Icarus (Sleepy Bois Inc. fic)

By ThatDamnedWriter

127 2 0

!TW! talking about "Self Unaliving", major character unalive, and violence (DreamSMP level) π–„π–”π–šπ–— 𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖉... More

Chapter 1 - It's Just Us in The End, Icarus
Chapter 2 - Hope is Here Achilles
Chapter 3 - The Trojan Horse
Chapter 4 - The Fall of The Sun
Chapter 6 - The Pit. Doesn't Sound Too Lovely, Does It?
Chapter 7 - Why Fight When You Know You'll Lose?

Chapter 5 - A Needed Argument, and The Pit??

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By ThatDamnedWriter

As Technoblade realized what he'd done he ran off. He knew they would try to do the same to him. He had killed The Minotaur, and now the town would exile him. They had decided over their communicators that they would meet back at Pogtopia. "What was that?" Tommy said, shoving Technoblade at the wall, "What the hell was that, Theseus?" "Listen, I was in a high pressure situation, I don't do well under peer pressure." Technoblade raised his hands defensively, "Just calm down Icarus, we can figure this out once Apollo gets here." "No, you are going to fight me." Tommy said, he had pulled his sword out and it was now pointed at Technoblade. "FIGHT ME THESEUS!" "Icarus, don't fight." Tubbo said tiredly, you could tell he had just respawned, he looked out of it. Your first life was always the roughest to lose. Tommy gave an exasperated sigh, "But he literally- you don't mean that, look at you. You're clearly out of it. All the more reason to do this." Wilbur had to step in, he pushed the sword down and said, "Calm down, and let him speak." "Exactly, don't jump out the window yet Icarus. The wings aren't finished," Technoblade said, stepping to the side to get away from the blade-wielding child in front of him. Tommy looked confused, but gave a huff and put the sword back into his inventory. "Listen, I was pressured into it. He would have had me killed if I didn't. You and I both know it." "YOU LITERALLY COULD HAVE BLAMED IT ON YOUR NICKNAME! HE LITERALLY CALLED YOU THE BLOOD GOD!" Tommy shouted, he didn't understand why Tubbo wasn't angry. Or why Technoblade was being so calm. "And why did he say you two had history or that you owed him a "favour," what was that all about?" Wilbur perked up at this "Yeah, that was interesting to me too. Why did he say that?" Everyone agreed and then looked to the man who had now begun to look for a way out of this. "Listen guys, what I did before this server is none of your concern. All you need to know is that he did something for me in the past which turned into a series of favours. I'm not getting into any more detail." Wilbur waved him off, "That's all we're gonna get out of him. I know my brother that well, at least." Technoblade nodded his thanks.

"Well I still want to fight him," Tommy said stubbornly. "Icarus, I said it was fine. I forgive him, and doesn't my opinion matter most in this? I mean I was the one executed. Also he killed The Minotaur too. Now he only has one life left for us to deal with, doesn't that redeem him enough?" Tubbo said. Tommy grumbled, "Fine, whatever." "Listen kid, I admire the urge to fight, but save it for the fall. It's coming soon and you'll need all the fight you have to survive," Technoblade said, "But if you really want to fight." "Theseus, no-" Wilbur started. "Hear me out, the kid is rightfully upset. I did execute his best friend in front of him," he explained, clearing his inventory in a chest next to him. "Hey! I'm not a kid! I'm a big man! Big Man Tommyinit!" Technoblade stopped him, "Yeah well right now, you're Icarus. The little boy that didn't listen to his warnings. Now do you want to fight or not?" Tommy glared and shook his head, "Not anymore, ass-" "Tommy!" Niki scolded him. "Don't be mean to your brother!" Tommy looked even more irritated but just stalked off, grabbing Tubbo and dragging him along.

"They want to blow up, L'manberg." "What?!"

