𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋 | c. lucilfe...

By h1ysoka

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In a parallel universe, a mind-blowing revelation shook the world-a genderbend version of the notorious Phant... More

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222 17 0
By h1ysoka

All you need to know about the added characters and their extended past. A must read before you start in the first few chapters to understand the plot a bit more. They are after all, two sides of the same coin.

Kurapika Kurta - Male Counterpart.

Kura Kurta possesses the stoic demeanor and guarded nature reminiscent of Kurapika. However, her motivations were sharply different from her male counterpart. Where Kurapika sought vengeance against the Phantom Troupe for destroying his clan, Kura orchestrated their demise herself. Driven by her own ruthless ambitions, Kura betrayed her family to form an alliance with the infamous Troupe.

She guided them to the Kurta hideout, hoping their annihilation would satisfy her twisted desire for revenge against the clan that never accepted her nature. It was a dark pact that sealed Pika's fate—she has remained with the Troupe ever since, wielding her Scarlet Eyes in their service. Behind Kura's icy facade lies a turbulent past. While her abilities echo Kurapika's, any lingering loyalty resides only with the Troupe she betrayed her kin to join.

Kura had it rough growing up in her clan. While Kurapika's family respected him, Kura's only brought her pain. They never understood her dark ambitions and treated her like trash. Years of abuse left Kura raging for revenge. She set her sights on the ones who wronged her. But to take them down, Kura needed power—and who had more than the Phantom Troupe?


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The Troupe's ruthless ways called to Kura's vengeful soul. She saw a chance to further her twisted goals and joined up, willingly stepping into the criminal underworld. Kura wasn't naive—she made the calculated decision to use the Troupe. With the Troupe behind her, Kura orchestrated her grand scheme. She delivered her clan right into the hands of Claudia and the others. The Kurta's bloody end satisfied Kura's thirst for payback at last.

Kurapika's clan was everything to him. So when the Phantom Troupe massacred them, he devoted his life to revenge. Armed with only his wits and Scarlet Eyes, Kurapika joined the Hunter Exam seeking strength. But will his hunt for the Troupe lead him to cross paths with his own scarlet-eyed doppelganger? When Kurapika meets Kura, the shock of seeing another Kurta will blow his mind.

But will he see an ally in his fight against the Troupe? Or an enemy even more ruthless than himself? One thing's for sure—Kura has no love for the Kurta clan and she'll do anything to prove she's deadlier than her male counterpart. With her Scarlet Eyes glowing, this femme fatale promises to give Kurapika the fight of his life. He better summon all his rage if he wants to take down the most vicious Kurta of them all.


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The clash is coming. Two scarlet-eyed hunters, one honoring a lost heritage while the other betrays it. Only one will stand—so which Kurta will win when Kurapika meets his malevolent female match?


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Leorio Paradinight - Male Counterpart.

Growing up poor on the streets, Leoria learned early to be tough and look out for herself. While Leorio found purpose studying to become a doctor, Leoria took a darker path. She taught herself healing methods through trial and error, patching up the wounds of local thugs and criminals. Word of Leoria's skills spread throughout the underworld.

One day, Claudia Lucilfer herself came calling. The leader of the genderbent Troupe recognized talent when she saw it. Leoria was offered a position as the gang's personal physician, with opportunities she could never find working honestly.

It was too good to refuse. Leoria saw the Troupe as a means to elevate her station, even if it meant dirtying her hands further. She became fiercely loyal to Claudia for providing her a place in a world that once turned her away. Now Leoria wields knives and needles for her the Troupe, both legitimate medical work and helping the Troupe dispose of enemies.


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Her bedside manner is rough but effective - she gets the job done no matter the cost. Leoria may grumble like her male counterpart, but don't underestimate her prowess or underestimate her devotion to Claudia and the only family she's ever known.

This criminal turned makeshift medico promises to be a wild card if the two Phantom Troupes clash. No one can predict whose side her razor-sharp instincts and skills will fall on once all is said and done.


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Pakunoda - Female Counterpart.

