Chosen Ones Season 2

By Bkhanh1991

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Welcome now to another journey of Chosen Ones. Where things this season are as action packed , full of drama... More

Credits/ Rights
Guest Stars Per Episode
Ep 2.01 Dark Heart
Ep 2.02 Danger Danger
Ep 2.03 Things Are Not What It Seems
Ep 2.04 Will Everything Be The Same?
Ep 2x05 Desire and a Vision
Ep 2.06 Temptations of a Mortal
Ep 2.07 Tortured Soul
Ep 2.09 Rise of the Source's Heir
Ep 2.10 It Ends Now
Ep 2.11 Back To Reality
Ep 2.12 A New Reality
Ep 2.13 Finding True Love
Ep 2.14 Aftermath
Ep 2.15 The Fourth Sister, Part 1
Ep 2.16 The Fourth Sister, Part 2
Ep 2.17 Dark Wedding And Future Plans
Ep 2.18 Return Of The Source
Ep 2.19 Evil Is Here
Ep 2.20 The Source's Reign
Ep 2.21 Utopia
Ep 2.22 A Charming Halloween
Ep 2.23 The Source's Heir Resolve
Ep 2.24 Near The Year's End

Ep 2.08 Unlucky in Love and A Good Laugh

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By Bkhanh1991

Season 2, Episode 8, Episode number: 31


[The Dark Sorcerer is preparing for Ravor's Source of Evil coronation. He sets the black candles around a table.]

Dark Sorcerer: This should be good. All is ready for the Source's Heir to become the Source.




[Melinda and Felicia are eating breakfast in the kitchen.]

Melinda: This is nice. I wish it could be like this all of the time.

Felicia: Me too. Mel.

[Felicia smiles and kisses Mel on the lips. Mariah BLACK ORBS in.]

Mariah: Hi. Lovebirds.

[They break away.]

Felicia: Come on. Why you have to ruin the moment?

Melinda: It's okay. Felicia.

Mariah: So anyways. I was browsing around in the underworld. And discovered something.

Melinda: What?

Mariah: A coronation ceremony is happening. To recognize the Source of Evil.

Felicia: Okay. Wow.

Melinda: Then we have to stop it. If my cousin becomes the Source, he will be even more powerful than before.

Mariah: Girls. We can't do anything. You two know what happens if you try.

Melinda: Yea I know.

Felicia: Anyways. Are you hungry?

Mariah: Famished. Yea. So sweet of you to leave something for me?

Felicia: Trust me. It's not that. I know you're going to be a frequent visitor now because you're my girlfriend's master.

Mariah: Oh. Felicia. Don't you think there's another reason? After all, I raised you and trained you.

Felicia: Jeez. Mariah. Are you going to pull the same speech every time?

Mariah: Yea. Until you understand I only want the best for you.

Felicia: Ugh. I guess I have to tolerate you from now on.

Mariah: That's right.

Felicia: Now zip it. And get something

Mariah: Alright.

[Mariah grabs a plate and gets some food. She joins the two. All three of them then eat their meal.]



[Parker is with Adrian. He is escorting her before she walks into the building.]

Parker: Thanks for walking me to work. Adrian.

Adrian: It's no problem. Besides it's on the way.

Parker: See you later then. For lunch.

Adrian: Yea.

[Adrian gives her a peck and walks away. Parker enters through the door.



[Daniel is in his office, with an open folder, looking over a case. This is when Ravor FLAMES in.]

Daniel: Demon!

[Quickly, Daniel searches for something to throw and finds a stapler. Ravor catches it.]

Ravor: Nice try. I'm going to borrow your body a bit.

[Ravor possesses him as Daniel's eyes go black. He grins evilly.]

Ravor/Daniel: It's time to commence the first step of my plan.

[Ravor/ Daniel walks out of the office.]



[Ravor/ Daniel walks over to Parker who is working on something on her small table.]

Ravor/Daniel: Miss Halliwell. Could you come into my office?

[Parker turns around.]

Parker: Okay. Let me finish these.

Ravor/Daniel: It's okay. Leave them. You can finish a bit later.

