a cage but where is the cage?" He asked, scanning his room. After a moment, Jim's head appeared from his room, glancing around the quiet house and running past his mother's room, causing another gasp to escape him and turn back, pulling the note from the door.

He gently pushed it open, his mother laying in the same position he had found her the morning he had also found the amulet. Unlike the caring gestures he had shown before, he had closed the door this time, standing in the hallway and rubbing the back of his head.

The frantic boy appeared in the living room, holding his head. "What is going on right now?!" The scenes were quick to change, Jim now standing in his garage, bike in hand as he waited for the garage door to open.

Only to find the trash dumped onto his driveway, "not Racoons," He mumbled. He lifted the trash can, revealing Toby who was straightening his helmet.

"We're late for school, Jimbo." The chubby friend realized the bare hands of Jim, "no lunch?"

"No." A moment of silence passed, Jim more confused than anything. "What?"

"You said you were making something special for me this morning. Eh, maybe it's for the best, I am on a diet." Toby said, holding his grumbling stomach.

"You've been on a diet for fourteen years, Tobes." Jim started, voice going slower as he realized what he had said.

"Long term goals, my body's still changing." The stout friend replied, Jim mumbling the same words at the same time.

"So, you don't know that I'm a Trollhunter?" Jim asked suddenly, confusing Toby.

The crowd said nothing, simply blinking at the screen than to Jim who chuckled at himself. Everything was so confusing that he was bound to ask that question, especially to his best friend.

"I'm starting to think that this is a bad idea..."

"Okay? You really got to stop skipping breakfast, Jimbo. It's the most important meal of the day. Come on, we're going to be late for school, let's take the canals." Toby drew out, clearly not liking the idea of taking the canals.

"The canals, the amulet." Jim muttered to himself before realization dawned on him, "a second chance!" He laughed, grabbed his helmet and caught up. "Tobes, go the long way, I-I don't want to take the canals today!"

Toby quickly turned to follow, "your call!" They passed over the bridge, a much happier morning until Toby had heard the bell. "Ugh, final bell, we're gonna be so late, our kids will have detention!"

However, Jim's focus instantly landed on the amulet which glowed underneath the pile of stone. Jim couldn't contain his gasp, his friend hearing a soft noise and turning back.

"You say something?!" Toby yelled and Jim just played it off, continuing forward.

"Uh, nope." While they continued on their journey to school, the amulet came into view, humming.

"It's waiting for you! Pick it up! PICK IT UP!"

Toby sighed lightly, he knew Jim wanted this second chance but he knew that his friend also wanted the Trollhunting adventures. Would it change their bond?

In class, the familiar scene of a pen is being pressed against the map as kids type their notes quickly as a man instructs a lesson, weaving between desks.

"The Peloponnesian War was actually three wars fought between Athens and Sparta. The first war is known as the Archimedean War. Type that into your search engines. A-R-C-H-I-M-E-D-E-A-N." Strickler spoke. Only, this time, Jim was more stuck on his thoughts than Claire.

"I can't believe it, everything's the same, but not the same!" Jim spoke quietly to himself but alerting his friend beside him.

"What's going on with you, dude. You've been acting super weird all morning."

"I don't even know how to explain, Tobes. Let's meet up with Claire and talk." So used to the idea of them being a trio, Jim had forgotten where he had been placed. The look on Toby's face had said it all, eyes landing on the girl before turning back to his friend.

Claire stayed quiet, trying to focus. Now, she wasn't in their lives if he restarted and she did not like that idea. She liked the two weirdos and tried not to show her being upset at the idea of Jim doing this.

He was heartbroken because of the situation he was in with Usurna and deserved to see how things would be different if he didn't pick it up, so it led her to swallow her anger and turn to the boy, gripping his hand.

"Promise me that you will come back to me, Trollhunter or not."

"I promise."

"Claire? Like secret crush girl, Claire? You took crazy pills? She barely knows you exist!"

"Oh, yeah. Right." Jim mumbled before his name was called, Strickler standing right behind him.

"Jim, would you agree?" Startled, Jim faced his teacher, the crowd gasping at Jim's sudden anger in his voice, defense raised.

"Strickler! I mean, uh, yes, a-absolutely." He stuttered, the class laughing as the bell rang, everyone in a hurry to leave their seats.

"So, that means the class was bound to laugh at you no matter what you did," Mary said, fixing her hair. "Nice embarrassment."

"It's not embarr– you know what, no."

"Jim, may I have a word?" Distracted like last time, Jim knocks over his backpack, Strickler helping him pick up his belongings. The same discarded items spilled out. "I believe I'm overdue for a conversation with your mother."