Paku is supremely loyal to Claudia and the Troupe, following their illustrious leader without question. Tall and confident, he commands respect with his mere presence. But Paku has hidden talents beyond his calm exterior. He possesses a rare psychic skill - with a single touch, Paku can view a person's deepest memories. This "Psychometry" allows him to extract information from anyone, cutting through lies to uncover long-buried secrets.

Paku has mastered his powers to conceal the memories of those he touches from other psychometry readers like his female version, Pakunoda. Even those with the same rare ability cannot uncover the secrets he safeguards. With his crafty manipulation, one can trust that their hidden truths will forever remain locked away from prying hands.


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IMPORTANT: Not only can he view past memories through touch, Paku can also lock away memories so they're completely hidden. Even if Pakunoda tries using her skill, she finds nothing where Paku has concealed. (It works like this: if Paku touches Gina and activates his power, any memories he chooses become shrouded. Pakunoda would be unable to view those memories, as Paku maintains sole access through continued physical contact.) Essentially, Paku can create impenetrable psychological "shadows" with a simple touch, masking recollections even from those with the same skill, like Pakunoda. It's an ability she lacks—making Paku a stealthy wildcard within the genderbent Troupe.


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Illumi Zoldyck - Male Counterpart.

From a young age, Illura displayed a chilling aptitude for murder. While her male version, Illumi grew fond of manipulation, Illura found pleasure directly in the act itself. She trained relentlessly under their strict father, absorbing each teaching like a sponge. Targets fell before her without mercy or mistake. Money meant little; the satisfaction of ending lives was reward enough.

It wasn't long before the Phantom Troupe came seeking her unique "talents." They offered Illura a position fitting of her abilities. Now one of the Spiders, Illura wages death as a full-time career. Her frigid heart and precision strikes make her the troupe's deadliest enforcer. While loyal solely to Claudia, Illura takes no pleasure greater than in doling out her gruesome handiwork. Only death will sate this remorseless reaper's never-ending bloodlust.

Yet even this heartless killer will meet her match when the tides of fate bring the Phantom Troupes together. For lurking among the members of the opposing spiders is one shrouded in far deeper darkness than Illura herself. (And it's her male version, Illumi).


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The moment Illura comes face to face with her male counterpart Illumi, a chilling realization will set in. For the first time, she will encounter someone equally devoid of humanity, whose passion for death surpasses even her own.

Only their facing can reveal the answer. Will their meeting curb Illura's bloodlust even temporarily, challenging her psyche in ways no ordinary target could? Or will their mirrored methods meet in violent harmony, the likes of which others can only watch in horror?

When the world's deadliest assassins square off, gender will matter little. All that remains is the crimson verdict of their gruesome grace under pressure. And in that moment of morbid truth, who still stands cold?


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Killua Zoldyck - Male Counterpart.

Ever since she was a child, Killia had always been different from the other heirs of the infamous Zoldyck family. While they excelled in the art of assassination, she found no thrill in taking lives. Something was always missing. 

Then one night, Killia snuck out of the estate and wandered into the city. There, she witnessed a captivating sight - the Phantom Troupe, led by the enigmatic Claudia Lucilfer, effortlessly pulling off a high stakes heist.  The fluidity of their teamwork, the dangerous aura they emitted, it was like witnessing a deadly dance. But most mesmerizing of all was the spider tattoo on the back of her very own sister, Illura. In that moment, Killia knew what she wanted - to join the Phantom Troupe and dye her hands with the same crimson ink. It awakened her desire to kill.

For years she trained herself in secret, tirelessly honing her electrifying abilities to one day stand among the Spiders. It was the lone motive that drove her daily regimen in the mountains. Then one fateful day in the city, Killia came across a reckless girl around her age causing mayhem for petty thrills—Gina Freecs. Though a scrapper, Gina possessed an unwavering enthusiasm and charm that Killia couldn't help but be drawn to.


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The two began teaming up for mischievous escapades, bonding over their rebellious streaks. Little did they know, the Phantom Troupe was watching their antics with interest. Claudia saw potential in the ragtag duo, recruiting them as the troupe's newest members. Finally, after years of longing, Killia's dream was realized as she underwent the spider tattoo ceremony alongside Gina. The two became inseparable partners in crime within the Phantom Troupe.


