𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋 ~πƒπˆπ‚πŠ 𝐆𝐑𝐀...

By ziggs_mxyfield

52.1K 1.5K 220

'𝐁𝐨𝐲 π–π¨π§ππžπ« 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐑𝐞π₯𝐩 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚π₯π₯ 𝐭𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬?' π—œπ—‘ π—ͺπ—›π—œπ—–π—› Dick Gr... More

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 πŽππ„
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 π“π–πŽ


1.1K 45 6
By ziggs_mxyfield




        OPENING HER BEDROOM DOOR, twenty-nine year old Phoebe was met with her twenty-two year old roommate, Jason Todd. The Titans had gone their separate ways three years before after their last encounter. Jason had left Bruce months before after an incident had occurred, and Phoebe offered him to live with her. She needed the company after all, since Dick had broken her heart and she had been living alone. 

        Groggy from the lack of sleep she got the night before, Phoebe whined. "What do you want?"

        The young man smiled, motioning Phoebe to follow him to the kitchen. "Since you were up late last night grading papers, I took it into my own hands to make breakfast."

        Half asleep, Phoebe noticed the freshly made pancakes on their small kitchen table. Sitting down in one seat, Phoebe took a sip of the coffee Jason had brewed. "Thanks, I better head to work soon."

         "Oh, come on." Jason groaned, sitting next to the girl. "Take a sick day. You're absolutely exhausted and I'm fucking bored. We should do something today!"

       "Jason, I'm a fucking adult. I have a job."

        "And I'm off today! I don't wanna spend my entire day cooped up in this apartment." 

        "Fine," Phoebe groaned, picking up her fork and knife as she cut her pancakes. "I guess one day off isn't the worst thing in the world." 

        "That's the spirit," Jason smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. "I say that we trance around town and go shopping till our broke asses run out of money." 

        After taking a bite of her pancake, Phoebe raised an eyebrow. "Don't you still have Bruce's credit card?" 

        "His disabled it." 

        "Aw." Phoebe pouted, "Would've been fun to use his card. Not like he would notice, anyway." 

        "Yeah," Jason laughed, resting his head on his chin. "One time I bought a motorcycle without telling him and he never realized for like, three weeks until he saw it in person." 

☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎

        Walking down the streets, Phoebe and Jason acted as if they owned the world. Shopping bags in each hand, they felt happy. There was no one to tell them what to do and what not to do, they basically did whatever the fuck they wanted. 

        Phoebe and Jason had become the best of friends. 

        They had both bonded over heartbreak and past lives, the two having so much in common. Dick had dumped Phoebe for Dawn, and Bruce thought Jason had no use anymore, letting him go. There were nights where the two would just cry together, just enjoying each other's presence. 

        Phoebe had started to realize that she loved Jason. 

       Never romantically, but she loved him like a brother. Although he could annoy the shit out of her, Jason was always there for Phoebe and knew that he would never leave her or replace her. 

        Heading into Forever 21, Phoebe noticed the cutest pair of boots. Pointing them out to Jason, her jaw dropped. "Oh my god, look at those fucking boots!" Running towards the stand they were shown off on, she picked the boot up. Checking the bottom of the shoe, they ran for one hundred bucks. Turning to Jason, she shrugged. "Should I get them? They're one hundred." 

       Nodding, Jason smiled. "Get them you dumb ass! You're basically squealing over them."  Looking for her size, she picked up the size seven box. "Now," Jason interrupted the girl from her thoughts. "If you don't mind, I need new underwear. I'll be over in the men's section if you need me." 

        "Got it." 

        Phoebe and Jason must've been in the store for forty minutes, because they walked out with two bags each. "God," Jason laughed, the two walking down the sidewalk. "We're gonna be so broke." 

        "Yup," Phoebe hummed, completely agreeing with him. "Wanna head home and drop off everything? Then we could go out for dinner or something." 

        "Sounds perfect." 

        As the two walked back to their apartment, they had small talk. Phoebe was head over heels for a teacher who worked at the school with her, as Jason gave her tips and talked about a girl he had met in a bar a few nights before. 

