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By starrysnite

238K 11.2K 9.7K

โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โ ๐™’๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š.. ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™๐™š๐™ก๐™ก ๐™–๐™ข ๐™„? โž โˆ˜โ‚Šโœงโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โœงโ‚Šโˆ˜ You lived a normal and casual life in the twenty-f... More

Intro !! Woohoo !!
Your Bitchass Woke Up Late
I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore..
WHAT THE HEL- Wait Nvm It's Only A Chipmunk
Exercising - Your Worst Enemy.
As Dumb As A Roc- Boulder.
Worst Cooks In Ameri- Japan
Mr. Fox Beats Your Ass
Cancelled Sabito On Twitter
Surprise Party
Old Friend
How To Kick Balls: 101
Haganezuka With The 'Tude
Kazumi Worries For Your Bowels
In The Depths
a/n (not rly tho, just me complaining)
Fedora Fucker
That's A Lot Of Damage!
Disney Princess
Enter: Boar Bitch
Eeny Meeny Miney Moe...
Sherlock Holmes
Knee Murderer
WikiHow: To Flip Off A Lower Moon
Hang In There! (Literally!)
The Hashira's Reenactment Of Judge Judy
You Threatened.. Muzan Kibutsuji?
Get That Away From Me!
Pathetic Attempt At Charades
Mission Impossible!
Girls Don't Fart
Six In The Morning
Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!
Truths Revealed
You Screw Yourself Over
Haganezuka Throws A Tantrum
Au Revoir!
All Aboard!
Don't Let The Bedbugs Bite!
Trouble In Paradise
Eyes Opened
Let's Make A Deal
Reunited At Last
Bitter Goodbyes
A Father's Love
You Turn Into An Old Man
Zenitsu's Stomach Goes Through World War III
Awkward Conversations 101
Shenanigans But Make It Fancy
Getting Blackmailed By A Toddler! Whoopee!
Who Doesn't Love Getting Slammed Into Fourteen Walls?
Second Guessing
The Hardest Thing
Eli Having No Sense Of Direction
The Return of The Psychopathic Swordsmith
Revealing The Truth
Life Without You
Enter: Flamboyant Bitch
Mission Impossible-er
Flashy Lights
Inosuke Goes Through Puberty
Another Day, Another Blackmail
Eli Gets Extremely Humbled
Dรฉjร  Vu๏ฟผ
Slandering Eli, Pt. 2719
im alive !! woo!! (a/n)
The Emergence
That One Britney Spears Song
Broken Record
Enter: The First Wife
Lucky Is She
Karma, Bitch!
At Long Last
His Perspective
After The Storm
Heart to Heart
Slipped Out
Room Arrest
The Great Ice Cream War - Chocolate Vs. Vanilla
Training Dummy
Not-So Sleeping Beauty
No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts
Into The Village
Mohawk Boy
Read The Room
You're Not Schizophrenic, Are You?
The Key
A Puny Crow Kicks Your Ass
Fucked Up Version Of Excalibur
Oh No, He's Hot!
Somebody, Fix The Wifi..
You're Single, Aren't You?
Hips Don't Lie!
In Which: You Drown Like The Titanic

R.I.P., Tanjirou's Long Hair

4.2K 192 148
By starrysnite


after i'm done w this chapter, im definitely gonna play it


also, you guys are lucky i didn't go to school today, so you'll get an earlier chapter than usual

(edited as of 4/18/23)

Warning : Swearing


As you and Tanjirou both stood a great distance from Sabito, snow drifted across your vision from the pale grey sky. You deeply swallowed, clutching your sword firmly.

You then observed Sabito unsheathing a pure steel sword, making your heart skip a beat. You widened your eyes, your jaw dropping a bit, 'Wait, what!? Has it already been six months since Tanjirou joined my training - and nine months since I started mine??'

You mentally panicked, 'Oh, fuck no! I'm not ready for the storyline to start! No thanks! Hard pass!' You then paused, 'Oh shit wait, that means.. Nezuko would wake up soon. I'll finally get to meet her, fuck yeah!'

You then slightly frowned, thinking of saying farewell to both Sabito and Makomo. You had gotten somewhat close to them within the last nine months - it was going to suck seeing them fade away.

You shook your head vigorously, getting your mind out of the gutter. You focused your attention back on Sabito, who held his sword in front of him, "You finally have the looks of true men. Took you quite a long time."

A cocky smirk grew on your face, "That's what I'm talking about! I told you I was the manliest man out there, didn't I!" Tanjirou let a small chuckle escape his lips, before his gaze hardened with determination, "Today is the day that we'll win!"

You looked to the sidelines, locking eyes with Makomo, who merely stood still with a soft smile evident on her features. You smiled back, looking forwards once more, 'Head on battles are simple.. I think? It's about whoever's faster and stronger.. I believe..'

