
By conceited_nae

720 19 311

Started: January 29th, 2022 Completed: ???? More

Delta Sigma Theta
Start Over
What's Your Story
Like What You See?
Bad Times Don't Last Forever
Abel and Aura

Welcome to CAU

117 1 53
By conceited_nae



"Aura hurry up before we're late to class again!"

Frantically fixing her hair, Aura scrambled out of the door with her textbooks and purse in her hands. With it only being the second week of her junior year in college, she didn't want to be late.

It was well early in the morning on a Tuesday. Aura and her best friend since pampers, Iris, had their first class together. Philosophy 101 with Professor Scott, her least liked educational instructor. Aura had a knack for being late to her classes, and while she was one of Clark Atlanta's top students, Professor Scott didn't like her willingness to be late. Only today she decided to make it on time just so she wouldn't hear his mouth.

She and Iris walked out of their dorm and stepped onto the path leading to their class. "Geez Aura, even the damn alarm couldn't keep you from being on time" Iris checked her Apple Watch. "We're gonna be a few minutes late... again."

"You don't have to wait for me, ya' know?" Aura hugged her books close to her chest. "If I'm late, I'm late."

"Yeah, then you'd fuss at me for not waiting on you." She laughed. "I don't have time for that."

"But you have time for me, don't you?"

Iris squealed feeling arms wrap around her waist. Aura laughed as Iris's boyfriend Evan reached around and kissed her face. They engaged in a small love fest that Aura wished she wasn't present for.

"You fucking scared me, you ass." She playfully slapped his chest. He walked in front of her, smirking childishly.

"I love you too, sexy. Hey Aura Bell."

"Hi Evie." Aura laughed. "You should be in class by now."

He held his arms out wide. "Who's showing up to class on time? Honestly. You're not even there when you should be."

"Whatever." They entered the philosphy building. "You're an hour late and your class is right next to ours."

Evan chuckled. "Nerd." He kissed Iris' lips before playfully ruffling Aura's curls. "See you two after class."

Aura shook her head. "Your boyfriend's a jackass." Iris laughed.

"He's aware."

They headed inside quietly. The lights were dimmed and the class had their eyes fixated on the projector screen as Professor Scott spoke loudly. He was showing yet another PowerPoint presentation Aura knew would result in a two and a half paged essay.

"Oh shit, this must be punishment," Iris whispered, sitting her books down on the table. They sat next to each other in the back. "Think he knows?"

"Of course," Aura rolled her eyes.

She felt herself sinking into her seat the longer he talked. The presentation covered the rest of the class time. Aura caught herself falling in and out of sleep sometimes, but she heard everything that was discussed.

When the bell rang, and it was time for everyone to be dismissed, Aura sluggishly picked up her things and tried to make a beeline for it.

"Aura. Iris. Stay back, please."

"Shit," Aura cursed. She turned around with a smile. "Yes, sir?"

They walked down the stairs after everyone left, standing in front of his desk. He eyed them with his usual mug for a few minutes, swiveling back and forth in the rolling chair he occupied. Aura wanted nothing more than to just leave out, however she knew it'd look bad on her record if she did.

Professor Scott let out a sigh, lowering his glasses before speaking. "How many more times are you two going to be late to my classroom?"

"We're sorry, Professor," Iris twiddled her fingers with a small pout on her face. "We've just been having... rough mornings. That's all." He looked between them.

"Is it a matter that should be handled with the Dean?"

"No! Not at all, sir." "Definitely not," they replied simultaneously.

"It's just a tiny case of insomnia," Aura nodded, scratching her hair a bit. Iris nodded in agreement.

"Well.... okay" Professor Scott stood up from my chair. "Make use of an alarm and get to class on time from now on. Aura, you've been at the top of the student list since you started here; do not slip up now. Same for you, Ms. Maconney."

"Yes sir." They spoke in unison.

"Great... goodbye."

They quickly walked out of class, deciding to speak when they were far away from the building.

Outside, students hung around and/or walked pass each other to get to their next classes of the day. Aura didn't have her next class until after lunchtime, as well as Iris. So they decided to head to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"He's a grumpy old bastard," Iris rolled her eyes, waving to the people she knew. "Always with a stick up his ass."

