RWBY x Wolf Faunus Doom Slaye...

By dbzfanficfan99

26.6K 845 684

ok this is my first story and English is not my first language there WILL BE miss types and bad grammar and c... More

This is Where It All Started ( Edited )
BIO ( Remastered )
Your Harem ( for now that is )
Quick Note
The start of a terrible road part one ( edited )
The start of a terrible Road part two ( edited )
Saying Goodbye To The Ones You love ( Edited )
Greeting the winter snow part 1( edited )
Greeting The Winter Snow Part 2 ( edited )
Following your parent's footsteps ( part 1 ) ( edited )
Following your parent's footsteps ( part 2 ) Welcome to Atlas
Following your parent's footsteps ( part 3 ) Finding another family member
A talk with your parents and some more guns
Kicking out an Asshole, Meeting a Kitty
Getting To Know a White Fang and What Goes On behind Our Backs
Getting a Kitty Cat's Full Trust
Bey My little Kitty and Hello to the fish and The Monkey
Home Sweet Home And Oooh a Penny
Penny Pelandina The Adorable Android
So New Story
Finding a Past Lover
The Drunken Schnee
The Plan Of The Century
Death Of An Asshole
The Aftermath
A Day In Life Of Y/N
BIO And Harem 2
Villanos Lovers Day off
The FALL Of a MAIDEN ( slight lime )
The resurrection of The Fallen ( a little lemon )
Thank You
( 18+ ๐Ÿ‹) Finally Getting a Break ... Not ( part one )
( 18+๐Ÿ‹ )Whitley's Dream Come True
Quick Quistion/Update
( slight lemon ) Finally Getting a break ... Not ( part two ) The Accident
Im Really Sorry
Finally Getting a Break ... Not ( part three ) Ice Queen
Hey Yall. new book
Girl's ... and Boy?, Night Out
The Golden Age ( Part 1 )

The Little Cinderella and The Wicked Step Mother

383 17 1
By dbzfanficfan99

Flashback a week ago

Cinder POV

Cinder:" come on, get moving, we don't have all day "

mercury:" yeah yeah I'm coming "

Emerald:" hmm "

Neo:" nods "

Cinder:" all of you ready"

Emerald and Mercury:" yes "

Neo:" nods"

Cinder:" be on your best behavior, we don't want to displease the Queen now do we " 

they both nod as a dark sludge starts to gather in front of them, then it starts to group and shapeshift into the shape of a door

turning the handle and opening it they see a  red and dark sky with the shattered moon shining the bright

the ground is a sickening brown-red color, with no vegetation, with dozens of black puddle's dotting around the ground

the landscape is jagged with spike-like things protruding off the ground, and hundreds of purple glowing crystals everywhere

Emerald, Mercury, and Neo was a little shocked, being here for the first time was a little scary, but they held their thoughts after the meeting was done

walking forward, they follow a brick road, and after a minute of walking, they see a dark crystal-like Castel reaching the sky named the Evernight Castle

Emerald:" wow, I can't believe a place like this exist "

Mercury:" tell me about it, Cinder, please tell me the person you made a deal with isn't a complete nutjob "

Neo:' I want to go back and get some ice cream, where is Aunty Roman'

Cinder:" Mercury, if I were you I'd shut up, she is watching us right now"

Mercury:" Yes Ma'am"

reaching the giant door of the castle, Cinder Pushes it open, and walk down the castle halls

being in the castle didn't make Emerald and Mercury feels safer, actually it and them even more uneasy being in the castle

Cinder:" wait outside the door, come when I tell you to come in got it"

Emerald/ Mercury:" yes Ma'am"

Neo:" nods "

Cinder opens the door to the meeting hall and sits down on one of the chairs, and waiting for the other members of the Inner Circle

A/N:" ignore Watts, Tyrian, and Hazel there"

after waiting for a little bit, an old man with brown skin, fancy suit, with a red-gold and somewhat grey theme, with fingerless gloves and a mustache, named Watts

Watts after seeing Cinder in the room smirks a little as he sits down, right in front of Cinder

Watts:" I'm surprised to see you early here, usually, you are always the last one to arrive"

Cinder:" ( tsk )"

Watts:" although I do have to give you credit for it, you're becoming a better novice"

Cinder:" shut up

Watts:" alright as you wi-"

???:" ( crazed giggle )"

someone enters the meeting hall, and that person dawns white sleeves jacked, and pants, with black strap's and belts, with brown leather arm guards and Bandages running up  his arm, and finally, a scorpion tail, wriggles around

???:" oh what is this, are you guy's already fighting, oh I'm hurt that you didn't invite me"

Watts:" oh hello Tyrian, how awful to see you again, you looking Grotesk as always"

Tyrian:" oh hi there kettle names pot have we met"

Watts:" hmm as crazy and bloodthirsty as always huh Tyrian"

Tyrian:" ( giggle ) of course I have to be, my goddess demands it, and if she demands it, ill do it"

