Friendly Nikkah

By Royal7

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When Hawa's fiancé decides to leave her. Hawa's neighbour and childhood best friend Taha decides to propose t... More

Ch.1 A day in the life of Hawa and Taha
Ch.2 Routine Change
Ch.3 Inquiry.
Ch. 4 Our past.
Ch.5 Hawa's return.
Secrets unmasked.
Where did she go?
Chapter 9. Hold me.

Ch.6 what is normal?

142 16 40
By Royal7

Hawa's POV.

I had to put all my stuff back in Taha's house. He was finally coming back. I have to say I missed him. His presence. I was use to having him around.

"He should be here any minute now." Tasneem said.

"Uncles caw's here!" Danial shouts.

"I don't know why this boy is alway shouting." Tasneem says sounding annoyed.

"He probably gets it from his mother." Taha's mom says making me laugh.

"Oh ya funny." Tasneem says squinting her eyes at her mother.

We all stood by the door whilst Adnan helped with the bags and they all came in. I watched as he side hugged his mom and his sisters than pulled Danial into a tight hug.

"Hi." He said coming to me with a huge grin planted on his face.

"Hi, good to have you back." I said smiling back. Why did I feel so awkward? This is so much better in the movies.

"You guys could make it in the world record for most awkward couple. Holy." Tahera groaned going inside the house leaving just the two of us.

"How's she been" Taha asked.

"Good." I said.

"Let's hope she stays that way." He said leading me into the house.

Once everyone ate and talked they all headed home. For once Danial never asked if I could go with him. He fell asleep early he must have been tired.

I realized I was going to share rooms with Taha. His room was definitely not a two people bedroom. But he was barely home anyway so I don't think it matters.

"So how are we doing this?" He asked looking at me.

"Doing what?"

"Never mind. You wanna change?" He asked and I nodded.

Taha's POV.

While she went to change I set my blankets down and laid there. I didn't know how things would be normal. What our normal would look like.

I watched as she came out of the washroom with her light brown hair tied back into a ponytail. Her oversized shirt loosely flowed over her body. She looked so much smaller than I last saw her. I'd be lying if I said I never missed her.

Seeing her waiting at the door for me alone made me feel so excited.

"You sure you're okay down there?" She asked looking at me.

"Ya. I'm gonna talk to my mom about switching rooms with Tahera. It's bigger." I said.

"Oh don't worry about that. We both work anyway. Let her keep it." She said switching the lights.

We talked a bit more until we fell asleep.

The morning after I had interviews with pharmacies and hospitals. After I went to Tahera's school to surprise her. She always told me to pick her up and drop her off. I felt bad making her walk but it wasn't so convenient.

The school gave me flashbacks. I checked my watch. 3:10pm. She should be out by now. It's been 20 minutes since the school bell.

I parked my car and went towards the building. I called my mom to  ask her if she'd had any contact and apparently there was a basketball game. Useless.

Why did Tahera want to watch it?

I went into the gym and looked around but didn't see her. Great. I guess I'll just go for the office and ask them to call her there in the announcement.

Just after I left I saw a girl that looked around Tahera's age.

"Looking for someone?" She asked and I hesitated before speaking to her.

"Um ya. Do you know-

I looked up to see a bunch of girls giggling. As soon as I saw them look up at me I felt my knees go weak. My heart sunk and I looked down in shame. I wish I didn't see it.

"Tahera." I said, my voice echoes through the halls and it took their attention.

"The hot guy's calling your name Tahera!" One of the girls squealed.


"Don't embarrass me." I said walking over to her not wanting her to call me her brother.

"I'm her neighbour. Her mom told me to pick her up." I said.

"Ooo Tera we didn't know you had such a hot neighbour!" One of them teased. I didn't give her my attention and only kept my gaze at Tahera.

"Gotta go I'll see you tomorrow." She said waving them off following after me.

I unzipped my jacket and gave it to her.

"Put the hood on." I said.

"I have my hijab in my bag." She said quietly.

"Shut up and put it on Tahera." I said gritting my teeth. I was doing my best to not let my anger get the better of me.

We both got in and I slammed my door shut and looked at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked looking at her nervous face.

"It was hot." She said shrugging.

"Tahera. How long have you been doing this?"

"Grade 11."


"Because I don't wanna wear it Taha. I just wanna be me without having the Muslim tag on me all the time. I look good without it. People are nicer and give me attention. With my hijab I'm just a loser."

"No you are not! You are a representation of your religion what do you mean a loser?"

