The twin siblings new life (f...

By Candylivid

12.7K 297 17

Hi,so I am really into this manhwa and I gave a thought that what if athy (From wmmap) was a child Raphael wa... More

The departure
The unannounced guest
Trying to trust my so-called family.
The twins fully manifest!
Magic brought me a pet and pest or a friend?
The dress code tryout (torture)
The meeting with the ladiegt empire
The voice.....?
Gifts... for a royal are.....HEAPS AND MOUNTAINS!!! my escort
I NEED YOUR HELP TO DECIDE! please help! Sneak peek to
Short skit part one
Day of debutante
The Rival and Respect
'Befriending' Cossete and My Position
Charlotte Vandela
My first tea party
Shopping and truth....
Duties and problems
Masquerade gone wrong....
A chance
A chance part 2
Cossete know your place!

A family breakfast and- what?!

211 6 0
By Candylivid

The imperial castle

In the early morning

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The emperor had just finished his daily training in the morning and teleported back to his palace. He took a bath and got ready with listening to his schedule from his personal bulter. ' I seem to have quite the little work today.'  The emperor thought. He sat down at his work table. It had been a week since Athanasia's first tea party. Cossete spent the week not entering the any of the castles at all, instead gave a excuse that she was busy studying etiquette from Charlotte.

"Should I call my children for breakfast with me with that newcomer?" The emperor asked his bulter. "Yes sir, it's a good way to bond with them." The bulter said. "Good send a message to all castles." The emperor said. "Your majesty, a letter from duke Weinberg came saying that he wants you to hand over the rights of second princess and duties of princess Athanasia's titles to Cossete since it is her rightful place." The bulter said as he passed over the letter with trembling hands. The emperor let his mana out as he burned the letter to a crisp. "Never mention this again." He said as he left to tell the chef to prepare everyone's  favourite meal.

The Dellonora Castle

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As Charlotte was walking down the hallways, to Cossete's room to inform her about the breakfast. She ran over and jerkily woke her up. "UGGHHH! What?!" Cossete said groaning not liking the way she was woken up. "Wake up! The emperor sent a letter saying he is going to have a meal with all his children including you!Here is my dress since you don't have a decent one! Hurry!" Charlotte spoke jumping from joy. Cossete was overjoyed since she could use this chance to get favour from her other siblings. She grabbed Charlotte's dress as Charlotte wore a purple dress with some flower patterns and a white neck frill, put butterfly earrings along with some purple flat shoes. Her secret goal was to make one of the princes fall for her as well. Both of them went out to the carriage as they rode towards the imperial palace, ready.

The Pearl palace 

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The first prince loyd, was getting ready after reviewing his schedule until he received the letter. He immediately got up and went to his dresser. He had black pants with gold lining, three gold badges a black coat with grey around the end of the sleeves with a sliver light blue sapphire brooch stuck to one end of the collar and the string at the other one. He purposely woken much gold for Athy and sapphire like her eyes. He got into the boat and then into the carriage towards the imperial palace. (Refer to the diagram at the layout chapter)

Amber palace

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The two princes had just woken up.  They were about to head to take a shower when they got the message. They both wore a suit that Arien and athy had complimented them about. Eiji grabbed some candies for Athy and Arjen. Feeling nice to be able to meet their younger siblings again they set off.

Seiuy east palace 

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Both the prince and princess had to be woken up as they were busy snoring away. Jason had to come and make it chilly so that they would wake up they finally woke up and went to get ready super-duper fast to meet their family. 

Arien dress and hairstyle

Arjen : the same as before just red in colour with a emerald men's coat brooch.

The emerald palace:

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"Princess....wake up..." Lily said to Athy who was like her daughter who was yawning as she sat on the bed. She got up as Hannah and Ces her personal maids came running in informing her. She had a refreshing bath and got dragged to the dressing room. "Princess, you must wear a lot of jewels!Please!" Ces said tear-eyed and strong determination to defeat the rival. "Ugh....fine..." Athy said in defeat. She wore a royal blue dress with a lot of bead neckless and bracelets and put her hair up in two ponytails. "Hmm, Lily get me a leather belt with a ruby in the middle please." She said adding her final touch up before lily calling for a carriage. "Lily, I'm not going by carriage I'll go by my dragon!" She said transforming and soaring in the sky.

This one:

At the imperial palace 

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The carriages rattled inside as the emperor stood to greet them. They got of with Cossete's carriage the most behind. The emperor greeted his children warmly as he secretly glared at Cossete which caused her to bow and greet him. Just then they all noticed that Athy's carriage had not arrived yet. "Oh my! It looks like Princess Athanasia is running late!" Cossete purposely realised out aloud. The maids seemed unsure of what to react and members couldn't say anything. Suddenly the gardener screamed as he saw a giant figure coming towards the castle.

Everyone's face brightened as they saw the dragon transforming itself to Athy and athy's dragon mark on the leg glowing blue and as the smoke disappeared there stood Athy.

"Athy!!!" Arien exclaimed and hugged her sister. "Welcome Athy." The emperor said as he ruffled her hair. "Hehe, happy to be here!" Athy smiled and said. They all looked at Cossete and Charlotte who were left out. Charlotte understood and bowed immediately. "Why aren't you bowing to Athy?" Alex asked annoyed. "Why should I? I am supposed to have her place!" Cossete said huffing angrily. Everyone glared at her as she hesitantly bowed. "It's alright lady Cossete!" Athy faked smiled and said, but on the inside she was boiling with anger. 

At the breakfast table.

Cossete sat the farthest and athy sat the closest to seat to the emperor.

"The meat is so delicious! I've never eaten anything like this before!" Cossete exclaimed. "I'm glad you liked it, lady Cossete. By the way daddy, I've been meaning to ask you this, does our palaces have the same chef? The food tastes very similar! The salmon and the sauce have correct amount of spice and cooking!" Athy said in order to show Cossete that she stood no chance. "Yep. I put the imperial palace's head chef incharge of your food after you started to actually live in the emerald palace." The emperor said smiling at athy, glad that she liked her food. The chef was overjoyed to hear the praise. 

"Lady Cossete, how did you get that dress? The last time I saw you, such a plain dress was worn at my sister's tea party, where you showed up uninvited." Arien said tilting her and asking 'innocently'. "Oh! see....Lady Charlotte, my lady-in-waiting said that I could borrow one of her dresses as to strengthen our relationship!" Cossete said diverting her eyes. Everyone looked at Charlotte as she bowed happy to receive attention. "Yes, that's good to hear. I choose lady Charlotte Vandela as lady-in-waiting after all. I was a bit worried that you might not get along with her." Athy said wiping her face with a napkin. "Thank you for the opportunity, your highness." Charlotte said.

"Look at the princess's dress! I heard it was the most plain one that seamstress sewed but the material was very high quality." "Look, how her highness has made the dress stunning with just jewellery and a ruby leather belt!" Athy heard two maids whispering.

"Thank you, ladies. My fashion sense is quite lacking sometimes." Athy said satisfied they noticed her effort. What she didn't know is that she had made Cossete grind her teeth from anger and jealousy from simply looking at her dress. 'The way she dresses is too extravagant! Even Charlotte's ball dress didn't have these many jewels! I need to get some sort of dress better than her!' Cossete thought with strong determination. 

Meanwhile, the emperor's ears, perked from hearing the word 'fashion'. " We should go for shopping after this." The emperor said. Everyone agreed to it as they all of them except Cossete got into one carriage and Cossete in her own. 

And of they went to high-end fashion stores and boutiques.

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