Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook]...

By moonseokjinlovesyou

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[Completed] Seokjin is on mission of seducing Jeon Jungkook ๐Ÿ’œ More



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By moonseokjinlovesyou

Hoseok looked alarmed seeing Seokjin's silent demeanor. Something might have happened inside, but now Hoseok doesn't know how to react in this situation. Of course, if the Jungkook guy was disrespectful to Seokjin in any way he is not going to sit and watch.

"SeokJin, I hope you will tell me if it needs me to interfere?"

" Yeah, I know. I am alright. "

His stubborn ass is lying and Hoseok is not buying it, but he knows Seokjin doesn't like to cry, he is not a big fan of tears and getting a puffy face and migraine unless it touched his insecurities which only Hoseok and Jimin know. Hoseok hopes Jungkook to be a good guy the way he assumed.

" You are face looks okay, stop looking at the mirror repeatedly, and now where is Jungkook??"

Seokjin made sure to wipe his philtrum area with wet tissue properly and also his cheeks, now they are looking a little red because of repeated wiping, Hoseok waited patiently looking at Seokjin taking care of his puffy face.

" He is coming, he neither has the decency to wear clothes after showering nor the time sense "

Okay, might be something that happened inside but this information is a good one Hoseok thought.

" oh, seokjinnie, is the plan about you seducing him or he seducing you!!!???"

Hoseok had his funniest smiley face bringing Seokjin's puking face.

" There is no seduction plan. It's going to be World War 3, wait for the bombs to drop. Victory is in my hand"

" And what defines your victory??"

" That ugly tattooed man leaving Korea and never attempting to look back"

" wa!!! Does he have a tattoo?? He is the coolest one!!"

" stop being his devotee, he is not at all cool"

" Sure, he might have looked hot with those tattoos, and without cloth, not at all cool"

Before Seokjin screamed at him telling him he is a moron Jungkook jogged towards the car.

What a fashion sense!!? Wearing a white shirt that says ' kill the vibe' with maroon complexion leather pants and a green jacket, his hair is long enough to put bun his half-number fingers are filled with rings, and all his piercings have matching rings.

" Rock star!!"

Hoseok wooed Jungkook making Seokjin roll his eyes. He will puke for sure.

"Yeah, sure not at all an evil look "

Hoseok's hand landed on Seokjin's thigh implying he had to shut up. Oh, of course, he planned not to.

Jungkook approached the car with a smile directed only at Hoseok, oh it's okay because Seokjin is not in the mood to smile.

" Hyung, don't embarrass me like that "

" There is no need for others to try to do it - "

" Get in the car, everyone is waiting for you "

Hoseok cut Seokjin's words midway as he didn't want to witness the so-called WW3.

" Thank you for coming Hoseok Hyung "

Seokjin opened and closed the dashboard as if he wanted to see how much noise he could make, not that he was searching for something.  Hoseok glared at him it's his father's favorite car, he might have Hoseok's head if a scratch happened also.

" let's go then "

Nobody responded to Hoseok's cheerful voice, so he took a U-turn before glancing at Seokjin and Jungkook.

" I am in the mood to listen to music"

Seokjin got cheerful again it's a good thing but the cheerfulness is a little more than his basal line. His manic state!!!

" Don't embarrass, play a nice song "

Hoseok whispered but Jungkook could hear it because of the closed space making him chuckle.

" Don't worry Hoseokie, I will play an English song I can understand some people might have forgotten their language after staying a long time abroad "

Hoseok had an unimpressed look on but it soon turned into a fascinated one after hearing Jungkook.

" Oh don't worry Seokjin Shi, I was awarded for Hangul knowledge when I was in high school."

"That's so impressive of you Jungkook".

Seokjin can't understand why Hoseok is becoming his fan. Before they exchange more words about so-called knowledge he raised the volume, smiling at how well this song suited here.

He is good at English, but not fluent. So he can't sing the whole song but for chores parts, he can and he is going to.

" Fuck you and your mom, and your sister and your job and your broke ass car and that shit you call art.


Fuck you......"

Oh, seokjin made sure to fast forward the song for these two lines repeatedly and sang loudly with his whole heart.

By the time they reached Jimin's home seokjin was sure Hoseok and Jungkook learned the two lines perfectly.

He never knew about the pleasure of saying  ' fuck you ' to the enemy.

He loved it.

It took more time than Seokjin imagined for all of them to finally sit at the dining table. He can't understand what makes people fall for this guy!?? I mean what does he have?? Maybe he has everything in extra, his brat ass also.