"Well I don't want to be!" She argued.

"You've been lying to us."

"Well what was I suppose to do? You guys would just stop me from going to school!" She argued back.

"Ok." I said ending the conversation. I was so angry I was afraid I'd hurt her.

"Slow down! You're going to kill us!" She squealed seeing that I was driving way past the speed limit but I don't care.

Once we got home I went to my room and prayed and made dua. I folded laundry and waited for Adnan's car to pull into the parking lot.

"Salam Alaykum." Hawa said after knocking on our room door.

"Walaykum Salam."

"Are you okay?" She asked her voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Ya. Stay here." I said leaving the room and going down to the living room where my mother was. She was sitting on the couch watching her show.

"Tahera stopped wearing her hijab." I said looking at her face.

"What?" She asked turning the tv off.

"She's not wearing her hijab. Did you know this?" I asked glaring at her.

"What do you mean how the hell would I know. Is she insane bring her let me send her to her father. That shameless girl." My mom spat.

"That's not going to fix anything. She's gone." I said.

"Ok I'll deal with her." She said getting up.

"How? Everytime she messed up you did NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You didn't do your job as a mother!" I said raising my voice.

"What do you mean? How is this my fault? What did you ever do as a brother?" She asked staring at me angrily.

"It was never my job to be a parent to her but I did what I could! I tried to be involved in her life but you shoved me out everytime! And everything I've ever done for her, Allah will reward me. I will not ruin it by bringing it up to you."

"Well nobody ever asked you to become a father to her. Your father was dead and you kept trying to become one when it was never your place!"

"THEN WHY DID YOU NEVER THINK TO PUT EXTRA EFFORT! When have you ever talked to her about her education what she does do you even know what she likes to do? Anything about her? Her grades? Her friends?" I shouted clenching my fists ready to punch the wall.

"I do! You're never home to see what we talk about Taha don't stand here with the nerve to talk to me about parenting!" She shouts louder.

"Stop shouting!" Tahera shouts interrupting us.

"All this is happening because of you you shameless animal!" My mom shouts a her.

"Oh I'm so shamless because I don't wanna cover my hair!" Tahera scoffed.

"It's not about that! You lied to us!" I shouted.

"Let me be clear Tahera. You are living under my room under my rules. If you want to live in this house then you will HAVE to wear it. Or you're free to go! You're taking advantage of my patience. You smoked I let it slide , I caught you talking to boys, you failed your class I LET IT SLIDE BUT THIS? THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW! I am so sick and tired of you ruining the peace in this house! Just get out if that's all you want!" My mom shouted as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Tahera stood there angry.

"Come with me Tahera." Hawa said taking her hand and leading her upstairs.

I left the house and saw Adnan pulling into the driveway.

"I always thought it would be my wife waiting for me to come home. But this works too." Adnan said walking over to me.

"I wanted some advice." I said and he nodded.

"Let's go for a walk then." He said leading me to the side walk.

Hawa's POV.

"I stopped wearing my hijab. I don't wanna wear it anymore. Hawa I'm not like you. I love being Muslim I really do. But I wanna live like a normal girl. I know you're going to judge me for it but you're the only person who won't say shit to me the way my brother and mom do. I want to live like other girls. Have boyfriends go to parties wear what I want go home late. I want to have fun." Tahera said as we sat on her bed.

"Tahera. I understand what you mean. But it's temporary joy. There were times when I didn't want to wear my hijab. Why wouldn't I? I feel so much more beautiful without it. But I guess it comes down to what's more important. You choose what's more important and let your mother know. But lying to them isn't right. Apologize to her and tell her how you feel. Be open with her. Don't hide things from her." I said rubbing her shoulder.

"Everybody hates me in my house. My friends love me. They love my hair. Boys care about me. Everything's different at school." She said looking down.

"Try and talk things out then see happens whatever happens next we can figure out together." I said and she nodded. I don't think she understood how temporary and pathetic high school really is. I'm sure there are people who have had good experiences but they make it so important when it's not.

"Just don't make permanent decisions for temporary joy." I said and she nodded.

"I'm sure you know this already but I'll tell you this again. The hijab is not something that oppresses you, instead it frees you. It makes people see more than just your body and beauty but rather what's in you heart. Your character. Your manners. Your personality. Islam considers us as queens and the hijab is our crown. We don't let just anyone see us. Only people that deserve it do. I think it's very special.