        It was the little talks that made the two happy, and there was nothing that could ever stop their bond. They always had fun together and they always knew how to cheer each other up. They would fight over remotes and who was paying for their Uber eats delivery for that day. They liked shopping and fashion, Phoebe was more than happy to shop with Jason. 

         It was fun during holidays, as the two for Christmas had spent the entire day cooking, only for Jason to burn the roast beef. Of course, no stores were open so they ended up having Mac and Cheese for Christmas dinner. Thankfully, Phoebe was successfully able to make Christmas cookies. 

        After quickly dropping off the bags at the apartment, the two walked down the streets to a diner that was only a few blocks away. Walking up to the hostess, Phoebe smiled. "Hi, table for two." 

        Picking up two menu's, the hostess smiled back at her. "Right this way," She motioned for the two of them to follow her, giving them a small booth near the kitchen. 

        Sitting across from Jason, Phoebe picked up her menu. "Should I get breakfast food or dinner food?" 

        "I think I'm going to get waffles." 

        "Actually, waffles sounds good right about now." Phoebe placed her menu down, looking Jason straight in the eyes. "So, I just remembered that a co-worker of mine is getting married in a few months, I really don't like her but I don't wanna be a bitch and not go. So, I was wondering if you would be a plus one to the wedding?" 

        Smirking, Jason sat back in his seat. "Damn, Phoebe Decker. Is this your way of asking me out?" 

        Phoebe scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. I just don't wanna go alone, figured you'd make the wedding a little fun. We could do some shots and get drunk or something, you know?" 

        "Sounds fun," Jason pursed his lips, "I'm in."

         "Great!" Phoebe smiled, right as the waitress approached the two. 

         "Are you guys ready to order?" 

         Speaking up, Jason sighed. "I'll take the chocolate chip waffles with an orange juice, please." 

        "Make that two." 

        "Alright," The waitress stopped writing in her notebook, taking the menu's from Phoebe and Jason. "That should be out shortly." She walked away without another word. 

         It was silent for a moment between Phoebe and Jason, Phoebe didn't know why. It just felt awkward. "Thanks for making me take the day off." 

        "Thanks for getting me out of the house." 

        Continuing to chatter, a conversation with Dick managed to pop up. "You know," Jason laughed, "I never liked that asshole. Your ex-boyfriend or not, he was too full of himself." 

        It took Phoebe a moment to respond, as she didn't know what to say. "I had a crush on Dick for as long as I could remember. I was probably only fourteen. He kept me off the streets, he kept me safe. I loved everything about Dick." Taking a deep breath, Phoebe continued, "It's no surprise he fell out of love with me for Dawn. He's loved her for years now, I shouldn't really be surprised." 

        "I know," Jason sighed, sitting back in the booth, "I just hate seeing you fuss over him. You're the closest thing I have to family at the moment, Pheebs." 

        "You're the closest thing I have to family too, Jason." 

        As they continued to chat, Phoebe's heart started to feel lighter. She knew that Jason would always been there, no matter what happened. She wasn't in love with Jason, but she definitely loved him. 

        Moments later, the food came out hot and ready. Digging into her waffles, Phoebe basically scoffed them down. Running from shop to shop with Jason was tiring. 

        "Jesus Pheebs," Jason laughed at the girl, devouring her waffles, "Take a breath." 

        "I'm fucking starving," Phoebe scoffed, putting her fork down for a moment. She fixed her hair out of her face, but it kept falling back in place due to how short it was. Earlier that year, Phoebe went through a crisis, causing her to cut her hair shoulder-length and tint it red. She hated it, but Jason constantly assured her that it looked fine. 

        Holding the glass of orange juice up to her lips, she took a sip. Sighing, she placed the glass back down on the table. Jason sat back, waffles completely gone. Raising an eyebrow at the fact that Jason acknowledged Phoebe eating fast even though Jason had already finished, he put his hands up in defense. "Hey, I was starving too!" 

