18. Z I L L I O N : Chimeros

By AxisRogue

588 16 14

The year is 2001. The location: Safe Haven. The remnants of a decimated alien race seek shelter from their ag... More

Author's Note


102 3 1
By AxisRogue


"NonononoNO! Stop! STOP!" Addison cried.

"SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN!" Zill shrieked.

"Oh god, oh god, oh goooooooood!!!" Jack wailed.


The cherry red 1990 Chevrolet Impala screamed around a hairpin turn—one of many leading to Cierra's mansion. The three passengers screamed as well, although it wasn't because their tires were burning.

The driver, on the other hand, was laughing.

Zoo Phoenix Academy senior Kourtney "Koko" Kohl cackled as the car swung right, throwing the passengers in the back—a fox-tailed boy named Addison and a notoriously unlucky jackal named Jack—against each other. "Hold on tight, boys!" the werewolf yelled. "We're almost there!"

"We know that!" the passenger up front—who happened to be Koko's current boyfriend, freshman Zillion Martinez—shouted over the wind. "Question is, will we be alive when we get there?!"

"Aw, don't be a square, Zill!" Koko laughed. "If you're kickin' or in a coffin, ya gotta live to ride!"

"You're crazy!" Zill shrieked.

"And you're not crazy enough!" Koko retorted with a grin.

The brakes squealed as the Impala skidded to a stop in front of the mansion, throwing up a cloud of smoke that reeked of engine oil and burning rubber.

Koko whistled. "Hot dang! You never told me your auntie's place was so swanky, Z!"

"Well, when you rule the Safe Haven underworld for the better part of 20 years, you're gonna run into some cash," Zill pointed out as Jack and Addison staggered out of the car on shaky legs.

Koko laughed again, then paused and sniffed the air with a frown. "Aw, rats! Smells like my engine's leakin'," the werewolf groaned.

"That's probably my bad," Jack said with a sigh. "Sorry, Koko. I'll pay you for the repairs. I just got a job at the observatory so—"

"Ah, don't sweat it," Koko interrupted, waving a paw. "Accidents happen, right?"

Jack smiled in relief. "Thanks."

"So you made up your mind yet, 2K?" Zill asked Koko as he disembarked. "Are you gonna hang around or come back to pick us up later?"

"Eh, I got a couple errands to run, so I'll swing by around five," Koko answered, putting on a pair of shades. "You kids have fun; Mama's goin' shoppin'!"

Zill, Jack, and Addison all frowned simultaneously as Koko threw the car into reverse and shot down the road backward. "She's gonna kill herself one day," Addison stated.

"Yup. And that's why I have backup girlfriends." Zill nudged Jack with an elbow and grinned while the latter rolled his eyes.

"So why'd you invite us over here again?" Addison asked as the trio walked up to the front door of the mansion.

"Well, I've kinda just been training with Auntie C by myself for my whole life," Zill replied with a shrug. "I wanted someone to show off to for once. Y'know, before I go public as a superhero."

"Why didn't you invite Kayla, then?" Jack asked with a sly smile.

Zill's face turned red, and he looked away. "I—I mean... I don't really know her..."

"But you could," Jack pointed out. "You know she's trying out for the musical, right?"

Zill frowned as he rang the doorbell. "Yeah..."

"Then you should try for the male lead! I'm telling you, if you get that part, you could totally win her over!"

"Or he could totally gross her out and scare her off," Addison added with a smirk.

"You're a real swell friend, Addi, y'know that?" Zill grumbled, shooting a glare at Addison.

"Why, thank you!" Addison gushed with a curtsy. "I try my best."

The door suddenly swung open, revealing a scowling Cierra. "Oh, for stars' sakes, Zill!" she complained. "I told you not to bring the luckless dog!"

Jack winced. "Um, ouch?"

"'Hello' to you, too, Auntie C," Zill said with a grin. "I'm ready for today's session."

"Hmph. So you should be." Cierra shot Jack an angry look before sighing and gesturing to the mansion's interior. "Step inside, boys."

"Thanks! I'm Addison, by the way," Addison said, offering his hand to Cierra.

"...Charmed." Cierra reluctantly shook Addison's hand.


