One Direction Imagines

By xImagines1Dx

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Hi, my name is Ivy Stone and I write One Direction Imagines. Please comment and tell me what you think of the... More

Harry Imagine #1
Niall Imagine #1
Louis Imagine #1
Liam Imagine #1
Zayn Imagine #1
A Imagine for Devika
Harry Imagine #2
Niall Imagine #2
Louis Imagine #2
Liam Imagine #2
Zayn Imagine #2
Harry Imagine #3
**Niall Imagine #3
Louis Imagine #3
Liam Imagine #3
Zayn Imagine #3
Harry Imagine #4
Niall Imagine #4
Louis Imagine #4
Liam Imagine #4
Zayn Imagine #4
Harry Imagine #5
Niall Imagine #5
Louis Imagine #5
Niall Imagine for 'Anonymous'
**Liam Imagine #5
Zayn Imagine #5
Louis Imagine for Paris
Niall Imagine for Kirsty
**Harry Imagine #6
Niall Imagine #6
Louis Imagine #6
Liam Imagine #6
Niall Imagine for 'Daisy'
Niall Imagine for 'Hannah'
Harry Imagine for 'Christine'
Niall Imagine for 'Ally'
Harry Imagine for 'Missy'
Zayn Imagine #6
Liam Imagine for 'Luz'
Zayn Imagine for 'Dulce'
Harry Imagine #7
Harry Imagine #1- Dirty
Harry Imagine #1 - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Aleena'
Harry Imagine for 'Anubis'
Liam Imagine for 'Marjorey'
Harry Imagine for 'Brooke'
Harry Imagine for 'Lily'
Niall Imagine for 'Rebekah' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Taylor'
**Harry Imagine for 'Megan'
Louis Imagine for 'Megan'
Zayn Imagine for 'Amber' -Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Allison' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Gestine'
Harry Imagine for 'Briana'
Zayn Imagine for 'Charese' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Bojana'
Niall Imagine for 'Alannah'
Louis Imagine for 'Ffion'
Niall Imagine for 'Lauren'
Niall Imagine for 'Megan' - Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Sydni'
Harry Imagine for 'Samantha'
**Harry Imagine - Same love
Louis Imagine for 'Ira' - Dirty
Niall Imagine #7
Niall Imagine for 'Harlea'
** Harry Imagine- Sad
All boys Imagine for 'Mackenzie'
Harry Imagine for 'Katie'
Louis Imagine for 'Nina'

Louis Imagine for 'Nicole'- Dirty

15.7K 80 6
By xImagines1Dx

Louis Imagine for 'Nicole' - Dirty 


"Nicole?" I hear from across the house "Yea?" I respond walking where I heard the voice from, I walk into a room and see Louis standing there with a classic black suit with a black bow-tie. "Do you mind tying this?" Louis asks walking up to me with the bow-tie already around his neck, "You know what this doesn't look like you, just a sec" I say grabbing it and walking to his closet, I look around rummaging through his things, "Ah-ha! Perfect" I say walking out with a bright blue bow-tie, you walk up to him and you put it around his neck, "Lou is going to kill me now" he says laughing leaning his head back for me to tie it, "Perfect, Now I think that looks more Louis than that plain one" I say spinning him around to face the mirror. "Thanks Nicole" he says and I walk out the room slowly. "Hey Nicole?" I hear him say, I quickly turn around "Yes?" I say innocently, "Do you maybe want to come with me to the award show?" he asks nervously, "Like as a date?" I reply hoping it was. "It doesn't have to be if you don't want too" he replies quickly not wanting me to feel uncomfortable, "Sure" I say back with a smile. "I don't know if you have anything to wear but I went shopping today and bought you this" he says going into his closet and pulling out a box, he walks to the bed with it and unwraps it pulling out a beautiful blue and silver dress. The dress is a strapless sweetheart neckline, it is shorter than knee length with a sliver sparkly belt to go around your waist. He brings out another box and there is silver high heels with a bit of sparkle on them, "Louis! Why did you buy this?" I scream admiring the items laying on the bed, "Well I didn't know if you had anything to wear" he responds laughing, "How did you know if I was going to say yes?" I ask playfully, "Well I kind of just hoped" he says back... do you like them?" he asks putting a hand on my back, "Do I like them? I love them!! Thank you!" I scream jumping onto him. "You're welcome" he says catching me in his arms I hug him tightly and I feel his hands near my butt holding me up and he starts to move one closer but I lean back and say "Well I ought to start getting ready!" and I jump down take the dress and run to the downstairs bathroom.  

