A Fakebook Lover

By lifeless_soul

77.2K 2.1K 629

Mariah Wilkerson is a shy and self conscious girl. Her life is completely changed when an unexpected friend r... More

An Unexpected Friend Request
Mark the Cutie Pie
I made a grown man cry
Love me back, please?
Fantasy Fanatic
A Shocking Past
My First Kiss
Bloody Rumours
Sour Lemon
A Dead Doppelganger
A Painful Birthday Present
Heartfelt Confessions
Jumbled Mess (Mark's Point of View)
Undying Love

A Second Chance

2.8K 100 39
By lifeless_soul

A/N: well this chapter is a day early...well not really it's after 12 so, it's Sunday now but whatever it's still early, thanks to my friend Jou who was apparently on the verge of dying if she didn't get a dose of Mark. Anyways...enjoy, or try to [insert evil laugh]

A tapping on the window took me out of my sobbing state. I glanced to the side to see a very concerned looking Landon standing there. Surprises keep coming at me today, I thought.

Mark gave me a questioning look, I wiped my eyes without answering him, unlocking the door, I got out. As soon as I got out Landon sprung on me, pulling me into a hug, why are all guys here a bunch of huggers? I stood stiff in his embrace, too drained out to respond. He pulled apart after a while, cupping my face in his large hands.

"I heard what happened in there Mariah, and I am really sorry, call me if you need me okay?" I asked him what was bugging me this whole time, "oh I am here because I know Michael, we are buddies, and well we used to be closer before but...well don't think you're alone okay, I am here for you," he leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Bye beautiful," I smiled a forced smile at him and then he walked away.

I watched his lean, retreating back disappear into the darkness, the chilly air nipped at my skin, making goose bumps appear, but I didn't move, I just looked ahead, lost in another world, too numb to do anything.

Mark's footsteps echoed through the cold night, stopping right behind me. I assumed he will offer me his jacket like every gentleman does in movies, but of course Mark is something else. He turned me around, locked my arms around his waist and under the jacket that he was wearing. Then he buttoned up his jacket from behind me, so, that we were both inside his jacket with our arms around each other.

I snuggled closer to him, his hold on me tightened. Mark leaned in and whispered, "you're too good for him anyways," he said, rubbing his nose against the side of my neck, making me feel again, my previous numb state was faltering under his touch.

I chuckled, "that was such a cliché line Mark, come on you can do better," I teased.

"So can you," he muttered, kissing my cheek.

"Oh Mark your girlfriend must be looking for you," I said, masking the jealousy behind my words.

"I texted her that something came up and I am going home, she didn't mind, let's go home now I am tired, oh by the way I am spending the night at yours," he notified me.

I muttered a small "okay," then started moving back, which made Mark cram more into me, not being able to hold Mark's weight over mine I lost my balance, causing both of us to topple over and eventually fall. Mark rolled over so that he wasn't crushing me anymore; we gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before bursting out laughing. Mark unzipped his jacket before we got up and then walked up to the car. Once we were both buckled in he took the car out of the parking then we took off.

I woke up in the morning with strong arms wrapped around my torso, and a muscular leg was sprawled across my side. The hold was so secure that I couldn't move. Unfortunately, my bladder was about to explode. I pinched the arm around me, but he just moaned his hold on my tightening even more. I huffed out a sigh before biting his neck, hard. His beautiful blue eyes shot open, he looked at then a lazy grin formed on his lips, temporarily dazing me.

"Good morning beautiful," he whispered, kissing my forehead, I leaned in, despite the protests of my bladder and kissed the area under his ear. I probably startled him because he let go of me and moved back. I laughed at his shocked expression, getting out of bed, and walked in the bathroom. I quickly used the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my hair and teeth then got out of the bathroom.

Unlike a few minutes ago, now Mark was wearing a shirt, which made me internally pout. He had a satisfied smile on his lips, which made me smile in return. He looks so cute while smiling; I couldn't help but gaze at him in awe. He caught me looking and if that was even possible, his smile widened, asking me to come sit by him.

As I was about to settle on the space beside him he curled his arm around my waist, pulling me into his lap. I tried to get up, but he tightened his arms around me, completely stopping my movement, I sighed and got comfortable on his lap.

"I don't know about you, but I think this is very comfortable," I nodded in agreement, making him chuckle, " Well I have our entire day planned out, I know you're still upset, but I know just the thing to make it better," he rested his chin on my shoulder. I didn't know if it makes me heartless or just straight up dumb but I totally forgot I broke up with my boyfriend-ex-boyfriend yesterday. I feel like it was a bad dream or probably never even happened. Whatever the case may be my grieving period ended last night when I was in Mark's arms. Is that supposed to mean something?

"So, what do you have planned?"

"Let's eat breakfast then I'll tell you, or show you what I have planned," he pulled me out of his lap, and then ran out of my room, his footsteps could be heard stomping all the way downstairs.

I lazily got up and slowly made my way downstairs.