"So what's first today, Auntie C?" Zill asked, hopping up and down on his toes. "Flight? Fire training?"

"Combat," Cierra answered. "As I've said before, you rely too heavily on your flight and fire in our sessions." She shed her long gown, revealing the skintight battlesuit she wore underneath. "If you can't fend for yourself against a fire-resistant foe, you'll quickly find yourself in deep, deep trouble."

Zill frowned while Jack and Addison stared at Cierra's curvaceous form. "Hey, Zill?" Addison said, swallowing hard. "Would it be weird if I said your aunt's hot?"

"Dude, gross!" Zill cried, shooting him a look. "She's literally like my mom!"

Cierra narrowed her eyes. "Do I need to remove him from the premises?" she asked Zill without even looking at Addison.

"If I'm being honest, you probably DOOOOOOF!"

Jack and Addison jumped as Cierra suddenly dashed forward, trailing green fire behind her as she slammed her fist into Zill's stomach and sent him crashing into the wall of the training room.

Zill hit the wall with a cry of pain and fell to all fours, coughing. "What the heck?" he wheezed. "I wasn't ready!"

"And do you think your opponents will care?" Cierra sneered. She picked up Zill by his antennae and slammed him into the ground twice before launching him into the air and landing a flying kick in his face.

Zill skidded backward on the ground before coming to a stop with a groan.

"Ooh! Ooh." Addison grimaced and looked away, covering his face with a hand.

"C'mon, Zill! Get up and show her what you've been bragging to us about all these years!" Jack shouted encouragingly.

"Nngh... right." Zill forced himself to his feet and exhaled. "You never hit me that hard before," he remarked to Cierra. "Special occasion?"

"Oh, yes. Your first excursion as a hero is tomorrow night, in case you've forgotten," Cierra growled, marching forward as flames enveloped her fists. "You must be fully prepared. That is why, in this practice session, we are doing full-contact—with no projectile attacks."

Zill gave her a half-grin. "Great. Then you won't mind if I do this!" He pumped his wings and shot forward, grabbing Cierra around the waist and carrying her toward a wall.

Cierra rolled her eyes and thrust her hand behind her, sending blasts of fire shooting out and canceling out Zill's flight.

Zill grunted as Cierra began pushing him backward, then retaliated with fire of his own. Flames burst from his feet as he tried to move Cierra toward the wall.

"This is a fruitless exercise, in case you haven't figured that out yet," Cierra informed him. "The pace at which you're moving me toward the wall is so outrageously slow that it gives me plenty of time to counter." To emphasize her point, she simply raised a fist and slammed it onto Zill's head.

Red spots flashed before Zill's eyes, and Cierra slipped out of his grip. His momentum carried him forward, and he hit the wall yet again—albeit face-first.

Cierra dusted off her shoulder as Zill slid down the wall. Addison and Jack covered up snickers while Zill spat out a tooth. "Hey! That'th not funny!" he cried, glaring at them. "You wouldn't be laughing if you—UFF!"

Cierra threw an elbow into the side of Zill's face, knocking him back to the ground. "I'm sorry, what were you saying? 'Sorry for not paying attention, Auntie C'?" she asked mockingly.

Zill gritted his teeth and kicked out his leg, catching Cierra in the knee.

"Ah!" Cierra hopped backward just as Zill blasted fire at the wall, propelling himself in the opposite direction. His foot hit Cierra directly in the face, sending her spinning to the ground. Zill used his wings to right himself in midair and spun around, clenching his fiery fists.

Cierra rubbed her jaw and looked at Zill over her shoulder. "Not bad," she commented. "Now let's see if you can keep it up."

With that, the two arthrogons shot toward each other and began exchanging blows. Zill seemed to have the upper hand at first, landing several hits on Cierra's midsection, but soon the former Queen of Crime's experience began trumping Zill's temporary adrenaline-fueled onslaught. She caught Zill's wrist and drove her knee into his stomach, winding him before dropping an elbow onto his head.

Zill flopped onto the ground and yelled in frustration as Cierra planted a foot on his head. "Are you finished?" she sneered.

Zill's snake tail suddenly struck, fastening its jaws around Cierra's leg.

