Round the way

By _creeeee

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Never been good at these 🥱 I'll fix my cover soon 😂 I can only do one thing at a time More

1 Intro
Sorry in advance


93 8 3
By _creeeee

What do you mean I can't get my shot I asked my doctor

You were scheduled to come get your shot last month, you're blood work shows high hormone levels indicating you are pregnant Ms Barnes

No ma'am how I asked

Unprotected sex Tiana

I'm not ready to be a mother Ms.Jackie I groaned

We have resources available for you if you would like but I'd like for you to think it over before making your decision

I've already made it thank you I said getting off the table i grabbed my purse and walked my dumb ass right out and started crying

How did this happen what the fuck I shook my head and wiped my eyes

I got in the elevator and called Shardae

I'm at work talk quick she said

Bitch I fucked up I said crying

What happened tia

I'm pregnant

Bitch what the fuck

Shar I'm fucking scared I said

I'm off at 8 I'll call you soon as I clock out she said

Ok I said wiping my face

I walked to Kingston car

When I got in he turned his music off and looked at me

What's wrong he asked

Nothing I said

Bro what's wrong with you he asked again

I'm pregnant I said as the tears came again

Stop crying girl he said 

I've never been pregnant what do I do can I fall down the stairs I asked looking at him, he looked like he was holding back from laughing

No Tiana you'll hurt yourself I'll set you up an appointment tomorrow ok

I'm sorry how do you feel about this I asked

I'm on your side with whatever you choose baby he said

You won't be mad at me for not being ready I asked

That's yo body ma, are you really ready to share daddy he asked


Well then I'll set up your appointment tomorrow, after this make sure you're on time for your shot you only get one chance to kill our kids he said

Ok I said leaning back in the seat

My feelings were hurt cause how did I let this happen

I started to cry again

This why you've been so emotional now it makes sense he said

Kingston I'm not emotional

Yeah alright but we're leaving tonight I have to visit someone he said

Why are you trying to leave me I asked

I wasn't, you're coming with me I want you to meet my best friend he said

I'm not ready to meet him yet what if I'm not up to the standards best friends set I asked

Did I meet the expectations with your friends he asked

Shar loves you yes I said

Well then there you go he said

Nigga what, Shar hasn't been my friend as long as y'all been friends I said

Baby everything is fine I promise he'll love you, You managed to get Dave mean ass to call you sister you're good he's the real problem everyone else is chill he said

Meeting new people always scared me cause what if I didn't make the cut what if they had somebody else they thought he'd be better with like a street bitch or something I was just a nerd honestly

We pulled up to his sister house and he looked at me

We have to tell her cause she's the one gonna set the appointment he said

Ok but only her ion want everybody knowing I'm killing a child I said

He nodded his head and got out I took my seatbelt off as he walked around and opened my door

No one is gonna judge you he said grabbing my hand

How did I forget to go get my shot what were we doing 6 weeks ago I asked trying to remember

Fuck if I remember he said

We're not having sex no more I said

Whatever you say beautiful he said opening the door

She wasn't in there alone Briana and their auntie was sitting on the couch

Bae don't say anything I groaned

They're not gonna judge you shut the fuck up he snapped

I looked at him and put my head down

I'm sorry he said

I walked away from him and went and sat on the couch why was I this extra fucking emotional like the shit couldn't turn off 

The liquor store was directly across the street I should've took my ass over there before coming in

What's wrong, Kingston what did you do Briana asked looking at me

I wiped my eyes and shook my head

She's emotional and I yelled at her he said sitting next to me

I moved away from him

Stop playing with me he said grabbing my arm and pulling me back next to him

What's wrong with y'all ion like this His aunt asked

Nothing just a lil overwhelmed he said

I'm pregnant

And y'all fussing about it congratulations Briana said

We're not ready, well I'm not ready yet and I don't want him upset about the decision I've made I said

Chile that's your body is my child giving you a hard time about this his aunt said

No ma'am I told her the same thing she's dramatic give her a minute He said

I'm sorry I said looking at him

You're fine Tia I keep telling you that

Tiana you're so innocent how did you end up with Kt Briana asked

He's a sweetheart I said

That made her laugh

Girl you don't really believe that do you

Shut up bitch Kt said mugging her

Watch your mouth, what brings y'all over his aunt asked

Neither of us know how to set up an appointment Kt said

Is this your first time being pregnant Briana asked

I nodded my head

She just turned 21 when was your first time being pregnant Kt asked

Dumb bitch Briana said shaking her head

I'll help y'all when do you want it set up for KitKat asked

Thursday or Friday we're going out of town tonight he said

How far along are you

I didn't stay long enough to find out but I was supposed to got my shot last month if that helps any I said