Mark was already frying eggs, while whistling a happy tune, not being able to help myself I walked right behind him, wrapping my arms around him. He tensed for a moment before relaxing into my arms.

Last night, I realized that just being close to Mark can do wonders for me. I don't know if Michael even knows why I left, but sooner or later he will. When that happens, I am positive Mark will be there to give me a shoulder to on when all of Michael's selfish antics will be sprawled in front of me.

Mark was acting like a baby, asking me to feed him. I argued for a bit before falling for his irresistible puppy dog face. He smiled in victory which made my heart soar. I made fake airplane noises while feeding him as he did the same to me. I chocked a couple of times from having food stuck in my pharynx because of laughing, but it was worth it. Only Mark has the ability to make me laugh after such a heart-breaking breakup-a breakup my ex-boyfriend probably doesn't even know about.

After breakfast Mark blind-folded me and asked me to stay where I am, so, I won't hurt myself, which made my close eyelids roll, not that Mark could see it. I sat in a couch, bored out of my mind because I couldn't see anything; therefore, I couldn't even stare at the ceiling. I could hear Mark opening cabinets, rattling plates, and opening the fridge. After what seemed like a year he finally took my hand, leading me to the place where he set up the "surprise."

Once we were wherever we were supposed to be, he took off the blindfold. I slowly opened my eyes like they do in movies after the protagonist comes out of a critical surgery before gaping at what was in front of me.

Mark somehow managed to push my bed against the wall, leaving a gigantic empty space. The empty wall was projecting an image of Channing Tatum on the cover of Magic Mike. Right across from the make-believe theatre was pillows and cushions scrawled all over in a very comfortable-looking space. That wasn't the best part though; right next to the comfortable haven was a table full of ice cream, chocolates, chips, skittles, and all sorts of other junk food. My eyes were about to pop out of their sockets at the sight of a king size Twix bar sitting on the table.

I took my eyes off of my personal heaven to look at Mark who was looking at me with an amused expression on his face. Without warning I tackled him in a bear hug and told him I love him like a million times, well I yelled, "I love you," in his ears, but he didn't complain.

"Okay! Okay! I love you more, let's go now the ice cream is melting," he said, walking off to close the door after turning off the lights. We grabbed all the things we wanted to eat, settling against all the pillows. Mark pressed "play" and I cheered in delight.

Mark complained the whole time about how I owe him because he would have never watched a movie like this if it wasn't for me. I ignored him, focusing on Channing Tatum's hot body glistening on the screen, making me drool.

We watched movies the whole day, eating junk and having random water balloon and pillow fights. By the end of the day I swore to never ever touch chocolates again, at that Mark regarded me with a skeptical look.

Mark left my house at 9 P.M, he didn't even wanted to leave, I had to kick him out. After a long day of doing nothing I was exhausted, so, I decided to take a shower. I walked inside my bedroom which was once again the same as it normally was, sans projector and all. The flashing of my cell phone caught my attention, making me smile warily before I got it.

I read the name of the sender and almost threw my phone against the wall. How dare he, text me after last night? His sappy talks are not going to make up for the tears I lost yesterday.

Without reading it I deleted the message and went inside my bathroom to take a warm shower. I need it more than anything after Michael's text, to clear my head.

When I got out of the shower my phone was flashing yet again, but unlike last time I read the message before a gigantic grin took over my lips. The message I was feeling giddy over was as usual from Mark.

Goodnight beautiful, try not to dream too much about me, and please don't ask me to do the same, I know I am a hypocrite but I can't help what my subconscious likes, and it has taken a liking to you.

PS: you're going to school with me tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 7:45, be ready xoxo.

I quickly typed in a reply, and then crawled under covers. My bed was cold without Mark , but I guess it is better this way, he can't stay over every day, with that thought in mind I closed my eyes, drifting off into a deep slumber.

The mere thought of facing Michael today had me up at 6:30 in the morning. I had too much time on my hands, so, I decided to look pretty today. I got my black and blue animal print dress out of my closet before going to take a shower.

After showering, I let my hair air dry while I moisturized every inch of my body with cocoa butter, making it all smooth and shiny. I applied my usual kind of makeup-eyeliner and mascara.

By the time I got my dress on my hair was dry. I straightened the top half of my hair and curled the bottom half. After I was done I checked myself in the mirror, smiling a satisfied smile.

My phone's loud vibration took me out of my thoughts. I picked up the phone and Mark's deep, sleep-ridden voice greeted me, "Meme I will be there soon okay? You better not have just woken up because you know I won't hesitate in dumping a bucket of water on you," I almost laughed at his rambling, "hey you are okay to go to school today right? I mean Michael will be there..." I cut him off with a chuckle, making him sigh in what I assumed was relief.

"Mark don't worry, I am fine, now, get your ass over here, I am all ready to go, oh and I miss your cooking, I am not having breakfast unless you cook it," as soon as the words left my mouth, he said a quick good bye and then hung up. I stared at my phone in confusion then shrugged, walking downstairs.