Jim's eyes widened, "noooo! No, no, no, no, no! Stay away from my mom!" He was quick to rip the book from his teacher's hands, quickly slinging his backpack over his shoulder and fleeing the classroom with a slight glare, leaving Strickler in a confused state.

Everyone laughed as Barbara smiled. The kid barely tried to hide anything, even when he realized he did have a second chance. He wasn't willing to let Strickler get near his mother again and made sure of it.

"Jim, I completely understand your thinking process right now, but you are going to make everyone confused and scared and they don't even have a single idea on why you're acting that way."

"--I want all of you to be made of iron. Iron! You have got to be kidding me. I don't know what I feel more sorry for. You or the rope." This time, Jim let the words drown out as he watched his friend be helplessly tangled in the rope. His eyes landed on Claire who was laughing as she watched something on her phone.

He sucked in a breath and ran over to Claire, gesturing to her and then back at him. "Hey, Claire, we need to talk."

"Uh, sorry?" She laughed nervously. "Have we met?"

Jim let out a soft groan, "oh, right, you don't know who I am. I mean you do, but I-I-I mean, will!" He laughed nervously, knowing he had messed up, even making it worse by clicking his tongue and pointing a finger at her.

"Oh, no." Jim muttered, hiding his face while Claire smiled, he did want to come back to her.

"Yeesh!" Darci said in shock, "come on Claire!" The trio stood, ready to leave.

"Wait, your brother's name is Enrique, but pretty soon, he's not Enrique!"

The crowd groaned, facepalming while Claire laughed, barely trying to keep it contained. Jim's cheeks were flushed in embarrassment. Was he really screwing up this bad, especially when he had a second chance? He was something else.

"Jim, just stop. This is hard to watch." Steve added, rubbing his forehead as he tried to forget how terrible his interaction was.

"You guys try doing this!"

"I'd realize that I went back in time by now and not try to say something stupid like that! You literally reminded yourself this morning to NOT take the canals."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, the tone was serious as her friends rolled their eyes.

"Sorry, we were just going away from you. So, bye whatever your name is." Darci spat.

"But Shakespear, you're Juliet and I'm Romeo!" The poster was ripped from his hands, leaving him to let out a defeated sigh as Claire stepped off. Coach had still been yelling at Toby who still had not tried to escape the rope.

"Oof, now isn't that just harsh..."

"I have no idea what is worse, the day Jim wore that Grit Shaka and embarrassed himself in front of the whole school, or acted like a stalker and a freak to his future Girlfriend and friends."

"Grit Shaka. That was terrible, even to just see and hear. I have second hand embarrassment now."

"Tobes, I'm telling you, in my other life, she's my girlfriend!" Jim cried as they walked through the school with their bikes.

"Man, you dream big! Even in my imagination, I'm only a duke!"

"It's not my imagination!" Jim pleaded, seeing the familiar sight of Eli getting shoved in the locker by Steve.

"Tell me again, dweeb-face. Tell me about the creatures and maybe I'll let you out!"

"Okay. Nothing to see here." Toby said nervously, continuing forward, Jim speaking.

"Okay, wait. Last time I intervened and Steve fights me."

"Better Eli than you, that kid's performing public service." Toby stated before watching his friend leave and stalking up to Steve.

The crowd snorted while Eli sighed. "See this is why Jim was chosen to be the Trollhunter, he would have stood up for me while you guys ran free, not worrying about getting pushed around."

"You were telling me about the monsters you saw this morning, with fangs and - What was it, again?"

"Stone for skin! In the canal!"

"If I do nothing, Steve won't be on my case, I won't have to worry about him anymore, or maybe I–" Jim spoke, stepping off and leaving Toby who was growing concerned.

"Jim, this isn't like you. You always help even if it makes your life harder, not watching and having to think about it."

"Yeah, this is strange and I want everything to go back to normal."

"Dude, you've been a real brain case all morning," Toby said, looking at Jim, however, his luck wasn't on his side for Steve had heard, assuming that Toby was calling Steve that due to the lack of Jim being seen.

"What did you just call me, Buttsnack!" His face was twisted in anger, the camera rapidly zooming into Toby's worried face.

"Uh, uh, nothing!" The boy stuttered while Steve had stomped toward him, the poor boy backing up as he looked to his friend who was too lost in thought to notice. "Uh, Jim. Jim!" He yelped as Steve had finally closed the distance between them, readying his fist as the screen grew dark, a smack and a yelp being the only thing heard.

The people in the crowd winced, leaning back in their chairs after watching poor Toby get singled out from Steve. Jim frowned lightly, looking at Toby.

"I'm sorry Tobes," he muttered.