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Feitan Portor - Male Counterpart.

Ever seen that quiet Spider who looks seconds away from smirking or sighing? That's Fei, the troupe's resident interrogation master. Don't let her small stature fool you - she's a sadist through and through. Fei takes a passive approach but boasts wicked torture skills. Her biting remarks are as sharp as her needles. Lucky for us, Fei's loyalty to Claudia is absolute. She's found her people with the Spiders.

Though not the warmest, Fei gets on well enough with her fellow members. She's often by Phia's side, the two competing fiercely on missions. Just try not to get on Fei's bad side - those who do learn her wrath isn't reserved just for enemies. All in all, Fei keeps to herself but proves vital on jobs. She may clash, but the Troupe is her family. So don't cross this femme fatale unless you've got a high pain tolerance and rapier wit to match.


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When Fei comes face-to-face with her male counterpart, sparks are sure to fly between these sadistic souls. But will their clash of sharpened tongues leave both bleeding out, or could their mutual passion for pain light an unexpected fire?

After all, who better to understand your darkness than a version of yourself? And Feitan has never been one to back down from a challenge, even if the opponent shares his face. When two such forces of ruthless nature collide, all bets are off on where twisted desires might lead.

But faced with a version of themselves from another world, instincts may take over in unexpected ways. After all, who knows your lust for pain better than a twisted mirror of your own dark desires? Sparks are certain to fly as these two interrogators square off. But will their clash evolve into a contest of new tortures... or uncover a passion so profound that even Feitan's stone-cold heart starts to crack?


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Phinks Magcub - Male Counterpart.

Fiery Phia, what a force to be reckoned with. Short-tempered? For sure. But also loyal to the bone for her Spiders. This hothead pairs best with her partner in crime Fei, the two always bringing the heat together. Phia may clash at times, but she's a real strategist when it counts.

And man can she fight. Phia defeats foes with ease, nimble as she is nasty. Just watch that sharp tongue of hers - it cuts deeper than any blade. At the end of the day, Phia bleeds loyalty for Claudia and the Troupe. She's always ready to brawl and take risks if it means the job gets done. So if you ever face this firecracker, best be prepared to get burned.


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Nobunaga Hazama - Male Counterpart.

Calm on the surface, but oh so volatile within - that's Nobuna for you. Beneath her tranquil air lies a tempest just waiting to erupt. Provoke this one at your peril, for her reflexes are razor-honed. Nobuna moves with deadly swiftness when danger calls. But that speed can make her rash too, endangering others in her impulsiveness.

Still, Nobuna's loyalty to the Troupe is unflinching. She stands up fiercely for comrades, regardless of the cause's justness. Nobuna may be blinded by passion at times, yet she remains an unyielding pillar of support in any storm.

So if you meet this serene Spider, beware her tranquil fury. One wrong word could ignite a whirlwind—and you don't want to be caught in Nobuna's blaze when it burns. Tread lightly, lest you feel the heat.


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Shizuku Murasaki - Female Counterpart.

Zuku is one strange dude, that's for sure. Always so calm and collected, like nothing fazes him. Emotion? Not so much. People call him aloof or soulless, but he doesn't seem to mind. Zuku remains detached from it all, a specter drifting through chaos. Anger's about the only thing that shows, and even then it's icy cold.

Strange past must've made him that way, but he's adapted to the lack of feeling. Zuku stays logical in any mess, composed as ever no matter what craziness surrounds him. So if you meet this odd Spider, don't expect warmth. Just a chill enigma gliding by, detached from it all yet deadly skilled when called to action. Zuku marches to the beat of his own numb drums.


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Machi Komacine - Female Counterpart.

Stoic and composed, Mach keeps his emotions on lockdown. You'd think he's as cold as ice. But Shalkia knows better - beneath that surface lies a softer soul. Physically strong in solitude, Mach prefers the lone path. But when the Troupe calls, don't doubt he'll answer swift and sure. His devotion to the Troupe runs deep, even if they don't always see.

Actions speak louder than words for this quiet one. Mach shows his care through loyal support in stormy skies. So while he keeps to the fringes, never forget - this Spider's heart beats red and true for his twisted family.