My stomach was growling rather loudly as I stepped in the kitchen. I stuffed some bread slices into the toaster, and then went to the fridge to get some orange juice. As I was pouring the juice into a glass my phone vibrated against the table, making an unusually loud noise

I set the phone against my ear and said, "Hello?"

"Meme open the door, I am outside, I made breakfast," I ran up to the door to find Mark standing there with his head tilted to the side, holding the phone against his cheek and shoulder, his hands were occupied with Tupperware. I took some things out of his hand, making my way in with him dogging behind me.

We set the Tupperware on the table, and I turned to face Mark questioningly, he smiled, coming closer and then engulfed me into a very bear-like hug. I returned the hug happily, "I know what you are going to ask, so, I am just going to answer it. I didn't want you to starve, so, I made breakfast and brought it over, it's no big deal. Oh and by the way you look ravishing today," I pulled apart, gazing into his eyes before pinching his cheeks with my hands, "you're adorable, Alex is so lucky to have you," he smiled "oh and wouldn't she be mad if you ravish me," I winked his way, instead of a laugh as I expected it he set his jaw, turning away from me.

"Alright, let's eat now, my stomach is making sounds like a dying animal," Mark chuckled then nodded his head.

As always, Mark walked me to my locker, hugged me, kissed my forehead, walking away to go to his class. I have English first period today, but it's not a problem, he should be the one afraid to face me, he is the one who did me wrong, not the other way around. I still had 10 minutes left before class, so, I decided to kill them by destroying some forts on Angry Birds. All of a sudden, a large hand took away my phone, making me glare at the intruder, who happened to be my darling friend Curt.

Curt smiled at me before taking my wrist in his hands, dragging me somewhere along with him. We stopped outside an empty classroom; Curt pushed me inside and then locked the door. I looked back at him as he was advancing towards me, he held me by the shoulders, gazing into my eyes, "Mariah..." he leaned in closer and then wrapped me up in a hug, 'I need to tell you something!" he chirped happily, making me smile against his shoulder.

I pulled back up, giving him an encouraging smile, urging him to talk, "so, I met this girl Saturday night. I went out with my swim team, so, well we made fake ids and snuck into a bar. There I saw a very beautiful girl dancing her ass off. I admired her from afar before she saw me looking at her and walked up to me. We talked for a while and she was so amazing," he smiled, looking thoughtful, "well then she dragged me with her to the girls bathroom, and we um we made out, yeah that's it, that's all we did," I took his face in my hands, giving him a "talk-before-I-kick-you-in-your-nuts" look, he faltered under my look and I could see his resistance cracking. I controlled myself from letting the obvious smirk cover my face like it so desperately wanted to.

"Um well we "slept" without really sleeping. So yeah, but I really like her, she gave me her number too. We have been texting back and forth all day yesterday. Please don't judge her yet, I want you to meet her," he pleaded.

"I can't say I am proud of you because you had sex with a stranger in a bathroom, please tell me you used protection. But, I want to meet her too," I said with a smile. Curt bounced like a hyper bunny and then tackle-hugged me before dragging me with him to Michael's class.

When I walked inside the classroom Michael looked up from his desk, his gaze locking with mine and he looked pained. He looked like a mess today, his hair wasn't combed, big bags were under his eyes, and a 6'o clock shadow covering the bottom half of his face, over all he looked like good serves him right. I gave him a haughty look and then settled down in my seat, next to Curt.

The whole time in class I stared off into space and before I knew it class was over. I quickly grabbed my things, rushing out of the classroom. I was almost out when Michael asked to talk to me. Well, I know we have to talk this through some day, it's now or never. I turned on my heels, facing him.

"Come here, sit please," he urged.

I did what he asked and sat in front of him awkwardly. He locked the door before sitting down next to me.

"Mariah look at me please," I turned to look at him, "now, please listen before you interrupt me okay? Please." I nodded.

"Yes, at first I only liked you because you looked like Sam, but that has changed Mariah. I tried to change you, I tried to make you act and look like Sam, but not anymore. I realized a little too late that your personality is what made me stay with you. You are amazing, and if you give me another chance, I will make sure you won't regret it. Please, I need you, I want you, and most important thing of all..." he cupped my cheek in his hand, gazing into my tear-filled eyes, "I love you," and then he leaned in and kissed me.

I resisted for a second before giving in and kissing him back. My tears mingled with his, as we were lost in each other's arms, kissing without a car in the world. i couldn't resist this kiss that was so compassionate and yet gentle. I don't love Michael, I am well aware of that, but maybe I will learn to love him. Don't they say that you should always end up with the person who loves you, not so much with the person who you love, because the one who loves you will always keep you happy? As much as I didn't want to I made up my mind and pulled apart.

"I love you too," I told him with a smile.

Everyone deserves a second chance, Michael is getting his now, I hope he doesn't make me regret it.

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