Aura laughed in agreeance. "It's a good thing we only have him for one semester. Imagine having him for the whole year."

"Bitch, I'd die!"

Entering the cafe area, they quickly noticed their group of friends sitting at their regular table. A smile formed on Arua's lips.

There were only a couple of people Aura has surrounded herself with since attending Clark Atlanta. Since the very first day of college she has met a few who she saw herself being friends with for the rest of her life. No matter how long it's been, Aura felt really connected with them.

Iris Maconney of course, was her childhood friend. Her best friend since they were babies. They've done everything together so it was only right that they'd attend their dream University together. Iris was a twenty-three year old beauty queen who's currently majoring in cosmetology. She dreams of opening her own salon someday.

Evan Parker was Iris' boyfriend. They have been together for a year and still were very infactuated with each other. Aura met him during her first week of college as a freshman. They learned that they both loved annoying the hell out of their freshman physics professor. He was co captain of the college football team and he majors in sports... of course.

"Yo, there they are!" Landon Brown pointed. People nearby looked at him in slight annoyance. "Y'all hurry up, we got Starbucks!"

Landon was the rather loud mouthed one out of their friend group. He was always highly energized and fun filled. He loved getting on the girl's nerves more than he loved flirting with them. It was apart of his 'charm'. He was currently undecided but planned to go against his parent's wishes and major in Music.

Aura and Iris sat at the table shaking their heads. "Loud mouthed ass. What kinda drinks we got today?"

"Caramel for you, Mocha white chocolate for Aura," Coiline Sunn smiled softly. "Extra whipped cream too."

"Thank you Coi," Aura cooed, side hugging her friend.

Coiline was the sweetheart. She wore her heart on her sleeve and she felt it the most when people did her in a way that she'd never do to them. Iris met her toward the end of their second semester as freshmen, and right before winter break, she introduced her to Aura. Coi was one of Clark Atlanta's cheerleaders. And she majored in English/Language Arts and wants to come back to fufill her education degree.

"No sandwiches? Damn," Camari Hanes smacked his lips. "Baby I told you I wanted a breakfast sandwich."

Coiline pouted, letting him kiss her lips before he sat down and pulled her onto his lap. "I'm sorry pooh, they didn't have any left."

"How the fuck you run out of breakfast sandwiches during breakfast time?" They laughed as he groaned. "Chic Fil A could never."

"Do they even sell breakfast food at Chic Fil A?" Landon raised an eyebrow.

"Shit, probably."

There wasn't much to say about Camari. He was rather mysterious—he only wanted you to know what he wanted you to know. He was more of a free spirit who spent his time smoking pounds of weed and playing his guitar. He dreamed of being a rockstar one day and college was not on his agenda. He could have dropped out when he had the chance, but the need to constantly please his family would always cloud his mind. He was undecided and may stay that way for the rest of his time on campus.

"So how was class y'all?" Evan asked as Iris played with the rings on his fingers.

"Trash as always," Camari replied.

"I second that," Landon rolled his eyes. "It's only been two weeks and I'm already failing."

Aura frowned. "Lucky I told you if you needed help, I could tutor you."

"And I told you hell nah" Iris laughed at him. "That's gone take too much of my precious time."

"Aren't you in a dorm with Steven? Ask him," Coiline took a sip of her frappe.

Just as she said that, Steven Halloway, Kingsley James, and Nailee Morales walked up together with their books. Aura smiled seeing her 'crew' together.

"Stevie, we were just talking about you. Tutor Lucky," Coiline continued.

"He's too dumb. That'll just be a waste of my time."

Everyone laughed as Landon mugged him.

"Nigga fuck you. Nerdy, tacky ass."

"How's the mornin' so far?" Kingsley asked, flipping her long braids behind her back.

"Wack," everyone said simultaneously making her laugh.

"I'm glad we on the same page then." She giggled.