        "Whatever," Phoebe scoffed, sitting back in her seat. "Do you ever miss being Robin?" 

        Sighing, Jason answered. "I mean, I guess sometimes. Being Robin let me be someone important. It also gave me a chance to do something. Like- it's so fucking lame that I went from being Robin to a bartender." 

        "At least you know how to make drinks now," Phoebe laughed, trying to look for a bright side, "I remember a time where I had to order for you." 

        "Give me a break, I was like- nineteen." 

        "Aren't you still?" 

       "I'm twenty-two, you fucker." Jason laughed, knowing what Phoebe was trying to do. "You on the other hand still don't look a day over twenty-nine.. oh wait that's right, you are twenty-nine." 

        "If I kill you would you shut up?" 

         "Probably not."    

        After paying their bill, Phoebe and Jason decided to head back home since they both had work in the morning. Fortunately, Phoebe and Jason had no idea what would happen next. 

        Turning around to place the tip down, Phoebe had no clue that a man was sitting at the bar, a gun pointed towards her. He was bald, wearing a green sweatshirt with dark jeans. It was almost in the blink of an eye that she heard Jason scream out, causing her to turn around. "PHOEBE, WATCH OUT!" 

        Life flashed once again before Phoebe's eyes. She had been in this position once before. The sound of the bullet, the person who she loved the most and felt safe with in front of her, shot through the chest. 

        Jason Todd sacrificed himself for Phoebe, just as Wally had done for the girl years before. 

        Dropping down to the floor, Phoebe held Jason in her arms. Glancing up to where the shooter had been, Phoebe noticed him turn right out of the diner. Looking back down at Jason, she noticed the blood pouring out of his chest, coughing up blood as well. 

        "Phoebe.." Jason held onto Phoebe's hand as tears poured out of her eyes. 

        Phoebe's bottom lip trembled."It's gonna be okay, Jason. We're gonna get you help-" 

        "No," Jason coughed up blood, sputtering everywhere. His heartbeat started to slow as his eyelids became heavy. "I love you."  Jason's hand went limb, signaling it was the end. His eyelids shut, and his heartbeat stopped. 

         "No," The bottom of Phoebe's lip trembled, "No, don't you fucking leave me, Todd. Don't fucking do this. Don't leave me like Wally did." Phoebe knew it was too late, mourning as she pulled the young boy's body in for a hug. She couldn't handle the pain. 

        Until, she started to feel angry. 

        Quickly, Phoebe pressed a quick kiss to Jason's forehead, placing him down softly on the floor. "I'll be back," The girl whispered, quickly getting up and running out the door. 

        Remembering he had turned right, Phoebe sprinted in that direction. She looked down every alleyway, every person to find the man who had done this. She knew his description. Bald, green sweatshirt, jeans. Phoebe was starting to feel hopeless, thinking she would never find him. 

          Until, she saw him heading down an alleyway between the movie theater and the comic book store.

        Quickly following him, Phoebe was in despair. She felt so alone, again. All she wanted to do was kill the man who had done this. 

         Sweeping out the man's legs from behind, the man gasped as he fell to the ground. Trying to reach for his gun, Phoebe quickly kicked it out of the way. Continuously, Phoebe knelt down next to the man, continuing to punch his face until she felt was necessary. She wanted to kill this son of a bitch. 

         Twisting the man's arm, Phoebe heard the man scream as it cracked. The arm dropped limb, and that's when Phoebe took the matters farther. 

        Holding up the gun that the man had, she pointed it to his face. "P-please," The man stuttered, "I'll do anything." 

        Phoebe let out a shaky breath. "I don't care," Her finger started to tug on the trigger. "You killed my brother." Pulling the trigger, the man dropped dead as the bullet hit his head, and Phoebe felt some sort of justice. 

        Standing up, Phoebe dropped the gun and noticed the blood all over her, but she didn't care. 

        God, if only Phoebe knew that this was just Trigon messing with her head. 


me 🤝 building up phoebe's truama

hoped you liked it- it was kinda short

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