
By Nirvana_xxxx

2.3K 110 5

I willigly have love that man for over 3 miserable years of my life... More

Ch.3 School Project
Ch.7:Painful Truth
Ch.8:Friends or Soulmates ?


311 18 2
By Nirvana_xxxx

*Smile appeared on my face then my
husband appeared*

Tae:Hi guys.

*Jungkook's mouth oppened wide from shock Wendy's too*

Jk:Taehyung ?

Wendy:You ?!

*Taehyung kissed my head*

Tae:Why you are so shocked ?
she always loved me !...just hide it...very deep.
*I hit him in stomach*

Tae:Ouch...my wife is very strong don't piss her.
Wendy:I didn't expect that.
*Areum for the first time look at us curious sucking one finger*

Tae:Aww and who this cutie pie ?
*Taehyung with big smile approach Areum.
He loves kids and kids loves him.*
Jk:She is my daugter Areum.

Tae:Areum what a nice name !
*He make funny faceses to her she laugh*
Areum:Who is this funny man ?

Jk:He is your uncle ,honey .
Tae:Come here...aigoooo
*he took her in his hands he let him*

Areum:You are handsome uncle.
*She look at his face from up close*
Me:Don't compliment him too much
Areum because he's getting too cocky😏.

Tae:Yah ! I'm won't !
Me:You will talk about it in car and I don't wanna listen.

Tae:Okay Okay.

Me:But she is right you are handsome...very handsome...dear.

*Jungkook is watching Y/n how she
changed throught this all years she grew into a beautiful woman.
He tried look for your eyes but their are 
completely on Taehyung playing with Areum.*

Areum:Don't tickle me ! ahh !

Wendy:Jungkook it's very late Areum should sleep.

Jk:Ah yes come in both of you it's very late.

*Taehyung gave Areum to Wendy
approached me and back hugged me I leaned on his chest*
Me:No we don't want bother you.

Jk:No I didn't saw you in so long...both
of you will spend the night in the guest room...please.

*Jungkook observed how Taehyung
was embracing Y/n it was weird to him
to see them like this.It is not jealousy...just weird feeling because in
past he would probably kick him out
from the house if he tried something but now he can't*

Me:I think we can agree right Tae ?
*I look up at him*
*he kiss my forehead set me free from his embrace*

Tae:There is one more thing...do you have bath ?
Jk:*chuckle* Yeah why ?

Tae:Bacause*he got closer to me and
unbuttoned my thick jacket.I let him smiling* Y/n may fall *he unveiled my
six month pregnant tummy*and I don't want it to happen.

Me:Father of the year.
*I kiss him*
Tae:Thanks baby
*he likes being appreciated and kissed*

Jk:You are pregnant ?
*We look at both of them we completely forgot they are here.
I think now I know how Jungkook felt this all years*

*Wendy watch Jungkook*
Jk:Congratulation for both of you.
Tae:Thank you thank you I know I did great.

Me:Yah ! What about me I'm the carring
baby for 6 months already !
Tae:My Godess...you did most job.

Tae:What baby ?
Me:I'm hungry.

Tae:Not good...she is hungry....she is hungry !
*He is still weird but that why I love him*
Me:I was joking.

Tae:Aish stop I almost got heart attack.
*I kiss him*
Me:Sorry baby.

Wendy:You two suit with each other
I can give you food I remeber how it s if you have cravings.
*She look at Jungkook then at me .
Is she trying to be nice ? or she is jealous ?*

Me:Not now but thanks I'm just tired.
Wendy:Sure Jungkook show them room.

Jk:Ah yeah.
*I want talk to him but today is to late maybe tomorrow*

Skip time

*I sat on the edge of the bed my belly
uncovered Taehyung kneel in front of me smear me with cream*
Me:haha What are you doing it tickles ?

Tae:I trying cover everything.
Me:When you doing this he is kicking...

Tae:Thats him ?!
Me:Idk I didn't check gender as we decided but
mothers instinct....I think it's a boy.

Tae:Okay I finished *he covered my belly
with t-shirt and hugged to my belly resting head on it*
Tae:Even if it's girl we have more chances.

Me:I mean how many time you want me to be pregnant Kim Taehyung !
Tae:Few Mrs.Kim and I will make sure about that...
*he said looking in my eyes than kissed me.he is sexy*

Tae:Now let's go sleep it's late.
*he helped me lie down and jump
behind me he likes sleep in spoon positions and rest hand on my belly*

Me:Goodnight Tae
Tae:Goodnight Y/n.

Next day

Jk:Maybe we should invide othes
Tae:Sure I want see Jimin's face when
he see who is my beautiful wife...
I only told him I'm married I didn't tell to whom.

Me:Thats great idea.
Wendy:Sure I haven't seen my friends in so long.