Parker: Okay. Mr. Jacobson.

[Ravor/Daniel heads back into the office followed by Parker. She closes the door.]



[Ravor/ Daniel and Parker enters. He, quickly, then takes a chance, and strips Parker's powers. She falls to the ground.]

Parker: What the.

[Ravor gets out of her Daniel's body. He falls on the ground.]

Ravor: Now you're powerless. And coming with me.

[Ravor grabs her and FLAMES out with her.]

Parker (as she is taken): He...lp!

[Westley bust in the door and sees his Uncle Daniel unconscious. He walks over to him.]

Westley: Oh my gosh. What happened? Wake up!

[He then heads over the phone to call for help.]



[Still image of South Bay Social Services.]



[Leo and Piper are with Mr. Edmunds as they discuss about Wilma's situation.]

Leo: I know you're upset Tamora didn't discuss with you. But you have to believe. She had good attentions.

Piper: Yea. Mr. Edmunds. I think this is a good opportunity.

Mr. Edmunds: But looking at her history. She has had some temper tantrums. Part of the reason why her restaurant closed down.

Leo: Oh. That may be a problem.

Piper: I mean. There is a way to help this. Right? Maybe therapy would be good.

Mr. Edmunds: Yes. Ms. Scotts did for a while but then couldn't afford it anymore. And her condition got worse. And this is why I thought Tamora should have researched her before anything.

Leo: Again. We completely apologize for Tamora's mistake.

Piper: So. Did it affect the kids?

Mr. Edmunds: Not physically. But mentally. Every night. Ms. Scotts had scream fits. And it scared the kids a bit.

Leo: That's a shame.

Piper: We were hoping for a manager soon.

Mr. Edmunds: Sorry. Mr. Halliwell. Mrs. Halliwell. It's going take some time. A few weeks or even months to figure things out. The hard thing is telling her. We don't how she would react.

Leo: I guess that's between you and our niece.

Mr. Edmunds: Yes. Have a good day. And I'm glad we talked about this.

Leo: Yea.

Piper: Of course.

Mr. Edmunds: I'll escort you two out.

Leo: So respectable.

Piper: Thank you.

[Mr. Edmunds gets out of his seat and escorts Leo and Piper out of the office. He then heads back into his seat to do his work.]



[Tamora is on her desk when she notice Leo and Piper walk lover. They have a sad face. She notices it.]

Tamora: Considering the look on your two's faces. It's not good news.

Leo: Nope. Sorry.

Piper: We tried out best. Tamora. But it turns Wilma has some hidden problems. Your boss will probably discuss more when he figures the situation out.

Tamora: That sucks. Uncle Leo. Aunt Piper. You two were so hopeful.

Leo: Anyways. We're leaving now.

Piper: Don't want to interrupt you anymore.

Tamora: Bye.

[Leo and Piper head out. Tamora gets back to her work.]



[Still image of Baker High.]



[Rich is grabbing his books from the lockers when Kat walks by. She sees he is happy.]

Kat: Hey Rich.

Rich: Hi. Miss Mitchell.

[He then closes his locker after getting his books and turns around to see her.]

Kat: You look happy. I assume Chase and Benjamin aren't bothering you anymore.

Rich: Yea. That. And I'm making friends.

Kat: That's great. Rich. Well. I'll see you in class later today.

Rich: Okay. Miss Mitchell. Later.

[Rich then walks along the hallways to his next class. Kat walks away too in the opposite direction.]



[Still image of police department.]



[Junior is at his desk typing up a report. Reed walks over to him.]

Reed: Inspector. We got a case.

Junior: Great. I been sitting here for thirty minutes trying to figure out to write this report.

Reed: Okay. Let's go. Tup. Tup.

Junior: Well. You're excited more than usual.

Reed: What do you mean? I'm always excited about cases.

Junior: But not this level of excitement.

Reed: Stop arguing and let's go.

Junior: Yes. Inspector.

Reed: This time. I'm letting you drive.

[Junior gives Reed a look.]

Junior: Are you okay? Inspector Havenfield. This is so not like you.