???:" can you guys, just shut up for one second, I'm tired"

said a rough and torn voice

as the sound of a thundering sounds footstep could be heard walking in, this person was over 7 seven feet tall, had brown skin like Watts, and brown hair, with yellow eye's, wearing somewhat normal clothes

Watts:" ahh Hazel, you're here, now all we need, is our Queen, and the meeting can start"

Cinder:" Watts"

Watts:" hmm what is it Cinder dear"

Cinder:" I would like to invite, a couple of my Adversary's in, that wouldn't be a problem, right"

Watts:" oh it's no problem , you can invite them in, but please no noise"

Cinder:" hmm, Emerald Neo, Mercury you can come in now"

Scene Change

As Neo, Emerald and Mercury is watching the birth of a new Grimm in Horror, they hear the voice of Cinder, telling them to come in

walking in they see a long desk with seven seats, six on the sides and one big purple on the end

( snap )

that gets their attention

seeing as Cinder snapped her Fingers they walk and stand Behind her

but Emerald and Mercury start pushing each other a little

Watts:" hmm yes, yes, please keep your possy's in check"

that got Mercury angry as she liens into Watts yo punch him, but was stopped by Emerald

Watts:" you hear that.. silence, I have the mind that the little kid that is besting you"

Tyrian:" if I were you, I'd find him, I'd hunt him down and well, he took your heart didn't he( Crazy Giggle to a Chuckle ) I'd torture the information out of him and be done with it"

Cinder:" umm uh hmm"

Watts:" hmm pathetic, why did you even-"

he was cut off as the door opened and walked in Salem

A/N:" 2:23 to 2:59 and I don't own this"

Salem:" Watts"

Watts:" hmm "

Salem:" why do you Find such malignants necessary"

Watts:" I apologize Ma'am, I'm not particularly fond of Slow Progress and Failure"

Salem:" then I see, no reason your cruelty towards Young Cinder, She will become our future Fall Maiden, Infiltrate and Destroy Beacon Tower and Most importantly, She has dear slayers full trust, so I'm curious, to what failure's are you referring"

Watts:" well, as you just said my Queen The slayer"

Hazel:" yes, we've dealt with his kind Before, how is it a little kid is taking you so long to lure into a trap"

Watts:" my thought exactly, even if it, you were not able to lure him into our trap, you should have been able to getting more information out of him should have been effortless, just act like a homeless and weak child, get him to like you, become his Friend and BOOM stab him in the back when he least expects it"

Salem:" it is because he's a highly trained Atlas soldier, make mo mistake Cinder, you are holding the Key, to my Goal, buy with our newfound Friend, brings with it a crippling weakness, with is why you will, remain  by my side as we continue your training"

Salem:" doctor Watts, I want you to remain at your position at Atlas"

Watts:" very well, my queen"

Salem:" Tyrian I want you to continue your hunt for the Sping Maiden"

Tyrian:" ( giggle ) Gladly"

Salem:" and Hazel I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang, Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting, the boy continues to be loyal, make sure that Sienna khan feels the same"

Hazel:" As you wish"

Cinder:" oh um ahhh"

Salem:" hmm speak child"

Emerald:" she wants to know what will happen to the Slayer"

Watts:" ( scoffs ) what about him, seems to me that this is Cinder's problem, not ours"

Cinder:"( SLAM ) ( glares at Watts ) "

Salem( hold up a hand ):" that's enough, ... Tyrian "

Tyrian:" yes my lady"

Salem" the Spring maiden can wait, Find the Slayer, and get more of his personal information about him, and bring it to me"

Tyrian:" ( sad Tyrian noises ) ( shrugs his shoulder ) hmm"

Salem:" more specifically, where he lives, and where he grew up"

Tyrian:" yes my goddess"

Salem:" hmm,  because of your efforts, Beacon will fall, and Haven will be next after that"

all the inner Circle members stand up, and Cinder looks at Tyrian

Tyrian:" an eye for an eye, a heart for a heart, ( crazed giggle ) ( crazed chuckle ) HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA"

Cinder:" GRRRRRR, Emerald, Mercury, Neo "

all three:" yes"

Cinder:" we're leaving, now"

all three:" yes ma'am"

Salem:" Cinder dear wait"

Cinder:" hmm what is it, my mistress "

Salem:" could you wait a little bit, I want to have a little talk with you in the throne room"

Cinder:" o-oh of course my queen"

Timeskip an hour

we see Salem sitting on her throne, looking out into the blood-red sky

Cinder walks into the throne room With Neo, as he stops to look around in shock and aw

Cinder keeps walks forward and kneels down in front of Salem

Cinder:" my queen"

Cinder:" when I choose you as my Vessel for the Maidens, so I trust that you wouldn't come back to me empty-handed"

Cinder:" yes My Queen, I think I'm very close to Getting, more information About the Fall Maidens where about's from the Slayer, I just need him to trust me a little bit more, and I just need a little more time"

Salem:" hmm how long do you need my dear"

Cinder:" at most a year, and six months  at least"

