Not A Mistake

By Anonymouswriting1617

1.7K 50 3

Arabella knight the daughter of Lily and Jake Knight although she was rich. She preferred to act like any ave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

65 4 0
By Anonymouswriting1617

Isabella had just got done calling family and informing them of what had happened they gave there condolences and said they were coming to visit. She did not like making all of these calls but she knew that there was no one else to do it.

She dialed Skylar's number on her phone. Arabella had told her to tell Skylar she knew that she wanted to tell her. She also knew that her sister was to distraught to really make any calls at the moment.

Skylar was a little confused to why Isabella was calling her. "Issy?"

She knew that she had to tell her she deserved to know. "Hey Arabella wanted me to give you a call and sort of explain what was going on."

"Have you been crying?" Skylar heard it in her voice she was sad about something it sounded like she had certainly been crying.

She knew that people were going to figure it out soon enough. "My parents have been in a plane crash"

"What?" Skylar couldn't believe it she hadn't met them but based on what Arabella had told them they were good people. And they really cared about their kids.

"Yeah but that is not why i am calling." It was now or never she couldn't hide the fact that her sister was pregnant. People were going to find out and their was nothing no one could do to stop it. "Arabella i sort of-"

That caught her attention she had wanted to know what was wrong with her best friend and now she was going to find out. "Sort of what?"

She knew it was already hard for her to tell people she figured the best idea was just to blurt it out so that was what she did. "She's pregnant."

"What!" Skylar could not believe it but she did guess looking back at the things that had happened. The signs were there she never got sick she was never that moody she never cared about Ashton and now.

"The party you took her to Ashton threw." Isabella knew that she was going to piece it altogether eventually so she minds as well be honest with her now.

"Ashton i don't know why i didn't figure this out, She had been acting weird since the party." She was sure that it was Karma she had said that when a life altering event happened she was just going to let him screw himself over she couldn't do that now.

"She wanted me to pass it on she is not sure yet what she wants to do." She knew that this was all going to be a lot for her sister and she felt really bad for. This all happening all at one time. "She has been holled up in her room for days i have to get Parker. I just wanted to let you know i have to go."

"Thanks for the information." She knew Arabella and she knew what she was thinking. But she also knew that if she left it up to Arabella she would never let Ashton around the baby. Her best friend was going to hate her for it but it might just be the push that he needed to change.


Skylar was sitting at the table with her parents. It was now or never she had told her parents a few days ago that Arabella had been missing from school.

" So any news on Arabella?" Whether or not she approved of her best friends relationship with her they had noticed the change in their daughter.

"Yeah Isabella called me last night." She took a breath looking down at her plate. What she was about to say was going to change everything. "I got news your going to be grandparents."

She watched as everyone's face at the table changed. Her mother looked like a fish out of water now she was never going to be able to get rid of her. She could tell that her father never thought of being a grandparent that early. Especially considering his youngest was 5. Ashton had a look of pure shock on his face like he was wondering what the fuck his sister was talking about,


It was time for the moment of truth. She had already let the bomb out. Now it was time for the after math."At the party Ashton threw he forgot to mention he seduced my best friend "

Ashton got up not caring about anything. He grabbed his keys and jacket at walked out. He didn't know what he was supposed to say he just wanted to know if it was true.

Skylar had recently shared with her brother why she trusted Arabella so much. Because they were similar they both didn't want people to know who they really were. And that Arabella's parents were the billionaire Knights. And everyone knew where they lived.
Arabella was laying on her bed crying into her pillow. Isabella had gone to get Parker who was yet to hear the news. She had been holled up in her room for days not answering calls or texts ignoring everyone. She hadnt been eating which wws bad for her and the baby. But she was to distraught to care.

Despite the fact that her sister had been bring her food to her room she could not bring herself to eat.

She heard someone banging on the door and went to get it. She had no other choice considering she was the only one home.

She opened the door and seen Ashton. She was surprised to see him seeing as she hadn't told anyone where she lived. "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?" She knew if he was able to find her he knew the truth. Who her parents had been.

There was only one thing on his mind if she was really pregnant."Is it true?"

"Who told you?" She did not want him to find out preferably ever. She just wanted to keep everything a secret. She knew everything was already changing with her parents now dead.

"My sister." He did not like the way that she had told him but was happy that his sister had been honest.

She was confused last she knew he did not have a sister. Or how that sister had found out about her pregnancy."What sister?"

"Skylar!" There was no hiding it now Arabella would have eventually traced it back to her.