You took a deep breath, initiating Total Concentration Breathing. Despite the feeling of nervous butterflies in your stomach, you forced yourself to dash forwards alongside Tanjirou.

A mere dust cloud was left behind in your place as you and Tanjirou slashed your swords at his mask. You swung horizontally, while Tanjirou swung vertically.

The battle ended in an instant.

On this day, in this moment, for the first time, both of your blades had reached Sabito first.

The distinct clatter of Sabito's mask falling down to his shoulders rung within your ears. You released a small gasp, tears of happiness pricking your eyes.

You locked eyes with the salmon haired boy, his navy blue ones creasing as he smiled. You smiled back, still in disbelief, "Holy— We just—"

He presented a bittersweet and relieved smile towards the two of you, "Looks like you finally beat me, after all this time."

As soon as you were about to answer, Makomo's gentle voice cut through the atmosphere, "Tanjirou, (Y/N), you did amazing. Don't forget what you both just did.. okay?"

You turned to face the petite girl as she continued, "Win.. okay? Tanjirou, (Y/N).. make sure you win. Beat that man, too. I'm sure you can do it."

You simply watched as she and Sabito slowly began to fade, and as bittersweet tears fell from your eyes, you called out to them, "Thank you—! Thank you for everything!"

Soon enough, the dust had settled, revealing both of your boulders - cut cleanly in half. While Tanjirou's was cut vertically, yours was horizontally.

Your grasp on your sword loosened, falling to the ground. You let out a sob of triumph, dashing over to your boulder and jumping up and down, "TANJIROU! WE— HOLY SHIT, WE DID IT!!"

Your laughter rung throughout the vicinity, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!! I DID IT! I FINALLY— HAHAHA!!"

You turned to Tanjirou, only to realize he was standing there, frozen with tears welling up in his eyes.

You ran back to Tanjirou, tackling him into a hug, "WE DID IT, WE DID IT! WE DID IT, TANJIROU!" A few tears dripped from his eyes as he squeezed you back, "(Y/N)..! WE.. ACTUALLY DID IT! HAHA!!"

Upon hearing footsteps behind you, you each turned around - being met with Urokodaki, frozen in shock, "I didn't think you'd slice the boulders.. I.. had no intention on sending you to Final Selection.."

You pulled Tanjirou by the arm over to Urokodaki, before pulling both of them into a hug, "WE DID IT, DAD!! WE REALLY DID IT!! WE'RE GOING TO FINAL SELECTION!! HAHAHA!!"

Urokodaki pulled away, placing his hands on your heads, "I didn't want to lose anymore of my children.. I didn't want more to die. But, you did good, (Y/N), Tanjirou."

Once his words fully processed, it caused you and Tanjirou to bawl ever harder, even especially after he pulled you two into a hug once more, "Make sure you both come back alive. Nezuko and I will be waiting for you."


Later that night, you and Tanjirou observed Urokodaki cooking a feast for dinner that night, causing your mouths to hang wide open.

Tanjirou was the first to pipe up, "What's the occasion?! There's just.. so much!!" You drooled, cupping your cheek with one of your palms, "There's so much! I can just taste it now!"

You reached out for one of the fish cooking next to the pot, only for Urokodaki to swat your hand away as if it were an insect, "Not yet. It's not fully cooked."

He then poured you and Tanjirou your servings, "You've each completed all of your necessary training, so we're celebrating. Don't be shy, eat up."

You rubbed your hands together as he handed your bowls over, "Well, say less! If you truly insist!" Tanjirou thanked Urokodaki before he ate the meal, whereas you wasted no time in stuffing it into your mouth.

'Tanjirou, (Y/N).. there's nothing more I can do for the two of you. From here on out, you'll both be going through such hardship and strife. Your training will seem so much better in comparison.'

'So for now, rest and eat well, like you don't have a care for the world.'

You both handed your empty bowls back to Urokodaki. Tanjirou did it politely and silently, while you still had your cheeks stuffed with food, "It's so good, thank you! More, please!"

Shortly after dinner, you sat away from the two, allowing yourself to zone out. You thought of your family, 'How would they even react.. if I ever made it back? It's been so long. God.. I miss them.'

You then began to think of the storyline, 'Nevermind that.. Final Selection is tomorrow, and it's gonna fucking suck! It's going to be the most unbearable week of my entire life—!' You sighed, 'Oh shit, the hand demon! I forgot about that dude, it's going to suck even harder, fighting him!'

You finally felt a tap on your shoulder, snapping you out of your small trance. You looked up, seeing Tanjirou kneeling with a pair of scissors in his hands, "Hey, would you mind cutting my hair for me, (Y/N)?"

You nodded your head with a smile, "Sure! I'll be the best barber ever! Trust me!" You signaled him to turn around, to which he did. You then began snipping away at his burgundy locks.