Next to Aura, Steven was Clark Atlanta's top University student. He was who carried the good name and reputation the school has. When he's not around his friends, he's in class answering almost every question imaginable. He tutored sometimes on the side at the campus library, and even volunteered with the staff. He wanted to be a scientist in the future, so that was what he majored in.

Nailee was also apart of the cheer team at Clark Atlanta and was also a big flirt. She dated any and every person she wanted and gave two fucks about what the school thought about her. She was cocky, conceited, and pretty much a modern day Regina George. One thing she didn't play about though, was her friends. During a dark time in her life, they were there and she owed them everything. She was too undecided, for she wanted to be a swimsuit model and not a 'regular bum employee' in her words.

Kingsley was the female version of Camari. She loved smoking weed, walking around her dorm room topless, and meditating at three in the morning. She took mental health and spirituality seriously and spent most times trying to get her friends into it. Her biggest inspiration was Erykah Badu and she loved painting. While Camari was undecided, she majored in Art.

Kingsley sat on top of the table, while Nailee sat next to Landon. She gently kissed his cheek. Every woman found him to be annoying, but Nailee adored him. He was her favorite fuck buddy.

"Y'all know the Delta's throwing a party tonight? They invited just the juniors and seniors though—no freshmen and sophomores allowed," Evan informed, running his hand down Iris' thigh.

"So are we going or?" Kingsley asked.

Aura sighed. "Scott gave us an essay that's due at midnight so.. I don't know." 

Iris cursed under her breath. "Damn, I forgot about that!"

"Haaa, Scott stay torturing y'all," Landon laughed. He had his arm around Nailee. "Don't worry, we'll drink extra for you two."

"Drink for me too, I gotta work tonight," Steven closed his notebook. "Double shift."

"Oh I ain't worried about you. You never go to parties, lil lame ass."

"Lucky shut up!" Coiline laughed.

"You defend him too much. I'd think you was fuckin him and not Mari."

Camari tossed his straw at Landon. "Fuck you."

Steven laughed. "Don't worry about it. We sleep in the same dorm, doofus. I'ma beat your ass when you least expect it." Everyone 'oooo'd, instigating heavily. "My next class is up. I'll see y'all later."

"Bye Stevie!" He walked away shortly after.

"Who else has classes this afternoon?" Iris picked at her nails.

"Me, but I'm skippin with KJ to go smoke," Camari replied.

Aura checked her phone, scrolling through her Twitter. She had about thirty minutes until her next class and it seemed as though she would be the only one going. She could never find it in her heart to skip her classes, so in a way, she was kind of a goody two shoes. If she didn't have that stupid paper to turn in she would surely go to that party.

She sighed softly. Boredom was her best friend tonight.




The blunt burned slowly in his hands while he laid there silently. Another day in a new town, a new environment, how could Abel ever get used to it?

He couldn't. Not when the reason he was here was so unfortunate. Back in Canada he had nothing to offer his family but pain and disappointment. It took for his mother to cry and beg God for her son to to be forgiven for all the sins he committed for him to pack up and leave. He hoped the states would offer him a better situation than the one he left at home.

Just arriving three months ago, he couldn't bring it to himself to call his mother. He was ashamed. Embarrassed. And disappointed in himself most of all. He knows she blamed him for everything they went through while he was home. How could she not?

His chest tightened in pain just thinking about it. How the fuck did he mess up so bad? He missed his family. He wanted to go back.

Maybe one good thing came out of it—being granted a full ride scholarship at Clark Atlanta University. The place to go to when you want to make something of yourself. Abel was very smart, very knowing—he just made stupid decisions. Decisions that costed him the lives of others.

He missed the first full week, not really wanting to be around human civilization. He hated having to talk to people, he hated being around people. If they weren't his boys back home or his mother then to hell with them. Being around large crowds made him jittery in the worse way now. He'd never know how he will manage.

His phone beside him blared loudly, letting him know that it was time to go. Blowing out the last bit of smoke he sat up with his phone in his hand. A tired sigh left his mouth as he fumbled to silence his phone.

Once collecting himself, he stood up from the bed and slid on his shoes. He had been dressed and looking ready to go for a while now.. he just didn't know when he'd be ready to go.