It lets people see us for us and not for what we look like. Forcing you to behave a certain way is not Islam. Islam is gentle and kind not angry and aggressive. Maybe today you may not feel ready because everyone struggles with faith. I mean just look at me too. I'm no where near fully modest either. We're all sinners that sin differently."

"Ya. My intentions aren't even right right now. My faith is low too."

"Tahera even if you don't like wearing it but you wear it because Allah commanded you to. Then there is huge reward in that." I said and she nodded.

"Think about it and decide. Even if you choose to not wear it right now I'll make dua that one day you come back to it. And never let it go."

"I hope so too."

After some time Taha returned from his walk.

"My houses is chaos after chaos. I'm sorry." Taha said sounding embarrassed.

"I understand."

"What did I do wrong man!" He said sounding very hopeless.

"Taha we cannot mold Tahera into who we want her to be and what we want her to think. We can guide her but the decisions need to come down to her. Maybe one day she'll understand. But right now is not the time." I said walking over to him and rubbing his back. It was sad seeing him like this.

"I'm sick of it man. Why couldn't she be like you."

"Don't be silly Taha."

"I tried to do things for her Hawa. I wanted to be there for her in areas where my father would. Those stupid parent interviews, paying for her stupid trips, I took the guardian role and yet I'm left with nothing and it fu- just sucks. I wish I spent more time talking to her and understanding her. Who she spends time with. I wish I did better. Maybe then today I wouldn't be facing this." He said angry and annoyed but there was also pain all at once.

"I don't want to care. She tells me all the time why I care so much about her life and who she becomes. I'm her brother. I only want the best for her. I can't just forget about her!" He said

"She'll understand when she matures a bit."

"She's going into a dark path. I don't want her to suffer."

"Taha we can't change her. We can help and guide her. But she can't make poor decisions and not suffer. If we make bad decisions we will have to face consequences. We chose them for ourselves nobody forced us."

"I know."

The next few days went by . Tahera was no longer wearing her hijab and Taha had stopped talking to her. It was chaotic but I couldn't change things, only accept them as they were.

I had work until 5pm everyday except Sundays. The week was dreadful.

"I don't know who cursed us. Our family is broken." Taha's mom mumbled walking in.

"Test's are not curses."

"Ya ya. What are you making?" She asked.

"I thought I'd make us all beef wraps." I said with a smile.

"That's nice. Why don't you ask Tahera to help?"

"Oh I thought maybe she had homework."

"Since when does she actually do it? You think she's going to study and become a doctor? Get real. After graduation I'm going to marry her off and get rid of her. I need to take this burden off my shoulder and I can die in peace." She said closing her eyes. I stared at her blankly. That's one way to die I guess?

"Do you think daughters are burdens?" I asked.

"No. But when they're disrespectful and obnoxious anything is a burden." She scoffed.

"Maybe you can help her." I said.

"Oh please only God can help her. Don't you think you're a little delusional for a nurse?" She snaps.

"She can change if we don't bash her Everytime she messes up. She needs to a be able to open-

"She has her hair out she got what she wants what else is left? Should we let her smoke too? These children are ungrateful. My husband really couldn't take me up with him. He just left me with a bunch of animals that look like humans." She scoffed. My god she was so bitter.

"Taha is a good son- I began to say but she cut me off.

"Oh please he walks around trying to be a father when he knows very well he's dead. He killed himself and you know if I knew I had children like mine I would too. Too bad he left first."

I looked at her a little surprised. She had some really dark humour. I'd be lying if I said it didn't concern me.

"Anyways now that you're here there's some hope for these animals." She says patting my shoulder. Was that a compliment?

"You're my little zoo keeper." She said laughing. I stared at her not really knowing how to react to her joke. I should be use to it though.

Taha came home and we all had dinner. Taha mentioned we got invited for some dinner, from Nisa. The doctor couple. They had bought a new house.

On our way back from the party I felt a little inspired by them. I met couples and I couldn't help but think how nice they had it. I wanted that.

A few months went by and things had changed drastically. Taha worked two jobs I was doing 14 hours of work so I was tired all the time.

Tahera was now in her last year of highschool. She seemed better but I was having doubts about her academics. She grew a lot moodier and irritated. But I tried my best to stay out of her way and instead allowed for her to come to me whenever she needed my help.

It was around 8 o clock, Tahera was in her room whilst my mother in law was watching her show and I was doing some laundry.

"Your husbands here come get the door!" My mother in law shouted making me laugh. Her screaming was so funny to me I don't know why.

"Salam Alaykum." I said opening the door.

"Walaykum Salam." He said walking in and I shut the door and waited for him to put his shoes on the shelf.

