cherry [fezco]

By MiddleClassWriter

65.6K 2.2K 404

"hey, you sure I don't know you?" "I'm pretty sure that I don't know you, and you don't know me." "what if I... More



3.8K 164 90
By MiddleClassWriter

| call out my name— the weeknd|

Two weeks had passed since the carnival, and Juniper hadn't been doing good. She had distanced herself from me, and the rest of the group. The last day I had talked to her was the night of the carnival. She tapped on my window, around 12, tears streaming down her face.

"Juniper?" Rue asked, rubbing the fatigue out of her eyes. Juniper offered a small, short lived wave. Rue opened her window.

"Can I come in?" She asked, biting her lip, and she tasted the saltiness that her tears left. "I promise I won't stay for long."

"Of course," Rue held out a hand to help her balance while she crawled through the window. Juniper wiped her face with the back of her wrist before sitting down on Rue's bed. Rue softly sat next to her. She reached up to tuck piece of Juniper's hair behind her ear. "What happened, Juni?"

Juniper let her shoulders bounce naturally as she thought back to the events that occurred a few hours prior. Soft sobs slipped past her lips as she broke down. "F-Fezco," She managed to say before losing her breath.

Rue sighed, knowing the moral reason of Juniper taking the night off of work and going to the carnival was because Fezco had invited her. She wouldn't go on to ask more until Juniper had calmed down. Rue didn't want to rush her.

Juniper sniffed before turning to the other. "I can't see him anymore," she muttered, watching the expression on Rue's face change.

"What?" She shook her head slightly in disbelief. "Why not? Who told you that you couldn't see him?" Rue started listing off questions that fluttered into her mind.

"He did," Juniper wrapped her arms around her torso. "Fez said he wasn't the safest person to be around and said we should stay away from each other."

"and that was it?" Rue scoffed and wrapped her arms around Juniper. "I'm so sorry Juni," she whispered. "I know how much you were starting to like him."

Juniper nodded slowly. "I really was," she confessed. "and I guess I thought he was starting to like me too."

Now I hear you saying: all of this because of a boy she didn't even know very well? Well yes and no.

I say yes because Juniper felt oddly attached to Fezco. There was something about him that made her open up quicker than she ever would. Maybe it was the way he acted, or his aura. Or maybe it was his personality, the way he treated her, or all of the above. Juniper had no idea what drew her to him, but she knew that she felt incomplete without him in her life. Its funny how just one person can effect your way of living. For me, that person was Jules, and for Juniper, it was Fezco.

She laid in the dark of her room more often than she would see the sun. Her curtains were always drawn, and she always had earbuds in. Juniper didn't know what else to do besides just let her mattress absorb her body and listen to her music. Her mind was in such a fragile state that nothing felt real. Juniper kept that night on replay, wondering if there was something she could have said or something she could have done that would have made Fez change his mind. Juniper couldn't think of anything that would have saved them, and thats what made her break down. She wanted to believe that there was always a way to fix things. but without a solution, things remain broken. Juniper would have rather pressed hard liquor down her throat than swallow the fact that maybe Fezco was right.

Remember when I said that it wasn't just Fez that was making Juniper feel this way?  Well, along with the insane amount of anxiety she had, Juniper was also prone to depressive episodes. Once she was diagnosed with anxiety and a panic disorder, her mother didn't want to take her back to the doctors office once Juniper started showing since of depression. Off the chance that something else could be wrong with her daughter. So Juniper was left undiagnosed, but she always knew.

For the past week and a half, Juniper couldn't seem to pull herself out of bed to brush her teeth, or shower let alone leave her bedroom. When it came to going to school, Juniper managed. She didn't talk to anyone, or dress up the way that made her feel good-- but she managed. She knew she couldn't let her grades slip. Academic validation was all she wanted since she didn't get any validation from home. Juniper needed that little thing that would make her know that she was doing okay.

Juniper was struggling, and the only thing that could pull her out of bed and get ready was work. She continued going to work on the weekends even though she felt like complete and utter shit. Juniper liked feeling okay for just a few hours. She liked the adrenaline that coursed through her veins as she danced. Juniper kept going to work because at work-- she wasn't herself. She wasn't 'Juniper' and thats what made her keep going.

"Hey," Lacy set her go bag next to Juniper's and collapsed into a chair. Juniper reached up to take off her mask as she lightly chuckled.

"Long night, Lace?" She asked, digging through her bag for some make-up wipes. Lacy just groaned, her head between her knees.

"Yeah," She agreed finally. "I had three privates tonight."