Reed: I'm fine.

Junior: Okay then.

Reed: The keys.

[Reed hands Junior the keys. Both of them then walk out.]



[Still image of UC Berkeley Campus.]



[Valentina is in the library, at a table frantically looking for something.]

Valentina: Where is it? Notebook. Notebook. Ah. There it is.

[Valentina finds it and heads out but bumps into Ravor, who is in his full human appearance as Collin Turner, at the moment, dropping her notebooks. He helps her.]

Collin: I'm sorry. My bad. I wasn't looking where I was going.

[They stand back up and Valentina grabs her notebook. She blushes at the sight of him.]

Valentina: No. My bad. Um... I'm Valentina.

Collin: Mr. Turner.

Valentina: You're a Professor?

Collin: Yea. I know I don't look like it. I was a kid genius.

Valentina: That's cool but I got to go.

Collin: Same. I'll walk you out. Don't want a girl like yourself walking alone.

Valentina: Thank you. Mr. Turner.

[Collin holds her hand walking her out and then possesses her. Her eyes go black.]

Collin/Valentina: This will do. For now. Just have to be her for a while. I hope my demons are doing their task.

[Collin/ Valentina continue walking.]



[Junior parks the car on the side a few feet before the alley. Junior and Reed exit out of the door. Reed is acting weird again being all happy.]

Reed: So excited. So excited. So excited.

Junior: Um. You're acting weird again.

Reed: I'm not. Let's go check it out.

[The two of the walk over where Officer Hayes is standing by the body, yellow tape surrounds the crime scene. Two other officers, are off to the side, interrogating two civilians. They then step inside.]

Officer Hayes: Inspectors!

Reed: Officer Hayes. What a great day to investigate right?

[Officer Hayes gives Junior a look.]

Officer Hayes: What's with Inspector Havenfield today? He looks happier than usual.

Junior: I know right? But don't mind him. Let's focus on the victim. Tell me about it.

Officer Hayes: I think it's better to take a look.

[Junior goes over closely and is in the shock. The victim is a young woman. Around early 20s. Caucasian. He signals Reed over.]

Junior: Inspector Havenfield. Over here. Look at this.

Reed: Oh my gosh. It's like...

[Reed walks over and is in shock too. Officer Hayes then walks over next to them.]

Officer Hayes: Oh yes. The same way Melinda Halliwell was killed. Hair. Completely white.

Junior: This is an interesting case. Indeed.

Reed: Yes it is. We have to capture this killer.

Junior: Yea.

[Reed walks over to Officer Hayes.]

Reed: Officer Hayes. Have you called Doctor Lonzo yet?

Officer Hayes: I did. Said she was on the way and it take a while. Got stuck on traffic.

Reed: Officer Hayes. We can stay here. You go help your fellow officers. And make sure no one bypass this area.

Officer Hayes: You got it. Inspector Havenfield.

[Officer Hayes gets out of the yellow tape and surveys the area. Reed then starts giggling happily. Junior looks over at him.]

Junior: Now something is up with you. Tell the truth. Just me and you and the dead body.

Reed: Well. Hehehehehe. Hehehehe. You caught me.

[Reed unglamours himself, revealing to be a clown-like demon, Gringles. He blows some dust and it causes Junior to uncontrollably laugh.]

Junior: I can't... hehehehehe. Stop- hehehehe. Ah...

Gringles: Don't worry. It will last only five minutes. Mortal. Unlike that young woman there. Bye. Off to have some fun. Hehehehe.

[Gringles runs off.]

Junior: Hey... hehehehehe... It hurts. ... Can't stop... hehehehe

[Junior then eventually faints from the uncontrollable laughter. Officer Hayes notices and runs over.]

Officer Hayes: Inspector Mitchell. Wake up. Wake up.

[Officer Hayes taps him and nothing happens. He the coms to the department.]

Officer Hayes (on the coms): Officer Hayes to department. We got an Inspector unconscious. Need receival.

Front Desk Officer (on the coms): Help will be right there.

Officer (end the coms): Thank you. Officer Hayes out.

