Sun x reader(y/n) SECURITY B...

By Lilia_Birch

14 4 1

Sometimes the hero isn't who you think it is. Fear escalates, tension rises and you are left to choose. Nothi... More

Chapter 2: Determination
Chapter 3: Failure
Chapter 4: A start

Chapter 1: Different sides

7 1 1
By Lilia_Birch

~ your point of view ~

After you talked to Freddy Fazbear, you headed out. Determined to complete your first challenge. Freeing that fatherly fuzzy bear to help you escape the Pizzaplex seemed nearly impossible with all the robot security droids milling about. They had flashlights, but you didn't. Freddy told you to avoid them at all costs.

Stumbling upon a large door, you opened it. As you opened the door, it revealed an enormous illuminated playground, full of multiple pictures plastered onto the wall of the children enjoying their activities. Almost all of the pictures had glitter glue on them. Tables and chairs neatly scattered the area.

Talking out of your bear shaped fazwatch, Freddy sternly said, "Be careful (Y/n), there is poor connection here. I won't be able to talk to you. Collect the badge and get out quickly to free me!"

You responded, "I will!"

Freddy wanted to say more, but as you walked further, the meager connection failed.

"Wow! This place is huuuge!"
You peered through the protective netting. Looking around, you found a playful tube slide. Childishly giggling,
"Well here I go!"

In circles you went down to the play area, but something surprised you,
"I wonder what it's like to--AHH!"

You fell into a pool full of brightly colored balls. It was dangerously deep... Struggling to stay afloat, you attempted to wade to a shallower area.
But something caught your attention.

Someone yellow emerged from the draped curtains
"HO HO HO!" It shouted.

Before you could even comprehend the situation you placed yourself into, it dived into the ball filled pool.

"OH no!" You screamed,
"Freddy! Freddy!!"

But you knew there was poor connection in this area. Your fazwatch wouldn't work. Freddy told you that.

Speedily trying to swim to the ledge to get out of this mess, you started to sink. Your legs were like heavyweights. As the time dragged on, it got harder to move them. You didn't know how to swim. Not getting anywhere flailing around, you still tried to reach that ledge, coloful balls filled were all you could see, sinking to the bottom. You gasped for air as if there wasn't any. Your airway started closing up as a last resort to cease the imaginary water from flowing in. Instead of water choking you, it was a blue ball. With something lodged in your thoat, air was a wish floating away. Vision blurring, you felt your body reach the bottom of the pool. All too familiar.
Everything went black.

~ Sunnydrop POV ~

Patiently waiting for a new friend to reach the edge, it started to get boring. Usually kids would get here in a jiffy. But not this one.
Looking around Sun started to get worried,
"No NO no not another one!!"

Frantically scanning the area he said,
"How did my new friend dissapear??"

Sun realized you never left the ball pool, "New friend!!"

Silence, flooded the playground.
Sun heroically hollered, " I'll save you!!"

Sun threw a couple of balls out of the pool, determined to dig you out.

"Arrgggh... CLEAN UP!! CLEAN UP!!"
Feeling rejected, Sun picked up the balls and threw them back into the pool. Grumbling, something along the lines of, "programming"

Sun prepared, and dove into the pool expertly. Exactly how he did it earlier. Searching for you, Sun found nothing in the middle area. Quickly feeling for someone at the bottom of the pool, Sun felt your foot,
" Found YOUUU!!"

Yet again, no response. Sun checked your pulse and found it barely pumping.

"... what??"
Medical programming kicked in, Sun put a hand gently on your throat, feeling the large ball lodged in your larynx.

Using Sun's very own head as a ball deflector, Sun teetered over you. Lifting you up, Sun clenched a fist and placed it under your ribcage. With a quick pull inwards and forwards, the ball popped out of your airway and into your mouth. But it still was stuck. Sun then used a pencil, which was unknowingly brought along to pop the ball in your mouth. Sufficiently working, Sun extracted the blue, blood splattered, and deflated ball from your mouth.

Sun exclaimed.

You didn't react. Sun worried,
"Oh, NO no NO!!"

Sun placed you back down onto the ground. Tilting your head back, Sun pinched your nose and placed lips over yours. Breathed two quick breaths and placed both hands crosslike on your chest, repeating what was brought to mind,
"Press down hard repeatedly for twenty seconds. Ok...

your eyes shut from the pain enveloping your throat,
"*COUGH, cough cough*"

~ Your PO ~

Specs of blood splattered over Sun's face. But the smile remained unchanged,"NEW FRIEND!!"

Swiftly opening your eyes, you saw the terrifying face who had dived into the pool with you... Right, above, your head. Screaming, "AH! NO! Don't hurt me! Get away!"

You pushed Sun's face, but only smudged the blood around. Making the experience more terrifying.

"HELLO NEW FRIEND!! You'r sure up late!! Are we having a slumber party?? Where are all of your--"
Sun got cut off from a kick to the side. Sun was no longer above you.