"Did you just say Skylar?" Skylar had never told her anything about having a brother. Or that he was her brother a lot of things were starting to make a lot of sense now.

"That was not the point." The point was that he knew and this was not something that they could hide.

She didn't care what the point was she just wanted to be left alone. She wanted to grieve the death of her parents. She wanted to get the funeral and everything that was to come over with. She knew the baby should be her concern but she couldn't bring herself to care not yet. "Can you just leave me alone?"

"No!" This was not something they could hide or push under the rug and pretend never happened they had to deal with it head on.

"Why do you care? Im busy and everything changed in a matter of weeks i just need a minute to bre-" She started to get light headed she was getting another dizzy spell. She knew it was going to have the same result as the time in the school. She grabbed the wall as she stsrted to fall. He caught her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and carried her to his car. He put her in the front seat and got in the driver side. His phone was connected to the speakers. He called Skylar.

" WHERE ARE YOU??" She was not sure how he was going to react she knew it would be bad. But him disappearing had not occurred on the list of possibility's.

"Just do me a favor and meet me at the hospital and do not tell mom." He knew that if his mom already did not like Arabella she was not going to like this.


Arabella woke up in the hospital. She tried to sit up but she was to weak. She was trying to figure out how she ended up in the hospital again. She expected to see Isabella but she didn't see her. "You need to rest your body."

She turned to see a doctor at the door. She still wanted to know how she had got there she had remembered fainting while she was talking to Ashton. " How did I get here?"

"You fainted."

"Yeah but how did I get here." Telling her she fainted was not really telling her much.

"Your boyfriend brought you."

She shuddered at the thought she would never date him she hated him. She was happy he brought her but that would not change how she felt about him. "He is not my boyfriend."

"Him and his sister are waiting in the lobby with your sister and brother." He figured that she would want to see them

She looked around her and seen the heart monitors and all the different machines. "Why am I hooked up to these machines"

"Its no surprise to you that you are pregnant." The doctor knew from the records that she was already aware of her pregnancy.

She nodded she did not particularly like that she was pregnant this young but she knew. "Yeah I know so what?"

"We had to hook you up to an IV."

She had no idea what an IV was or why she would have to be hooked up to it. "What is that?"

"I know that your going through a lot. But you can not starve yourself. You fainted because you hadn't eat anything. Your body had no nutrients it was shutting down."


"Now I think you should eat something if not for you than at least for your baby." The doctor had experience with young mothers and them not wanting to eat but usually they did care about the health of there baby.

"Ok." She got it she needed to be better and she would try. "Can I talk to my sister."

"I'll send her in."

The doctor left out coming back in with Isabella. "Hey." She was happy to see that she was up she had been worried that something worse would happen.


"How you feeing?" She knew that she must been feeling weak and maybe a little sick.

"Tired." She was really tired all she wanted was to sleep.

"I got some calls today relatives lawyers the bank." She had been having a busy day figuring out what she was going to o next.

"Oh what did they have to say." She knew that the relatives probably were not taking the news well either. And that the bank and the lawyers must have had a lot to say.

"Grandma said we could all move wih her." She loved there grandma but she did not think that it was a good idea. "The lawyers have a will to read. Apparently mom and dad already had funeral arrangements so thats supposed to be next Friday." It did sound like there parents to have everything planned out so that they didn't have to worry to much. "The lawyer told me because I am 18 legally I could be your guardian and Parker's." She liked that idea the best that way they could stay where they were and they didn't have to worry about anything else not right now at least. "We will find out how they split things when you get out and we go to the reading."

"Oh" She did like the idea of staying she didn't know how her grandmother was going to react to her pregnancy.

Now it came to the issue Isabella had been upset when the doctor told her that Arabella had passed out because she had not been eating. When she had been trying to make sure that her sister had been eating. Bringing her food even if she was confined to her room. "So you want to explain to me that despite the fact that I was bringing you food to eat you haven't eaten in days. You can't do that."

"I haven't been hungry." She knew that she was having a baby and maybe she should be making better choices but it had not been easy.

Isabella took a breath she really didn't want to yell at her sister. She understood the stress there was a lot going on but they still had things that they had to do. And her eating so that her baby did not die was one of them. "I don't care if your not hungry your having a baby you don't have a choice your going to starve yourself and then what your life and your baby's life why?"

"Can I talk to Skylar?" She didn't want to talk to her sister if she was just going to continue to scold her. And she wanted to talk to Skylar she had a lot to say to her. Starting with why did she lie to her.