Officer Hayes (cont'd): It will be alright. Inspector. Help is on the way.

[Officer Hayes stays by Junior's side.]



[Gringles sees two young boys, Davin and Foax, bullying and laughing at another boy, Johan. He looks miserable.]

Gringles: Oh no. He should be laughing with him. I'll help. Hehehehehehe.

[Gringles SHIMMERS over and blows a good amount of dust into Johan. Johan starts uncontrollable laughing.]

Johan: Hehehehehe... Can't ... He he he he he.

[Davin and Fox are freaked out.]

Davin: Ah! Scary clown.

Fox: Let's run.

[Gringles runs over to them and stops them.]

Gringle: This is no time to be scared. Let's all be happy. Hehehehehehe.

[More dust is blown onto Davin and Fox and they uncontrollably laugh. He then runs off.]



[Johan, Davin, and Fox are laying on the ground dead. Their eyes open and their hair, now full white.]



[Tamora is sitting by herself on one table having a sandwich while on another table. Lucas is flirting with his female colleagues. She glances over and then looks back.]

Tamora (to herself): That guy is something. Really.

[Tamora then gets a text message. It is from Kat. She reads it.]

Kat (text): Sis. I know you were down yesterday. Tonight. Let's have some fun. Want to check out a new lesbian bar that just opened up?

[Tamora gasps.]

Tamora (text): Excuse me? I'm not a lesbian. Actually I don't even know.

Kat (text): Fine. Scratch that. P3. Then. Okay.

Tamora (text): No thanks. And have guys flirt with me. I told you. Kat. In yesterday's talk. I'm giving up on love. All it does it hurt me. Like that woman. And Ian.

Kat (text): I never even mentioned Ian. What brought it up? Tam?

Tamora (text): Never mind.

Kat (text): Come on. Tam. Let's have fun. We don't have to meet boys.

Tamora (text): Fine. Since you won't stop till I say yes.

Kat (text): Thanks Sis. And remember to dress nice.

Tamora (text): Why? You said we're not going to meet boys.

Kat (text): It's P3. Come on. We're not going to wear sweats and stuff.

Tamora (text): Okay. See you tonight.

Kat (text): Okay.

[Tamora puts her phone to the side and continues to eat her sandwich.]



[Mitchell is on the phone with Junior.]

Mitchell: So the case is solved. Inspector Mitchell. Gringles was dealt with. Wow. That was...

Junior: Fast. Quicker than usual. The story was... I got an anonymous text. A while after I recovered. And there he was. Outside the door. With a note with his name on it.

Mitchell: That's great news.

Junior: A shame we couldn't stop him before Gringles got those four victims.

Mitchell: I know. Sometimes you get them and sometimes you don't.

Junior: Bye. Chief. I'm going to check in with Doctor Lonzo on the autopsy.

Mitchell: Bye. Inspector.

Mitchell hangs up. He feels relieved and gets back to his work.]



[Felicia's Book of Shadows is out and it is on the page of Gringles. Melinda is sitting with Felicia and Mariah.]

Melinda: Thanks. Both of you. For helping me in different ways.

Mariah: I don't need it. I only did it because I have a weakness for young kids.

Melinda: That's hypocritical. Don't you darklighters kill all ages of witches?

Mariah: Yes and no. Well I used to. But then it broke me so much that I stopped accepting jobs like that.

Felicia: Lookie there. Mariah has a heart.

Mariah: And who said I didn't.

Felicia: I'm just saying. Don't have to be so irritable about it.

Melinda: I'm just afraid Ravor might be mad for killing one of his kind.

Mariah: I don't think he cares. I been trying to report to him but he went off world. Or Ravor could be just blocking my sensing for him.

Melinda: Maybe. And can I ask something of you? Mariah.

Mariah: What?

Melinda: Since you are kind of Felicia's designated mother, even though she refuses to accept it. I just want to ask permission for her hand in marriage.

Mariah: What?! Are you serious?

Felicia: But how would it even work? You're considered dead to the world.

Melinda: Not now. Babe. But for future. So. Mariah?

Mariah: I'll think about it.