"Now that that's over with," Wilbur said after Tommy left the ravine. "We need to figure out our next move to deal with Schlatt, and Kronos. I do think he'll give us L'manberg a second time." Technoblade and Niki nodded. Just as Wilbur had begun talking again Quackity bursted in, a bloody, beaten up, mess, "Hey- guys- sorry I'm late." He panted out, falling over. Niki rushed over and gathered potions and food for him. "Jesus, Big Q. What the hell happened?" Wilbur asked. "Schlatt happened. We had our respawn points in the same area and he waited there for me to respawn. Almost made me lose a second life." Quackity looked to Niki, now fully healed, "Thanks Niki." She nodded and went back to where the meeting was happening. "I can confirm The Minotaur has only one life. He was complaining about it to Kronos," Quackity said, confirming what Technoblade said earlier. "Okay here's the plan. Theseus, you will kill The Minotaur," Technoblade nodded at Wilbur as he continued. "And then L'manberg is gone. I'm sorry but it needs to go. We can rebuild it here, or even somewhere else. But as long as that place still stands, we are not going to be left alone." Niki gasped when he said that, but her shock only grew when he threw a stack of TNT onto the table. "This morning Kronos stopped by and gave these to me saying that he got these from under L'manberg," he paused to start laughing, and continued so as he said, "THIS ISN'T EVEN HALF OF WHAT I RIGGED IT WITH! This is going to happen, and not even Kronos himself can stop me!" Technoblade nodded approvingly but then noticed the shock on everyone else's faces, "Listen, the man is right. And I know I hate governments, but there truly is no saving 'manberg. The best thing you can do is destroy it and then rebuild somewhere else.I won't be taking part in the rebuilding. But I will help you dismantle it." The others eventually agreed and then discussed methods. "The Minotaur's birthday is coming up soon. We can strike then, he'll be caught off guard. As much as I hate the idea, it's our best chance." Niki thn spoke up, "Could we at least leave two places alone?" "Wait, what did we miss?" Tubbo asked, he and Tommy finally came back. Tommy looked a bit less enraged than before. "We're getting rid of L'manberg, and that's been finalized." Tubbo opened his mouth to speak but then just sat down to listen. Remembering what Tommy had told him earlier, he knew there'd be no way to argue. As they continued to talk Tommy just got more irritated. Eventually changing his mind about fighting Technoblade. At this point, he didn't care if Technoblade was his brother, or that he was stronger, or that he was a literal god. He just wanted his country, the very thing he'd fought for, back. "Okay so, we're going to raid The Minotaurs's party, Theseus is going to kill him, Achilles is gonna blow the place up, and we're going to try and save the Community House and Church Prime?" Tubbo said, when the people in front of him nodded he just shrugged, "Alright. I guess if Achilles and Theseus say it's gonna work, I can't argue with that."

Tommy, however, had had enough and suddenly slammed his hands on the table in anger. "Theseus literally just betrayed you, Apollo. And- and- and everyone! He's just going to weaken this!" Tubbo was shocked at the outburst but muttered an apology, " Sorry, sorry." Technoblade was confused, "Wait, weaken who?" he laughed nervously, "Wait, who're we weakening, Wilbur?" Wilbur just shrugged nonchalantly and looked to Tommy, "I've a- I don't know about you, Tommy, but I forgive Theseus! I forgive Technoblade, in a heartbeat, yeah!" Tommy slammed his hands on the table and shouted, "The hell- I do not forgive Theseus!" Everyone in the room grew silent, silent and uncomfortable. It seemed as though they didn't want to pick this side, in fear of choosing the wrong one. Wilbur, however, seemed to not care. Almost purposefully so, and said, "I do! I forgive him!" This clearly got Tommy more upset, "What the hell?! He just murdered Apollo when- when- the- He killed him! 'Under peer pressure' my a-" He was cut off by WIlbur, "what- what d'ya wanna do about it?" Tommy bristled, as if it weren't obvious, "I want him to leave!" He turned to Technoblade, "I want you- I want you to get the hell out of here. Go be- go be next to- next to- next to your president." Technoblade raised an eyebrow, "You think you can destroy Manberg without my help, Icarus?!" "I don't care! We can figure something out! I just want you," he started a poor attempt to push Technoblade away, "gone! Go away!" Technoblade just sat there and looked down at the kid attempting to push him. "So you can destroy Manberg without my help?" He laughed, "you won't get anywhere without me Icarus."

