How to train your dragon (Hic...

By lhnmoon23

18.3K 360 52

Y/n is a young girl in Berk who never wanted to hurt a dragon and doesn't believe dragons are as bad as every... More

This is Berk
The Night Fury
Mysterious dragon and new bond
Book of Dragons
Dragon Training day 2 and new friends
Forbidden Friendship
Dragon training day 3 and new tail
Toothless meets Crystal and new place
Training Tips and new dragon names
Test Drive
Astrid finds out
The Dragon's Nest
The Final Exam
Final Battle
This Is Berk

Dragon Training Day 1

1.3K 25 7
By lhnmoon23


Today was the first day of dragon training. Before we went inside the arena we first picked out a weapon. A bunch of different types of weapons were laying down on the grown so all of us picked something. I picked out a sword, Astrid chose an axe, Fishlegs with a rock hammer, Snotlout with a mace, Tuffnut and Ruffnut with a spear.

Gobber open the door to the arena while saying "Welcome to dragon training." As we walked inside Astrid said "No turning back." When we were inside we looked around in amazement. "I hope I get some serious burns." Tuffnut said. Ruffnut then said "I'm hoping for some mauling like shoulder or blowing back." "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." Astrid responded. Then a boring voice appeared "Yeah, no kidding right. Pain, love it." We turned around and see Hiccup with a small scythe.

Tuffnut said "Oh great, who let him in." I jammed my elbow to his side giving him a disappointed look. "Quit it." I said. Gobber then yelled "Let's get started! Let's see who's the best" He then turned to Hiccup "He'll win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." Snotlout then sarcastically said "Hiccup already killed a night fury, so does that disqualify him?" Then everybody started laughing but I interrupted saying "Don't say that, I mean maybe he'd actually did killed a night fury and if he did then I think he is better then you. He doesn't flirt with every girl like you do and it makes me uncomfortable when you do." I looked down after saying my opinion and looked up to see everybody looking at me with shocked including Hiccup.

Snotlout turned to me and said "Oh come on babe, I know you agree with me." I looked at him annoyed and said "I think you just prove my point and if you want advice, I think you should stop flirting if you want somebody to date you." Astrid said "I'm gonna have to agree with her advice for you." Snotlout said "Not you too Astrid, com-" Gobber interrupted "All right, that enough let's just get started."


Hiccup POV

When Y/n defended me I was shocked. I never thought that anybody would stand up to me. When she gave Snotlout an advice, I turned away to cover my laugh since she doesn't know that she is insulting him. Gobber then said that we would get started.

As he walked me to the others he said "Don't worry, your small and weak. That'll make you less of a target. They'll see you as a sick and insane and go after the more Viking like beans instead." When he said that it just made me feel worse. It made me feel sad that he thinks I'm not good enough to fight with a dragon. When we reached to the other I bumped into someone. I looked at the person and saw that it was Y/n that I'd bumped into and turning away blushing.


Back to Y/n POV

Me and the other lined up and I stood next to Fishleg. I felt someone bumped into me and looked at them. I saw that it was Hiccup and when he looks at me, he immediately looked away. I turned away sad thinking that he didn't liked me. At least I tried to stand up for him against Snotlout. I shaked my head thinking "I can't let that bother right now. I need to focus on trying to get the dragon to like me without hurting it."

Gobber said "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will live to fight." Then there was sounds of a dragon coming from behind the door. While Gobber was saying what species of dragons, Fishlegs keep saying facts about them. "The deadly nadder, the piteous zippleback, the monstrous nightmare, the terrible terror." As fishleg said another fact Gobber yell at him to stop. "And...The gronckle." Gobber finally said while getting ready to pull the leaver. Fishleg then whisper to me a fact about the gronckle.

Snotlout then stepped up trying to protested. "Woah, Woah, wait. Aren't you going to teach us first?" "I believe in landing on the job." Gobber replied while pulling the leaver. As the wood got lift up a gronckle charged out of the door. It then started to fly towards us while we were running away. "Today is about survival. If you get blasted, your dead." Gobber said while the dragon fly towards the wall. "Quick, what's the first thing your going to need." Gobber ask us. "A doctor" Hiccup said. "A bus five-speed" Fishleg says. "A shield" Me and Astrid said. Even though I don't want to hurt dragons I still need to learn how to defend myself.

Gobber then said "Shield Go!" As he said that, all of us went away to get a shield. Me and Astrid got one from the wall while the rest got the ones from the floor but the twins ended fighting over one. "Your most important equipment you'll need is a shield. If you must make a choice between and sword or a shield take the shield." I saw Hiccup struggling so I starting going over to him to help but I saw Gobber over there already so I pay attention to the gronckle again.

As the twins were fighting over a shield I saw the gronckle flying towards them I yell "WATCH OUT!" But it already blasted their shield knocking them down. "Ruffnut, Tuffnut your out. Those shields are good for another leg." Gobber said to them. Then the dragon started flying towards the rest of us. "Noise, make lots of it. It throws a dragon's head off." The rest of us then starting banging our weapons against the shield to make some noise but I did mine quieter than the others.

"Every dragon has a limited of shots. How many does a gronckle have?" Gobber asked. I didn't respond as I was focused on the dragon. "Five?" Snotlout asked. "No! Six!" Fishleg said while raising his arm. "Right! Six! That's one for you." As fishleg had his arm up the gronckle blasted his shield which got him out. "Hiccup! Get in there!" Gobber yelled. I looked over at Hiccup and saw he was in trouble so I ran over to him. As I went over to him, I heard Snotlout trying to flirt with Astrid but got blasted and I was trying not to roll my eyes. As I got to him, Astrid roll over to us.

