Wine soaked bRAIN

By newpoet

402 51 110

Poetry inspired and written with the influence of red wine. More

Wine soaked bRAIN
words of the red juice.
Wine Sermon for Poets
A Wee Wine Poem Of Saturday just to Sing.

Wine Memories

49 8 10
By newpoet

Rubbery words spilling out of rubbery lips

Could just be Dionysus tricks

Rhyme and rhythm spiralling through licks

Of wine stained mind, need more sips

Glass number two now half full

I can finally spill out my pain

Just a little more, can’t be the drunken fool

Have to be able to write and at lease stay sane

I look at shells when wine affects my brain

I put them to my ear so I can hear

The roll of those waves, and I imagine

The wind and salt air saturating my nose

Wet sand ooze between me toes

It just all seems right and defiantly real.

In my mind I find a special rock

Their I sit and reminisce

Memories that could fill a book.

And again I take another sip

And remember another time

In my youth and red wine

Silver gobbles and my parents

Toasting to a pearl wedding

That band still sits on my old mother’s finger

Even though dad died so long ago

Sailors both they came to this land

On just twenty-one pound notes

Passports taken, dirt floor first home.

Now memories of the conversation some

Of flying through the stars

Universal oceans webs of laws

 Others I now forget some are flaws

That this red wine would loosen

So I sing out more please

To keep the brain slightly fuddled

We sang out wine songs

To the night time stars

The universal song of merry minds.

Now the rubbery lips become more pronouced

WEE, be JUst a DrinKIng 

And LOOsing da Rigt words

Did ye now Uncle Cerriil was A Sexhologist?

NAAH really and Grannie, dad's mum

She pretendedd she wasss a man

YIiip she went tah work inn the minesss

Now that is another story,

and I have been told to go to bed.

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