"It's alright, bud. I mean, you're going through a lot. And hey, if the ladies ask, I can make up a cool story to impress them." He raised his eyebrows, trying to make Jim laugh, succeeding easily.

"Of course you would."

From the dark scene, the sunset filled the sky, Toby and Jim walking their bikes as the stout friend had sported a black eye.

"Distract me from the pain, tell me again. I have a war hammer?" Toby said, seeming slightly excited at the thought.

"And, you're a duke."

"Ha! And I thought I had a big imagination." Toby breathed, his friend's face instantly told Toby that he had been serious. "Look Jimbo, we're nobodies, but that's okay."

"It's not imag–" Jim's words were cut off by him gasping, moving to the edge of the canal to see a light still glowing. "Yes! I can still prove it!" He quickly slid down the canal, gesturing for his friend to follow. "Tobes, Tobes, come here." Jim had run to the pile, digging through it frantically.

"Where'd it go," he let out a defeated sigh as Toby looked more unamused.

"You wanted to show me a pile of rocks?"

"No, Tobes. The amulet, it was right here." He gasped and folded his arms. "Maybe someone else was chosen."

"You wanted the second chance, Jim. I'm starting to think you are regretting it."

"Thanks for stating it, Pepperjack!" Steve said, slightly smacking the nerd upside the head. "We can see the screen."

"Well, Jim. This has been memorable, and since somebody's forgotten my lunch today, I'm going home to eat. I'll see you tomorrow." Jim sighed lightly, watching his friend leave before turning back to the pile, moving a rock, only to be greeted by the same glowing blue orb.

"It's a bundane life, but at least you are alive, aye!"

"You could've helped me out."

"They can't hear me, only you can. Besides what I'd say, a talking ball of light, says ''listen to the boy, he once possessed a magic amulet."

"But then who has the amulet now?" Jim asked.

"Oh, that is the Trollhunter's concern. Remember you are just Jim Lake Jr. You're getting a second chance, enjoy it!" The ball of light feld the area, disappearing in mid air and leaving a distraught Jim. "It may surprise you!"

Jim processed what Unkar had said, it was already surprising him. No matter how much he reminded himself that it was his second chance, he kept going back to trying to find his own life.

Hopefully he got his old life back, Jim didn't know much he could take watching his future self forget everything he worked for.

From then on, Jim had woken up, once again, a magazine covering his face as the alarm blared. From no more restless nights, near death experiences, Jim seemed more happy as he woke, even more alert in class.

He stood in front of his Spanish class this time, smiling with a proud teacher beside him. "Y gracias escuchar me presentación."

"Muy bien, Mr. Lake. A plus." Senor Uhl said, nicer than usual, while Steve and his sidekick looked in disbelief, Eli had stood, clapping his hands.


The scene then changed to Barbara stepping in with breakfast, "wake up, don't want to sleep through your big day! Mom's special birthday pancakes!" They shared a loving hug before Jim and Toby's reflection in the window of a Vespa shop were seen, the two saying something but it went unheard due to the happy music.

"So, it's not lasting just one day! Jim, as much as you seem to be enjoying your new freedom. We are not. This is not your whole family, this is not what you're destined to be. As much as it sucks to see you hurt and upset, those hardships make you stronger," Eli said.

"At least he and his mother are happy, if this is what he wants, we can't stop him. Besides, how bad could the new Trollhunter be?"

Jim listened carefully, knowing that he would be missing the Trolls, they were his family and he hated that he'd lose that special connection with them.

Jim was then seen cruising through the streets on the Vespa, happy as ever before the scene changed again to the boy cooking up a meal, seasoning it and setting it on the counter.

He then found himself smiling until he had noticed the happy Nunez family walking in the park, nervously waving to Claire who had just looked at him. Then Jim's heart broke even further as the play had reached its end, Steve laying where Jim had once been, Claire leaning over.

"I will kiss thy lips," she gently pecked his lips, Steve waking with a laugh and making Claire smile lightly, Jim sighing in the crowd before he was found on the steps of his back door, sitting alone as he remembered Draal who was always teaching Jim in the same backyard.

"NO! NO! This is just a sick twisted game now!" Claire fiddled with her fingers, knowing how that was her and Jim's moment, a boy who wouldn't take advantage of that moment even if he had a crush on her.

"Jim, I swear–" Claire started, teasingly.

"If I didn't mess it up the first time, maybe." He chuckled. She smiled, agreeing silently. She didn't want anyone else on that stage but Jim.

"If my destiny is to not hold the sword, perhaps it is to teach you how to properly wield it." Jim sighed as he looked up, the scene of him and Draal sparring, playing. "Mimic my movements, Trollhunter."