All of the balls that were shielded from your face fell on top of you. You re-lived the moment before, of drowning. You couldn't stop screaming. Covering your face with your hands. Sun ran to your assistance, staring straight into your eyes,
"Don't you want a puppet show?? I have glitter glue!! Do you like glitter glue??"

"Nooo!" You yelled. This was all too much for you. You sniffled," I want out..."

"Googly eyes??" Sun paused, seeing you weren't facing him anymore.

Sun gently picked you up, cradling you in his arms. You nestled your head to Sun's chest. You never wanted your face to be near the all-too-colorful balls surrounding you. Risking trust with an unfamiliar, creepy, animatronic.

Once you guys reached the top, Sun layed you down onto the padded ground. He started talking,
"We can finger paint, tell stories, drink fizzy faz until our heads EXPLODE--"

You flinched.

Sun hesitantly added, "And stay up all night??"

You watched Sun silently stare at you. You thought, - what if I can run away? -

Slowly, you stood, "*gulp* ouch my throat..." I was painful to even finish a sentence.

Sun seemingly glowed, "I can tell you ALL about that!! WITH A PUPPET SHOW!!"

Sun looked around for the puppets, and noticed that he had strewn some balls around them,
"Oh what a mess!! CLEAN UP clean up!!"

Sun seemed to be preoccupied, so you slowly backed away, knocking into a pile of cylinder pillows,
*thud thud thud*

Sun turned towards you, "NO no NO!! Another MESS!! CLEAN UP CLEAN UPP!!"

You ran, towards the desk. Knocking objects in the process. Hearing Sun holler, "No no NOOOO!!"

You reached the front desk, and found your first badge. Just like Freddy told you. It was hard to open but you finally saw it open up to reveal... Nothing.

You wondered.

"(y/n)! Did you find it? I know you did! Good job superstar!"
Freddy's gravely voice sounded out of your fazwatch.

"No, I didn't..."
You said worriedly.

"Oh that's... *mumble mumble*not the right place. New mission (yn)!"
Freddy attempted to cover it up.

"Who was that! Those sounds didn't SOUND like you!"
You reported.

Freddy started, " Well I--"

Someone interrupted," I already found ALL of the badges! I--"

"Gregory stop! (Y/n), *sigh* we need back up to go underground and defeat--" Freddy got interrupted again.

This time by you,
"Freddy, I TRUSTED you! I TOLD you I went to your concert, with my friends- and-and I BLACKED OUT!"

Freddy sighed, "(Y/n)..."

You raged on, "I showed you the welt behind my head- from- from SOMETHING! HITTING ME!"

Freddy interjected, "(Y/n) I needed you to learn how Gregory did! He survived! He needs help! I cannot lose him! That's why I agreed for him to HIT you-- wait no (Y/n), I mean--"

Gregory added, " And YOU don't even need to run from the security robots! You have that pass you had to get in here. I HAD to work SO much HARDER to avoid them and kill--"

You turned off the fazwatch. Unhooked it from your wrist, and threw it to the ground. Watching it shatter to pieces. Tears streamed from your cheeks. Eyes turned red. You muttered,
"Freddy said he'd help me escape *sniff*"

"....(Y/n), that's your name??"
Sun added while behind you,
"This area is off limits.. You're gonna get us in trouble.."

Sun glanced at the open badge box, relieved the lights didn't turn off. Sun tried to fill the silence,
"(Y/n) we can have SO much FUN! We can--"

"No," you whispered. "I don't trust you..."

Sun tried to say in an assertive voice, "Remember!! Not to turn off the lights!! Keep them on ON o--"

You angrily turned, showing your red face to Sun,
"Or what? You're going to use me like Freddy did? With some secret monster on YOUR side? I. DON'T. BELIEVE. YOUU!"

You ran to the light switch, running past a Rockstar Freddy square-like object. Staring at its dark beady black eyes, and punched it. You ignored your bleeding knuckles as it opened it's mouth to reveal a flashlight. You opened your mouth in awe. But someone freaking out over how close you were to the light switch grabbed your attention,
"(Y/n)!! NO!!"

Sun ran towards you and grabbed your shoulders. Throwing you backwards. Sun repeated,"(Y/n)!! I TOLD you the ONE RULE--"

Your back landed on the light switch.


Sun released his grip falling to the ground, " I warned YOUU!!"

You ran. As fast as your legs could carry you, with the flashlight guiding your way. You came upon a large red wall. Somehow managing to climb it, you hid behind the wall.

Shuddering you heard Moon say, "You naughty little monster," The Moon added," I'll find youu!!"

You hid there for hours, but nothing changed, hearing him chant his eerily evil chants.

It was time, you knew nothing good would come out of nothing. You climbed onto the wall, peering a perfect overview of this domain. Impressed of all the glow-in-the-dark stars plastered onto the ceiling.

