Intergalaxies, The Second Cha...

By Drauncer

199 6 2

The Writing tells a story from the vast Intergalaxies where a young man who was supposed to be already dead i... More

Chapter 1.1: A New Era, a New Beginning
Chapter 1.2: The First Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter 1.3: A Warm Welcome from Charcis
Chapter 1.4: A Guest for a Week
Preview of Chapter two: Vrasz Seris, the Little Planet with Big Problems
Chapter two 2.1 : A Dream from the Past

System of Government on The Innergalactic and Intergalactic Level

36 1 0
By Drauncer

I do know that before I let you into the Intergalaxies and the story itself I should also mention something about the distribution of the ruling power and say something about the current decision-making authorities. The thing is that I don't know if I'm the right man for the job, but at least I'm neutral when it comes to taking sides with these decision-making authorities, which means that you will hear about them from the right point of view. Hmm let's see now where should I start ... I think the best way would be to start from the individual planets. Well in the current Intergalaxies each planet has its own degree of development and this decides if the planet meets certain expectations and is ready to be integrated into the Innergalactic and later Intergalactic system of government. Why is it so? The thing is that this was decided on the only meeting that was held by the two most powerful and important decision-making authorities in the whole Intergalaxies, the Higher Intergalactic Council and the Highest Intergalactic Senate. They have decided that each planet will be left to its own natural evolution and development and only when they achieve a certain degree of development they will be introduced and welcomed into this level of cooperation, first of all on the innergalactic level and when they get through the probation period than they will be integrated into the intergalactic level of cooperation. Oh, and I should also mention that the degree of development that is needed for the integration depends on many factors such as:

The degree of evolution, technological development, utilizing of natural renewable resources, possibilities and characteristics of the colonization level, also depending on the speed of the development of a civilization and many more, which I do not consider as important as these ones.

Mostly the larger nations are represented by one representative, an Ambassador, Emissary or Monarch from that nation. Smaller nations tend to enter into alliances to get an equal or higher voting percentage than the larger nations, but then they have to choose a common representative, they choose between an Ambassador or an Alliance leader, this depends on how close the cooperation between the nations in the alliance is. But the main reason why smaller nations enter into alliances with other nations is that when a nation doesn't have a sufficient number of inhabitants it cannot apply for the right to have a position in the innergalactic Council thus can't participate in decisions concerning the future and the way of development of the home galaxy.

The Emperor

And last but not least is the Emperor; it is the highest innergalactic post. He approves decisions and oversees the successful conduct of meetings, plus represents a given galaxy in matters of intergalactic character; he is an emissary who has the most important role in the galaxy.

Since that about wraps up the decision-making authorities regarding the innergalactic matters, we can move on to the higher authorities who discuss matters on the intergalactic level. Some of you may wonder why have these higher authorities who are responsible for the decision-making on the intergalactic level. Let me explain. As you already know the nations of the individual galaxies are represented on the intergalactic level by their elected Emperor, whose role is to represent the needs and problems of the galaxy where he was elected. Basically he discusses the most important agenda, problems, needs and various other important matters concerning the specific galaxy. These matters are primarily discussed on the Intergalactic Council meetings. But the main things on the agenda are usually matters that require immediate solution( which means they are marked from degree 1 to 5, number one having the highest priority), for example unauthorized destruction of planets, an attempt or a planned attempt to destroy any of the twelve galaxies, an attempt to exterminate a whole Nation which doesn't pose a higher threat to the galactic system, attempt to disrupt the flow of time and thus time itself, unauthorized usage of time magic on a planetary or larger areas, plus the various other threats addressed to the Intergalaxies as a whole. Now that you know how many threats the Intergalaxies face nowadays, we can move on to the most important decision-making and ruling powers out there:

The Senate of the Lords

I would begin with the Senate of the Lords, which consists of the 6 lords and the Lordic Senator, these lords represent and rule the elements that help to shape the Intergalactic system: we know the Lord of Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Thunder and Ice plus we cannot forget the one who has obtained the power of the six elements and is granted the role of the Lordic Senator. The truth is that there are more than these seven Lords, but only the few chosen ones who possess the highest qualities to control each of these elements are elected to these posts and the one who can control all six elements on the highest levels is elected as the Lordic senator. All of the other Lords that are not elected or have resigned due to age or other reasons usually live nearby the chosen ones as they are like six big families or rather Neighbourhoods, where each of these neighbourhoods represents an element.

