broken promise | wanda maximo...

By KitKathy520

26.5K 1.2K 237

❝so many things that I wish you knew, so many walls up I can't breakthrough❞ Y/n left for New... More

In Another Life: New Story


1.1K 59 17
By KitKathy520

You knew the peace wouldn't last. But yet you enjoyed that short amount of time with Wanda as the two of you appeared back in the town square. 

The voices were back and looking more disheveled than before with her hair a bit of a mess, Wanda looked more annoyed than angry. 

"If you won't let us go, just let us die. Please." 

That was a bit extreme, you thought to yourself. But Wanda nodded. "I will." 


"I will let you go. I will. I will." Wanda looked so determined as she stared up at the sky. Agatha was back (ugh, it had felt nice without that witch).

"What's stopping you? Use your power and do it now. Heroes don't torture people." 

You watched from the side as Wanda screamed, a stream of red light aiming right at the center of the hex. People were murmuring. "Go! All of you, now. Go!" 

The world was falling apart, you could see that. The TV was broken, shifting from one era to another. Wanda had sweat glistening on her forehead. Agatha was chuckling like a madwoman she was. 

People were screaming, and running. Many ran in other directions and you made your way to Wanda, watching as Agatha watched on with a stupid chuckle. Your hands were aglow as you stood protectively next to Wanda, daring Agatha to do anything. 

But she was laughing. "Now you'll see." 

Your eyes widened as Vision shattered, and then fell to the ground. He was breaking. Wanda glanced at you with a heartbroken glaze. You could see the determination in her eyes though, the burst of power. 

But then her children ran out, and you knew it was the end. Mother instinct... "MOM! HELP!" 

Agatha laughed. You bet Agatha would let you die if she created a stupid fucking reality. "Now, do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world, and now one can't exist without the other." 

"Mom! Mom!" 

"Boys!" Vision tried to reach out and however heartbreaking it was, you turned away, feeling selfish for wanting Wanda to yourself. 

"Save Westview or save your family," Agatha called out. 

"Mom! Help!" Tommy called out. "Help! Please!" 

"Mom!" Billy's cries were heartbreaking. 

That was the breaking point. Wanda screamed and brought her power back, the hex closing in once again. 

She ran towards her children, you watched from the side as Agatha closed in on you, her breath hot on your skin. "You see, Y/n, she already has what she wants." 

"Fuck off, mother dearest," you growled. But Agatha wrapped her arms around your shoulder and brought you into the air. 

"She would choose her family over Westview. But will she choose you, over her family?" Her laugh was always manically as she wrapped her arms tighter, to the point of almost choking. "You know my mother chose the coven over me. But I'll choose you over power."

"Bullshit!" You screamed out. 

Agatha just laughed as she sent a spell towards Wanda, and you watched helplessly as Agatha drained more of Wanda's power. "How sweet." 

Wanda glanced horrifiedly at you. 

But her glance was turned away when the military rolled in and white Vision dived down from the sky. 

"Um... Dad?" 

"Listen, boys. Your mother and I never really prepared you for this," Vision started. Glancing at Wanda. But her gaze was on you. You shook your head, knowing full well what Wanda was about to do. Vision continued. "But you were born for it." 

He lunged off as white vision finally came into view and the two of them fell into another building. 

Agatha tusked her tongue. Even with one hand, she was powerful. The military flew off the ground. "Same story, different center. There'll always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda." 

You yelped when Agatha tightened her hold on you. Okay, you changed your mind, you hate being choked. Unless it's Wanda doing the choking- 

"Boys, handle the military. Mommy will be right back." 

Your eyes widened at her words. Get your head out of the gutter, Y/n-

Agatha flew off with you but Wanda flew after the two of you. You tried to struggle in her grasp but Agatha only tightened your hold. You gasped for breath. Wanda gave Agatha a smirk before disappearing with a snap. 

Agatha's shock allowed you to slip out of her hold momentarily. She growled but you sent a spiral of magic her way. You smirked when she failed to absorb it. You are her child, and the magic came from her. Unlike when she took her mother's magic, your magic used to belong to Agatha. 

You smirked. "No takebacks, mother dearest. You gave birth, you can't unbirth someone." 

Wanda pressed a finger to her lips when you saw her standing on the roof Agatha was on. "WATCH ME!" 

You shrugged. "Do your best." 

Before she could lunge, Wanda dived deep into her mind. 

It was seconded for you but it must have been more for Wanda and Agatha. The two of them appeared again with Wanda diving towards Agatha before Agatha got her balance and flew away, Wanda closed behind her. 

"TAKE IT!" Wanda screamed, sending more power towards Agatha. "I don't want it." 

You flew toward Wanda but she held you back. And as much as you hate to admit it, she is much stronger than you. "Wanda, what the fuck are you doing?!" 

She sent another burst of magic towards Agatha but it missed. 

"Come on, Wanda!" Agatha smirked as she watched the power with a power-hungry look. Wanda had sent you back to the ground and you watched. 