Cierra howled in pain, and Zill whipped his tail side to side over and over, slamming Cierra into the ground on either side of him. This continued for a few seconds before, in the middle of one body-slam, Cierra thrust out both hands and blasted flames from them, carrying herself and Zill up into the air before cutting off the flames.

Zill dropped to the ground yet again and let out a muffled moan as Cierra landed on top of him, pinning his face to the floor. "This is getting rather repetitive," she remarked. "Do you want to reach full strength or not?"

"Mm mm-mmmf!" Zill mumbled from beneath her.

Cierra pulled Zill's head up. "Say again?"

"I'm trying!" Zill whined. "I'm 14 years old! Cut me some slack!"

"Oh, right! What was I thinking? I should take it easy on you, like all your opponents will!" Cierra smashed Zill's face into the ground again before pulling it back up. "You enemies aren't going to baby you because you're a child!" she barked. "Think, Zillion!" She leaned close and hissed, "If you're too weak to beat me, how could you hope to do what's required of you? Hm, Zillion? How?"

"I'm not weak!" Zill shouted, struggling to get out from under Cierra. "I'm... urgh... gonna... ngh... BEAT YOU!" He spread his wings in a sudden, sharp movement, throwing Cierra off his back.

Cierra landed on his feet and watched as Zill fought to stand. "Ah... an excellent display of perseverance, dear nephew," she purred. "Let's see how long it lasts."


For the next two hours, Jack and Addison watched as Cierra mercilessly pummeled Zill over and over again, with not even the slightest reprieve. Then, at long last, the one-sided showdown came to an end when Zill could no longer stand to his feet.

Cierra stared at Zill disdainfully as he lay on the ground, gasping for breath. "It seems I was in error to focus on your flight and fire," she said, frowning. "In doing so, I've left you vulnerable combat-wise."

Zill glared up at her, unable to speak.

"Hmph." Cierra sniffed and lifted her chin. "That will be rectified in future sessions. Prepare for many more like this, boy. Fire is not the only facet that can increase your power. Everything that forces your body into action works to build it up in different ways. Your power is incomplete if you use one facet without the others."

Zill remained on the ground, still silent.

Jack and Addison glanced at each other, then walked over and hauled Zill to his feet. Zill cried out in pain as they put his arms around their shoulders, supporting him.

"You'll be well enough to fly by tomorrow evening," Cierra told him, "but I'd suggest you do everything you can to speed up the healing process."

Zill looked away, hiding a dark scowl.


Jack and Addison helped Zill hobble out of the mansion before coming to a stop on the front porch. "Do you always let her treat you like that?" Addison asked quietly.

"She's just... ah!... trying to help," Zill forced out through gritted teeth. "I have to... have to be at full power... to be a hero..."

"But her methods are totally crazy!" Jack protested. "She might kill you if she keeps fighting you like that!"

"She... doesn't go... too far," Zill panted.

"This isn't 'too far'?" Addison said dubiously.

Zill glanced at him through his blackened eye and prepared to respond, but was interrupted by the distant roar of an engine. He and the other two turned as Koko's Impala crept to a stop at the top of the hill upon which Cierra's mansion sat.

"Oh my god! Zill!" Koko leapt out of the car upon seeing Zill's condition and hurried over, nudging Addison out of the way to support the arthrogon. "What the h--- happened?" Koko asked in horror. "Who did this to you?"

"It's... nngh... nothing," Zill hissed, squeezing his eyes shut as another flash of pain rippled through his body. "I'm fine. Honest."

"Was it your aunt?" Without waiting for an answer, Koko growled, "That horse-faced b---h—"

"Cool it," Zill suddenly snapped, glaring at Koko. "I said I'm fine."

"Okay, tough guy. You want me to let you stand on your own? Go ahead." Koko moved away from Zill and stood off to the side, arms akimbo, as he stumbled, now forced to only lean on Jack.

"No—hey! Come on, Koko!" Zill cried. "I didn't mean it like that!"

Koko waited a beat before sighing and offering Zill support again. "If you don't mean it like that, don't say it like that," the werewolf grumbled, helping Zill into the passenger seat.

Addison and Jack slipped into the back as Koko got into the driver's seat and turned the key.