Jim held up his sword with a nervous smile. The vast blue troll moved the lamp in many different ways, showing every different angle you could fight with. Jim mirrored those movements until the sunset became nothing but a dark blanket that covered the sky, stars dotting all across the pitch black sky.

That was until the memory faded, leaving the sad darkening sky above the empty backyard. Yet, Jim was standing there, still remembering the moves he had done, instantly stopping when he had realized things had changed.

The poor boy hadn't spoken to his mother during dinner, instead picking at his food as the two remained silent. Barbara was startled when Jim pushed himself away from the table, stepping out of the house and walking his bike over the canals, the pile of Kanjigar still resting there. Usually it would have been gone by now.

The crowd cooed at the sad moment, knowing that Jim was beginning to miss his life and friends. He was missing the excitement he had at night and the experiences he learned.

All while Jim was trying to learn from this situation, to appreciate the moments he shared with his friends, who all seemed to look grim as they watched their partner fall apart as he fought to get his life back.

"We might not know you if you restart, Master Jim, but I doubt I could live a life without you."

Jim continued to walk, sighing as he passed the museum, however, he was instantly stopped by a pair of headlights near the museum. Strickler stepped out of his car, eyeing his surroundings and causing Jim to gasp, ducking behind the statue.

The boy wandered into the museum, mumbling, "Killahead bridge." He remained quiet as Strickler's voice came from behind the tarp.

"You're sure he hasn't told anyone?"

"Trust me, I know him. He's stubborn, he works alone." Nomura added, the two actually working together instead of at each other's throats.

"Good, then all we do is lay the bait and Gunamr will be free!" Jim gasped lightly, going out of view.

"Lay the bait? Whoever this Trollhunter better be as cautious as Jim had." Darci stated as Toby nodded.

"Who knows what lays ahead if the enemy's plan actually works."

"Hopefully it turns out alright," Jim added, looking at the Trolls who were busy processing everything. This nee Trollhunter seemed to have a bigger risk letting Gunmar free.

"Oh, no. Gunmar," The boy ran out of the museum and to the canals, perched above and waiting as a troll had opened the entrance, stepping inside with a cart, Jim quickly following behind and hiding in the cart, going unnoticed.

"And there he goes. Jim, you do realize you are technically not allowed in Trollmarket," Mary said.

Jim just laughed, "you obviously don't know me well enough."

As Trollmarket lived, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were in the library, Blinky pulling a book from Aaarrrgghh's mouth.

"Perhaps you should consider reading my books instead of eating them." He looked at it in disgust before being startled by Jim who yelled his name frantically.

"Blinky!" Jim appeared in front of a screaming Blinky who had thrown his books, landing on his behind.

"A human!" The troll raged, grabbing a book and swinging it at Jim. "Be gone Fleshbag! Or else my sizable friend here will eat you!" Aaarrrgghh just smiled. Jim, however, was not phased, pushing the book away.

Everyone laughed, Blinky sighing lightly. It was smart but of course, in that moment, he should have caught on and trudged more carefully with the situation.

"Blinky, nice effort." Jim teased while Blinky playfully mocked him.

"We need to stop teaching him human things, it's getting dangerous."

"Aaarrrgghh's a pacifist."

"Pacifist," Aaarrrgghh repeated before Blinky looked shocked.

"How did you know that!?" Jim pressed his hand against his forehead.

"Unkar sent me back in time, to give me a second chance."

"Unkar!" Blinky started, laughing with Aaarrrgghh. "That's impossible! No troll, not even a spirit holds the power to change fate itself!"

"Blinky's smart, he'll realize that the proof is there, right?"

"Or he thinks Jim is a spy, so, either or, he could be screwed."

"They changed, okay! And now I need to find the Trollhunter. They're building Killahead bridge!"

"Killahead!" Aaarrrrgghh once again repeated, before giving Blinky a

"Uh, actually... we believe you, young human."

"Ugh, finally. Thank you." Jim stated, perching himself on the table.

"Aaarrrgghh, go find the Trollhunter, Draal."

"Draal is the Trollhunter?!" Jim said in shock.

"Jim! They don't know you know everything! Stop making this worse for yourself!"

Blinky snorted at himself, knowing how he thought, it was amusing actually.

"And have him bring a Gaggletack."

"You think I'm a Changeling!?" Jim asked in shock, leaning back while Blinky's face grew dark.

"Quick, restrain him!" Using what he learned, Jim flipped backwards, avoiding Aaarrrggh's grip, leaving them shocked. "He's escaping! Quick!"

While some were shocked with the move Jim easily pulled off, others were questioning Jim.