More magic was thrown around and if it wasn't so serious, it would have made an amazing light show. 

Agatha was still shouting taunts and 'encouragement' as Wanda continued to unleash her magic. You wanted to know what the hell happened in their mind. 

"Come on, Wanda! Escape your fate!" 

Wanda sent a burst of red energy towards Agatha, who absorbed it. 

"Release your burden!" Oh gosh, Agatha sounded so excited. Wanda was gasping and panting as she sent another energy. You could see the life slowly drained out of her and you pressed your palm to your lips to avoid gasping or screaming out insults at Agatha. 


Greedy bitch. 

Wanda gave her more, shouting red power out of her hands before Agatha gasped and absorbed it all, taking everything Wanda had to give. She was laughing maniacally and Wanda was panting. 

The thunder rumbled. 

"WANDA!" You shouted as Tommy and Billy shouted. "MOM!" 

Wanda looked so dead... You tried not to think about it although you knew she was as good as dead if Agatha took her power. 

Agatha glanced at Wanda, exhaling sharply. "About our deal... once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken. Just like... you." 

You watched in shock as Agatha's magic disappeared. You glanced around. Runes. 

"Runes," Agatha echoed your thoughts and you groaned in disgust. Eww, you're thinking like your mother-

"In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic. Thanks for the lesson... But I don't need you to tell me who I am. I may be broken, but that's what makes me who I am. You may have taught me a lesson on magic, but Y/n was the one who taught me the real magic." 

She smiled down at you. 

"No. No. No. NO!" Agatha was shuddering, groaning as Wanda started glowing. You averted your gaze when the light became too much. "NO! NO!" 

She was groaning and wailing. When the light went out, you glanced up with wide eyes. 

"The Scarlet Witch," you muttered to yourself. 

Agatha gasped. "Oh, God. You don't know what you've done." 

She fell to the ground. You didn't even have the thought to catch her. If she falls to her death, it's her damn fault. But to your disappointment, she simply fell slowly. 

She was panting slowly as she sank to the ground. "Good girl. So, what now? You just gonna lock me up somewhere?" 

"No. Not 'somewhere'. Here." 

You laughed in Agatha's face. She glared at you. "Here?" 

Ha! She looked so scared. 

Wanda nodded. "Mmm-hmm. I'll give you the role you chose. The nosy neighbor."

You laughed this time. Wanda shot you a look. 

"No. Please..." 

"I'm sorry." You could tell she's not really. 

"No, you're not. You're cruel. You... You have... you have no idea what you've unleashed. You're gonna need me." 

"I will have Y/n around. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to help." You kissed her cheeks in response as Wanda beamed at you. 

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait..."

But Wanda already placed a finger on Agatha's forehead and she was trapped again. Her voice was too cheerful for your liking. "Hiya, hon! Say that's some kinda getup you're wearing. Did I leave the oven on, or is that just you, hot stuff?" She chuckled. 

You frowned. 

"Fuck off, mother dearest. She's mine," you hugged Wanda close to you as she laughed. She turned around and gave you a quick peck on your lips. 

"You live here now. No one will ever bother you," Wanda stated. 

"Okay dokey, artichokee," Agatha agreed. 

"I'll be seeing you, Agnes." You glared at Wanda. 

"Not if I see you first, hon."

You glared as Wanda giggled, whispering near your ears. "Where is the jealousy coming from?" 

"I'm not jealous," you huffed. 

"Mom!" Billy and Tommy shouted out. Wanda opened her arms. 

"Come here..." 

"Are you okay?" 

"Mhm," she smiled at her children. You watched them with a smile. 

Vision walked towards them. "So, it would appear that our dream home has been reduced to a fixer-upper. I know you'll set everything right. Just not for us." 

He glanced at you at the last word, and so did Wanda. She smiled at you before turning back to Vision. "No. Not for us." 

He glanced around. "It's time. Should we head home?" 

"Yeah," Wanda agreed. Vision walked with their children as they continued to talk. Wanda took your outstretched hand as the two of you walked behind the boys. 

"So it's the end," you voiced out. 

Wanda nodded with a sad smile, glancing at Vision and her children. "I'll miss them, but as someone amazing told me, I shouldn't live a life if I'm going to waste it." 

"I'm pretty sure it's-" You tried to correct Wanda but she pressed her lips against yours. 

"Doesn't matter, I'm going to start a life with you. You'll go to do amazing things. I think I'll go where you go. Stay low for a while." 

"I think that sounds great." You nodded. Wanda walked into the house, pressing another kiss. You stood outside as the hex continued to close in. 

It was... magically in a way. The hex closed in on the house as it peeled off to reveal the real Westview. 

When the hex passed you, there was this cold sensation before it was gone again and the house Wanda shared with Vision was back to its foundation. Wanda stood there for a while before putting her hood up. 

She kissed you, and you could still taste the tears on her lips. You looked up and wiped it away. "It's going to be okay." 

"I hope so," she whispered. 

"I know so," you kissed her again. You walked hand in hand towards the town center. 

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