Partners in Suicide | Dazai x...

By Floopinator

2.9K 141 31

"Lemme ask you, is there any value to this thing that we call living" Osamu Dazai is a new recruit in the Por... More

one | how it all started..
two | enemies...
three | sleepless nights...
four | the girl in the wind...
five | a breath of fresh air...
six | the boy in bandages...
seven pt.2 | wont you take my hand...
eight | getting closer...
Authors Note
Thankyou for 1k Reads!

seven pt.1 | under the moonlight...

175 11 7
By Floopinator

TW: Underage drinking, talk of suicide, coarse language & strong violence.

2 Weeks Later

Sunsets. A time when the balls of daylight fades and the sun is no longer visible. The atmosphere emits rays of colours in the sky that looks like a painting, with the serenity of the auburn sun, pale hues of pink, purple, blue, orange, and reds. The most unique thing about sunsets was the way that each one was different. You could never see the same sunset once. It evolves, shifts and changes, blending with new variety of colours that we can only truly appreciate during the setting of the sun.

It had been a fortnight since Dazai joined the 'Rats in the House of the Dead' and might I say his entrance has changed the atmosphere in the organization. Though, I don't know if it is for better or worse. His rank is a subordinate of a second rank superior. It turns out he is working as Oguri's subordinate. I swear that guy is irritable, and frankly creeps me to the bones, and the only reason why Oguri even has a spot in the rats is because he's being used. From what Dazai has told me, he usually gets him to do all the workload for both of them. I almost feel sorry that Dazai has him as a superior, and I can tell he feels sorry for himself too.

Even though he is doing more work then he should, he always seems to have time to come and annoy me. He comes to my office consistently. He has lunch and dinner with me. He even comes joins me on my missions I tend to have a lot. I know that he said he wanted to figure out why he acts this way around only around me, but come on! Maybe he just doesn't know how to give me space? Like it's as if we are magnets, attracting and repelling each other. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have him around at times, for company and to make my day a bit more interesting. But I just wanted to get at least a moment to myself. What can a girl do to get some peace and quiet nowadays?

I finally had a day off, which I was glad I did cause I definitely needed the R&R. I spent the day lazing around my house being glad that I could finally breath after being around Dazai all the time at work. That boy was honestly a lot to handle, and takes a lot of energy out of me. We are always arguing or just chatting. Honestly it all depends.

I had just finished having a shower, putting a towel around me when I got a call. I walked over to my phone and looked at the name that popped up and smiled fondly. I pressed the accept button and picked the phone up, holding it to my ear.

"Hey, it's been a hot moment since I got a call from you. I was starting to think you were six feet under, judging by how much work your school piles onto you" I joked, leaning up against the counter. A female voice could be heard on the other side of the call, "They don't pile it onto me, I just ask for it. You know me. I like to always keep busy, especially because-"

"I know" I cut her off, "But you can do other things besides doing work. You shouldn't overexert yourself. Try going out and doing something with friends or maybe join a club!" I enthusiastically chirped. "Well about that, I was just calling you to see if you are doing anything tonight?"

"I was about to dive into some intense Mario kart racing, and maybe finally finish the final volume of Blue Exorcist manga" I rambled. "So your doing nothing? Good! So that means your night is now booked, cause we are going out!" she squealed. "Wait no, I said I am already busy-" I was cut off. "Okay so we are meeting up at 6:00pm at this quaint Soba Restaurant I found with Keisuke. Also try to dress up nicely, not in your normal depressing clothes". Before I could stop her and tell her that I am not going, the call ended.

I groaned and walked out of the bathroom, regretting not ending the call earlier. I wasn't the type of person who would go out and interact with people, mainly because to people in criminal organizations know me. Though I know they wouldn't dare to stoop up to me, they would definitely try to pull a scene or use my whereabouts as a way to attack people I am close to.

I decided to wear an outfit that 'Mistress' or 'The Bombshell' wouldn't wear. Yes I was called those names along with others I don't want to remember. Though one I loved the most was 'The Crimson Reaper'. I looked into my closet to try to find a suitable look for the night.

I chose the most conspicuous outfit that I had in my closet that I think Ahmya had chosen for me some time ago. It's definitely not something that I would ever wear. It was a red chic ruffled medium length dress with white polka dots. I put my hair up into a messy bun, and did a natural makeup look along with adding beige long snow books and a matching handbag to finish the look. I walked towards a desk and opened up a locked drawer. Inside it was various gadgets and weapons that can be hidden easily, making it perfect to take for this occasion. I grabbed my trusty two daggers, Dale and Bull. They were named because they were special to me, and the best weapon to use to cause mayhem. I also grabbed some other gadgets and weaponry before exiting my apartment.

