Cutie With a Booty

By Musiq4lyf

778K 31.1K 6.2K

Twenty-two year old Kasey has never been kissed or even touched by a member of the opposite sex. With three c... More

1. Say You'll Move in With Me
2. You Can't Live with Us
3. Setting Boundaries
4. Sheer Lace
5. Double Date With a Vampire
6. Vampire Hunters for Hire
7. Sexting 101
8. Prince and the Frog
9. Kiss me Once, Twice, Three Times Now I'm A Lady
10. Call Me a Doctor
11. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
12. All Good Girls Go Bad
13. Wait for Me, Bae
14. How Unfortunate
15. Sister Sister
16. Define Us
18. We're Going Downtown
19. Some Things You Can't Change
20. Architect My Butt!
21. Deflowering is SO On the Nature Channel
22. Meet the Lewis'
23. Hear Me Roar
24. Starlight Starbright
25. Left Behind
26. Mommy Knows Best
27. Spring Break
28. Wooing is SO Overrated
29. The Earth and the Sun
30. I Am Changing
31. Stop the World
32. Timeliness is Godliness
33. Birthday Suit
Cutie Patootie

17. Maybe I Like the Ladies

23.1K 1K 114
By Musiq4lyf


Waking up, I smiled and snuggled closer to the handsome man attached to my backside. He groaned and then he was up too, kissing my hair, his breath tickling my ear.

                “Good morning,” he whispered, his voice thick with sleep and husky with emotion.

                “Good morning,” I whispered back.

                A rush of cold air hit me full force as Justin rolled over to stretch his limbs and then get out of the bed. I watched him with my eyes, carefully. He headed for his dresser and put on a pair of pajama pants, covering up his briefs. Ruffling his hair with his free hand, he picked up his phone from the dresser and checked his messages before turning to glance at me.

                “You want some breakfast?”

                “You cook?” My lips twitched up into a smile.

                Laughing, Justin took his hand from his hair. “Oh, since I’m a man I’m not allowed to be able to make something simple like eggs and bacon with a side of pancakes?”

                “Technically it would be pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon. Also, lots of men are chefs. There may even be more male chefs than female ones if you want to get more technical. But it’s just you seem too… Justin-y to be able to cook.” I smiled.

                Narrowing his eyes, Justin stalked towards me. “And what does it mean to be Justin-y?”

                I shrugged. “Unable to cook, obviously.”

                “You’re such a smartass, Kasey.” He lifted my face up by my chin and stared into my eyes, melting every internal organ in my body until I was a quivering mess. “But I’ll continue to be Justin-y if it allows me to have you unable to function when I’m near you.” He released me and headed out his bedroom. “Breakfast will be ready soon. I’m not a chef but I’ll do my best. I don’t want to hear your chef crap either.” Chuckling, I followed him into the kitchen.

                Surprisingly, Justin didn’t cook that bad. The pancakes were a little too crispy for my exquisite tastes, but it was passable. The eggs were seasoned a bit too much and the bacon was too soft, but hey, at least he didn’t burn anything.

                While helping him wash dishes, I stared intensely at his arms and how the muscles flexed as he moved the dishrag in his hands across the dishes. Then when he moves the dishrag up and down or scrapes a harder part, his muscles bunch together beautifully and then contract. It’s almost like art. Entranced, I watched him wash. He is in his own little world, completely absorbed and I’m completely absorbed as well. After what seemed like forever, I heard Justin’s voice calling my name. Snapped out of my trance, I blinked up into his eyes.

                “Are you drooling? What’s the matter with you?” he asked, amused.

                With a deep blush and a roll of my eyes, I turned away. “Nothing. Are you done washing the dishes?” I offered to do them but he refused my help.

                “Yeah, and don’t think for a second that I didn’t notice the way you were staring at my arms.”

                My blush deepened and I bit down on my bottom lip. “N-no I wasn’t.”