Melinda: It's not exactly a no. So I accept it.

[Mariah starts to sense something.]

Mariah: Mel. We got to go. Another job.

Melinda: No!

Mariah: Yes. Come on.

Felicia: Wait. Before you go. Good luck kiss.

[Felicia kisses Mel.]

Melinda: Man. I really miss your kisses back then when I was away.

Mariah: Come on. Mel.

Melinda: Right?

[Melinda walks over and glamours herself again. Mariah BLACK ORBs out with her.]



[Still image of W & C Magazine.]



[Wyatt and Chris are together and looking over the article for Edward and Josephine. They are scrolling through it.]

Wyatt: Nice pictures. Chris. You're really improving.

Chris: Thanks. Bro. I just hope others beside yourself notice me.

Wyatt: Ah. The application for that job.

Chris: It's been a week already and no response.

Wyatt: Maybe they are still reviewing.

Chris: I hope so. So shall we send this to publishing?

Wyatt: Not yet. I want to iron some details out.

[Mariah BLACK ORBS in with Melinda in her glamoured form still.]

Mariah: Hey witches. We bring gifts.

[Mariah summons her crossbow and fires at Wyatt. Wyatt ORBs in and out and it hits the wall. Glamoured Melinda has an athame in hand. She ORBS over and stabs Wyatt absorbing the powers into the athame. He is shocked.]

Wyatt: You're the traitor. Whitelighter. That the Elders told me about.

Glamoured Melinda: Yes.

[Chris comes up.]

Chris: Stay away from my brother!

[Chris uses his Telekinesis to move Glamoured Melinda against the wall. Mariah, comes from the back and shoots Chris with two arrows. He goes weak.]

Mariah: Now let's take them.

Glamoured Melinda: Yes. Master.

Wyatt: Master? Why are you betraying your kind?

[Melinda ignores him.]

Glamoured Melinda: Time to go. Witches. Our boss awaits you.

[Glamoured Melinda grabs Wyatt and ORBs out. Mariah grabs Chris and BLACK ORBs out.]



[Glamoured Melinda ORBs in with Wyatt. PJ and Parker are in the cage and are excited.]

PJ: Great. We're saved.

Parker: Yea.

[Their mood goes down when they see Wyatt is hurt.]

PJ: Nope we're not. This is the traitor whitelighter.

Parker: Oh yea. Wyatt and Chris mentioned it.

[Glamoured Melinda walks over to them with Wyatt.]

Glamoured Melinda: Hello to you too. I'm Melanie. At your service.

[She then heals Wyatt and then opens up the cage and puts Wyatt in. He is in shock that she healed him.]

Wyatt: What's your play? I thought you wanted to kill me.

Glamoured Melinda/Melanie: No. I was assigned just to bring you here to join your wonderful little cousins. Don't worry. More will come.

[Mariah BLACK ORBS in with Chris. He is weak.]

PJ/Parker: Chris!

Mariah: Melanie. Do what it is needed.

Glamoured Melinda/Melanie: Yes Master.

[Glamoured Melinda/Melanie walks over and uses the athame to absorb Chris' power into first. She then Telekinetically Orbs the arrows out and heals Chris. Chris is then put in the cage by Mariah. PJ, Parker, and Wyatt are shocked that she has those powers.]

PJ: She's not just a whitelighter.

Parker: Yea. But if she's on the evil side. How does she still have whitelighter powers?

Wyatt: I'm confused. Explain yourself.

Glamoured Melinda/Melanie: I don't need to. You all are my prisoners and I don't have to answer to you all.

[Mariah glances over at her.]

Mariah: Our task is done. Time to go.

Glamoured Melinda/Melanie: Yes Master.

[Mariah takes Glamoured Melinda/Melanie's hand and BLACK ORBS out with her.

Wyatt: Great. Now we are stuck here.

Chris: Let's hope the others avoid what happened to us.

PJ: Yea.

Parker: Yes. We can only hope.

[Wyatt, Chris, PJ, and Parker remain in the cage waiting.]