I think to myself as I am getting ready, 'I am actually about to go on a date with Louis!', Louis and I have been best friends for about 3 years now and I have always liked him but he never seemed to like me, things for the past few months have gotten weird ever since Louis threw a house party and everyone left besides me and Louis' band mates Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. That night Harry came up with a truth or dare game and ended up daring Louis to kiss me, as the rules stated you have to do whatever you were dared so Louis kissed me and that kiss was to say the least, amazing. Louis called me last night and was wondering if I could watch his dogs while he was at the show and of course I said yes, he told me I could stay the night and to sleep in his room so I brought a bag full of stuff. "Nicole are you ready?" I hear Louis ask knocking on the bathroom door, "Just a second" I reply curling my last strand of hair and stepping into the gown he bought me, "Louis do mind zipping me up, the door is open" I ask stepping back as he opens the door, he steps closer and I can feel his cold hands up against my back. "All done... wow" he says finishing the zipper and I turn around, "does this look ok?" I ask looking into the mirror, "Ok? You look beautiful!" he says reaching out his hand and I take it, "Paul called me and said that he would be here in about five minutes" Louis states holding my arm as we walk down the stairs of the front porch and Louis runs to lock the door, "Wow its cold out here" I say wrapping my arms around myself. "Here" Louis takes off his jacket and sets it on my shoulders and is giving me hug to keep warm, he digs his head into my neck, "I'm glad you're coming with me tonight" I him whisper into my ear, "I'm glad you asked" I laugh back, "oh they're here" he says taking his jacket off and leading me to the car, "Ohh Louis' gonna get some tonight!" I hear Zayn shout, I slightly giggle and look to Louis who is making a face at him and he helps me inside the car. "Thanks" I reply sliding into the car.  

"Louis who's your little friend?" one of the paparazzi scream as I walk along side of the boys on the red carpet, I feel a grab my arm and I turn to see Paul getting me out of the shot of the cameras, I walk with him and Louis lets go of my waist, "No stay with us" Louis demands as I start to walk, all of the boys are looking at me and Harry comes to pull me in the middle of the group and Louis stands beside with his arm around me. I look to Louis and he is smiling, "thanks" he whispers and smiles to the cameras, "Who's your friend?" another pap yells, "a friend" Niall replies and they all laugh, "Can we get a picture of just Louis and the friend?" one of the paps yells again, the boys look at each other and step back and Louis sees if I'm ok with it, and I nod. "Are you going out?" another one yells, "ok the show about to start sorry guys" Louis says moving out of his stance and holding his arm out for me to hold it and we walk in to the arena. 

"The GRAMMY for 'best song of 2013' is.... ONE DIRECTION!!!" the presenter Tom Cruise yells out into the microphone, and the boys jump from their seats yelling in happiness, "Congrats!" I yell and clapping, the boys hug and make their way to the stage from the front row. "Oh my gosh, this is unbelievable! Thank you so much!" Niall speaks moving over, "Well they nominated me to talk so here we go" Louis says playfully and holding the award, and the crowd laughs, "Well we would like thank all of our amazing fans, the amazing electricity for the fans to get our music, all of our writers who helped write the song. Also we would like to thank our bodyguard Paul for keeping us alive, also thank you to the academy for nominating us and for letting us win! Also for giving me a blunt object" Louis says smiling devilishly and the crowd laughs, "Lastly thank you to our families and our girlfriends! We love you so much, thank you!" Louis adds when someone escorts them off the stage. "Do you want to meet them backstage?" Paul says coming beside my seat and taking me to the back, I walk through a bunch of curtains and I see Johnny Depp, Bon Jovi, Ellen DeGeneres, Usher, David Guetta, and so many more people talking and memorizing their lines. I walk to a spot and the boys are talking to Tom Cruise, "Nicole!" I hear Louis scream as he walks over to me. "Hello, it's nice to meet you" I say shaking Tom's hand and he nods, "So boys are your girlfriends here tonight?" he asks, and Louis' grip tightens around my waist, "Uh no they are... um well back in London" Harry says very slowly stumbling over his words due to the 8th glass of beer in his hands. "Harry I think you've had too much" I say taking it out of his hands and setting on a table, "Thanks" he says leaning on me and Zayn takes him off. "Goodnight everybody!" I hear Ryan Seacrest say walking off stage, "HOME!" Harry shouts throwing his arms in the air and collapsing on the ground and everyone laughs. 