                “I would stay and argue with you even though it’s clear as day that you were staring at my arms, hence your blushing, but I have a meeting to attend. Also, I’m pretty sure you have to go somewhere with my sister and prove to your mother that you’re alive.”

                I frowned. “Jace is not my mother.”

                “Could have fooled me.” He grinned and then leaned down to kiss me so softly that my breath was stolen as his lips departed. “Have a lovely day, Kasey,” he breathed, his eyes intense.

                Speechless, I nodded my head and then headed out the door and to my own room. Wow, Justin is… wow.

                “…I know that is the case but I don’t really want to take it into consideration.” The sound of Nicolette’s voice snapped me right out of my Justin haze and back into reality. Ew. “I’ll see you next month though, don’t worry.” She waved to a smiling Jace and then turned to face me, her smile turning to a frown at the sight of me. “Ugh, it’s you. I’m leaving, if you even care.”

                “Well I don’t, so…” I shrugged.

                “Kasey!” Jace reprimanded as Nicolette flushed. I rolled my eyes and Nicolette walked out the door and out of my life. Thank God. Don’t have to look at her for at least a month now.

                Appeased, I headed for the cabinet for a bottle of water feeling Jace’s eyes on me the entire time. I took a sip of my water and turned to face her glare.

                “Where are you half the time now? Do you even live here anymore? And why are you so rude all of the time? Nicolette told me what you said to her. And who was that girl you were with last night who was so rude to me? I mean where did you even find her in the first place? Isn’t she like opposite of your type to hang out with? Also, how come—”

                I put a hand up, halting her. “Sorry, I got stuck on the part where you said she’s opposite of the type I’d hang out with.”

                With a sigh, she leaned against the dishwasher, crossing one leg over another. “It seems like all we do is fight now.”

                “Maybe moving in together wasn’t such a good idea,” I mumbled.

                Jace blanched. “What?” she hissed.

                “As you said, all we do is argue and you try to control me like you’re my mother and it’s suffocating.”

                “Wow, you sound just like Justin.” She snorted.

                I fiddled with my hands. If only she knew. “You have to let me live my life just like you live yours. I don’t comment on your lifestyle when most of the time I don’t even approve.”

                “Really now?” She raised an eyebrow and I gave a tightlipped smile.


                “Fine. I’ll let up some. I just care about you, Kasey.” Her eyes crinkled in concern and I narrowed my eyes.          

                “Well chill out some with the judgment and rude comments. Milly is a totally acceptable friend for me to have, as well as Charlotte.” I put my water down onto the counter and then headed for my bedroom. Speaking of Milly I have to see her soon.

                “Kasey, wait!” Jace called after me. I stopped in front of my door and turned to face her. With a saddened frown, Jace ran her hands through her hair. “Look, you’re right. I’ve been a bitch, a super bitch. I’m sorry alright? You’re my friend, my best friend and I just don’t want you to get hurt like me. Men are dazzling, exciting, and different so I get it when one captures your interest. But men can also be hurtful and deceiving and I feel like you’re Rapunzel and I’m the witch trying to keep you away from the big bad world. Can you see that all I’m trying to do is care for you even if I’m going about it all wrong?”

                She has been here for me through thick and thin though despite all this stress she is putting me through as of right now. I should tell her about Justin this would be the perfect time. “Yes, I see that, Jace.”

                She let out a huff of air in relief and then gave a timid smile. “Okay. Well I’m willing to start over if you are.”

                “You know I’m not about erasing the past. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

                “Fair enough.” She blew me a kiss and then ran to her room. With a laugh, I headed inside of my own.

                Emerging from my room, I bumped right into an elegantly dressed Jace. She looks just as dressed up as I am. Frowning, I asked, “Where are you going?”

                Adjusting one of her diamond bracelets, she answered, “Art gallery for this feminism exhibit. My manager thinks it will help my image to be associated with feminism in the open eye.” She rolled her eyes, expressing how much she truly agrees with the idea.