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Shalnark Ryusei - Male Counterpart.

Beneath her cute looks lies a genius. Shalkia thinks fast, acts faster - her nimble mind is always a few steps ahead. Tech is her playground, and through it she pulls puppet strings. With just her phone, this Spider can manipulate any scene. Don't underestimate innocence - Shalkia's skills make her dangerously deadly.

Loyal to Claudia, Shalkia doesn't hesitate to throw down if the Troupe's threatened. Her bravery and aim prove lethal blessings in a brawl. Shalkia sees all with her devices, reacting lightning-quick to neutralize nearby threats. Just try to take her by surprise - this calculating femme fatale is always 10 steps ahead.

So if you cross this cute criminal, you better watch your back. Shalkia's techno-mind and nimble combat make her a force unlike any other.


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Hisoka Morrow - Male Counterpart.

You know how Hisoka toys with prey for pleasure? Well meet his female doppelgänger - the deadly siren Hysoka Morrow. Where Hisoka walks the line between Troupe and traitor, Hysoka remains unwaveringly loyal to her leader Claudia. Some say it's pure twisted love, the way this femme fatale would die for her Spider.

Make no mistake, Hysoka lives for the thrill of the hunt same as him. But her methods are even more devious, luring victims into a false sense of security before striking. This vixen favors psychological torture over physical play. And those carnal eyes of hers see right through you, reading desires you never knew you had. One gaze from Hysoka and you're putty in her hands, dancing to her dark designs without ever realizing.

So if you ever cross paths with the elusive Hysoka, be very afraid. Her loyalty ensures she'll stop at nothing to see you broken before her. And this siren always gets her way in the end. The game is life, the players mere toys - and none toy better than the cunning Queen of Hearts herself, Hysoka Morrow.


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When Hysoka meets Hisoka, sparks of intrigue will surely fly. After all, who knows the thrill of the twisted chase better than a version of yourself? And these two salivate to savor every drop of sweet torment.

But only one can claim victory in the end. As Hysoka closes in, the question hangs heavy in the air... will their sadistic symphony end in a kill, or will these twisted souls risk shattering the walls around their blackened hearts for a taste of something deeper, darker - and oh so deliciously depraved? The games have only just begun when monsters such as these collide. All that's left is to see how long until one of them breaks.


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Chrollo Lucilfer - Male Counterpart.

While others see a stoic bookworm, those closest to Claudia know there's more than meets the eye with their Spider matriarch. As Chrollo's female version, she shares his relentless thirst for knowledge and skill. Where Chrollo collected abilities, Claudia prefers secrets - with a network as vast as the pages bound within her beloved tomes. She observes the world keenly, always scheming to outwit those who would oppose her Troupe.

Beneath that calm exterior simmers a passion and intensity that would shock most. Loyalty to her Spiders runs deeper than blood, and woe betide any fool who would harm what's hers. When the time for action comes, Claudia acts swiftly and without mercy. Some say she holds the power to rewrite destiny itself with but a thought. Her true strengths remain a mystery even to her closest allies.

So if you ever find yourself in Claudia Lucilfer's web, know that you are utterly at her mercy. All you can do is play your part, and pray she finds your role... entertaining.


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When Chrollo finally crosses paths with his female version, Claudia, the tension will be mind blowing. Two calculating minds sizing each other up, recognizing in an instant they're two sides of the same devious coin. But who will be the prey, and who the victor, when these cunning minds collide? Or will this meeting be something more?

We apologize for not having any genderbent pictures of the other members yet, but we encourage you to use your imagination to envision those versions. We are still searching for a picture of Gon's girl version, so if you know the artist of the pictures we have already posted, please let us know so we can give them credit. We wanted to show you the pictures we had in mind for them, so that is why we posted the art.

I understand that not everyone will enjoy the fanfiction I have written. If you find that it is not to your taste, then I kindly ask that you leave without commenting any negative remarks. Your feedback is always appreciated, but I would like to keep the atmosphere positive. Thank you for understanding.

Kallure - Kalluto
Gina - Gon
Uvogia - Uvogin
Kortopi - Topi

Playlist : https://youtu.be/UkLaNZzHPhI

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