"How was work?"

"Good. How was yours?" He asks.


"Nice nice. Is there any dinner?"

"Ya I'll heat it up."

"No no. I got it you relax."

"Wow what a time we live in. Wife offers to heat the food and the husband says no." His mom says shaking her head side to side.

"We waited for you to come. We'll eat together." She said as we all headed to the kitchen.

"How was your day mama?" Taha asked as we all sat around the table.

"Good. Good. I went to see Tasneem today. Her sister in law was here and my Gosh she is so pretty. I said if I had another son I'd marry her to him right away Wallahi. Mashallah so beautiful."


"She's looking to get married soon so if you know anyone."

"Always an option for second marriage you know." Taha said looking at me laughing.

"Really you think your wife would let you?" His mom asked laughing along with him.

"I don't know why don't we ask her." He said looking at me obviously very amused by his joke.

"She'll say yes for sure. Trust me Hawa this guy is nothing special and men in general are useless." She said laughing.

"Do I have permission Hawa?" He asked once again.

"If you say yes I'll call her right now and ask!" She said laughing.

"Upto you." I said shrugging.

"If it was a love marriage her answer would be different." Tahera said walking over to the table.

Once We finished dinner and cleaned up we prayed Isha as a family then everyone headed their own ways.

I was uncomfortable with the joke they'd made and decided to sleep early instead of facing Taha.

The next day just after I finished work I got a text that changed my mood instantly. Ayub. He was using a different number because I had him blocked off everything.

"Salam, it's Ayub. Can we talk either over phone call or meet up? It's important."

I chose to ignore it and blocked it. I have been dumb in the past but not dumb enough to make the same mistake again.

Once I hit the road I couldn't help but wonder, what made him text me? Should I tell Taha? I don't really know exactly what to do. If I tell Adnan he will murder him.

A couple days went by and the text and calls would happen frequently. At this point I was genuinely scared. I don't want my past to return anymore and ruin my future.

It was Friday evening and I just blocked one of the texts again. It said he would meet me one way or another. They were scary. So I texted Taha to see if he could pick me up.

I headed for the hospital exit door and froze as my gaze landed on Ayub standing right in front of me.

Please be a dream. Please don't be real.

"Hey are you okay?" Sasha shook me out of my shock.

"Ya fine." I said.

"Okay drive safe. Text me once you're home." She said patting my shoulder and I nodded.

I headed for the exit door and he started following me outside.

"Hawa, please let me talk." He said following after me, I did not stop I kept walking to the empty parking lot far from the hospital.

"Leave me alone Ayub I want absolutely nothing to do with you." I spat still having my body turned away from the sight of him.

"I know what I did that day was wrong. I'm sorry for doing that to you. There's really not much I can do to fix that but I want to make it better between us."

"There is no us so it doesn't matter what we are or how we end. You left! I never forced you to marry me. You brought it up early by choice, and I believed you! It took everything in me to tell my family about you and you humiliated and degraded me in ways I could never imagine.

That day when you left me empty and broken you took away yourself but also my ability to trust and love and I hate you for that. And you brought a fear in me that can never go. You broke me completely and now you're here for what? Ayub you took it all away from me so why are you here?

I don't even understand why you're apologizing because Wallahi I thank Allah for not making me suffer by marrying you. Your true colours showed at the perfect time. So don't apologize I should thank you for sparing me from a sick coward."

"Say whatever you want. Let it all out, but let's make it work."

"I'm married Ayub."

"Are you happy?"

"That has absolutely nothing to do with you. Anybody that isn't you will keep me happy Alhamdulillah."

"I hope we don't cross paths again Ayub." I said turning back tot he hospital and waiting by the enterance door.

Taha's car came from the parking lot area. Why did he come from there? Did he see Ayub? I don't remember his car there.

Taha's POV.

"There's our new girl." Shevy said as the girl walked towards us. Her hair was tied back with two strands dangling forward.

"Hi!" She said putting her hand forward.

"Oh don't mind him he doesn't shake hands with women." Shevy said laughing.

"Oh since when?" She asked looking at me raising her brow. The more I looked at her the more familiar she looked.

"Since forever!" Shevy said.

"Are you a tech?" I asked.

"No assistant. My names Dua." She said and I nodded.

"I have work to do." I said.

"Don't worry about him he's always quiet." Calvin said.

"Does that mean I can't ask him for help?" She asked.

"I'll help where I can." I said and she nodded.

"You changed a lot." She said looking at me and its then when it clicked.