"Ari." Isabella knew that there was no use trying to change her mind right now.

"Just let me talk to her."


Isabella walked back out into the waiting room. She really hoped that Skylar would be able to get through to her. "Skylar she wants to talk to you can you please try to talk some sense into her."

"I can try." she got up to walk to her room. She knocked on the door and Arabella turned to look at her. She was happy to see that she was ok. "Hey heard you fainted,."

"Is that all you heard." She didn't mean to try and sound snotty but she was pissed. Skylar had no right lying to her and then telling him behind her back.

"I should've told you." Skylar knew that she should have been honest she should have told Arabella about her family and not kept it a secret.

"I trusted you enough to have my sister tell you not for you to use to get back at your brother." She was still deciding what she wanted if she wanted him to know about the baby she did not have a choice anymore. "I didn't even know that you two were related." That hurt she had been honest about who her family were to Skylar and in return she got lied to.

She knew that Arabella was pissed that she had not been in the loop and she had a right to be. "I go by my mom's last name he goes by our dad's."

"Good for you." She was still mad that she had not known. She had knew something was going up and still tried to mend their friendship and she had been right something had been going on.

"What's wrong with you?" Skylar loved Arabella she trusted her with everything but she knew that something was up with her best friend. She got the pregnancy was making her moody but it was more than that. "You haven't been at school the doctor said you haven't been eating."

"My parents died on a plane crash coming home. I was supposed to tell them they didn't know." She wished that she had just called them and told them what was going on. Had them come home earlier than maybe there would be a different result. "My billionaire parents died before they could find out there perfect daughter fucked up and got pregnant."

"Sorry I forgot." She should have taken that into consideration that maybe she was acting all code because her parents had died and there were all these changes happening.

"No one was supposed to know to everyone I was a normal girl not the daughter of the billionaire. I told you who my parents were and soon enough everyone else is going to find out." She knew because of how famous her parents were that it was only a matter of time before her entire school knew who her parents were.

"Your parents were the ones that died in the crash." She had read about a famous couple dying in a crash but they had not said who it had been.

"Yup no survivors." She was going to live with that for the rest of her life that her parents were no longer around.

She hoped that she would be able to get through to her she knew that this was a lot for anyone. But being pregnant the stress was not going to be good for her. She knew her best friend and she would not be able to handle giving the baby up. She would break if she was the reason that the baby died. It was just going to take time for her to figure that out she just hoped that when she did it was not to late. "I know that this is a hard time for you but you can't starve yourself no matter how bad it may get you have to eat you have to do this for your baby. You are going to feel really bad if this baby dies because you were to depressed to care. I know you Ari you care more than anyone that I know and I also know that you are going to grow attached to this baby and you are going to be mad at yourself for the things that you are doing. I have to get home but think about what I said."

Arabella just nodded. She knew that Skylar was right she couldn't risk it she was already starting to grow attached to the baby and she had barley knew for a few weeks.

Skylar turned around and walked out going back to the others." We should get home my parents are probably freaking sorry about everything." She knew that her parents were speechless when they found out and they probably had a lot to say now.

"It's life. Bye." Eventually they were going to have to get over it.

Ashton stood up he knew his mother was pissed. "Mom's blowing up my phone,"

Skylar nodded she knew that she had some explaining to do they both did. " Same do you three knowing when you are coming back to school." She knew they were probably going to be out for at least a couple days.

Isabella knew that they were at least going to be out until the funeral. And they had a lot of things that they had to handle. "Probably after the funeral's my grandma and aunts and uncles are gonna be coming up I have to meet with Lawyers and the bank."



Isabella woke the next morning looking around the hospital room that she was in. Parker had been on the floor and she had been on the couch She didn't see Arabella in the paitent bed. That worried her because she knew that her sisters body was still week. She stood up darting around the room. She sighed when she seen her staring out the window.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" She was careful not to step on her brother as she walked over to her sister.

She shook her head she was taking Skylar's advice she had to do better for her baby. She looked back at Isabella knowing that she was worrying. "I woke up early I did eat the doctors told me that I was allowed to get out of the bed."

'Ok." She was happy that she had asked the doctor and that she had ate. And done what she was supposed to do."You doing alright."

"Depends." She was feeling better but she was still feeling guilty about her parents crash. Wishing that she had just told them so they could have come back early.

"Alright." She knew it was going to take awhile for any of them to be alright.

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