The Gods

Next up are the Gods. The truth is that nowadays the Gods are regarded more like the sovereignty, mostly because they were one of the first living beings that have existed in the Intergalaxies, just that you would know they come from the third era. They were the first inhabitants of these Intergalaxies together with the Titans. The thing is that the Titans were driven off and imprisoned because of their ambitions to take over the Intergalaxies and exterminate all of the other races to become the only ruling race, or so the stories tell. I think that one of the smaller conflicts of the "Great War" which raged between these two fractions was also fought somewhere on your planet. But let's get back to the Gods. Important is that they also have one of the highest posts in the Higher Intergalactic Council together with the Lords, who they see more as rivals than friends. Now let me just name some of the most important Gods, for example: The God of Evolution, The Goddess of Luck, The God of Dreams, The God of War, The God of Darkness (also known as the Darkness Ruler), The Goddess of Light (also known as the Bearer of Light), God of Death (Be warned that he is not the ruler of the underworld, he is only an envoy of the almighty Arch Death) and then also many other Gods. Well and I have to mention one thing and that is the fact that some posts of the Gods can only be inherited to male or female individuals, just felt like explaining this so we would avoid unnecessary questions in the future.

The InterCon

To be honest this post has started to exist only since the last era, well to be precise since the end of the sixth era. The InterCon is a representative of the Highest Intergalactic Senate, as they speak mainly through him. This post has been established mainly because the galaxies themselves, and I'm not talking about the nations or other fractions, have decided that they will personally try to engage in the decisions concerning the whole Intergalaxies, thus themselves. Up to this time they left the development of the galaxies in its own natural flow, unfortunately there were some serious issues that have led to the Early Intergalactic Beat, and that is also why they've decided that they need to do something about it. They mostly try to help and give advice to other ruling authorities, through they're representative. The main reason for this post was that they've wanted to stop the Forced Intergalactic Beat, but it seems that it was already too late for that.

The Highest Intergalactic Senate

And finally we have the Highest Intergalactic Senate. Which is not made out of just any beings, but the souls of the galaxies themselves, of the twelve souls (of the twelve currently known galaxies) to be exact. Of course these twelve souls have the last word when it comes to decision-making in matters that affect the whole Intergalaxies. As already mentioned these souls speak to the Higher Intergalactic Council mainly through their representative known as InterCon. The fact is that this representative is also given some of the power of twelve souls of the Intergalxies and functions also as their bodyguard.

Non-governmental Organizations in the Intergalaxies

I should also mention some of the more important Organizations that I think help to shape this big intergalactic system. But don't you worry I will only name the most important ones that one should know about, when venturing into these vast Intergalaxies.

United Legends

One of them is the organization known as United Legends, it is an organization which supports and brings together all legendary warriors and heroes from around the Intergalaxies. Its main roles are for example: searching for new talents and helping in promoting new members, uniting existing legendary heroes and also taking care of the veteran legendary heroes whose lifetime experience and help became a big inspiration for the new upcoming generations of legendary heroes. It also unites local heroes from the furthest corners of the Intergalaxies. Amongst other things it provides the actual list of local heroes and legendary heroes, who are divided then according to the power and fame level. This organization was founded only recently by the first of the Cons, The Intercon.

The Harcovian Capitol of the Black Star

And next we have the Harcovian Capitol of the Black Star; well to be honest I cannot say for sure if this can be known as an organization, mainly because it is about the size of a bigger star, but since it is led by the Khan who oversees a few larger families and helps them carry on their businesses I think it can be seen as an organization. If you want to know why it is called The Capitol of the Black Star, then I have to mention one anomaly that is located several thousand miles away from this artificial star and that is the actual Black Star, it is a star that emits black radiation, but as it is located further away there is no danger involved at least not from the Black Star. The thing is that this bigger artificial star will never get an official statute of a city nor a star or a planet, due to the reason that it is the home to the biggest black market and illegal business organization out there. It is more like a haven for informants, dealers of all kind, murderers, thieves, head-hunters but also refuges and vandals from different ends of galaxies. The word goes that it is under constant supervision, as the ruling powers have agreed that it would be for the best if the biggest illegal business would be centralized into several locations, where it could be monitored, or at least they think it could be monitored. The thing is that even if they would want to close this big den full of illegal activities they possibly won't do it as they fear that all of the illegal activity would spread through the galaxies and it would be even harder to keep it all at bay. Actually I have visited this place a few times as it is the perfect place to get some hard to get information or get your hands on something that is said to be unobtainable, oh and if you're looking for these kind of services don't forget to crack your piggy bank as it can get quite costly depending on the things you're looking for.