[The sky goes from sunny to dark. Camera view of several locations in San Francisco to song of "Unlucky In Love" by Rachelle Harrisson]

[Lyrics playing: I never meant to make you cry/One day you'll understand why/Just think that to get out alive/I've always been unlucky in love/ I tried to make you see/ I am bad news and i'll always be/There's one thing you know about me/ I'll always be unlucky in love ]



[Close-up on sign as BKG music fades out.]



[Tamora and Kat are dancing together. Tamora looks happy.]

Tamora: You're right. I needed this. This is fun.

Kat: Told you so. But let's not stay out too late. We do both have work.

Tamora: Yea. That's fine. Woo hoo.

Kat: Woo hoo. Indeed.

Tamora: So. Is Declan okay with you hanging in P3 without him?

Kat: Yes it's fine. Declan wanted to come also but he had a business trip.

Tamora: Ah.

[Kat then notices someone eying Tamora.]

Kat: Um. Tam. Someone wants you.

Tamora: No. Kat. Remember. No boys.

Kat: Come on. He looks good from afar. Wait it's... no way...

[That someone is Ian. He comes closer to them.]

Ian: Hi. Tam. Kat.

Kat: Hi Ian. Bye Ian. Have fun with Tam.

[Kat runs off.]

Tamora: Kat! Wait!

[Tamora then turns around to face Ian.]

Ian: Hey Tam. Nice to see you again.

Tamora: Yea. Look I told you. I'm not ready. And you broke my heart by not staying.

Ian: It was a good opportunity. You could have still went to college and went into Social Work.

Tamora: I know. It's just you never called after you left. Given me a message or anything.

Ian: It was hard. You're my high school sweetheart.

Tamora: I don't know. Ian. I'm still trying to figure out what love is.

Ian: Why? Wasn't what we have love?

Tamora: It was high school. We were just kids.

Ian: I never thought that. I thought what we had is true.

Tamora: I just don't know. Okay. Don't push.

Ian: Fine. But one kiss.

Tamora: Why?

Ian: Just so I can know something. If you feel something, then that means there's a chance. If not, we can be friends.

Tamora: Fine.

[Tamora and Ian kisses. Ian feels something but Tamora pushes away not feeling the same way anymore.]

Ian: Nothing?

Tamora: Yea. It seems my heart has moved on.

Ian: Well. Can we still be friends?

Tamora: I don't think so.

Ian: Alright. Have a nice night. Tam.

Tamora: You too. Ian.

[Ian walks away. Tamora then hears Kat calling her but she is not around. She senses a bad feeling.]

Tamora (cont'd): Oh no.

[Tamora then uses her sensing power focusing on KAT and ORBS out.]



[Tamora ORBS in and sees Kat already stabbed and held down by two demons.].

Kat: Tam. No! It's a trap.

[Another demon comes from behind stabbing Tamora with an athame absorbing the power into the weapon.]

Tamora: Ugh.

Demon #3: You're coming with me.

[Demon #3 SHIMMERs out with Tamora. Demon #1 and Demon #2 SHIMMER out with Kat.[



[A light is seen lighted on in the attic.]



[Piper, Phoebe, and Paige is with Junior as Leo, Coop, and Henry sitting on a couch. They had just finished the "To Call a Lost Witch Spell." And it didn't work.]

Junior: Man. Why? Didn't it work?

Piper: Maybe because they are not witches anymore. You did say a demon tried to stab you with an athame when getting out of work.

Junior: Yea. Fortunately my powers are immune to that. The amulet protected me from it.

Phoebe: So. With no powers. They are mortal.

Paige: There has to be a way.

[Junior paces around the place to think of something. He finally figure out something, looking excited, with a smile on his face.]

Junior: I got it.

Paige: That's great. Son. So what's the idea?

Junior: We can try the spell again. Adjust the words. So it reflects to call your children.

Henry: Nice one. Son. I'm proud of you.

Leo: Great job. Nephew.

Coop: Yea.

Junior: Thanks.

Piper: Phoebe. You do it.

Phoebe: Why me?

Piper: Because you were always good with writing spells.