"If you aren't a Changeling and needed help, why wouldn't you stay and prove to them that you are in fact a regular human. They might even listen to you if you proved you had no bad intentions?" Eli asked.

Jim shrugged, "who knows, maybe in the little time I have to warn, I couldn't wait around for them to gain my trust?"

"He's got moves!" Aaarrrgghh mumbled as they stopped by the exit way.

"Indeed, clearly his evil masters have trained him well." Aaarrrgghh nodded. Escaping easily, Jim was found in the construction site where he first fought Bular, popping out from the sewers and laying on the ground.

Blinky couldn't help but grin, he had complimented himself and had also called them evil masterminds without knowing. He was proud though, Jim was able to escape them and pulled it off.

He was happy that he finally had trained someone who succeed.

Jim even chuckled, finding the irony in that, Blinky did well with him.

"Why can't I find anyone who believes me?" He gasped, lifting his head. "Strickler!"

"Goodbye, Arcadia Oaks High." Strickler said, being found in his secret room within the school, a box of his belongings being placed on the table. "Consider this my resignation." He popped the key into the cap before he was found, watching the bookcase lift itself into place.

"Strickler!" Jim said, popping into the room and startling the teacher. "We need to talk!"

"Jim! These aren't my normal office hours, I believe you mean, Mr. Strickler." He smiled until Jim stalked up to his desk, a serious expression and shocking his teacher.

"I know, Strickler. I know your secret. I know everything." Strickler snorted.

"I'm sorry but its hard to take you seriously, sometimes you are just too adorable."

"Shh, he's trying be serious."

"And what would everything intel?" He asked, trying to not seem nervous.

"The Killahead bridge," Jim stated simply, Strickler still playing dumb.

"Killa what?" His hand hovered over his dagger.

"I know you're a Changeling."

"Jim, he is armed! Now is not the time to rip the bandaid off the wound!"

"Jim just wants to commit suicide by this point. The worst part is that his second chance was scaring everybody away. He's getting straight to the point."

"What?" The teacher said in disbelief, until his eyes glowed, anger pouring from him and acting quick. He swiped the dagger at the boy, Jim gasping and quick to act, avoiding every dangerous move and swiping items from the shelf, distracting the teacher.

"I know you want to release Gunmar so Changelings will gain the respect they deserve, but you're wrong," Jim said, the two circling each other, a scowl on Strickler's face. "It doesn't happen that way." Strickler raised the dagger, Jim running to the desk and grabbing a lamp for defense.

He shined the light into Strickler's eyes, blinding him. "You'll always be an Impure to him."

Strickler bit his tongue, Jim was right, he knew that but it always seemed to hit a nerve, especially when Impure seemed like an insult coming from Trolls.

"Ouchie, Jim. Careful, you bruised his ego."

"Silence!" Strickler cried, swiping his hand at Jim and causing the boy to drop the lamp and fall into the chair, using its spinning force to kick his leg out, pushing Strickler back and grabbing the pen on the desk.

He opened the cap, revealing the key and pointing it towards Strickler. "How did you–?" The said teacher asked, grabbing his weapon and swinging, Jim blocking every blow. "How do you know all this?!"

"He magically reads minds!" Toby playfully answered as Jim laughed, nudging him.

"What if they thought he was a magical being and just took him for their benefit. Sounds like a good story I read once. Hmm."

"I know it because I was the Trollhunter." He pushed Strickler back, the teacher still as Jim continued. "I lived this but I messed everything up and now I'm stuck in the past and believe it or not, you and I work together to put an end to Gunmar, once and for all."

Jim dropped his line of defense, Strickler surveying him before pushing him against the desk, dagger raised. A chess piece fell, catching Jim's attention. It had been the same piece that had been knocked down when Jim tried to tell Strickler about Trolls the first time.

Strickler's eyes followed Jim's, eyeing the piece before he looked at it in shock, a core memory striking. He had finally let Jim go, processing everything.


"A human Trollhunter? This will change everything. But why on Earth would I ally with a Trollhunter?" Strickler asked, the lights began to flicker, catching their attention.

"Cause you were about to die and got on your knees and begged!" Toby said with a grin.

"We don't have to bring that up again." Strickler deadpanned.

"Believe me then," Jim added before yelping as the ground shook, explosions going off in the distance.

"It doesn't matter now, I fear it's too late. The invasion has begun." Strickler said, looking at it while Jim grew determined.

The crowd groaned, "well, damn! We are all dead! Dead I tell you!"

Jim gulped, that was not good. Draal had been the Trollhunter and if the invasion had just started, that means they had failed.

He turned to Draal who had looked away, eyes scrunching up as he listened to the world end. Jim sighed, stepping up to the troll.