Juniper smirked with a playful laugh. "Three?" She echoed. "Holy shit Lacy-- how much are you charging for them again?"

That made Lacy lift her head and smile. "400," Lacy stuck her tongue out a little as she shimmed her shoulders.

"Jesus!" Juniper cackled. "Damn, you may be tired but you just got 1,200 from privates alone!"

"1,500," Lacy corrected as she stood up. She walked to the floor length mirror and began to untie her top. "My last guy tipped me big time."

"Fuck," Juniper pulled out her make-up wipes and shook her head with a gentle smile. "What a night."

"Riot," The manager pushed open the door a little so she could peek her head in. Juniper looked over her shoulder.


"Someone just requested for you," She leaned against the doorframe. "You got time?"

"Requested for me?" Juniper looked around for a few seconds as confusion filled her. She pushed her unused make-up wipe back into the container. "Yeah, I guess so," she murmured as she got up from her chair. Looking into the mirror that was in front of her, she made sure to adjust her clothes before grabbing her mask and slipping it back on. "Can you give me a moment to freshen up?" Juniper asked her manager, and got a nod in response.

Lacy threw on a baby pink matching track suit before wiping her make-up off. "I wonder if its that guy."

"What guy?" Juniper questioned, reapplying her perfume. She dabbed some onto her wrist before bringing it up to her neck.

"The one that always asks for you," Lacy turned to look at the younger. "You know the one-- the guy that gives you the puppy dog eyes."

Juniper set her perfume down slowly as she thought about what Lacy was talking about. She hadn't seen Fezco since the night at the carnival, and frankly forget that he favored not only the club she worked at but he favored her. She shook the thought out of her mind.

"No, I don't think so," She stared at herself in the mirror, making sure everything looked right.

She was wearing high waisted, black swim suit bottoms, the sides more skinny that the rest, so her hipbones were exposed. There were dainty chains that were dangling off of the waist band, connected by three metal circles. A large circle was near her belly button, and the other two were on her hips. Her top was also black, and wrapped around her body like a small vest but there was red ribbon laced through the front. Juniper knew she was showing a lot of cleavage, but she knew she would get more tips if she did. She was also wearing a smaller bathing suit top underneath it just incase the vest got uncomfortable. Juniper was wearing dark red heels that offered her an extra five or six inches, but they made her legs look slender, and toned.

Juniper touched up her eyeliner before sighing. "He hasn't been coming around here all that often."

It was true. Fezco hadn't been to The Tarot in a few weeks, but it wasn't because he didn't want to be there. Trust me, he did. Fez had just been busy. Selling drugs-- shit ain't easy man.

"Well, who ever is out there," Lacy looped her bag over her shoulder. "Show 'em just how hot you are," She smirked and gestured toward Juniper. "and go make that money, baby girl."

"I will," Juniper nodded with a soft laugh. "Have a good night," She watched as Lacy pushed open the door and left to go home for the night. Juniper sighed, giving herself one last look in the mirror before twisting on her heels and leaving the room.

Juniper walked around the tables that had been wiped down, and pushed in some chairs on her way around them. She saw a guy, his back facing toward her. Most of the main room lights had been turned off for the night, so she couldn't really tell who it was. Juniper swallowed down some nerves. "Hello?"

'Fucking Jesus christ help me now' real life quote pulled straight from Juniper's brain when the person turned around.

Fezco twisted at the voice calling out to him. His hands were in his pockets, and his back was slumped a little. He had a shy nature about him, like he still wasn't completely comfortable in the club setting. "Hi," He murmured, bringing a hand up to the back of his neck.

Juniper took a deep breath, making sure to remember that in that moment, she wasn't Juniper. She couldn't let the feelings that she had been consumed by for the past two weeks get ahold of her. She exhaled with one thought: while she had Fezco here, why put herself out there? It was her job anyways-- and I can't blame her for wanting to pretend nothing had ever happened.

"Hello, love," She spoke in an airy tone. Fez kept his head down, though he gave a nervous smile at the nickname. "I heard you requested me?"

"Yeah," He chewed on his bottom lip. "I was hopin' you'd still be here... 'cause I wouldn't want to request a private room with anyone else," Fez struggled to explain.

Juniper widened her eyes. "You wanna go to a backroom?" She asked for clarification.

Fez bashfully nodded his head. "Yeah... is that okay?"

Juniper kept herself from screaming on the inside as she thought of a reply. "Of course," She mused softly, and took his hand. His hands were a little warm, and Juniper could tell that he was quite nervous to be around her. She led the two of them to one of the backrooms. She blocked the doorway before entering. Juniper turned to look at him. "Before we go in, I would like to have your consent, there's a lot of things that happen in the back rooms and I want you to be comfortable."