"Ali!" I said and she laughed.

Dua had a brother who played basketball with me in highschool. We called them both by their last names. She looked different with the makeup but also th aging. Not in a bad way but it took me a bit to Remember.

"You remember!"

"I do, you looked familiar." I said and she nodded.

"I could never forget your face." She said laughing and I nodded then went back to work.

"Calvin my girl called. Mind if I leave early?" I asked.

"There's three of us today already and Deep is coming in too we should be good. Go." He said and I gave him a smile.

I quickly drove to the hospital parking lot and rested my head on the wheel. I was a little early. I heard a shout and put my head up and to my surprise Ayub was walking after my wife. Calling after her. I quickly lowered my windows and heard them go back and forth.

Once their conversation ended she left. I drove a couple minutes later and palyed it casual. Was she planning to tell me about him?

"Salam Alaykum." I said as she got inside.

"Walaykum Salam." She said forcing a smile.

"How was work?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"Boring. Tiring. Stressful. You?" She asked.

"Nice nice. It was good. We hired an assistant and you know who it is?"

"No, who?"

"You remember Ali. The sister."

"Oh what a small world."

"Ya I almost didn't recognize her she looked so different."

"Different or pretty?" She asked and I held myself from smiling.

"Does it matter?"

"Typical Taha Avoiding questions. You're good at it."

"I know."


"Who cares? It's not like you're gonna get jealous." SHe said looking at my face to see my reaction.

Once we got home Hawa went to change and I went to check up on my mother before she lectured me.

"He's like her puppet whatever she does he'll do."

"She doesn't even love him like that I can see it. They think they can fool me? They can fool everyone else BUT me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. I don't think they're a couple. She's definitely still in love with her ex. I feel like when she wants something she'll probably say love you and shit and get him to work around her but other than that they are not a couple."

"No way!"

"Trust me."

The both of them stopped talking as soon as they saw me enter.

"What are you doing here Tasneem." I said shutting my eyes and scratching my head. I hated when she and Tahera got together like this it was an excuse to gossip and create drama out of nothing.

"It's my house I can come and go as I please."

"So you're here to gossip?" I asked.

"Wait. Did mama not tell you?" Tasneem asked getting up and walking over to me.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Our house is under maintenance and we can't stay there so everyone's here."

"What? Werent you guys JUST here a month ago?"

"Ya and now we're here for a week more."

"What maintenance are you doing exactly?"

"Painting and flooring."

"So whose staying?" I asked.

"Just my brother in law,husband, son and me. Why?"

"Where's your mother in law you should have brought her too in fact bring everyone from your in laws. This house is obviously a mansion. No wait it's a hotel made especially for your family, come and go as you please." I scoffed sarcastically. This was so annoying.

"And Tahera you stay away from Asif." I said glaring at her

"Ew he's YOUR age!" She squealed.

"The neighbour is a decade older than you, you didn't feel any shame trying to make ways to him." I mumbled.

"Anyway where are all of you planning to stay?" I asked looking at Tasneem.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean there are three rooms here are you planning to sleep on my head?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking mama can stay with Tahera. So me Danial and Ayan will move into mama's room. Then you and Hawa can stay down here cuz you guys work most night and Asif can move into your room." She said with a smile.

"Are you stupid." I said staring at her dumbfounded.

"You want me and Hawa to stay in the living room?"

"Well ya. Why not?"

"Because I don't feel comfortable letting my wife sleep here all alone when I'm not there." I said staring at her.

"Then change your night shifts." She said.

"Tasneem. I'm not doing that. Me and Hawa will stay in our room. You, Mama and Tahera can move into Tahera's room. Then the boys can be in mama's room." I said.


"If you want to stay here that's how it will be, if not the door is there you may take your stuff and kindly see your way out."

"You're so dramatic. Hawa won't mind sleeping here she would be happy to-" Tasneem began to say but I cut her off.

"BUT I mind. She's my wife. Why don't you stay here?"

"Why are you guys fighting over whose sleeping in the living room. It's just a living room." Tahera said rolling here eyes.

"Tahera shut up. Tasneem if you wanna stay here then it will be the way I said."

"What's this shouting for? We have neighbours." My mom said walking in.

"Tasneem your in laws are here what are they going to think?" She adds looking at her in disapproval.

"Taha wont let me use his room. I said Hawa and him can stay down here. Asif can take their room." Tasneem argued.

"Hawa's stuff is there are you stupid?" I argued back.

"It's not like he's gonna CHECK!"