Phoebe: Okay fine. Can I get some paper?

[Junior finds a paper and pen in a drawer. He hands it to Phoebe.]

Junior: Here. Aunt Phoebe.

[Phoebe takes it and looks at the book. She starts adjusting the spell writing on the paper. The others wait.]



[Piper, Phoebe, and Paige have just finished chanting the spell. For a second, there is nothing. And the golden swirls of lights appear. Wyatt is the first that starts fading in.]

Wyatt: Mom?

Junior: It's working.

[He then fades back.

Piper: Oh no. Let's do it again. More focus.

[Piper, Phoebe, and Paige get the ingredients ready again as Phoebe grinds it. And the three start chanting.]

Piper/Phoebe/Paige: "Power of the mothers rise,Course unseen across the skies, Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here."

[Each of them then cut their hand with an athame and drip their blood into the mortar.]

Piper/Phoebe/Paige: "Blood to blood, I summon thee, Blood to blood, Return to me."

[Golden Swirls start to appear once again. They continue to chant.]



[Ravor is standing is getting upset. And sees Wyatt, Chris, PJ, Parker, Peyton, Tamora, and Kat about to fade away in swirls of golden light.]

Ravor: No! This can't be. Without their powers.

[He shoots a fireball to stop it but they are gone.]

Ravor (cont'd): Nooooooooooooooo!

Ravor then FLAMES out in anger.]



[Wyatt, Chris, PJ, Parker, Peyton, Tamora, and Kat returned.]

Wyatt/Chris/PJ/Parker/Peyton/Tamora/Kat: Mom! Dad!

[All of them go and hug their parents.]

Leo: We're glad you're all safe.

Piper: We did it.

Paige: And thank Junior and your Aunt Phoebe.

Coop: He deserves it.

Henry: Yea he did.

Wyatt: All thought we were dead meat.

Chris: Yea.

PJ: And if it wasn't for you two. Junior. Aunt Phoebe

Parker: Thank you so much.

Peyton: Hate that guy so much. How dare he use people we care about to attack us?

Tamora: Not with us. They ambushed Kat and me.

PJ: Same with me. They attacked me in my office.

Wyatt: Chris got kidnapped by a traitor whitelighter whom we know is part witch now and is with a darklighter.

Chris: It's so confusing. Why did she do it? Why is a whitelighter working on the evil side?

Piper: Well. Remember Gideon. We thought he was on the right side. But it was not right at all.

Wyatt: Oh yea. Gideon. Dad told me he was after young me.

Leo: Yea.

Piper: Well. Everyone. Head home now. It is a bit late.

[They all nod. Coop BEAMS out with Phoebe. PJ, Parker, and Peyton BEAM out. Paige ORBS out with Henry. Tamora and Kat ORB out. Leo, Piper, Wyatt, and Chris then head downstairs.]



[Melinda and Felicia are sleeping together peacefully. Ravor FLAMES in.]

Ravor: I have to get revenge. Time to actually kill Melinda Halliwell and bring their body to them.

[Ravor summons a fireball in his hand. Mariah was actually there and was awoken.]

Mariah: Did I forget to tell you I'm a light sleeper? What do you think you are doing? Can't just kill willy nilly. You know they are going to come after you. Ravor.

Ravor: I have to get revenge on them. They were able to mastermind me.

Mariah: So?

Ravor: So? I don't like it when anyone can make me feel inferior.

Mariah: This is pretty rash. Calm down.

[Ravor unsummons it and pins Mariah against a wall.]

Ravor: No one( be shushed)

[Mariah shushes him.]

Mariah: Quiet. They are sleeping. You don't want them to awaken then and find out what you were going to do to them. Don't you?

Ravor: No. And you're right. I should calm down. Because once I become the Source. I will bepowerful enough to defeat them all. For now. Melinda Halliwell is safe.

[Ravor FLAMES out. Mariah goes back to sleep on the sofa mattress.]



[Still image of penthouse.]



[Eloise is in her bed, continuing to seduce Edgar. She is having sex with him, under the blankets.]

Eloise: Oh. I love you. I want to kiss you everywhere. Tam.