He piped up, "(Y/N).. what's a- erm- bar..ber..?" You hummed in response, "Oh, that? It's something we have in America. They basically cut and style your hair for you! But it's expensive!"

Sparkles surrounded Tanjirou as he perked up, "Really?! That's so cool!!" He chuckled, scratching his cheek, "My mom always cut my hair for me.. but at least it was free."

You giggled in response, "Yeah! Whenever I didn't feel like spending the money for it, I'd just give myself a small trim. I'd really only ever go for big haircuts."

Minutes passed, and as Tanjirou's locks glided to the ground, you soon realized you were done. You held out a small handheld mirror in front of him, exclaiming, "Ta-da! All done! Hope you like it!"

He ran his hand through his hair, lightly gasping, "You did this, (Y/N)!? It looks amazing, thank you!!" You turned away blushing, waving your hand in front of you, "Aw, shucks! It's nothing!"

You then watched as Urokodaki folded identical cloud haoris, to which you assumed were yours and Tanjirou's. Urokodaki then spoke, "(Y/N), Tanjirou."

You each perked up, humming in acknowledgment and turning to face him, "Did you enjoy the hot pot I made tonight?"

Your mood lightened, "Yes!! It was like tasting heaven itself! Best hot pot ever! Five stars!" Tanjirou chuckled before answering himself, "Yes! We haven't had such a feast in a long time!"

Urokodaki then spoke once more, "A growing girl and boy like the two of you with a hearty appetite should get stronger the more he or she eats, as well as grow bigger in size."

You sweat dropped, 'He's gonna start going on a rant about demons again, isn't he?'

"But that goes for demons too."

'Ding Ding Ding! I got it right!'

"Remember this: A demon is as strong as the amount of humans he's devoured." Tanjirous smile faltered, "So, the more they eat.. the stronger they get?"

The man stood up while he continued, "That's right. Some demons who gain power are also able to transform their bodies, and even use strange spells."He slid a cabinet open before presenting the two of you with his signature warding masks.

You lightly gasped as you observed your warding mask - which was gorgeous. It had its eyes closed, matching Makomo's. Additionally, on the side of it, was a dark blue shooting star.

You questioned the man regardless of already knowing what it was, "Hey, what's this?"

"It's a warding mask. I charged it when a spell to protect the two of you from harm."

You stood up, enveloping Urokodaki into a tight hug, "Thank you!! I love it! I love it so much!!"


Laying facing up in your futon that night, you heard Tanjirou whisper to you, "Hey, are you still awake, (Y/N)..?"

You raised a thumbs up in the air, "Yup. It's super hard to fall asleep.. especially because Final Selection is tomorrow - it's nerve wracking. But.. what's up?"

The boy sat up, turning his body to face yours, "Do you think.. Nezuko will wake up while we're away?" You sat up as well, mimicking his position while you smiled, "I don't know. But.. I hope she will. I didn't know her before you came along.. but she seems like the type of person to pull through."

Tanjirou placed his hand on top of yours, "You think so?" You nodded, humming, "Oh, I know so." You then nudged him playfully, "Look at you! Making me stay up even later before Final Selection! You trying to sabotage me? Haha!"

His features turned serious, "(Y/N), you're going to survive Final Selection, got it? I'll drag you back from the afterlife if I have to!" You flicked his forehead, "That's my plan! I'm about ready to kick some demon ass!"


"(Y/N)!! Are you ready, yet?!"

"Almost-ish! Hold onnn!"

You slipped on your sandals in a rush, before snatching your Nichirin Sword and sheathing it to your hip. You then stuck your hairpin into your hair before fixing your uniform in the mirror.

You were basically wearing an identical outfit to Tanjirou, except your haori had inverted colors to his. The clouds were a light blue while the background color was a pale white.

Your hair sported it's same half up-half down look with the moon hairpin your mom had gifted you, while the warding mask was resting on the left side of your head, similar to where Tanjirou put his.

You took a deep breath before turning to Hoshi and scooping her up, walking outside while nuzzling her against your cheek.

Once outside, you stood next to Tanjirou, getting slightly emotional in the process, "HOSHII! I'M GONNA MISS YOU!!" Urokodaki took Hoshi away from you as you complained, gently placing her on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of both Hoshi and Nezuko while the two of you are away."

Tanjirou placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Don't worry! You'll get to see Hoshi in a week!" Hearing his words made you calm down, "Yeah.." You sniffled before continuing, pumping a fist into the air, "I will! I'LL SURVIVE JUST FOR YOU, HOSHI!!"

Urokodaki then put a firm hand on each of your shoulders, turning your attention back to him, "You two better come back alive, you got it?" You could see from the wrinkles on his face that he was smiling.

You and Tanjirou both answered simultaneously,

"Yup! Don't have to say it twice!"