"I don't care Tasneem we are staying in our room and that's that. You're here for a whole week not just a few nights. We both need to go back and forth to get things." I said standing my ground.

"Taha stop being stubborn."My mom said and I stared at her.

"I gave you my answer Tasneem. If you want to stay, what I say goes. This is my house." I said leaving the room and heading up furious.

I shut my door and locked it.

"You'll hurt the door if you slam it that hard." Hawa said giggling as I stood there staring at the floor.

"Is everything okay?" She asked looking at me.

"Sometimes it is and sometimes I wanna dig myself a grave and bury myself alive." I said under gritted teeth.

Her hands gently reached over mine and she pulled my fingers away from the palm of my hands.

"You're like Adnan when you're angry. He once made himself bleed by digging his nail into his hand because he was so angry." She said rubbing her thumb over my palm.

"Sit down I'll bring you some water."

I sat on the edge of the bed and did zikr to calm down. Hawa came in with a glass of water and smile on her face.

"Here." She said sitting down next to me.

I drank the water and looked at her face.

"Why are your eyes red?" I asked holding the glass in my hand.

"Are they?" She asked shrugging.

"Ya. They weren't like this earlier."

"How would you know, you don't see my eyes that often." She said laughing.

"You cried. Why?" I asked.

"You're angry. Why?" She asked.l trying to change the topic.

"The reason behind your tears are far more important than whatever makes me angry Hawa. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now." She said looking down.


"Because I don't want to cry again." She said, her eyes reaching my face again. I could see that she was hurt and there was no point pushing it.

"Okay. You want a hug?" I asked.

"No it's okay I'm okay." She said forcing a smile.

"Tasneem and her family are staying for a week. They want our room for Asif."

"Oh." She said.

"Tonight?" She asked.


"Is that why you're mad?"

I nodded.

"Understandable. Where will we stay then?" She asked.

"She wants us to stay in the living room." I said.


"I said no though."


"This is our house."

"They're guests. And guests are blessings." She said.

"I know. But I'm gone most nights. You're going to be downstairs all alone. It makes me uncomfortable. That's all especially knowing everyone else is sleeping comfortably."

Hawa's POV.
Later in the evening everyone came around the house. I was a little worried because I didn't exactly know how to behave. I mean obviously myself but also a wife more so?

I always felt like the in laws must be wondering how I behave as a wife to Taha. I don't think I was doing very good considering we weren't exactly a couple couple. Tasneem's in-laws had come too they basically did a dinner party. So the nervousness was definitely there.

I wore a silk coral maxi dress with a white blouse inside and a pair of capris incase my dress moved around.

I sat on the chair in front of my mirror and moisturized my face put some blush on my cheeks and used the excess on my upper eyelid to give it some colour. I added my eyeliner liner and mascara until the door opened and Taha walked in.

His eyes landed on me and then let out a whistle.

"Who are you getting all dressed up for?" He said smirking.

"Myself why?" I asked uncapping my red lipstick.

"Uhuh okay." He said sitting on the bed with his eyes staring at me.

"Whatever. Dont be jealous we dress up and you don't." I said applying the lipstick then pressing my lips and moving them around to make sure it was on perfectly. I put the cap back on and turned my chair around.

"Are you going to wear that?" I asked looking at him while he lazily laid there in his hoodie and sweatpants with one sock on properly while the other was scrunched by his ankle

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"You can dress classy sometimes you know." I said getting up.

"Really? You should see me at work." He said standing up and looking me up and down.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Wondering what I did in my life to have a wife with a beautiful face and character. God truly is the Greatest." He said nodding his head side to side teasing me whilst I rolled my eyes at his jokes.

"Let's get you dressed." I said opening his closet and looking for a white shirt. I pulled a couple of them out then took the cream one and turned to him and let my hang mouth open seeing that he had pulled his top off. I didn't know he had such nice arms.

"You have red lipstick on. If you keep looking at me like that I'll wipe it right off with my lips." He said and I quickly shut my mouth. Did I imagine that? What's wrong with me why would I imagine him saying that to me. I swear it felt real though.

"Um your shirt." I said lowering my gaze. I could sense his smirk even without looking at him.

"My arms are a little sore do you mind putting it on." He said. I looked at him a little nervously. What the hell is he doing.

"Um ya sure." I said sliding the shirt off the hanger.

I felt a shiver as I felt his breathe on my cheek while I helped him put the shirt on.

"Can you button it." He asked. I nodded and kept my gaze down. The silence was so loud I've never felt this nervous around him.

