By Potter_38

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A Man, A Father, A Quest, An Answer, A Tale.... Come and read and be engrossed... Give reviews.. Everything... More



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By Potter_38

"Come On, You call THIS food? THIS is food? What do you think I am.....a graduate of your army?"
Iris was grumpy, partially because she was woken up at 5 in the morning due to the worst alarm in the whole universe, Jonathan. Given, that they had reached at only 2 in the previous night, made it worse.

"Hey missy sleepy, wake up, we gotta go meet your daddy today, I ain't no machine, wake up." The cabin they had been given was huge, to say the least and there were twenty more children there all refusing to get out of their beds and their angry mothers thinking of a crafty way to get them out.

A boy at the end of the row of the beds shouted out, "No, no not the hose pipe. NOT THE HOSE PI....." before his voice, him, his clothes and everything about him was smothered by the water splashing out of the pipe. "We drench you till you get out." A clear and simple look. Now it was all about strength and endurance, playing a Squid Game, everyone was bound to lose, either in hot blood or in drenched dripping attire. Within a span of five minutes, everyone was out, even the most stubborn kid who lost out trying to save himself with a pillow. Iris was smart; she had surrendered long before the hose pipe even reached her and had obediently walked out of bed.

It was soon breakfast time. At the table now, with Jonathan at 6:30, Iris was drooling not out of the food, but out of sleep, she would drool when she slept and yeah it was something quite about happiness to her, cause she loved sleep.

"Heyy, honey, wake up. Look, they have served us."

It was boiled vegetables, of some vegetables she had never seen before in her life, thus bringing the reaction of disgust.

Now her mind had started working, the only way to eat good food was to shove Jonathan into the kitchen in some manner. Her beady puppy eyes jumped right onto their work.

"Jo-Jo, how can you expect me to eat this? This is something that I have never eaten before, can you do something?

"Umm, same here, hon, I too am in no mood nor tongue strength to eat this either, I have brought some snacks."

Their eyes gleamed as he said this, his black, bald head shining like a torch under the huge lights of the building.

They soon had breakfast and the other children had to make lines before proceeding to go out of the building for training. As they left, something bothered Iris.

"Is it necessary for children my age to be here? I mean why can't they have a normal life and play fortnite?"

"I don't know the details of it, but yeah they do something quite organic is what's I have heard your Daddy saying."

"Where's Daddy?"

"I did ask the staff who gave us food, about it. They said they'll make us meet him soon."

"Ohh, fine then, I will wait. I was just overstressing I guess." Iris said with her head down now, " he'll be fine, won't he?"

"Yes, baby he will." Jonathan's reassuring eyes and his soft, warm fingers ruffling through her hair was a delight to the soul. Iris, a devout atheist, who frowned at people involving in useless waste of money as per her, still mumbled a thank you. Then she looked upto him and said, "Thank you, Jo-Jo for always sticking up for me and even coming here for me. I love you ❣️."

"I love you too, my little munchkin.

A voice sneaked up from behind, " Sorry for disturbing you both, but y'all meet The King now."

They were ushered in into a small room, a large bed in the middle, her father lying bare-chested on the bed his head bruised and left arm in bandages. There was an ointment smeared on his left shoulder, maybe a recent accident. A lady sitting right adjacent to his father's head fixing a tray of medicines which were clumsily kept.

As they came in, the lady went over to her father's ear and whispered something.

"Hey honey, how you doing?"

"I am fine, Pop, what about you, what happened, another skiing accident?"

They both laughed.

"Hey, Jo, how you doing brother, Iris being a pain in the ass, isn't she?"

Jonathan smiled a little, " No Sir she's absolutely easy to handle."

"Am I?" Iris laughed in merry amusement.

Her family! Best together.

"Meet her. She is Petra. She's the one who brought me safe here. Petra, This is my daughter, Iris Sarjovic and this is Jonathan, whom I can trust my life with."

Iris stared at the woman now, Petra , who was staring at the ceiling till now, now stared at her with a smile.

Petra's eyes gleamed as she saw the young lady, her eyes glistening with tears, as she smiled and said, "Hey, Iris, Hey, Jonathan, if y'all face any problem here, tell me."

Iris was speechless, she wanted to talk quite a lot but was struggling for words. Whatever the lady did, it was a calming experience around her. She instantly fell relieved off her every distress in life.

"Thank you Ma'am, for taking care of Sir." Jonathan beamed. "Sir you want something now?"

Petra intervened, "It would be quite nice of both of you to come visit Ivan some other time, Ivan needs to rest."

Jonathan turned to Iris, whose eyes were fixated upon her father in trembling reassurance. She was optimistic now that her father would be alright soon. SOON....

She had almost gone back to her dormitory, when she came back running back to the room, her dad was asleep right now and Petra was fixing his bedsheet.

Petra instantly put a finger to her lips, telling Iris to talk softly.

Iris understood and said in a low voice," Can you do something about the food?"

Petra smiled, " I will. Anything else?"

"Thank you."

"It's not at a problem, dear."

"Will he be fine?"

"Yes he will."


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