So about a month ok that's not bad I'll handle it and I'll text you when you go in ok KitKat said

Thank you I said looking down

It's nothing to be sad or ashamed about Tia your decision is yours for a reason y'all not ready to be parents His aunt said

Whenever I become a father ima be the best father on earth ask tia she loves daddy Kt said

I smacked my hand against my face

So besides that what you guys got planned Briana asked

We're gonna go pack clothes for this trip I'm taking her to meet Wan Kt said

Damn can I go I know he need some coochie Briana said

This why you're going through a divorce now leave the past where the fuck it's at Kt said

I don't owe a nigga nothing is why my divorce was finalized today he went out and had a child on me and thought I was going to stick by his side baby my momma left a nigga right where he was weird at and I'm on the same thing She said shaking her head

Bitch ok leave a nigga right where the fuck he weird at KitKat said

What time y'all leaving let's turn up for my divorce being finalized Briana said

Girl I need that turn up I'm with it I said

You can chill here with them then ima go handle some loose ends before we leave Kt said

Ok I said

I love you mamas don't get drunk and cry they'll laugh at you he said

She's our little baby shut up Briana said waving him off

He kissed my cheek then got up

What y'all drinking I'll go get it He said

Hennessy Briana said

Bae on brown gonna really cry he said

Shut up no I'm not I said

Do y'all have enough weed he asked

I need some what you got Briana asked

I got a little left in my purse I said reaching down in my purse

It's enough for one blunt

Liquor and weed ok I'll be back in a minute

When Kt left out they all looked at me and I got nervous again

Stop it I'm gonna cry I mumbled

Roll up and stop looking that like KitKat said with a laugh

I got enough to match Briana said

I rolled a blunt and just sat in my thoughts

What you thinking about Tiana Briana asked tapping my arm

How I fucked up and let a nigga get me pregnant I said shaking my head

Happens to the best of us I fucked up 4 times then turned around and let my sister do it

Ma damn in my face Briana said

Right like fuck us KitKat said

When do y'all plan on having kids now that this has happened Briana asked

I wanna be married with a white picket fence and a dog running around the yard sis ion wanna be a mother I don't see that in my future I still have 3 years left in college but if my husband wants a child I'll stop being selfish and give him one I'm not giving my boyfriend a child cause niggas switch up to quick ion wanna be a single baby momma settled on co-parenting I said

I see why he loves you yo ass know what you want and more KitKat said

I mean I put the pussy on him to add a lil razzle I said

That made them laugh

We heard the door close and looked up

Kt walked in with Dave behind him and another female

I heard y'all just so you lame ass females know Kt said sitting a bag on the table

Kingston marry her cause she gotta stay in the family forever Briana said

I'm planning on doing that already he said looking at me

The way he looked at me made me wet and I wanted to have sex now, that was my problem I had to think of other things my dumb ass been extra horny lately and he's been enjoying it

I bit my lip and looked away

He laughed and handed me a bag

What we supposed to do with all of this I asked

Smoke it goofy I'll be back by 5:30 so don't be too drunk he said

Ok I said

Y'all this my shorty Veronica please be nice to her Dave said

David what His mom said

Ma this is my lady Veronica babe this is my mother and my sister's He said

We all spoke to her

Let her chill for a while he said

Kt I'm not playing by the end of this year she better be a Thomas Briana said

Sis you tryna make me have a baby or some I asked her

She laughed

Y'all baby would be so cute Ima start looking around for y'all a nice house what kind of dog did you say you wanted She said

Take me home bae she tweaking I said shaking my head

He laughed before leaning down and kissing me

Come on with all that soft shit bitch we gotta go Dave said grabbing Kt arm

Alright mamas I'll see you soon He said

I love you I said smiling

I love you more and don't be sad ok

I nodded my head and watched him walk off

Time to drink my emotions away I said looking up

You are so perfect for my brother and I love that for y'all cause why am I smiling with you KitKat said

They're definitely goals I seen a post on Instagram and they ass in the top 5 Briana said

Ion know why people do that shit we're dis functional I said

But on the outside y'all goals and only thing dis functional about y'all is y'all sex life cause y'all don't know how to stop KitKat said

I laughed cause I just seen a post on Instagram with us out at Walmart he had his hand in my shirt while we were in line

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