"Your hands are trembling sweetheart." He whispered huskily.

"Sorry." I said trying to calm myself down. I was afraid Sweat stains would form soon. I had to relax. I'm putting a shirt on for him not about to sing in front of a stage.

I finally reached the last button and I could tell where he was looking so I peeked a little at his eyes and a smile curled onto his lips.

I bit my lip out of nervousness and quickly turned to find him some pants.

"What pants do you wanna wear?" I asked closing my eyes. I was actually getting so nervous. I don't know why. We were just finding an outfit but it felt so hot in here. Am I day dreaming things? Why's he acting so different is he drunk?

Suddenly I felt his head resting on my shoulders with one hand around my waist.

"Hmmm grey ones?" He asked pointing at the pair hanging off the hanger.

I nodded and reached for it.

"Hawa I need help." Danial's voice came from
Outside the room.

"Saved by the bell." Taha said with smirk.

"I'll go help him." I said and he nodded.

"Okay then I guess I'll have to wear them on my own with sore arms." He said sounding dramatic.

"I guess so." I said opening the door and closing it only to face little Danial standing there.

"What did you need help with?" I asked crouching down to his level.

"Um well I needa draw hearts!" He said holding out a paper and pen.

"Oh what for?"

"Well it's a surprise!" He said excitedly.

"Hm well okay if you don't wanna tell me that's okay. I'll draw a heart lightly and you can draw over it how's that sound?"

"Okay!" He said as I took the paper and pen from him lightly drew a heart and gave it back.

"Don't be sad otay? I'll tell you when it's weady!" He said taking the paper and pen back and running into Tahera's room.

"I swear I thought you were a kid." The voice came from the stairs.

"Oh that was Danial." I said with a nervous smile. I think it was Asif? I don't remember him really. I didn't go to his brothers wedding only my mom did. I don't think he was at my wedding?

"No wonder. My mom never told me a pretty girl was gonna also present in this house. Or I'd attend family events every time." He said walking over to me. Um did he not know who I was.

"Um sorry who are you?" I asked.

"Me? I'm the name that's always there but the face that never appears-"

"Salam Alaykum Asif." Taha said coming out.

"Walaykum Salam. She asks and he answers." Asif replied. Is this guy a theatre boy or something.

"Oh so you eventually meet." Taha said.

"Oh so you've purposely been hiding her from me. I can understand why. A gorgeous girl must be hidden from the gorgeous guy."He said proudly.

"What are you talking about Asif?" Taha snapped.

"Buddy you have a wife save the single one for us single guys. Where's your wife does she know about this?" He said as I looked at Taha shrugging.

"Asif were you high at my wedding this is my wife you fu- you idiot." He said holding himself from cussing.

"Wait what. You're Hawa?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't think I'm a creep. If I knew I would have never-

"It's ok. Don't worry about it, it was a mistake." I said with reassuring smile.

"Now Asif if you're done hitting on my wife do you mind? we have a dinner to attend." Taha said forcing a smile.

"Of course you do." Asif said as Taha took my hand and walked me down the stairs.

"He's such a fu- flirt." He mumbled under his breath.

"Salam Alaykum"

"Walaykum Salam"

"Oh my goodness MashAllah what a beautiful couple." It was Tasneem's mother in law. She hugged me and kisses each of my cheeks and sat me down next to her.

We made small talk until everyone came along and my mother in law and I set the table for everyone.

"Tahera will need to learn this stuff her mother in law better be nice."

"She'll learn when it's time. I'll help her." I said reassuring her.

"Like you helped her wear a hijab?" She asked and I stopped and looked at her. I was surprised at her response.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I mean you don't need to help her with anything. I thought you were going to be so sweet and nice but you're definitely not what I thought. First you push her away from her hijab what's going to be next?"

"You cannot force someone to practice Islam. Islam has no place for that. We guide them not force them. I'm sure one day she will be back when she's ready."

"Uhuh. You think it's easy? Once you stop you don't come back. We're in the west. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Hidaya is in Allah's hands. So we can still make dua for her to return to it."

"Don't be smart with me Hawa."

I didn't respond. We Called everyone to eat and we all sat down and helped put the rice and curry into everyone's plates.

Taha sat next to me and I watched as his chair moved a little closer to mine. I looked at him for an explanation but he didn't seem interested in giving me one.

"First bite is from my hand." He said putting his hand out with rice in it. I looked at him and he nodded. I put my mouth over his hand and ate the rice and watched as he observed me.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked as he smiled at my reaction.