Tommy and Technoblade get into an argument once more and Wilbur turns away, he looks to Tubbo who is watching the scene with worry on his face. "Apollo, what do you think?" Tubbo started "let's-" Wilbur cut him off and got the two's attention, "Wait, wait, wait- Hey, Theseus, Icarus, stop talking on behalf of Apollo. I wanna hear what he thinks, I wanna hear- Come on, Apollo. He leaned down to whisper "Tell- tell Tommy how much you hate him." He then points to Technoblade "Get Tommy to just stop and let this happen. I mean what's happened, happened. We can't do anything about it." He said, knowing it would start a fight. Technoblade laughs, knowing what Wilbur was doing. Wilbur mutters to Tubbo, "I wanna see them fight. I wanna see them fight, dude." Wilbur now said aloud, "Now say what- how you feel, Apollo. How do you feel, Apollo? How do- How much you hate that man." He points Tubbo to Technoblade's direction, "Look at him, look at him- He murdered you in front of a crowd, look at that face." Tubbo looked at him, a bit uncomfortable and unconfidently said, "Yeah...! Screw you...!" Wilbur looked at Tubbo a bit disappointedly and said, "Uh, you didn't sound very... very convinced there, Tubbo. Apollo, what do you-" Tubbo started to back away, realizing what might happen if he continued, "Wait, wait-" Wibur continued to push, "Apollo, do you- do you hate him? How much do you hate him, Apollo?" Technoblade looked at Tommy and got closer. Tomy got defensive and said, "What are you gonna do, Technoblade?" Technoblade just laughed and then backed off, more in an annoying sibling type of way rather than a threatening way. Tubbo was in a corner at this point and continued "Yeah... I- I can't- Honestly... I was a little bit surprised! It took me by surprise, I feel like I'm in shock still-" he looked down and his hands were shaking from the memory. Tommy looked at him, "Apollo, you literally just got- got betrayed, by ev- by him, and," he turned to Technoblade, "you said you wouldn't be- And you said you were on our side! You joi- you only joined this server to be on our side!" turning back to Tubbo, "And you feel a 'little bit betrayed'?!" Technoblade put his hands up in mock surrender "I only joined this server to destroy the government, alright?" Tommy looked at him and said incredulously, "Well, you didn't- you just followed the government! When the president asks you- What?! You followed him! You followed him! You're nothing but a liar and a traitor" Technoblade looked astonished and personally attacked "I literally- I killed so many people." Wilbur said half to himself, "I think- I'm gonna make a- I'm gonna make a combat pit. I'm gonna make a combat pit, hold on. You- You guys, keep talking." He walked away to make the pit.

Tubbo called over to WIlbur worriedly, "We're having in-fighting...?" Technoblade laughed lightly, "We're gonna fight?" Wilbur was still walking away, almost in a daze and said half-muttered "You guys, keep talking. You guys keep talking." Tommy was still, however, trying to fight Technoblade. He was done with this man, "You wanna fi-?" Niki interrupted him, "Tommy? Hey, Tommy?" Tommy turned to Niki. Technoblade continued, "Icarus versus Theseus?" he laughed nervously, "fight of the ages." Wilbur grinned like a mad man at that statement, "Yes. Yes!" "We're gonna resolve this with a trial by combat?" Technoblade asked, a bit of worry in his voice.

While that conversation continued, Niki spoke to Tommy, "Tommy, can- can we talk in private for a sec?" Tommy was confused as to why she ignored the codename but agreed, "Okay." Niki and Tommy step back from the group to have a private conversation. The rest stand by as Wilbur mines an impromptu fighting pit into the ravine. Niki looked back at them and then turned towards Tommy, "To- Tommy..." He was a bit worried, "Hello?" She looked to Tommy, a very scared and worried look on her face, "I'm getting very, very weird vibes from Wilbur. Is he okay?" Tommy was now extremely confused, could she not see it? "No! No, he's not...! He's gone fucking insane! He was about to blow up Manberg...!" he whisper-yelled. Niki frowned, it was a mixture of sadness and fear, "It's his country... He fought for it." Tommy looked over to an excited Wilbur, gesturing to the pit while speaking to Technoblade.