The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun as I was waltzing around the streets of Yokohama. I was meeting up with Keisuke and Ahmya Chibana, the girl I was on call with just a few minutes ago. She was one of my only bestfriends, and probably one of the only people who wasn't affiliated with the 'Rats in the House of the Dead'.

In fact, she isn't even aware of what it is and that I was apart of it. In her eyes, I was just a 14 year old girl who is an orphan that gets homeschooled by one of the child welfare workers. I want that to be all she knows. I hate lying to her but It's what's for the best. I wanted it to stay that way cause I cared about her and she is too innocent for this cruel, cold, hard side of the world that I thrive in.

Keisuke on the other hand, was other person we were going to be hanging out with. Although Ahmya was close to him, she didn't know much about him besides his first name. In fact, his last name wasn't known to anyone and he chose to keep it that way. He actually said he chose to only go by his first name, though I knew his name and was the only one who did. I respected his decision to keep it that way, as I do the same as well. The reasons were unknown to anyone besides us. Keisuke and I shared everything with each other and we have a bond no one else can understand. And well the reason I am so close to him is because-

My thoughts got interrupted, as a tall girl with blue burning long hair tied in 6 individual braids was running towards me. "(Y/N) heeeeey" she said as crashed into me with a bone crushing hug that ended up making the both of us fall to the ground. "Ahmya oh my god, ever heard of warning people before you pulverize them?!" I complained, while squirming out of her embrace to brush myself off. "I was shouting at you before I ran over here, but you were too busy in that head of yours to hear me". My face reddened. God was I really so deep in thought that my senses were clouded? Usually my senses are naturally heightened, so nothing can get past me or surprise me. It was why I was relied on to get most of the jobs anyone else could do.

I coughed, and scratched my neck nervously "Well I have been coming down with a cold so that would be why I didn't notice. Sorry." she looked at my red cheeks and shrieked "Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have dragged you out the house if you were sick!". Another person walked other to us and chuckled, "she would go out of the house even if she was on the brink of death so don't worry Ahmya". I looked up to see a boy with a tall frame, with radiating white hair that shimmered in the light. He had light skin that made him look like a ghastly vampire, and wore a yellow hoodie with black ripped jeans.

"Haha, very funny Keisuke". I got up and punched his shoulder roughly, he rubbed his shoulder and put his other hand up in defeat. "Don't hurt me, ghee sis you know I have sensitive skin. I don't want yet another bruise I have gotten by you to join the collection".

Keisuke, also known as Keisuke l/n was in fact, my younger twin brother. He of course was a member of the underground organization under me as my subordinate. Though between him and I, we were equals. We share the workload, and to everyone under us we have the same rank. We're inseparable, and after everything we've been through....we deserve to have a bit of light in our lives. That light being Ahmya, which is why we are so cautious when we hang with her. Though today my senses seem to be off and I don't know why... "Okay, well enough playing around. Let's go!" Ahmya squealed, linking arms with Keisuke and I.

On the other side of Yokohama...

Lupin. A secluded bar that was underground in a basement, usually empty. Sometimes it had people inside the bar, though they were the usual regulars. And tonight those regulars were there. At the bar counter sat 3 men next to one another chatting, laughing and drinking away. One of the men had messy brunette hair, a suit and and glasses who had a glass of tomato juice in his hand. Another with brunette reddish hair and a light beard, drinking some bourbon. And a young brunette teenager, draped in bandages who was drinking a beer. Their names were Oda, Ango and Dazai.

They had decided to catch up per usual and talk about their day, but to also talk about the undercover mission Dazai has been on. Yes, the mission. Instantly memories of a infuriated (F/N) flew into Dazai's mind. He couldn't seem to be able to leave her, he knew that people needed space but she was like alcohol. So intoxicating that you get addicted and want to keep having more. No matter how many times he saw her, she never seemed to bore her yet instead she intrigued him even more.

Dazai bopped the ice cube that was in his cup, playing with it as he decided to tune in back to the conversation. "So then I had to find the leak to the toxins and turn off the gas supply" Oda said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Toxins?! Was it strong enough to instantly kill someone?" Dazai enthusiastically chirped, perking his head up with those brown eyes of his sparkling with interest.