[Edgar looks confused and pauses.]

Edgar: Tam. Who's Tam!

Eloise: Shush. Doesn't matter. All you will care about is me. Edgar.

[Eloise sends a black surge wave through Edgar.]

Edgar: All I care about is you. Eloise. I am yours.

Eloise: That's right. Let me make love to you.

[She continues. In her mind, Eloise is trying to fight something but is having trouble.]



[There are two Eloise. One is blocked by darkness, and is forced to watch through the eyes of what she is doing. The other one, is standing in front of her, trying to torture her.]

Eloise: No. I love Tam. This is wrong. I said I never do this anymore.

Eloise #2: No. Eloise. This is the real you. The one you should have never left behind. Shouldn't have pushed me away.

Eloise: Please. Let me out. I have to find Tam.

Eloise #2: I don't think so. Now sleep.

[Eloise #2 waves her hand and Eloise falls asleep. I am in control now. She grins wickedly.]



[Eloise now grins. She kisses Edgar everywhere.]

Edgar (moaning): Oh yea. Eloise. I like that. You're amazing.

Eloise: I'm glad you do. You want your turn?

[Eloise uses her powers to entice him even more.]

Edgar: Yes. I would like that.

[Edgar turns Eloise around and is now on top. They go under the blankets having much pleasure.]



[Still image of Matthews/Mitchell Manor.]



[Tamora is in her bed, sleeping. Her sex dream with Eloise has returned.]

Tamora (moaning): Oh yes. Eloise... I want to be wet... I love you... Aaaah.

[She wakes up.]

Tamora (cont'd): Not again. Why? I thought I moved on from her. But why. There has to be a reason.

[Tamora shrugs it off and heads back to sleep.]



[Still image of Turner Mansion.]



[Ravor looks very restless and opens up his magical screen. He is watching Wyatt, Chris, PJ, Parker, Peyton, Tamora, and Kat sleeping peacefully. He clutches his fist feeling frustrated.]

Ravor: Oh. Witches. You rest well now. But it won't stop me from coming after all of you. And your family will all pay for what they did to me.

[The Dark Sorcerer TELEPORTS in. He walks over to Ravor.]

Dark Sorcerer: The preparations are done. And by tomorrow, you'll become the Source like your father was.

[Ravor turns around to see him.]

Ravor: Ah yes. Thank you. Dark Sorcerer. And then no one can stop me. Muhahahaha.

Dark Sorcerer: I now take my leave. Lord Ravor.

Ravor: Of course. Go.

Dark Sorcerer: Yes.

[The Dark Sorcerer TELEPORTS out. Ravor then Conjures a bed. He then goes to sleep on it.]



[End Credits rolling to shortened theme song to reveal supporting cast and guest stars.]

Now on screen:


Holly Marie Combs as Piper Halliwell

Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt

Alyssa Milano as Phoebe Halliwell

Victor Webster as Coop

Rose McGowan as Paige Matthews

Ivan Sergei as Henry Mitchell

Seamus Dever as Mitchell Haines

Also Featuring:

Matthew McConaughey as Dark Sorcerer

Adelaide Kane as Felicia Quigley

Katie Holmes as Mariah

Timothée Chalamet as Adrian

Orlando Bloom as Daniel Jacobson

Bill Skarsgard as Ravor

Brandon Perea as Westley Vega

Zachary Levi as Mr. Edmunds

Brandon Spink as Rich Redmond

Demi Lovato as Valentina Rogeles

James Marsden as Officer Hayes

Joaquin Phoenix as Gringles

James Franco as Front Desk Officer( voice only)

Colin Ford as Davin

Jacob Lofland as Fox

Cameron Ocasio as Johan

Lucas Grabeel as Lucas Burns

Alexandra Daddario as Glamoured Melinda/ Melanie

Kevin Quinn as Ian Thomas

Camila Mendes as Eloise

Freddie Highmore as Edgar Huntington

Uncredited Actors as Civilians

Uncredited Actress as Early 20s Dead Young Woman

Uncredited Actors as Demon #1, #2, and #3

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