Wendy:I will call my friends and ask them ?
Tae:I will call Jimin and Jisoo she was
always the best in oganizing things.
Me:Do it baby.

*Jungkook sat on couch now we were finally alone.
Jungkook wanted talk with you since
you came but couldn't find right time...alone just with you.
Taehyung is always around Wendy too *

Jk:I still cannot believe you two end up
togehter l thought he is boy and you
look for a man as you said in past.
Me:I get to love this boy side of him.

We attended the same university at first
it was only crazy sex later he was always there when I needed him and I
fall in love this boy but he also has man side in him that only few people know
he can be very mature if he want as you can see I'm carring his child.

*I look on my pregnant belly and put hands on it*
Jk:I'm glad you found your happiness you deserve it like noone.

Me:Aww Thank you Jungkook-ah.
How about you ? Are you happy with Wendy ?
*I sat down beside him*

Jk:Me and Wendy have harder time now.
*he look down I grab his hand and hold it*
Me:Tell me...*smile*like alaways.

*he looks at me and smiles*
Jk:I missed you ,you don't even how much.
Me:I missed you too.

*I smile and put hed on his shoulder*
Jk:Do you remember when I told you
that Wendy was different ?
Me:Yes I remeber I was so hurt when you told me this.

Jk:I know I'm sorry
Me:No continue

Jk:Now with time I found out how
different we are from each other.
Sometimes it's hard for me to
understand her, she complain a lot especially lately .

Me:But isn't it good that you two are different ?
if you both were the same you would get bored quickly.
Jk:But we were never bored with each other.

Me:But we are friends...listen I think you
and Wendy need time talk to her
I'm sure with time you will understand
every marriage has hard times look at me and Taehyung we are both so
different do you imagine me in section with toys playing at age of 25 ?

Me:Right but that what Taehyung was doing yesterday when he found new
anime doll 😖...when I saw him he told
me he was testing toys for his future
baby but I don't believe him completely.

Jk:He did it
*He laughs*
Me:Yes *I laugh also* I laugh all way
here you shiuld see his face he was so done with me.

Jk: I know what you want to say.
Me:Good ,find things she like
do something that make her laugh.


Areum:Wohooo daddy loook ! I'm Airpline !
*we both look at Areum sitting on Taehyung shoulders*
Tae:Captain Areum where should we fly !?

Areum:To my daddy !

Tae:As you wish TaeTae Airline is getting ready for landing.
*he shake her*

Tae:Oh little turbulence !
*Areum is giggling*
Me:Taehyung be careful honey.

Areum:Daddy save me !
Jk:Daddy is coming to save his princess !

*he grab Areum from Taehyung*

Tae:Areum landed in safe place.
*Jk put her on his laps Taehyung sat
beside me and put hand on my shoulder*

Jk:You had fun with uncle.
Areum:Yes ! I love uncle !
Wendy:My friends agreed to come.
*She came back*

Tae:Mine too Jisoo will call everyone
she said today evening everything will be ready.
Me:Really ? She is quick
*Thats amazing I can't wait to see them
I was so excited that I started cry*

Tae:Baby you okay ?
*he was worried*
*Wendy looked at me*

*We locked eyes with each others but
I look at Tae toassure him I'm okay*
Areum:Hormins-what ? What is it ?
Why aunty is crying ?
*We all laugh even Wendy*

Wendy:Aunt is having baby in her belly over here
Areum:Baby !?
*she is clapping excited*

Me:I think we have to look for some
dresse I don't have any that can fit me now.
Tae:Sure I will get car don't move.

Wendy:No need I have some dresses...
I can borrow you...if you want.
*I look at her.Why she is so kind to me all of sudden*
Me:Okay let's see.


*She took me to their bedroom which is old Jungkook bedroom.
She started take out some dresses from wardrobe*

*I look at her from top to bottom*
Me:Wendy ?
*She turned*

Me:When are going to tell him ?
Wendy:Tell someone what ?

Me:To Jungkook that you pregnant with his child again.
*She is surpraised*
Me:Don't ask me how I know I can see.
*She sat down on bed*

Wendy:I didn't know how we not talk a
lot with each other lately...then you showed up and...
Me:And you thought I still want take Jungkook from you.

Wendy:Yes...he and Areum are all I have
my dad was asshole to me and
Jungkook helped me get out of that hell life as a housewife.

Me:Listen I know we are not going to be
friends but finally you talk like human.
Don't worry I'm not interested in
Jungkook in this way I love my husband and only him.

Wendy:I know I was monster to you
I understood what I did but it was too
late to tell you this because you left so I
tell you this now...I'm sorry for what I did.

Me:I accept the apology even tho I cried
because of you many times at some
point because of you I'm here with Taehyung in this state.
Me:You love him right ?