                How unfortunate that the only night I decided to hang out with another girl other than Jace all on my own she has to be coming with. She is dressed in expensive purple silk, her handbag silver to match her pumps. She is always perfect and it’s highly unfair.

                “Wow, Kasey! You look great. Where are you going?”

                With an impish smile I said, “To the art gallery as well. How coincidental, hm?”

                Jace’s eyes grew wide with shock and then she fell over with laughter. “It’s invitation only. How did you get invited?”

                I pulled my invitation out of my black clutch purse and waved it in the air. “I happen to know people. Also, you’re doing exactly what we talked about earlier.” She can be so rude and controlling.

                After a frustrated sigh, Jace nodded. “This is going to take hard work and determination. I seem to be stuck in all my old ways.”

                “Clearly,” I mumbled. “So, I’ll see you there?”

                “Of course. Wait, are you going with your new man?” Her eyes brightened.

                “No. I’m going with a friend.”

                The light burned out of her eyes and she gave a curt nod. “You can’t hide him forever you know?”

                I shrugged. “Maybe I don’t want you to try and control his life the way you try to control mine.” Jace started to say something but I was already out the door before she could utter a single word.


                The Feminism Exhibit is showcased in a classy downtown hotel with a purple carpet, symbolizing of course the colors of feminism. Upon my entrance, someone took my fur coat and the keys to my car. Someone snapped my picture and I smiled, blinded by the flashing lights enrapturing me. Someone else took my hand and helped me up the steps and into the entrance of the hotel.

                Once inside, the smell of honey and vanilla wafted all around me. The colors purple and white swarmed the hotel ballroom and along the walls were all kinds of art from sculptures to paintings and more. A champagne flute was pressed into my hand and I nodded at the waiter, walking further into the ballroom and discarding the flute on a nearby waiter’s tray.

                My eyes landed on Milly’s for she is the center of attention dressed gorgeously in plum, her hair piled on her head like a basket of croissants. She squealed and pushed everyone out of her way, grabbing my arm.

                “Everyone, this is Kasey, my brother’s girlfriend.” She beamed, showcasing me as if I am art myself.  I smiled sheepishly as some people looked at me in awe and others in envy. “I’m so glad you made it,” she whispered into my ear, squeezing me tighter.

                I laughed and across the room was the wondering stares of Jace, April, and Diana. All three of them look absolutely perfect as usual.

                “Oh, Kasey!” Milly gushed. “You look absolutely perfect!” She spun me around, showcasing my white gown that stops at my knees, the collar revealing to show a little cleavage.

                “You look better.” I blushed.

                “Stop it. Isn’t she perfect you guys!”

                Everyone nodded and spoke their agreements and my blush grew deeper and Milly squeezed me to her side, never letting me go until she introduced me to every single person that was considered important at this event.  At last we stopped in front of Jace and her friends.  

                “Oh, and who is this?” Milly asked, cocking her head to the side.

                With an attitude, Jace replied, “Jace. And this is April and Diana.”

                “Ah, and what do you do?”

                “We are models,” Diana spat, glaring.

                Milly let loose a trilling laugh that sent waves of happiness through me and I smiled. It’s truly amazing to even be in her presence. “I don’t recall inviting any models to my event.”

                “Your event?” Jace scoffed.

                “Yes. I am a feminist leader advocate who speaks out all across the world. How could you have been invited if you didn’t know that?” Milly frowned.

                Even I knew that after I looked at the invitation. Being a feminist leader seems like a total Milly thing anyways for the way she talks to Justin.

                “My manager got me an invitation.” Jace shook her hair out of her face.

                “Let me guess… He figured an appearance at a feminist event would help your image?”

                “No!” Jace squeaked, her face flushed.

                “Just try not to cause a scene or I will throw you out. Is that understood?”

                All three girls nodded, their eyes wide. Jace looked to me for help and I gave a slight shrug. This is not my event. What does she expect me to do?