As mentioned in its name Reincorp is a corporation. This Corportaion has currently been on the forefront of science and research, and also has always the latest technological "Toys". It employs one of the the best minds that one can find throughout the Intergalaxies. The thing is if you ask any of its employees why they work for Reincorp they usually respond that it is firstly a great honour to work for one of the greatest technological corporations in the vast Intergalaxies and after that the big salary and other bonuses thet get from Reincorp for their hard work. Primarily Reincorp seeks to regulate the technological advances in the Intergalaxies in order to avoid any disasters. Reincorp was founded by one of the previous Lordic Senators, known as Rex Reincor, from the Reincor family, thus the name of the corporation. Oh and there is one thing I have to add, the fact is that Reincorp doesn't quite resemble its predecessor from before the Artificial Intergalactic Beat, as it has taken many years till it could be brought back from ashes and although we managed to rebuild it and restore it to its former glory it has taken a different direction than its predecessor.

The Senate of Time

The Senate of Time oversees the time anomalies and tries to prevent them before they could even happen.Their head is the Monarch of Time who chooses and appoints the best graduates that have mastered the time magic into his Senate. Also if an anomaly could not have been localized before it happens, you don't have to worry as the time won't stop or anything like that, although most of us won't even recognize it even if it did. Usually when a time anomaly happens the Time Masters that were chosen by the Monarch of Time try to isolate it to a far distant and uninhabited areas or places where it cannot cause any harm, and there they can watch over it until it closes. But there are even worse things that can happen. Well I am talking about the time rifts, as these are very unpredictable and one never knows what may come out of them. The only good thing about them is that they occur very rarely. The historical records from before I was even born mention that there were only three time rifts that have supposedly occurred in the history, but one can never be sure as I found out that some of the more serious events form the past have been cut out from these records. I still wonder why? Oh and as for me, I have only experienced one during my long life for which I am very, very grateful. The thing is that even the Monarch of Time cannot stop these time rifts from happening, nor can he isolate them, but it is said that he is the only one capable of predicting them and also holds the key to closing these threats from the future or past. The newest researches from the Senate of Time have shown that these rifts and time anomalies are usually caused by a high level of unstable power. I can't forget to mention that the Monarch of Time together with the Time Masters, the apprentices and all of their families make up something like a one big sect. They live in enclosed places where they have their very own government, shops, hospitals, households and many other things. Their schools specialize in education and study of time and the many external things that can influence it. Usually one can meet them only when they are on vacations or holidays. To be honest they live quite the enclosed lifestyle and interesting is the fact that they never accepted the offer to become a part of the Higher Intergalactic Council, even when they were invited several times from the Council and also the Highest Intergalactic Senate. They have always rejected this offer without hesitation.

The Cons

This organization is one of the newest nongovernmental organizations. For three millenniums they have had only one member, the InterCon, until they were able to find others who were worthy of bearing the titles of Cons. This title always comes with a word before it that usually states what type of power the Con protects. That is also the main reason that the first Con was the InterCon, protecting the Intergalaxies themselves, currently this post is reserved for the one who will be loyal and protect the Intergalaxies with his soul, in exchange he will get a portion of the power of the twelve galaxies. That is why the ones representing the titles of the Cons possess great powers that need to be protected from others. The ranks of the Cons take a new member only once in a long, long while and only those who show great potential and talent are privileged to bear the title of a Con. The thing is that they were facing dissolution due to certain disagreements with the Highest Intergalactic Senate; however id did not come to this, which I think is only good for the future of the Intergalaxies. The current Titles are:

The InterCon = this is the Con who represents the Inergalaxies and embodies their power

The G-Con = this is the Founder's title, given to the senior champion of the Intergalaxies

The VoidCon = the ruler of the Void, he's the person who keeps it under control and possesses its power. The VoidCon is currently the newest and also the oldest member who was given the privilege to become a part of the of the Cons

I know, I know,it sounds that there is only a few of them and you may wonder why they don't have more members, but something like that should not be rushed as their training is very lengthy, even lengthier than the training of Gods or Lords. The thing is that unlike Gods and Lords of the Six Elements the Cons are not born with their powers they acquire them in a certain point in their lives. However, currently they have taken some of the SemiCons for training. But let me explain the SemiCons are young recruits who have to go through a lengthy and intensive training so that they will have a chance to take on some of the incredible powers that still exist and need to be protected. Please note that only when worthy of such a power they will be granted the title of a Con.

I think that should be all for now, hopefully didnt forget anyone important,

Yours Igros

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