Wendy:I do.
Me:Good thats all I wanted hear.

Wendy:So...which dress do you want ?

Wendy:It's your and it will fit belly.
Me:Thanks...and tell him he will be happy and Areum too.
Wendy:Thanks I will.

Skip time

We arrived in our old school
Jk:It's been so long.
Me:It feels like we left just  yesteday

Tae:Where is Jimin ? Come one little come out

Tae:What I probably won't notice him he is too little to notice him crowd.
Wendy:So many people...I'm going find my friends.

*They still seems not talking with each other*
Me:Talk with her Jungkook.

Jk:I don't think we have anything to talk-
Me:You have a lot that why I told you to
leave Areum for my mom.

Jk:I will do it later
Jisoo:Guys !
Me:Jisoo !
*She hugged everone beside was some guy looking chic just like her*

Jisoo:Guys meet my husband Taemin.
Me:Nice to meet you
Tae:Jisoo where is Jimin ?

Jisoo:He said he will be little late
Tae:😒Like always he nothing changed.

Jisoo:Where is your husband i see who made you this happy
*she pointed at my belly* Y/n I want meet him.

*Jungkook burst in laugh*
Me:You already know him.
Jisoo:Noo you and Jungkook...?
*We both look at each other*

Jisoo:I knew it ! this is how the
friendship between women and men ends
Me:No !

Jk:Ymmm Jisoo on your left.
*She look at jumping Taehyung who is looking for Jimin in crowd*
Jisoo:😳Him ?! no ?! no way you joking !
right ?

Tae:What is it ?
*He came back*

Jisoo:Baby hold me...I feel like I can faint.
Tae:What ?😗
*he asked innocently*

Jisoo:She is your wife !?
Tae:I know right I'm lucky !

Jisoo:You better not make her sad I'm watching you !
Tae:Never !
*I laugh*
*Then I see Jimin in crowd*

Tae:What is it baby ?
*I pointed in Jimin's way he was in some expensive suit*

Me:Oww shit

Tae:Look at me Y/n.

Tae:Jimin !

Jm:Taehyung...you dummy !
*they hugged*
*they broke hug*

Jk:Jimin is that you ? what happend to you?

Tae:He probably robbed bank

Jm:Haha you are so funny !
I'm millionaire I have company.

Me:Where is your wife ? girlfriend ?

Jm:I'm divorced and without kids.
She was not worth me.
*he look at Jungkook*

Jk:Still Wendy.

Jm:Hi Jisoo good to see you again,
Y/n...*he find me with eyes and walk closer and hug me*
Jm:Still beautiful

*I don't hink he noticed that I'm pregnant
maybe because you my bag.Taehyung is watching what is going on😕*

Jk:This won't end well I'm going look for Wendy excuse me.


*Taehyung get in beetween us*
Tae:Okay enough of this tenderness.
Don't you see she is taken !?

Jimin:Taken !? probaby by some idiot
he is not here !

Tae:Me ! She is taken by me !

Jm:Stop joking...Tae-

*Taehyung walk to me and pulled me to kiss I melted*


*He broke kiss and wiped my lips and licked his tumb*

Tae:Now you believe me !?
*Jimin noded *

Tae:Then hands of her she is mine ! very much mine !
*he pointed at my belly*


Tae:What ?

Jm:I missed you idiot
*he smiles* I work only with serious
people I missed you humor.

*He hugged him*
Jm:Congratulation for both of you ! I'm happy.

Tae:I missed you too, little.

Jm:Y/n call me if you want divorce I can make it quick.
Tae:Yah ! Don't you dare.

*Taehyung came to me and backhugged me*

Then slow music started play Taehyung
lied head on my shoulder and we rock to music.
Jimin grabbed some girl and started dance.

Me:I love you

Tae:I love you too baby
*I see that Jungkook and Wendy are talking...finally.*

*Jungkook pull Wendy in our way happy*
Jk:Y/n ! Taehyung !

*Tae broke hug*

Tae:What is it ? why you are so happy ?
Jk:I will be father again
*I and Wendy exachnged smiles while Taehyung hugged Jk*

Jisoo:Guys I want tell something !

*The music stopped playing as Jisoo
started talking into the microphone on stage*

Jisoo:I'm glad you all are here today and
we can be together again after so many years.

All:Woohoo !

Jisoo:Thats why I wants to make toast
for friendships, that have lasted so long.

*The waiters started delivering champagne.
Jk and Tae took glasses.*

Tae:For us being fathers

*they drink one sip*

Jisoo:For friends

All:For friend !
I took look at Jungkook he looks at me

Me:For friends
*I mouth to him he lifts glass and drink all alcohol*

For friends because frienship is one of
the most beautiful things is the world.

The End


Thanks for watching😘

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