"Yes, that is why I was sent to get rid of the leak otherwise some of our colleagues would have had a fatal death"

"Fatal yes quick? Say Odasaku, could you take me to the location to where the leak is? I want to check the issue out myself" Dazai replied, getting out of his chair and marching to the exit. Before he could reach the bottom of the staircase, he felt a firm hand around his arm stopping him in his tracks. He turned around and saw that Oda had gotten up to stop him from waltzing to his death. Next to him was Ango who had a hand in his pocket and his other one moving up to the bridge of his glasses, pushing them closer to his face.

Ango was the first to speak. "Dazai. Whatever your thinking about doing, It isn't going to happen on our watch."

"What ever do you mean Ango? I am just merely interested in how this leak occurred so I can make sure it doesn't happen again" he questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"You know what I mean Dazai and I am sure you know what I mean too" Ango replied.

Oda chimed in, "We know you fantasize about suicide and want to die but we honestly don't want you to go. As your friends. Your family. We can't change your feelings or your desires, but we sure can be here for you to stop you from making a big mistake. To be here for you, and join you in the darkness we all thrive in. We will all carry each others burdens and get through life together"

Dazai's face dropped. His brown eye that was shown went dead, his smile faltered and his body began to shake. His vision began to blur and he could hear sounds of someone sobbing. He didn't realize it at first, but that person that was crying was in fact him. Dazai dropped to the floor and clutched his chest. His two friends joined his side and wrapped their hands around his cold figure, embracing and comforting him before also crying too. They spent the next hour or two in that position, and in that whole time Dazai just thought about how he saw Odasaku and Ango.

Yes, he saw them as his best friends but as family? He didn't know if he did. It took him a moment to think about it but then he came to an answer. He did see them as family. Now what is family? Family are people you can entrust your deepest secrets to, with no judgement or desires to go behind your back and tell others. They have your best interests at heart and will stop at nothing to make sure that your taking care of yourself. To be there if you need a shoulder to cry on, and pick you back up when you fall. Families share and make cherished dreams and memories together. They have no fear in telling you when your wrong, and your making a mistake. That is what family least that is what it is to Dazai and his family is right here beside him. In this very moment, he made a vowel to also cherish and protect his family no matter what.


We went the the restaurant that Ahmya wanted to go to and had some tea on rice. It was a quite aesthetic atmosphere, though it was too packed for my liking. Keisuke had convinced us to go to some club to wind down. I wasn't too fond of the idea as it's easy to get lost in a crowd and Ahmya's safety comes first whenever we are with her. At the moment the pair were trying to convince me to come with them.

"Come on (F/N) I have never been to a club before and I want my first time to be with you two! It will be funnnnnn!" Ahmya pleaded.

"No, I told you I don't like being in crowded spaces. It messes with my claustrophobia and I have social anxiety" I screeched, while I crossed my arms and started to pick at my nails.

"You will be with us so It won't be a problemmm. Even if it's just 5 minutes, 10 top. If you are uncomfortable after that I promise we can all leave and go somewhere else" she replied.

"Yeah what she said, don't be a bore sis. It will be fun and I promise I will protect you guys from any disturbing men trying moves on you" Keisuke said, he held his arms up and kissed his nonexistent muscles.

"I said no!" I yelled, being officially done arguing over this. I looked away and in the corner of my line of sight I saw a dark figure poking their head out slightly from around the corner, watching us. I tried to see their face but it was hidden but a hood. The only thing I could see was a hand of theirs being held to their ear. Then, I heard a static voice coming from the hooded figures earpiece, "They are right there, follow and eliminate them all while the crimson reaper is distracted by the female non-ability user". Follow and Eliminate? This is not good. I got to get us all out of here and fast. Maybe the only way to get rid of the

I turned to face Ahmya and my brother again, and smiled. "Heh you know what? You guys have convinced me, I will actually come with you guys". The pair cheered and went on about what they wanted to do when we arrived. I didn't pay attention to the conversation, as I had my guard up ready for anything. Ready for a fight. Little did I know that a storm was starting to brew.


We arrived at a nearby club with a big sign that was lit up in flashing neon lights that read 'Frantic Coven'. To avoid being stopped by the bouncer and asked for ID, we decided to enter using the back entrance. As soon as we opened the main doors to the club, the smell of Mary Jane, other alcohol toxins and sweat filled the air. The music was blaring with whatever was the best pop hits at the moment. I looked around to see sitting areas that were crowded with people chugging shots, the bar that had an enormous line of drunks trying to get drinks, and a dance floor that was more of a mosh pit at this point, filled with people either grinding against one another or just dancing with friends.