"He's- He's building- He's building a combat pit for us!" It was now Niki's turn to be confused, "What happened...?" Tommy gives Niki a silent stare, hoping she'd get it. "What-? I don't understand...! I've-" Tommy looked back to Wilbur, "He's become- He's become the villain, Niki." Niki flinches at his dark tone, "Oh no... Oh my... Oh my god..." "He doesn't even care that Technoblade killed Tubbo, 'cause... he just doesn't care." Tommy said, almost sounding as if he'd given up. Niki had a solemn look, remembering the teen's death, "I-! I- I'm so ha- I'm just happy Tubbo is alive. I- I was so worried...! It- it- it was so scary!" Tommy just gave her a tired look, he wanted to get this fight over with. "Let's go back. Let's go back, Niki." Niki didn't want to leave, but understood, "Wait- Ok- okay, let's go back..."

While that conversation was happening Wilbur was excited. Excited for the chaos and the pit. He's been itching for some violence. "Ohhh, this is gonna be great! I can't wait." Technoblade started, "Achilles, I heard you mention-" "I can't wait. Are you ready, Theseus?" Wilbur asked him, grinning like a mad mad. Tubbo tried to speak but was unheard by the two. Technoblade continued, "You wanted to blow up Manberg...?" Wilbur waved him off, "Oh, yeah, yeah! That's all in the past, man. It's all in the future." Technoblade raised an eyebrow, now intrigued, "Oh?" Wilbur repeated himself, "It's all in the past, all in the future. I'm just making a pit, so that they can duke it out. Hold on. I wanna make it nice and two down." Tubbo now raised his voice in concern, "This- Achilles you're- you're kind of a bit of an anarchist..." Technoblade was interested but slightly worried. He was getting what he wanted though, " I'm just saying, Icarus..." Wilbur seemed to dodge the statement and cut him off by saying, "Uh, I say- I say- What- What do you say, no armor? No armor? What do you think?" Technoblade caught on but didn't care enough to say anything, "Uh, let's- let's use our armor." he laughed lightly to add to his joke.

Wilbur hummed, not catching the joke, "How about no armor and shields? How about that? No armor and shields." he looked down at the pit "So, punching and shields." Technoblade made the joke again, hoping he'd realize it was in fact that, "Uh, let's use- let's use armor..." Wilbur, however, was focused on making the pit wider, "Nah, you see, you've got very good armor. See, the thing is, Technoblade, right? Right-" Technoblade "That- that's why I wanna do this..." Wilbur shot back, "Yeah, I know and..." he scoffed, "Yeah, but I'm not the one who's a traitor, so I should be the one deciding..." Technoblade sighed, he didn't understand why everyone thought he was a traitor, "Oh my god..." Wilbur stopped for a second to look at his brother, "I mean, it's a- Don't get me wrong! Don't get me wrong. It's fine you're a traitor. I like it. I like it. It's cool." he sounded intrigued, "Why did you do it?"

Technoblade had already explained this, why did everyone ask him this. So once again, he repeated himself a bit defensively, "I was peer pressured." Wilbur didn't believe this, did he really think that they all believe that, did he? "You peer- Peer pressure..." he snickered, "Okay, look-" Technoblade put his hands up in mock surrender, "Achilles, I'm very bad with peer pressure. I don't know what answer you want from me, but that's the truth." Wilbur decided to change the topic, "Look, come- come in here, look." He invited his brother into the pit with him. And Technoblade did, he jumped down into the pit, "What now?" Wilbur bagan, "Surely, when- when Icarus is done talking to Nemesis, I mean, what, has Apollo joined them as well?" he began looking for the small boy. Tubbo popped his head over the side of the pit, "No, I haven't- I'm right here. I'm right here." Technoblade just shook his head, "Alright, give me- give me a second."

He walked away, little did they know he was going to contact a certain destined Paris.

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