Fezco nodded. "Yeah, okay," He murmured. "You have my consent," He spoke clearly, making sure to look her in the eyes.

"Thank you," Juniper opened the door and guided Fez to a chair. Juniper picked up a small remote before turning to look at him. "Do you have a color request?" She asked.

Fez had his eyes stitched onto her, dancing over her entire outfit. He licked his lips before looking up. Juniper stood in front of him, dangling the remote between her finger tips. "S-sorry... what'd you say?" He stuttered, feeling embarrassment coat his cheeks.

"The lights?" Juniper pointed to the L.E.D light strips around the room. "Do you want them a specific color?"

"Shit," Fezco thought for a short moment. "Dark blue maybe?"

"Okay," Juniper nodded before switching the lights to the color. The room fell dark, only Juniper's outline could be seen until she walked closer to Fez. "Do you know anything about private dances?"

Fez shifted in his seat after shaking his head. "I've never really done this before," He confessed, his tone quiet. "Shit, like are there rules?"

Juniper laughed lightly. "Usually, just so us girls can be safe," She went on. "We all have our different rules, and personally I only have a few."

Fez watched as she took a few steps closer to him. "What are they?"

"Well, I don't take off my mask," Juniper ruffled her hair. "I like being my own person outside of this place," She quickly explained, having feeling that Fez was going to ask about it.

"Thats smart," Fez muttered.

"I also have a system when it comes to prices," Juniper circled his chair, dragging her fingertips along his shoulders. Fez shivered slightly at her touch. "The more you want me to do, the more it'll cost. And I do have my limits. Does that make sense?" She asked, feeling her confidence rise the more she got into her element. It felt as though Juniper was fading and Cherry was arising. It was a feeling that Juniper had been craving for weeks. Fezco nodded his head as a reply. Juniper clicked her tongue. "You can use your words, can't you love?" She teased and squatted in front of him. "I asked if you understood."

"Yes," Fez breathed. "I understand."

"Now thats a good boy," She praised and stood up.

Fezco had never been in a situation like this before, and I'm not just talking about the private dance-club thing. Fez felt himself submitting to Juniper, and the man had never been submissive before. It was a new feeling and frankly he didn't know how to feel about it. Juniper on the other hand, only having had sex once before, knew she had always been a switch. Thats why her job worked so well for her.

Now when she told me this story, I did not believe her. If a girl dressed in short overalls wearing her hair in space buns came up to you and told you about how she dominates men at work-- would you believe her? Yeah I didn't think so.

"Okay," Juniper walked over to a speaker where she could connect her phone. "Typically, my privates are 200." She poked at her phone for a few seconds, then playing her work playlist. "that'll get you about an hour, and certain dances. If you want close contact dancing, especially for the full hour, that'll cost a little more."

Fez nodded before remember what she had told him. "Okay," He whispered. He raised his eyebrow after a second. "Shouldn't this kind of thing cost more?"

Juniper skipped a few songs before her playlist landed on Acquainted by The Weeknd. "Usually speaking?" She turned and started walking back over to him. "Yes, but I'm new here. So I figured the longer I'm here, the more expensive it'll get," Juniper leaned against the chair opposite of his. "Now, what will it be, love?"

Fezco stood from the chair for a moment to be able to get to his wallet. "Uh, I guess whatever this will get me," he murmured and handed the girl in front of him five bills. Juniper took the folded bills while looking up at him.

She unfolded the money and felt her heart flutter. "Oh my fuck," She whispered to herself. Fez had handed her 500 dollars. "The room is only 200-- and even if you wanted special treatment, I was only going to charge 385."

Fez chuckled to himself before sitting back down. "Consider it a tip then," He shrugged. "and an apology for always comin' in at closing time."

She held loosely on to the money before lifting her eyes to Fez. "Are you sure?"

Fez eyed her body and crossed his arms. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Juniper stuck the bills in her inner bikini top so she wouldn't lose it. A smirk fell onto her lips as Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls started to blare through the speaker. "Okay," She murmured, slowly dragging her feet closer to him. "Then let's see what I can do for you, love."

She moved her hips in a teasing manner, hitting the beat of the song. She strutted slowly, placing one foot in front of the other until she reached his chair. Juniper circled around him, stopping when she reached the back of his chair. Steadily, Juniper dragged her fingertips along his shoulders. She ran her hands down his chest, reaching down to toy with the ends of his shirt. Juniper leaned in and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Is this what you wanted?" She asked, moving from his left ear to his right. "For me to be this close to you?" Juniper slowly trailed her hands back up. "For me to touch you?"