The engine sputtered for a few seconds and then went silent.

"What the..." Koko turned the key again, getting the same result. A third attempt yielded no sound at all, causing Koko to bark out a curse. "Battery's dead!"

Addison glanced at Jack. "Was that you, or...?"

All four tires on the car suddenly popped.

Jack covered his face with both hands and moaned.

Koko slowly took of the pair of shades and leaned back, saying, "Well, s**t."

"Trouble with your car?"

Koko's eyes narrowed as Cierra stepped out of her house. "Nothin' we can't handle," the former replied coldly.

Cierra smiled thinly and walked over to the passenger side, rapping the window.

Zill scowled again and lowered the window. "What?" he asked dully.

"I believe this is an opportunity for us to talk about another facet of your power," Cierra told him. "Quickly, of course—I'm sure you all have places to be."

Zill gave her a suspicious look. "What're you talking about?"

Cierra beckoned to him, and Zill clumsily climbed out of the car, using every bit of strength he had to stay on his feet.

Cierra tapped the hood of the Impala with a claw, and Koko reluctantly popped it open. Cierra pushed it up and pointed to the terminals. "Grab them and power up," she ordered.

"You want me to jump-start the battery with fire?" Zill asked incredulously.

"No. I want you to power up," Cierra growled.


"That's an order, Zillion," Cierra interrupted in a warning tone.

Zill's scowl deepened as he did as he was told. "If I melt this thing, you're paying for it," he snapped at his aunt. "Sorry in advance, Koko," he added as green fire covered his body.

"Concentrate the power on your hands, as if you're about to do a fire punch," Cierra instructed.

Zill sighed and obeyed. His hands began to glow with green light that pulsated slowly.

"Turn the ignition, darling," Cierra commanded, looking up at Koko.

Koko frowned but did as Cierra said, turning the key.

Suddenly, the engine roared to life, sounding as if it were brand new. Zill yelped as sparks flew from the terminals, and he quickly released them. "Whoa! What the heck?" he exclaimed. "How did...?" He trailed off, turning to Cierra in shock.

"Our fire is not 'fire' as most people know it," Cierra explained. "Rather, it is a form of energy that manifests in a way similar to fire. However, it can function in different ways—such as fire or electricity, or even pure energy."

"Holy crap," Zill whispered, staring at his glowing hands.

Cierra scoffed at Zill's childlike wonder and headed back into her house. "I'll have Yates drop you all off at your homes," she called over her shoulder. "And Koko... I'll find a suitable replacement for your car."

"Uh... but I just need tires!" Koko called back.

"Oh, heavens, no, darling." Cierra smirked at the werewolf over her shoulder. "You need an upgrade."

"That's not good enough."

Alexis stiffened.

She stood before a large screen in her home, watching her father tirelessly work on the Reviver. Her mother stood behind her at a distance, holding a cup of jellifon tea. She'd made it for Alexis, using the last bag they had—likely the last one they'd ever have.

"I'm doing my best, Dad," Alexis snapped, unable to stop a hint of desperation from creeping into her voice. "You yourself said my power's growing faster than any kakarrin's ever has!"

"It's still not good enough," Valafar rasped coldly, glancing away from his work long enough to give Alexis a steely glare. "The sensors have picked up Trozian ships in this sector. It won't be long before they find us and complete the extermination. If we don't have an army before that happens, our race is doomed."

"I'm going as fast as I can," Alexis growled through gritted teeth.

"Go FASTER," Valafar snarled. "We don't need excuses—we need results."

The screen went dark, and Alexis lowered her head, shaking with anger.

Then, without moving, she unleashed a shockwave of energy that killed every machine in the underground abode for about five seconds.

Alexis turned around as everything rebooted and stormed toward her room.

"Lexi, don't forget your tea!" Maricella called after her, a pleading tone in her voice.

Alexis paused.

Then, in a sullen whisper, she replied, "I don't want it anymore."

Maricella sagged as Alexis retreated into her quarters.


Alexis sat on her bed with her knees pulled into her chest, watching the nature channel on her television. There was no commentary, no music, no added sound—just flickering images of flowers, trees, animals, mountains, forests, and landscapes, all rife with the sound of the Earth.

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