"Hey, Draal-"

"I had failed. I had failed myself and my father, I cause the end if I got what I wanted."

"Draal, it wasn't your fault. You tried your hardest, if anything, maybe you weren't meant to be the Trollhunter but you are one hell of a friend and the best trainer I have ever had."

"Hey!" Blinky yelled in the background but was waved off by Jim as he continued.

"You might not make your father proud by Trollhunting but you still made him proud by what you did for me, for my friends, and Trollmarket. You don't need that amulet to make you a hero."

Draal looked at the little human in front of him before smiling, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you, fleshbag!"

"I thought we were passed the Fleshbag thing.." Jim mumbled against Draal's arm.

"Eh, I can't look too weak," he teased, pulling away.

"We need to get to the museum." The scene changed to the boys running out, right towards Strickler's car as the alarms blared, screams echoing in the air around them.

"Why do you want to go to the museum?" Strickler asked, "there's nothing but death there!"

"That's where the amulet is. If it started this, it can undo this." Jim answered before his phone began to ring, instantly saying the name of who called, the said boy fleeing the dentist. "Tobes!"

"It's true! Everything you said is true! What the heck is going on?" He cried into the phone as the same dental nurse had shown her true form, corning and scaring the dentist after he had lost his weapon.

"Find Claire, get somewhere safe!" Jim said as he watched his dentist get tackled by the Changeling.

Claire smiled, he was still thinking about her even though they technically did not know each other well enough.

"Claire?" However, nothing else was said as Toby threw the phone, yelling as he was being chased by the Changeling.

Toby's eyes widened while others tried not to laugh at how he had thrown his phone and ran off the screen.

"Guys, don't laugh. This is serious!" Darci said while biting her lip, trying to hold back the laugh that threatened to escape.

Steve and Mary couldn't help it, of course, they were laughing at something so small when the world was in peril.

"Come here! Enough of the name calling!" She yelled while Jim got into the car, crying for his friend as he heard the commotion. His eyes drifted towards Strickler who was wide eyed, listening to the radio.

"This is not a prank, I repeat, this is not a prank. There have been strange animal attacks all over town." Jim and Strickler turned to see Goblins who had hijacked a police car, slowly driving by. "People are advised to stay indoors. Oh no, Tony shut the–" his words became static as chaos happened over the broadcasting, Strickler turning to Jim.

"This is like the apocalypse and it's scary how fast the town went into ruins due to the Trolls," Eli said nervously, shrinking into his chair.

With Jim not being the Trollhunter, Arcadia had fallen and it was shocking the students on how much they actually needed him.

"This is the end of the world!? We could have been dead by now if Jim didn't take the canals!? Man, how close we could have been. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS!"

Jim looked at his friends in shock while Blinky and Aaarrrgghh had been thinking what had happened to them.

"Let's get to the museum," he stated before speeding off, swerving through the countless amounts of damage, leaving the treacherous scene behind. "So, if you are from another future, what happens to me?"

"Mom!" Jim cried, turning on his phone while Strickler seemed nervous.

"I'm eaten aren't I? By that savage brute, Bular!"

Strickler didn't pay no mind to the kids who had laughed once his tough composure had dropped. Luckily things were different when Jim had been the Trollhunter but if he had feared Bular in every timeline, was his motives for the world really worth it?

"Mom, mom!" Jim cried into the phone, his mother in a dark room within the hospital.

"Jim, where are you!?"

"Mom, I'm okay, I'm with Mr. Strickler."

"I don't know what's going on, I'm coming to you!" She yelled as they eyed a scene of two people fleeing a car as Gumm-Gumms surrounded it. "Tell me where you are!"

"Are they both really that stubborn?! Barbara you will die! This time, you won't have the chance to hit an angry troll with a shovel!"

Barbara snickered, remembering that very well. She was always going to fight to save her son, perhaps that's where Jim had mostly got his stubbornness and selflessness from.

She didn't know whether she should be proud or scared.

"Mom, you need to get somewhere safe, lock the doors!" Strickler instantly slammed on his brakes as a Gumm-Gumm blocked their path but continued to go forward, swerving and barely missing any attack on the car.

"Listen, I need you to be safe!" She said before her eyes found a large green figure staring through the door, leaving when finding nothing. The hospital speakers echoed in every room but she paid no mind, only to her son on the other end of the line. "Honey, I love you."

"I love you too–" an explosion had cut off the lines, leaving him with nothing but a beep. "Mom, mom?!

"At least the phone call ended that way, I can't imagine it ending any other way." Claire said, and Jim agreed, if anything did happen at least his mother knows that he loved her and wouldn't leave her by choice.