"Did you have tonight?" Louis asks opening the door to his house and letting me walk in, "Is that even a question? It was amazing!" I say laughing and spinning in circles and Louis starts to laugh. "I'm glad you had fun" he says walking closer to me as I stop spinning, "Did you have fun?" I say sweetly, "Are you kidding me? I was at an award show and won, plus you were there with me so it was perfect" he says getting closer and I slightly giggle. Louis smiles and gently puts one of his hands on my hip and traces his thumb along my hipbone, he gets closer and leans in to kiss me, he stops just before reaching my lips seeming like permission, I move forward and meet our lips. He moves both his hands up to my neck and jawline moving us both in rhythm with each other's lips. I look down pulling away from the kiss, "Nicole? Are you ok?" he asks lifting my head and I am looking him in the eyes, I smile and grab his hands and lead him to his bedroom. On the way he starts to remove his jacket and shirt, we reach the bedroom and Louis comes from behind me rubbing my sides and kissing my neck, he starts to take off my dress unzipping it and lowering if off me including the heels leaving me in my bra and underwear. "Are you sure you want to" he asks before moving farther, "Yes" I reply unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants while he wiggles them off. Louis lays down on top of me and kisses me roughly and moving his hand behind my unlatching the bra, it drops to the bed and he knocks it off and goes back to admiring my body, "You have an amazing body!" Louis adds kissing down my neck in between my breasts and moving lower to my stomach and the top of my underwear. Louis hooks his middle fingers on to the straps of my underwear pulling them off, and taking his off quickly, Louis climbs back on me and smiles at me. "What?" I say giggling hiding my face, "Really you can't hide now! I am laying on top of you naked and you're embarrassed." Louis says playfully, as I laugh harder. I start to stop laughing when his face got concerning, "What?" I ask cupping his face in my hands, "nothing, I just don't want to hurt you" he admits hanging his head, "You won't hurt me!" I say back kissing him, "Ok if I hurt you please tell me" he says and I nod. Louis adjusts himself in front of me and slowly enters me while I dig my nails into his back and wrapping my legs around his body, "AHH" I moan in pain and he is fully inside me, and he thrusts slowly watching my face to see if he is hurting me. He starts to thrust faster and more powerful, "Louis" I moan out as I arch my back and buck my hips cause Louis to do deeper, "UHH" I moan again longer than the last, "faster" I say digging my nails deeper into his back. "UHHHH!" I moan when he speeds up, His thrusts get sloppy and I suddenly feel a tight feeling in my stomach "Louis I'm close" I say and he says he is to, "Ahh" I let another moan escape as we both reach our highs and Louis rides them out. "I know I probably should have asked you this before the show but, Nicole will you be my girlfriend?" he says panting with breath, I start to laugh and he looks at me, "I'm serious" he states. "Really?" I ask and he nods, "Well of course!" I yell rolling on top of him and starting a round 2! ;) 

Hello! Thank you for reading! Sorry once again haven't uploaded, but I promise I will get better! I hope you like this one, also please check out my other story called 'Bestfriends?'. Thanks for reading! If you would like an imagine please send me a message also please tell me what you thought!! :) -Ivy

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