"So... I guest it is just us then." Hiccup said toward me and Astrid. "Nope just you." Astrid replied before dodging a blast. I was able to dodge it but Hiccup didn't get lucky. His shield got blasted and rolled away as he tried to get it back. Then the gronckle started chasing him. "HICCUP!" yelled Gobber. I ran over to him and pushed him out of the way and I got hit against the wall. "Y/N!" yelled Hiccup. The gronckle flew over to me but stopped and I knew it wasn't trying to hurt me. "Hey I know that your mad about being trapped here and I'm sorry about that. I don't want to hurt you because I know that it's not your fault for only defending yourself." I said softly to the gronckle. It stopped and look at me curiously.

I slowly pulled out my hand then lower it to know that I'm trustworthy and put it right in front of it. The gronckle looked at it for a moment and was going to led me his head until Gobber interrupted us by putting his hand hook inside it's mouth dragging it. I looked at the gronckle with a scared and sad expression. It looked backed at me and started whining. I mouthed to it "Don't worry, I will free you one day okay? So please don't struggle or else your going to get yourself hurt." As if the gronckly knew what I say it stopped struggling and nods it's head at me.

Gobber looked at it strangely since it stopped struggling but when the gronckle notice him he started growling towards him but doesn't attack him because of what I said. I gave it a thankful look and nodded back. As I stand still looking at the door that closed with the gronckle inside. Hiccup ran over to me and asked "Are you okay!? I saw how you hit the wall and the gronckle going up to you. Thank you for saving me but you shouldn't risk your life like that!"

He kept rambling but I put my hand over his mouth and hugged him to make him go quiet. "Don't worry about me. I'm just glad that I was able to save someone from getting hurt." I said softly while looking up towards him since I was a little shorter then him.

When I looked at him I saw how his faced turned pink. I then put my hand on his forehead and asked "Are you okay though? You face is a little red but your not having a fever. Do you need to see Gothi?" Then he quickly pushed me away, waving his hands all over the place saying "N-n-no I'm t-t-totally fine. Thanks for checking though." I gave him a friendly smile saying "No problem." When I turned to Gobber he was giving Hiccup a smirked which confused me but I brushed it off.

Gobber then went back to a serious expression and walked over to me and Hiccup while talking. I backed up a little because I saw how mad his expression was. "You'll get another chance, don't you worry. But remember a dragons would always, always... go for the killed." He said to the others but was facing me and hiccup at the last part. "That's not true. Dragons are just defending themselves and doesn't killed every time unless they feel threatened." I thought angrily

Hiccup POV

As I ran to my shield to get it I heard Gobber yelling my name and turned to see the gronckle heading towards me. But out of nowhere I got pushed out of the way so I turned and see that Y/n was the one that did. I panicked when I saw the gronckle heading towards her. "Y/N!" I yelled but something strange happened. The gronckle stopped and just looked at her.

I saw her talking to it but couldn't hear her. She pulled her hand out and I got so confused. When I saw the gronckles head moving towards her I panicked thinking it was going to bite her. But luckily Gobber got it away before it touch her.

I watched as the gronckle started struggling but out of nowhere it stopped making me confused and Gobber to look at it. Then the gronckle started growling at gobber but didn't attack him. I took my attention away and to Y/n. I ran up to her and ask her if you was okay. I started rambling without realising until I felt a hand cover my mouth and was suddenly pulled into a hug. I went stiffed and could feel my face starting to heat up.

When Y/n looked up she looked confuse and put her hand on my forehead. That just made the heat on my face worse and she asked "Are you okay though? You face is a little red but your not having a fever. Do you need to see Gothi?" I then panicked so I pushed her away quickly and waved my arms around and said "N-n-no I'm t-t-totally fine. Thanks for checking though." She smiled friendly at me and said "No problem." I sighed in relief glad that she didn't find about my feelings for her and turned around to see Gobber looking at me with a smirk so I started to blush again.

Gobber then starting talking about how a dragon would always go for the killed to us and especially to me and Y/n. I then looked at her and see that she was deep in thoughts with a angry looked on her face. "Are you okay? You look like your mad about something?" I asked. She then faced me and said "No I'm fine. Just thinking that I could of done better." "I think you did good on the first day especially for saving me." I said to her. She smiled at me and said "Really? Thank you."

I blushed a little and said your welcome. As Gobber said that it was over and we could leave. Y/n turned towards me and said "It was nice to officially meet you today Hiccup. I hope we get along well but I need to go home now. BYE!" She started running away as I looked at her with a love struck look. I saw Gobber walking towards me with a smirk so I looked away. "So how was talking to your crush and I see that your quite fond towards her." "I don't know what your talking about." I replied but he didn't take that. "Quit hiding from me. I see the way you looked at her. I think you found a good one. She stood up for you and saved you." I sighed knowing that I can't get away. "Fine, I do liked her for a while now. She's just really nice and pretty. I'm happy that I found her too."

"I knew it. If you want her to like you then I have one advice for you. Just be yourself and try to not be someone else. It would nice to have someone liking you for you." Gobber said towards me. I nodded saying thank you. I said bye to him and starting walking home while thinking about Y/n. Today I knew I fell for her more than I already did.


End of chapter

Have a good day :)

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