"Told you I'd wipe the lipstick off." He said showing me his fingers that had a bit of my lip stick on his fingers now. I licked my lips and began eating. I could feel the heat burn into my cheeks.

I finished dinner in silence I couldn't find the courage to talk anymore. I helped clean up and once others came to pick Tasneems mother in law up we headed up to our rooms. I don't think I've ever been so scared of going into my room. Taha has been acting so strange.

"Tasneem's mother in law is so sweet." I said entering our room and closing the door behind me.

"Uhuh. She likes you. I mean who doesn't though." He said taking his shirt off.

"I should hit the gym and get my 6 pack back, what do you think?" He asked looking at me.

"I think you look fine." I said.

"Really? I mean you didn't even look at me." He said.

"Sorry I'm a little tired I should sleep." I said.

"Ya ya. Not like you have the energy for other things." He said and I froze. What was he on?

"Good night Taha." I said taking my pyjamas and going to the washroom. I changed and removed my makeup and put on some moisturizer and went to bed.

I woke up with the sound of my alarm and called Taha to wake up. I changed and went down to make our breakfast.

"Morning Hawa." I heard Asif say from behind. I turned to gree him and flinched seeing him shirtless. What on earth is he doing. I quickly closed my eyes na stunned and heard him chuckle.

"G-good morning." I said.

"Sorry I sleep like this. I hope you don't mind." He said leaning on the island counter.

"Um  Taha is um protective and I don't know how he'll react I mean I don't think he would approve." I said keeping my eyes away from him.

"Taha? That guy? Protective? Oh come on I'm sure he won't mind."

"Ok just don't be surprised if he yells at you." I said nervously.

"You're so innocent Hawa." He said laughing.

"Morning Asif. Nice to see you up so early." Taha said walking over and standing next to me.

"I like to be up early and get the view you know." He said and Taha gave him a forced smile.

"Where's your shirt Asif? I have a sister and my wife is right here, surely you have a little respect for her?"

"Oh come on it's just a shirt. Plus it's not a bad view. Look I have a six pack going." He said pointing at his stomach. I watched as Taha's gaze landed on me. Asif let out a sigh and turned to Taha.

"Nice 6 pack now go put on a shirt. You're not alone in this house."

"Since when did you become so uptight." He scoffed.

"I'm gonna go change." He said walking off.

"God he's so childish." Taha whined.

"Ya." I said putting the waffles on the plates.

"You liked his 6 pack didn't you?" He said looking at me as I looked at him confused.

"Um no I didn't."

"Sure you didn't." He scoffed.

"Try to stay far away from him. I swear It feels like he's flirting with you just by standing here. Fu- freaking weirdo." He said correcting himself.

"I will." I said giving him a reassuring smile.

Taha's POV.

Once I got home from work I went straight to my room. I was doing my best to avoid the in-laws.

"Taha." Hawa said coming out of the washroom.

"Salam Alaykum." I said and she responded with Walaykum Salam.

"I wanted to talk to you." She said coming over to me and looking at me with a worried look on her face. I guess she was going to tell me about the incident with her ex. At last.

"Why don't you change get comfortable then we can talk." She said forcing herself to smile.

"I'm good now let's talk." I said taking her hand and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Okay." She said sitting down next to me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Um so I've been thinking a lot recently. About us. Our relationship." She said quietly. It was apparent that she was very nervous. Her voice was almost trembling.

What does Ayub have to do with me and her?

"Go on Hawa. You can tell me anything you can trust me." I said holding her hand trying to reassure her.

"Um. I was wondering if you're open to moving our relationship from friendship to a normal husband and wife type of thing... I like you a lot. That day we kissed and I felt so special I guess I thought things between us would change eventually but it didn't... I don't know if I'm making any sense but I don't know I just I think I like you more than... I don't know if this is making any sense. I'm really bad at this." She said closing her eyes. Her cheeks were burning red.

I stayed silent not knowing how to... tell her how I felt. I always trusted her but it seemed so unreal. Just yesterday I heard her say she was broken and couldn't trust so why now is she saying this to me?

I was her rebound. She was using me to get over her ex. For once What Tahera was saying made sense.

"Hawa... I asked you to marry me as friends. I like you as a friend. I kissed you in the heat of the moment. I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise. I wanna enjoy my life I like the way things are between us. I'm so sorry man." I said.


Hello everyoneeee sorry it took me so long to upload I try to make chapters long and try my best to edit! Let me know what you guys think!

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