"Got it!"

After giving Urokodaki one last hug, you both turned opposite to him, beginning the journey to Mount Fujikasane - where Final Selection took place.

Before you each could get further down the path, Tanjirou abruptly stopped and turned to Urokodaki, enthusiastically waiting, "Say hello to Sabito and Makomo for me!!"

You joined in, despite secretly knowing the truth of them, "Oh, yeah!! Tell Sabito that I finally became a man!!"

With that, you each turned back around, running off and out of sight. As the old man watched the two of you leave, his smile faltered.

He murmured to himself, pure confusion washing over him, "How do you know their names..? They were my students long ago."

After lingering in his place for minutes on end, he turned to go back inside. He slowly opened his door, and just before he shut it, he whispered, "Please, come back soon."


Despite after walking a full day nonstop, you grew restless. You and Tanjirou had conversed along the way, but now there wasn't anything left to talk about.

You clicked your tongue, analyzing your surroundings. There were only trees around you, making you sigh, "Tanjirroouuu! We've been walking all day! Are we almost there?!"

He hummed, tapping your shoulder and pointing ahead of you. In the distance, you could make out the lavender glow of wisteria flowers. You gasped, your eyes becoming starry, "We're here!"

You ran ahead, leaving poor Tanjirou behind. As you neared the flowers, you felt your heart flutter, looking at the priceless view. You skid to a stop in front of them, reaching your hand out and grazing the flowers.

You merely whispered to yourself, captivated by its beauty, "It's.. beautiful."

You turned around, meeting eyes with Tanjirou, who finally caught up to you. You sheepishly smiled, "Sorry! Left you behind on accident.."

He sighed with a smile, "It's okay. I don't blame you! These flowers are beautiful." He mimicked your action, dragging his calloused fingertips through the flowers.

Alas, the moment ended abruptly once you caught sight of the hundreds of stairs in front of you. Your face paled, beads of sweat running down your forehead, "WH- WHY ARE THERE SO MANY!? ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL THEIR CONTESTANTS!?"

Tanjirou approached the stairs with a sweat drop, turning back to you, who had now begun to clutch your head with your hands, "This has to be the test itself! All these stairs.. ugh!!"

Tanjirou grasped your wrist, leading you up the stairs with a chuckle, "Come on! If you think about it, it's nothing compared to the training we went through!"

You groaned, now willingly walking beside him, "I know.. but still! Why would they make it so annoying?! I'm all for becoming a Demon Slayer.. but this is flat out stupid!"

After countless minutes of ascending the stairs, you could finally see the top, to which you pointed excitedly, "Tanjirou! We're here! Finally!"

He perked up, "You're right!" He then glanced at you, "That wasn't too bad, right!" You chuckled, playfully rolling your eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever! Let's go!"

You each picked up the pace, and as soon as your feet exited the stairs, you exclaimed, "Finally! Fucking, finally!"

Observing the area, you had counted at least two dozen participants waiting for instructions. As you walked backwards in front of Tanjirou, making hand gestures excitedly, the pale moon shone overhead on you.

Upon reaching where everyone remained, you took the time to scan the vicinity even deeper, looking for a few certain characters. You first noticed Zenitsu, who was, of course, complaining, "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna diiiee!!"

You then shifted your gaze to Kanao, and although she was facing away from you, you could see a butterfly perched on her finger. Finally, you locked eyes with Genya, who was leaning against a tree, his arms crossed.

He furrowed his brows, hardening his eyes at you, before pettily turning the other way. A small irk mark appeared on your forehead, "Didn't even talk to him and he's giving me an attitude. Moron."

You turned to Tanjirou, "Agh! I'm so nervous.. what if we-" He raised his finger, "We'll be fine! We can do this.. we're prepared and ready!" Before you could reply back, a familiar voice entered your ears, "Holy— (Y/N)?! Is that you?!"

Your eyes widened, 'What—?! Was that.. English!?'

You immediately whipped your head towards the sound of the voice, only to be met with a random boy with blue eyes and grey-brown hair - someone who you've never even seen before.

You deadpanned, before adjusted your eyes to look at the person who stood beside him. You were met with the familiar appearance of a certain boy with tan skin, dark green eyes, and chocolate tufts of hair.

You widened your eyes as your mouth dropped completely. You slowly pointed a shaking finger towards the boy, yelling out in a shocked tone, "ELI?!"


Word Count : 3060

(edited a/n - never noticed how many time skips there are in this chapter LMAAO)

Feelin devious so I present you... *drum roll*

Yet another cliffhanger! Woo!

This chapter took me like 2 hours to write since i kept getting distracted 💀

Anyways, I may be able to get another chapter out tonight once I finish my chores! No guarantees tho !



I appreciate all the love I get on this story, and I'm so glad to see you guys are enjoying my writing !

Smell you later !!

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