                “Come on, Kasey, I’m about to give my speech and then let there be art!” She giggled and then placed her hand on the small of my exposed back, leading me to the podium. “Stay there.” She placed me dead center of the podium and then walked onto the other side, claiming the microphone and all of the guest’s attentions.

                “Welcome, welcome!” Her voice is commanding and captivating, all eyes on her. “What is feminism, you ask?” People started chuckling. “Come on, I know you all want to know what definition I’m going to give it because we now have meninism and feminazis and all this other crap. I know you’re waiting for me to give some lengthy and extensive definition. Am I right?” People started nodding and murmuring their agreements.

                “Well I’m not. Surprise!” Confetti shot out from the sky as she threw her arms out wide and people gasped in shock. “Feminism means simply that we want equality for all. We are all one people, we all bleed the same blood, and we are one in the same. I know some women who can kick more ass than any man because they have courage. I know some women who can provide for thirty families at one time because they have determination. I know some women who can invent many new inventions because they have wisdom. I know some women who can stop world wars because they have charm.” She winked and people started whistling.

                “Feminism is not to eradicate men. Feminism is not to make men seem smaller. Feminism is to make men see that we matter as well. For after all, who else is going to take care of your man parts after a hard day’s work, huh?” She raised an eyebrow, a cunning twinkle in her eyes. The men started to whoop and holler. “Who is going to wipe away your tears after you didn’t get that job promotion and let you live to see another day? Who is going to have all your snotty nosed children? Who is going to cook you meals and not burn down the kitchen? Who is going to love you the way we love you? You men have put us down for so long!” She pounded a fist onto the podium and everyone grew silent.

                “You’ve pushed us around, you’ve beaten us, you’ve raped us, you’ve lied to us, and you’ve cheated us. Now is the time for it to stop. We are not asking for war or revenge as some of you men quickly resort to.” She smiled and people chuckled nervously. “With feminism we are willing to forgive…but not to forget. We are willing to move on to a better future, one where everyone is one and the same. So, with that being said, let there be feminism! Let there be a better future! And let there be art!”

                Everyone gave thundering applause and cameras flashed all around Milly, yet she didn’t once blink or shy away. Instead she smiled gloriously, basking in the attention.

                She is simply amazing, truly. I pulled out my cellphone.

                I think I’m in love with your sister :O

                PLEASE PLEASE don’t tell me that you’re leaving me for her! :’(

                I don’t know. It’s too new to decide now but I’ll let you know

                God Kasey, please don’t do this. Let man parts grace your life first before you make your final choice.

                I busted out laughing and then Milly and a man that she introduced to me as Dr. Hallows were in front of me.

                “You remember Dr. Hallows, don’t you, Kasey?”

                “Of course.” I encased his hand with mine.

                “I have heard a lot about you, Kasey.” His dark skin is in stark contrast with his crisp white tusk. He is a beautiful man.

                “R-really?” I stuttered, blinking against his beauty.

                “Yes. My wife has been following your diet blog since the day it started and she is healthier than ever and I have you to thank. She has never followed something so dutifully before and I was starting to think you bewitched her until I started to follow it myself. I have to say, quite impressive. I wake up feeling better and better every day.”

                “Wow,” I whispered, shocked.

                “Wow indeed. I hear you’re working on a new diet log and need help with it. I’d be willing to put a doctor’s name behind it if you’d like.” 

                “That would be incredible!” I gushed, clasping my hands together.

                “Great, give me a call.” He slipped his card into my hands and then let his hand linger on mine. “Truly I do expect your call. I’d love to get behind such a life changing project.” He let my hand go and then kissed Milly on the cheek, disappearing into the throngs of people.

                I looked to Milly and she looked to me and then we were jumping up and down while screaming.

                “Dr. Hallows is the best nutrition doctor ever. I can’t even believe it. He saw you and demanded I bring him to you.” Milly squeezed my hands.

                “Oh my God, seriously?”             


                “This. Is. Huge.”

                “I. Freaking. Know.”

                I pulled out my phone again.

                I don’t know, Justin. I think my decision is already made.

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