"Found you," Moon whispered next to (y/n).

You screamed, Moon lunged at you, taking hold of your right arm. Both falling off the ledge, Moon grabbed your left shoulder but before anything else could have happened you both fell on your side, hitting the hard ground.

Moon continued to scare you, his face circling about. But you were able to escape when your foot accidedentally kicked another stack of cylinder pillows down.

Moon roared, "Rrrrrrgh... CLEAN UP CLEAN UP!!!"

You dashed away, scrambling to get above the wall, but your arms ached from The fall, and his tight grip.

Moon ran towards you.

Moon gripped your legs, pinning you on the spot. Punching his eye, Moon let go growling," You must be PUNISHED!!"

Attempting another lunge, you stepped on Moons face, leapt off and struggled to the top of the red wall. You heard a glitchy scream, not daring to look back you jumped off the wall,

You sprained your ankle as you tumbled to the ground.

Limping towards the security desk, the screams faded. But before you could flip the switch, something emerged from the two large doors next to you. Quickly hiding inside a drawerless cabinet, you waited to see who will appear.

Mechanical footsteps clamored around the desk.

"Freddy I don't know why you wanted us to come here! (Y/n) is probably lurking somewhere to get us!"
Some sort of contraption opened and Gregory came out, standing right in front of you,
"What did you even want from that kid Freddy?"

Freddy sighed, "(y/n) appeared to have so much potential Gregory."

"Yeah whatever let's go, the lights are out so I know (y/n) is already gone." He muttered.

" Gregory. I think I see... Moon? Beyond that red wall. He's in horrible condition. We must assist him Gregory."
Freddy sternly replied.

"You got to be kidding me! Your new eyes are just adjusting, let's go. There is no use here."
Gregory commanded.

Freddy sighed again. And they left.

You pondered, " I'm dead to... Them?"

Limping out of your hiding spot you pressed the lightswitch.


Horrific screaming commenced. Louder this time. You struggled to get closer to the red wall. The screaming just got louder, and more painful to hear. You thought, - I never wanted to hurt someone -

Enduring the pain in your arms and ankle you climbed the red wall to find... Sun, but different. Sparks flickered out of the base of his neck. The neck was detached from the body. Yellow spikes protruded from the face, but also piercing the nightcap that was still on. The pants were half yellow, half blue. It scared you. The screams turned into loud, ugly, wailing. Sun seemed to be cemented permanently in a fetal position.

You whispered, "Sun?"

No response. All Sun did was wail louder.

Preparing for another possible battle with Sun or moon, you shouted, "SUN!"

Sun quieted, "I-I-I... I re-*wail*"

You worriedly thought, - can I fix Sun? - you shouted again,

The wailing stopped, " Why... Why would you do that? I-I warned you... Rule-breaker... You-you are now banned, from the daycare...*quiet crying*"

This, now pathetic Sun, didn't seem so creepy anymore. Awaiting more pain, you tried to slide off of the wall. But you slipped when you put too much pressure on your ankle, and too much reliance on your bruised arms.


"*Deep Inhale* oohhhkayyy," you attempted to calm yourself from the excruciating pain flowing through your ankle. You don't think your ankle is just sprained anymore. Sun went silent again. You crawled closer, but the sparks landed on your hands, "Ouch!"

"Security alert... S-security alert... Weeeo,*sigh* weeo."
Sun's voice wavered while mumbling.

"Hey, Sun... Can you walk? I see your neck Isn't doing too well... Where can I get you fixed?"

*quiet crying*

"Alright," You pretended to walk away by stomping your hands on the pavement, then getting quieter. You don't know who stupidly decided to put pavement beyond the red wall, but it seemed to help you somehow. You partly covered your mouth and tried to sound far away, "I'm leaving now. Because you said I'm banned from the daycare..."

You waited for a response, but Sun stayed silent. You tried it again, except you were walking back. Quietly hitting the floor, then getting louder. You said triumphantly, "I'm ignoring what you said... I'm here now... Sun? Why won't you talk to me...?"

Glitching out, Sun attempted to scoot away. It didn't work out. You carefully placed your hands around one of the arms closest to you. When you tried to extend Sun's arm, it only made Sun fold them in tighter.

"Weeo... Weeoo." Sun mumbled.

Concerned you asked, "Please, if you can't or won't answer me, then show me where to go..."

With one shaky finger Sun pointed to something colorful in the distance ahead of both of you. Without asking, you grabbed held his upper arms, and lifted both of you up. You could tell Sun helped because of how large he was compared to yourself. Not mentioning when sparks burned your head. You hobbled along, Sun using your shoulders as support. When you reached the colorful item Sun pointed to, it was a bridge! Limping on padded ground was so much easier than the cement. You pocketed the broken fazwatch before slowly reaching the doors. You asked Sun, " Which way next?"


Have a great day/night and comment below!

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