And the one thing his dad and Hoseok's dad lectured them about how it's a bad thing to dye their hair or get a tattoo is not so good, now wooing over Jungkook's flashy looks!!!!

His dad likes Jungkook because of his money, he never likes people with piercings or with buns and never with tattoos. Money matters to him a lot, so why not he didn't care about his own son's life.

Hoseok and Jimin nudged him from both sides at the same time making him out of his thoughts.

His parents are filling Jungkook's plate as if he is a toddler who doesn't know how to serve himself. God!!

Seokjin is not a man with patience...

" Jungkook will get confused about what to eat if you guys are going to stuff his plate with so much food, just like the way he got confused at the Airport and hugged me thinking I am Jimin.

But I don't think me and Jimin look similar!!!"

Seokjin blinked his eyes with a fork between his lips, looking straight at Jungkook who had an embarrassed expression.

" what?? But how? I sent Jimin's photo to you earlier and all these years you learned about Jimin "

Jimin's father spoke

It's something that made Jin, Hoseok, and especially Jimin widen their eyes with surprise.

Learning about Jimin all these years!! What's all that??

" Hmm, uncle it's... I...I just wanted to see Jimin Hyung face-to-face, so I didn't see his photos. I don't know how to say it, it's just the way I felt. I could imagine him in my space."

Jungkook used words carefully not wanting to look weird but, indeed, Jungkook always loved Jimin and he wanted to love him more if possible. Even his parents called it weird but he couldn't bring himself to look at Jimin's photo. He imagined him well. But he still can't understand how his imagination went wrong and all the paintings in his space now look similar to another person.

He now felt it all went wrong, he should have just loved Jimin in the normal way.

The table was silenced for a minute before Jimin's parents told them how romantic he was for that.

" It's creepy, not romantic who is going to tell uncle?!!"

Seokjin whispered in Hoseok's ear

" of course not us, so just eat "

Seokjin couldn't take more bites, it was all just insane. Jungkook didn't look at Jimin's photo just because he wanted to see him face to face and he loved him from childhood, from miles away, not even thinking to tell Jimin. God why did he never think of the possibility of Jimin liking others!! And he thought Seokjin stole his first kiss, maybe they were just 10 yrs!! God this guy's comprehension is only defective.

Seokjin can't get a grip on the things he heard at the dinner table. He spread himself on his bed in a star-fish shape looking at the ceiling imagining Jungkook developing a crush on someone when he might have didn't know the meaning of it and continuing to crush on the same person who is miles away, not talking or seeing that person. The crush turns into love, to even decide to tie the knot with that person.

What is he?? A fictional character!!? Has he never gotten distracted in his whole 25 years of life?? How can anyone live like this?? What if he is just lying??? Making up the stories??

Ahhh!!!! Seokjin wants to scream at everything. Because he is not getting what is making him more frustrated, maybe it's Jungkook's confident face.

His look doesn't match that character. Not at all. Something is wrong. Seokjin can pinpoint it if he sleeps for 10 hours and has his 5 lobsters. Yes. So it's better to sleep now.

He hopes Jungkook won't be a jerk to Jimin, why did Jimin agree to drop him off, he could have taken the cab. What if he throws himself at Jimin because of the long wait he had? Nobody will be there to help Jimin. Ahh, he can't even sleep.

He texted Jimin asking where he was.

Jimin said he returned home but Seokjin knows he is lying, he can't understand where he went.

Jimin's fingers are a little blue due to the cold breeze, he agreed to drop Jungkook at the guest house as he wanted to come out of the house tonight and his parents are strict about the night curfew still.

Jungkook engaged him in the conversation, he offered to drive as Jimin had to drive back again. It's so nice of him. Jimin felt good talking to Jungkook. But still, the idea of Jungkook liking him for so long made him feel uneasy.

He texted Jin telling him he reached home while waiting in the middle of the road where no creatures are seen.

It's so cold, and Jimin couldn't think of going back until seeing him once. Though it looks ridiculous.

Thanks the person walked towards him crossing the road with that black long cardigan on.

He looks really warm.

" Hi, Jimin "

" Hai yoongi "

" Thank you for coming, it's just I wanted you to be the first person to know I am sending my music to Big Hit- company tomorrow, hoping for selection"

" I am getting married, yoongi "

" congratulations Jimin "

Jimin can't help but let the breeze make his tears roll down on his pink cheeks reaching his scarf layer which is covering his neck and reaching until lips.

It's so cold.

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