"They've hit the cell towers, we're almost there!" Jim listened to the noises, frowning as his town was torn apart. Strickler eyed the cop cars that had surrounded the museum, yelping and halting the car when Bular had landed in front of them, cracking the concrete.

"Impure," Bular grinned as Strickler grew nervous.

"Get out of here! Get out of here," Jim pleaded and Strickler backed the car up.

"You better be right, Trollhunter." Jim let out a gasp, the form of Gunmar standing beside the car and smashing into it. The windows shattered as Strickler yelled, everything going black until the car was shown, upside down.

Jim coughed as he peaked his head above the car, finding the most hated troll stomping around. Strickler had crawled out, wincing as the Dark Underlord spoke.

"After all you've done, Stricklander, you would flee in our hour of triumph."

"Gunmar, your dark excellence. You are out, I so wanted to be there but I had papers to grade." His excuse didn't go far as Bular stepped behind him, sword pulled from its hiding spot and cornered the teacher. "So, that's how it is." Gunmar growled as Strickler had figured it out. "Go, get out of here, they want me, not you."

Strickler knew well enough that those traitorous trolls would go behind his back, making the Changeling reconsider everything.

"I can help you fight them!"


"It's too late," Strickler said, changing forms, "get to the museum!" He yelled before dodging the swords, Jim fleeing the area and right towards the bridge, trying to avoid the Gumm-Gumms. Some had been distracted by Steve who chanted his last name, standing on a statue where it had been hard to reach him.

"Come at me, mouth breathers! Palchuk never dies!" He yelled before being yanked off by a Stalkling, yet, he didn't fear it. "Wanna piece of this too!?"

Jim groaned out lightly at Steve but smiled, the moment was amusing despite the fact that Steve could have died.

"See that, guys, I'm tough too! Don't mess with me!"

Jim continued forward, running past the downed policemen and into the museum, Goblins chanting as they followed Nomura out.

"Come on, we're missing all the fun!" She said, pulling out her swords while Jim took cover behind a dead troll, barely managing to avoid the Goblins.

He stepped into the battle room, sucking in a breath. "Okay," he muttered, tons of stone figures surrounding the bridge. Trolls who had offered to go to battle had laid still, some left as piles of rubbish while Jim surveyed the room. However, his breath hitched in his throat when he noticed a stone Draal, a sword deep into his back.

A young student named Lax, whimpered. "Oh no, no. God please no!" They yelled over the cries of the crowd.

Everyone winced as Draal's face dropped. This had been his fault and he had died? The small amount of happiness from learning that he had the possibility of being the Trollhunter had died off. He wasn't the one to save the world, he killed it.

However, Draal had ignored that dreadful feeling, looking at Jim who was staring back at him, eyes wide.

"You are the perfect Trollhunter, fleshbag. Keep the world safe, you're doing one heck of a job."

"I- Draal, I'm sorry," the troll simply smiled in response.

"No, it opened my eyes, I appreciate you."

"Draal, oh no! Sorry." He muttered, holding Draal's pain stricken face before noticing the amulet had been missing. "The amulet!" He searched around, finding the discarded and broken amulet laying in front of the bridge. He dropped to his knees, scoping his last chance into his hands as he mumbled, hoping it would do something.

"No, no, no, no! For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! Come on! For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" He clutched it in his hands, hoping that holding the pieces closer would do something.

Everyone gasped, the one thing that had protected them had been damaged, leaving everyone completely vulnerable.

"Please work! Please work! For the Glory of Merlin, please!" The building shook as another quake had rumbled the town, "For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" He screamed, dust falling from the ceiling.

"Please, please, please." He cried, pressing his forehead against his hands which clutched the broken antique. "Please, Unkar, anyone! I can't do this alone!" He let the pieces crash to the ground as he wrapped his arms around him, begging one more time.

Tears were wiped as the crowd felt his pain radiating through the screen, they rarely saw Jim scream or cry and it hurt when they did.

He wasn't as known in his school but seeing this really opened their eyes, making them want to stand beside him even more. He was teaching them that despite things being dangerous, they were willing to fight and support instead of putting anyone down.

Claire and Toby had pulled Jim close, mumbling how they would be there for him even if it felt like they weren't. Darci smiled as she looked at Toby, joining the hug. Soon, Eli, Steve, and Shannon had joined in, Blinky, Barbara, and Aaarrrgghh following. Sooner or later, Strickler, Nomura, Draal, and Vendel had finished off the hug, letting the team know that they were there for them as well.