"I will get us some drinks, you guys can find us a place to sit!" Ahmya yelled loud enough for us to hear as she rushed down the the bar giggling. I didn't have any time to debate so I just threw my hands up in defeat. Keisuke and I weaved through the crowd to find a small corner that was surprisingly empty, that had a long L shaped leather couch. We sat down and I sighed, hoping that Ahmya wouldn't be too long.

I looked over to where she was in line and she looked over to me to smile and wave. I reacted with the same gestures then turned to face Keisuke. "Hey-" I was cut off. "I know, someone was watching us and is planning to kill us three" he said. I slid closer to him so it could be easy to talk. "Is that why you were pressing on so much about the club? Cause I know you for one hate clubs" I replied. He looked at me, his once gentle look on his face is now stone cold. "Yes, I am assuming you had the same idea I had?". I simply nodded in response, then we talked about how we were going to execute the plan.

Keisuke and I were both ability users, which is one of the main reasons why we have such a high rank in the organization. His gift was called 'Before the Coffee Gets Cold'. Weird name, I know. His ability allows him to control time, he can change the speed of something or reverse the time. The downfall to it is he can only control the time for one thing at a time, whether it be an inanimate object or something that's alive. If he reverses the time of something, or tries to see something that's going to happen , he loses stamina. When going into the future, he can only go forward in time by a few minutes at most and he only gets to see that future for 30 seconds before he is back in the present.

However, my ability is called 'Deep Red'. My gift allows me to manipulate chaos, read minds and move things using my magic. Though, there is a limit. When in use of my chaos power, if I lose control of my emotions (preferably anger) I switch to 'Kuragari' also know as my dark persona. When Kuragari is fronting my body, she is filled with pure rage and has enhanced human abilities. I can control this state to a point, but if I am in this form for longer then 5 minutes then I get completely controlled by it, painting everything in her path in destruction and deep red blood. I have only lost control once in my life and it was a long time ago. I have found that I don't need to use full power to be at risk of losing control, and my telepathic and telekinesis isn't apart of my chaos form either.

15 minutes had passed and Ahmya came with a tray of alcoholic beverages and placed them on the table in front of us. "We have jelly vodka cups, sex on the beach, bloody Mary, tequila, and these coffee shots. Drink up" she cheered as she grabbed a jelly cup and sculled it down. "I'm all goods, I don't drink. But Keisuke would love to have some isn't that right?" I motioned the number 2 in my hands at him, ensuring that Ahmya couldn't see it. He nodded and grabbed a few shots "Heck yeah, I love me some beverages!". And so the night truly began...

Ahmya and Keisuke had spent the next hour dancing, drinking, laughing and chatting while I was keeping watch for that guy I had saw briefly earlier. So far he hadn't shown up, but the night was still young. I looked over at my two goofy friends and laughed at how weird they were dancing. Keisuke was doing some giraffe robot like dance and Ahmya was doing the trolley cart dance. They always seemed to dance like that whether they are sober or not. It reminds me of the day that Keisuke and I had first met Ahmya.

//Flashback - 2 Years ago//

I was running across the edge of the bridge, giggling to myself "Come on bro, you gotta catch up". About 3 meters behind me was my little brother Keisuke who was on his hands and knees, moving as slow as a turtle. He was huffing and puffing, "I- can't.....too much exercise....". I looked over my shoulder and ran towards him, still on the railing of the bridge, "You're being overdramatic again, come on Fyodor said you need to stay in shape so your ability can be consistently stronger used and be used more efficiently".

"Fyodor can...go...suck...a dick" Keisuke choked out, before trying to stand up with one hand clutching his chest. I rolled my eyes, "I am sure he would love that, so if your thinking that would be a bad thing for him as oppose to karma then you are surely mistaken. But, he cares about you fulfilling you potential and wants you to actually look after yourself. You can't eat sweets forever you know?". Keisuke lifted his head to look up at me and poked his tongue out, "well I surely can try, ain't no one taking away my only love away from me". I just started cackling, holding my stomach to stop any stitches from occurring. He looked up at me and just started ranting about how much pain he was in and if I could carry him the rest of the way back to headquarters. I of course ignored him, still laughing.

"Okie just 20km more to go! Up Keisuke! We got more running to do" I squealed, clapping my hands together. He just looked at me and his body went still for a moment. "Ahhh no I can't go on, I am dying" he overexaggerated, clutching his chest harder before falling to the ground, playing dead. I yet again rolled my eyes and moved to sit on the railing, waiting for his act to be over so we can go home. Just then, like an answer to my prayers. A girl around the same age as us walked up to us and clapped her hands.