I am so gay. The amount of love I have for this women is insane-- no homo though. That girl is my best friend no we aren't a couple type of love.

Fez swallowed at her questions, watching her hands work their way up his body. He felt her acrylics scratch at his shoulder blades. "Fuck," He cursed silently under his breath.

Juniper looped around the chair, one of her hands still stationed on his shoulder. "Hmm?" She hummed. Juniper detoured her hand from his shoulder down his arms, before taking a leap down to his leg. "Do you like me touching you like this?" She smirked, drawing patterns on his upper thigh. Fez flinched lightly at the feeling her fingernails were giving off, but didn't reply. Juniper took her hand back, making Fez pick up his head and look at her. She bent at the waist and used her index and middle fingers to pick up his chin. "When I ask you a question," Juniper mused, fluttered her eyelashes at him. "I expect you to use your words to answer me, okay?"

Fez bit down on his lip as he stared up at her. "Okay."

"I asked if you liked this," Juniper repeated herself, her hand climbing up his leg.

"I like it," Fezco muttered, his tone shy and very quiet.

Juniper swung her leg over Fez's lap and rolled her hips as she got comfortable. "Good boy," She breathed, pacing her hands on his chest. "I like when you do what I say," Juniper smiled, gazing down at Fez.

Fez soften his eyes at her words, and quickly nodded his head. "I do too."

You will never catch another hard core drug dealer and owner of many many weapons be such a simp. And I know Fezco would never own up to this shit.

"Since you're listening, why don't you tell me what you want," She started, still moving her body to the rhythm of the song. "And I can see if I can make that happen," Fez lifted his hands from his sides and ghosted them around Juniper's waist. He didn't dare touch her though. Juniper had his consent but he didn't have hers. Juniper looked down at his hands, and giggled at the fact that he didn't know what to do with them. "You want to touch me?"

Fez picked his eyes up, such a soft delicacy in them. Lacy was right, Fezco did look at her with puppy dog eyes. "Yes."

"Ask me," Juniper replied, a large smirk on her lips. She knew he couldn't see her smiles but thats what made her feel so great. She had him wrapped around her finger whether she knew it or not. Juniper was deep within her element, and nothing could take her away from this moment. She had gotten past the fact that this was Fez, the boy who pushed her away from him a few weeks prior, and was now acting on the fact that this was a costumer. Her regular.

Fez licked his lips, struggling to find the right words. "Can I," He paused, feeling the back of his neck heat up and twist pink. "Can I touch you?"

"Yes," She answered softly, and Fez drifted his hands down the curve of her waist to her exposed thighs. He settled his hands there.

"You're so beautiful," He whispered, though his eyes weren't on her body anymore. He was staring up at her, wishing he could seen under the red, silk mask she wore.

Juniper rolled her hips, and moved her hands up to the base of his neck. "You think so?" She asked, leaning in closer.

"Yeah," He stuttered at the friction she was creating while she danced on top of him. "and I like what you got on," Fez mumbled. "Its real sick."

"Yeah?" Juniper hummed, bringing her hands from his neck down to her corseted top. Her fingertips found their way to where the red ribbon was tied at the bottom. "I like it too but," She paused and tugged gently at the ribbon. The bow the ends were tied into unraveled softly, making the top become loose on her body. Juniper lifted her eyes up to Fez's as she slowly unlaced the ribbon from the top. Once the ribbon was detached from the shirt, she slipped her arms from the sleeves and let the vest drop to the floor. "I think you'd like this top better," Juniper finished her sentence, staring deep into his eyes. The top she had underneath was on full display, with the money Fez gave her sticking out of the top.

"Shit," His jaw hung open just a tad. He gently squeezed her thighs. "Baby, I liked that."

"If you liked that," She leaned forward again, pressing her face against his neck. "Then I have a feeling you're going to love the rest of tonight."

Now the two didn't fuck-- remember Juniper's second rule from the first chapter? She has her morals, but let just say, Juniper and Fez would never forget that night in the back room.

holy fuck, writing this chapter was A: hard for someone who only writes very cutesy fluff, and B: a big ol' reminder that I am very very pansexual. Like fez is very hot but Jesus maybe I want Juniper now. Also how are y'all feeling about dominate Juni and slightly submissive Fezco?

3800 words for y'all since I haven't updated in a while, and do what you please with this <3

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