His phone silently pinged with a message from his mother. He decided to ignore it for now. She'd think he was in class or busy 'joining fraternities' or something.

He ordered an Uber to campus and after a few minutes, he was in the car and on the way there.

Arriving in front of the main building, he winced seeing people walking everywhere. "Fuck," he mumbled, softly thanking the driver before getting out. He tried his hardest not to stand out but that was merely impossible with his styling of hair.

As he walked pass people with his head slightly down, hands shoved in the pockets of his bomber jacket, heads turned wondering who the hell he was and why was his hair like that. He even heard whispers. Some laughed, and some even boldly took photos. It reminded him of high school, where they'd pick on him for the dantiest of things.

"Fucking dummies," he scoffed, opening the door to the main building. As soon as the door whipped open, he found himself bumping into someone.

"Shit!" The girl shrieked, dropping her papers. They scattered everywhere creating a huge mess.

Abel quickly squat down, helping her gather everything. He bit his lip nervously and apologetically. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"It's okay. To be honest, you startled me." She chuckled breathlessly. Soon they managed to get everything and stood up together. "Thank you," she took the papers out of his hands, finally getting a glimpse of his face. "You must be new?"

He gently nodded, biting his lip. His nerves were starting to get to him but, beyond that, the girl was beautiful. Her hair flowed perfectly behind her shoulders, her eyes were a dark chocolate brown, her lips plump and pink. Damn, he thought.

"You must be a mute." Her pleasant voice danced in his ears, followed by her laugh. "You are, aren't you?"

Abel quickly shook his head. "N—No... and yes."

"What's your name?"


She looked down at one of the papers in her hand, eyes slowly widening in realization. "Ohhhh, you're the newbie! I'm supposed to be your campus tour guide, hmm.... last week. You weren't here though."

"I was sick," he lied, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay. Most people don't even bother to show up during the first week." She laughed again. "Let me show you the office so you can get your schedule and shit."

She began to walk and Abel followed silently. The office was just down the hall but that short distance felt like a mile due to them not talking. Abel didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to start a conversation and he was embarrassed that he couldn't.

They reached the office two long minutes later. Abel tried his best to keep his anxious emotions at bay long enough for him to get everything he needed. He needed a fucking blunt at this point. Opening his mouth to speak was hard work.

The girl waited for him as he walked out of the office with his things. She kicked herself off of the wall, giving him a comforting smile.

"So, shall I assist you on your first day of college?"

Abel chuckled softly. "Sure."

"My name's Coiline by the way. Call me Coi for short, though.. that is, if you end up talking more today." Coiline held out her hand for him to shake.

He hesitantly placed his hand in hers, shaking it. "Alright."

She giggled and started leading him out of the door. "Your voice is soft as fuck dude. No bass?"

"I um... I guess it comes out when it wants to," he replied, looking around.

"Ohhh, I see." Coi grinned. "What about the palm tree on top of your head?"

He shrugged. "Just wanted to be different."

"Interesting. I'm calling you Palm from now on" he smiled gently. "Okay, here's the housing and residential area if you're looking to live on campus. I don't recommend it at all" Coi sighed dreadfully. "there's too many horny fucks here with no respect for their neighbors but if you're into that spontaneous shit then have at it."

"...... Okay."

They walked further down the path. Coi talked his head off for at least an hour and a half showing him almost every building on campus. She was a pretty girl to look at, but her constant rambling made Abel's head hurt.

Before he knew it, they were finished and the day was almost over. They stood in front of the cafe, seeing everyone pour out of the buildings loudly.

"So that's everything, I guess." Coi held her hands up. "Lucky for you, you didn't have to go to any class today."

"Yeah, thanks." Abel rubbed his hair.

"There's a party happening at the Delta frat house in a few hours. If you're looking to make more friends or just smoke some loud, you should come," she offered.

"I'll keep that in mind."

They stood there awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Okay, well I'll see you around... Abel?"

Abel nodded. He turned away and started walking. Coi's small voice made him stop and turn around though.

She smiled. "Welcome to CAU, newbie!"


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