"Hiya, you don't know me but I'm Ahmya. I just wanted to say that I know you can do it and just for inspiration I have an idea" the girl began, "for every mile you run I will give you some candy. How does that sound?" she finished while shaking her bag filled with sweets. Keisuke's head perked up and he grabbed the girl by the shoulders lightly, "You have candy? See Y/N this is how you motivate someone as sophisticated as yours truly". I chuckled at his ridiculous remark and replied "By sophisticated, you mean arrogant?". He clicks his tongue inside his mouth and hisses at me "That's a low burn sis". I just laughed it off and jumped off the railing, putting a hand out to him. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up off his feet.

We turned to face the path ahead of us, and started jogging before stopping to look at the girl. "Are you coming with us Ahmya?" I said, holding out a hand for her to hold. She looked at me, smiled and grabbed my hand. Together we continued down the path, running as fast as we could. That girl did as she said so, she gave him a sweet for every mile he ran. Eventually we made it to a coffee store nearby called 'Ariyoshi' and decided to take a break there. We got to know Ahmya a lot more and ended up making friends with her. She was sweet and pure and had a good heart.

//Flashback over//

Ever since that day, Keisuke and I could wander into the light with her and see the beauty of it. But enter the darkness once she was out of sight. I stopped reveling in old memories and focused my attention at the task and hand and noticed that Keisuke and Ahmya was no where to be seen. I swear they were there a second ago. Fuck. Where could they have possibly gone? I ran through the crowd, pushing the dancing drunks out my way to find where they were just moments ago and they weren't anywhere near by. I went back to where I was before and tried calling them.

Ring......ring........ring..... No answer. Where could they have possibly gone? That's when I noticed something. A hooded figure, similar to the one from earlier was near the entrance we arrived to the club through. "Hey you there! Get your ass here". They looked at me and turned to run off. Instantly, I follow foot and chased after them through the corridors to an emergency exit that lead to an alleyway. I pushed the door open and saw two people on the floor along with 5 other men in hoods surrounding them. One of the people on the floor was Ahmya, with bruises covering her knees and a cut on her cheek. The other being my brother, who was now back up on his feet, throwing fists at one of the men in front of him.

Before I had time to call out to them I was thrown across the alleyway, getting smacked into the brick wall. I opened my eyes to be faced with the guy I had followed out here, who apparently, was in charge of the group. Without thinking twice, I kicked his jaw for him to be barely move an inch. What the actual fuck? Usually by now the enemy would be on the ground, so why was he still up and kicking? I tried throwing a punch to his gut, but still nothing. He groaned and grabbed me by the neck, choking me before he flung me in the air again. This time I was thrown into a car windshield, screaming in agony as shards of glass entered my body. My body began to feel numb as my eyesight blurred. I tried to move but there was no use, my nerves were in shock from being thrown and losing blood.

Keisuke glanced over at me, being aware I was now here fighting. He looked me up and down and saw the blood now dripping from my legs and forehead. His eyes went dark and he turned to face the guy that had just tossed me around like a toy and went into a frenzy. He was throwing punches and kicks, getting in as many hits as possible.

I regain my spat out blood and cracked my jaw with my fist before sliding off the truck. "RAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed as I bulldozed into the guy in front of me, taking him down to the ground with me. I pulled out my dagger out of my left boot and stabbed the guy in leg, twisting the knife.

All of a sudden a loud thud was heard following a BANG! A voice could be heard 'two down, three to go' My eyes traced the ground, noticing blood splattered on the concrete till I saw Keisuke laying on the floor, holding his hand to his side. I rushed over to his side, and moved his hand to see that he had blood pouring out of a gunshot wound.

Instantly, I cried out shaking in fear. My heart was pumping. And I didn't know what to do. "Keisuke! Are you okay? How deep is the wound?" I panicked, as I began to inspect the area he was shot to see that it wasn't too deep, but he did need to get help to stop the blood loss. "I'm fine sis, don't worry. It may look...bad but I used my ability to slow the effect of the injury for as long as it takes to get to the organisation. I nodded, still trembling with fear. He has to survive this, or else I don't know what I'd do.

"By the way, you should probably check up on Ahmya, and the other thugs as they obviously are eager to continue the fight though I can't tell where they are right now as my vision is blurry". Ahmya, that's right. I looked around to see where the other three men were, to find that they were gone. But not only they were gone.....but they weren't the only ones that were gone. Ahmya was nowhere to be seen either...

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