"I'm the Trollhunter!" He screamed into the air, clenching his fists and eyeing the amulet. He stood and turned to face Draal, wiping his tears. "I'm the Trollhunter, I am the Trollhunter, I know I'm the Trollhunter."

He climbed up Draal's back, using all his might to pull the large sword from the stone, grunting when it slid free. "I'm the Trollhunter, amulet or not!" The boy started towards the door, only to be stopped by an orb of blue.

People clapped and cheered, glad that the boy had finally regained himself, ready to fight whether he had the amulet to protect him or not.

"I remember learning about some dude doing that, I forgot who it was but I heard it was epic! Jim's making history!"

"And he's risking his life so we can see another day." Jim kept quiet, not having much to say as he kept his eyes on the screen, hand folding together with Claire's. At least know he knew that he belonged there and whatever hardships he had, at least he wasn't doing it alone.

He was okay with what was happening.

"If you walk out that door, you will die!" Unkar stated.

"What choice do I have?"

"Oh, there's always a choice, run away! Save your skin!"

"That's not who I am," Jim responded, dropping the sword. "Out there, they need a Trollhunter and a Trollhunter fights to the end!" He drug the sword to the entrance until a thunderous sound echoed behind him, the blue light glowing green.

"Ah, now you're getting it. My amulet does not make mistakes." Jim turned, shielding his eyes.

"Your amulet?" He gasped in realization. "Merlin?"

Blinky gasped with the rest of the crowd, not believing that Merlin was the one behind it, making sense on why a spirit had such power.

"Merlin? Like the most powerful wizard?" Claire asked.

"Indeed, rarely has he ever visited any Trollhunter, meaning he must have seen this moment if Master Jim hadn't picked it up."

"This is insane!" Eli said, bouncing in his chair as he grew more excited.

"So, this all powerful wizard made Jim go back in time to show him that he was meant to be where he was, that is awesome." Darci added.

"You know, it is customary to kneel before a wizard." Jim did, his mind running a thousand miles per second.

"You did this," Jim whispered.

"Gunmar is free, Trollmarket is in peril and of all creatures in our worlds, I chose you." Jim's eyes widened as he stood. "Now, show them why." Dramatic music played as Jim grew serious, leaving the green smoke and stalking up to Gunmar who huffed in the raging fire.

"This makes it all too real and shocking. Some kid from our school was chosen by Merlin himself from history to protect everyone. He was doing everything right even when it went wrong! Jim is the one! This is amazing."

"So, we are watching new history in the making! Three kids from school are keeping this all a secret as they fight to save everyone."

"I cannot wrap my mind around this..." Mary mumbled.

"We told you, Jim! You are meant for this."

The Dark Troll turned with a growl, Jim leaving the museum with a battle cry as a blinding white light covered the screen, the ball of blue dropping into the amulet and the arms spinning rapidly as Jim had been brought back.

The boy ended up running out of the cage, swinging his arms until he realized where he was and who was staring at him. He gasped, feeling himself before finding the amulet laying at the feet of his makeshift family.

"Master Jim! Is everything alright?" He picked up the amulet, breathing deeply with a smile.

"Are you okay? Did they rough you up?" Claire asked as the two embraced each other.

"No! Claire, I'm okay!" Jim said happily as Toby joined them.

"We've come to escort you to the Tribunal." Blinky stated,

"They say if you're found guilty, you could die!" Toby said in fear. "Is that true?"

"He would walk free if he surrenders the amulet. What is your choice Trollhunter?"

"Uh, no. We know what will happen and do not accept it."

"Uh, the one where he doesn't die," Toby said but Jim stepped past him.

"No, I'm keeping MY amulet." He said, the armor appearing as he pressed it against his chest.

The crowd cheered, raising their arms into the air and clapping. "Yeah, Jim! Know that you're stronger than her, believe in yourself! You are Merlin's Champion for a reason!"

"Yay! We aren't all going to perish because of Jim!"

"Are you serious? Is that what you want?" Toby asked in shock.

"Yeah, Tobes. Never been so sure." He held out his fist, asking silently for a fist bump, his best friend instantly returning it. "I'll face whatever comes my way." He stated, shocking his friends who had mumbled his name.

"So be it, Trollhunter." She held out her arm, letting him walk in front of her. "Your trial awaits." She followed out with a slight glare to his friends, Jim wearing a smile while the team stood frozen, watching him walk off. Toby wiped his nose as they watched Jim walk out of view, accepting the challenge in front of him.

Ending the heartbreaking episode.

"You know, I can't tell if I should be happy or go up and punch the screen."

"I'll punch," Aaarrrgghh stated, the crowd quickly shutting the idea down, Blinky keeping him in his chair as Toby grinned.

"This. Is. Awesome sauce!"

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