Salem:" ( smiles ) hmm consider it granted"

Cinder:" thank you, my Queen"

Salem then notices Neo in the back

Salem:" who is she Cinder"

Cinder:" ( snickers ) PHAH ( Chuckles )"

Salem ( confused ):" i dont know why that you are laughing, speak up dear"

Cinder:" ( wipe's away a tear ) oh my Oum ( clears her throat ), um my Queen um that's Neo, and he has some very useful ability's and is proven to be a valuable asset "

Salem:" hmm you sure do like collecting assets don't yo- wait he "

Cinder:" ( chuckles ) yeah, we had the same reaction as you, when we found out"

Salem:" um afraid to ask but, why does he wear that, um he can just wear normal clothing right "

Neo:" Im right here you know, you can just ask me"

he showed his notebook

Salem:" oh sorry about that, um why do you, wear female clothing"

Neo:" well, I was abandoned when I was 3 years old, forced to live in the slums of the slums, for years, until I was 7 years old when Aunty Roman, found me, she thought I was a girl because of my long hair because I never cut it, and said " you would grow up to be a beautiful woman ", and that stuck with me, so I started to wear female clothing from that point on, even after she found out that I was a boy, she still let me dress however I want"

he said having a quick flashback

Roman:" wow, well aren't you a pretty girl"

she said caressing his cheeks

Roman:" who would leave an innocent little angle out here"

she said giving him a fluffy thick towel to dry him out from the rain

And Neo bow to show appreciation

Roman:" come on honey, talk, I wanna hear your voice"

Neo points to his throat

Roman:" oh sorry I didn't know you were mute, um here, eat this, you probably starving huh"

she said giving him a large Neopolitan ice cream

Roman:" hey what's your name"

Neo starts to eat the ice cream and after taking on bite he's eye lights up and he eats it as fast as he can, after swallowing the last bite he draws his name on the ground

Roman:" Neopolitan, huh I guess giving you ice cream was a good choice considering your name, come on honey, let's get you somewhere warm"

she said sticking her hand out to Neo, and he grabs her arm not letting go as he squeezes it tightly, afraid of being abandoned again

Roman:" ( chuckles ) don't worry Neo, Aunty Romans not going anywhere"

Flashback end

Salem had thought back to a certain wizard and both of their love

Salem:" hmm, and what is your semblance"

Cinder:" she has the semblance of illusions, Neo can create physical Illusions, that everyone can see, and interact with, but there's a downside to it, the illusion he creates, are not durable, as they can shatter like glass if someone hits them, but she can change her attire hair and eye color if he so chooses, plus there are next to no dis advantage's when it comes to his ability's, to create illusions, hell the distraction they create are so realistic, that she and anyone else easily enough time to retreat or disorient his foe's, and he can place them where ever he so desires as well"

Salem:" wow what a useful semblance you have, dear little Neo, you have truly earned your rank here"

Neo:" thank you mistress "

Salem:" now Neo could you wait outside for a little bit, me and Cinder have to talk"

Neo:" yes ma'am"

He walks oit the door

Salem:" so have the other found out my little secret plan yrt"

Cinder:" no they have no idea, about it, they just think that Y/N the adopted son of Ironwood is who im after and they dont know he is the slayer"

Salem:" you have done well"

Cinder:" Um My queen if I may be bold, can I ask you a question"

Salem:" of course, dear, ask away"

Cinder:" why do you, want Y/N all to your yourself, what is the reason for doing all that to him and why did you tell me to give him to you after the plan is done"

Salem:' are you questioning my methods"

Cinder:" no, no um I was just, uhh curios"

Salem:" ( inhale ) ( exhale ) it's personal 
,ill tell you when the time is right "

Salem:" but Cinder in the meantime, collect as much information out of him, about the maidens about Project Penny, and most importantly of all, ask him this question, do you remember Opal and Salem "

Cinder:" um My queen who's Opal"

Salem:" an old rivel that I wish to kill, and destroy"

Cinder:" it shall be done my Queen"

Salem:" Cinder before you go, come and  sit"

she said patting her lap

Cinder was a little weirded out, but she walked up the stair to her throne and sat on her lap

A/N:" like the Picture on top"

Salem:" Cinder dear listen to me, understand that, Y/N the skayer has to be mine and mine alone, do you understand me, I must have him no matter what"

Cinder:" yes ... my queen, I understand,..... I understand "

Salem:" good, now ta ta, get going now my daughter i dont want to delay you work any more "

Timeskip the next day

Mercury:" so what did the boss say"

Cinder:" we must hurry, we need to get the info from him as fast as possible "

Emerald:" why the sudden rush"

Cinder:" I just put us in a time restriction of a year, so we done have much time "


Cinder:" it was a heat of the moment decision, got it now shut up, we need a plan  "

Flashback from the beginning of the chapter over, but it is still ten minute's before we continue 

Cinder:" remember, act natural got it, just act like a dysfunctional family that just had a bad day out, try to slowly and subtly ask him questions about his work, about Atlas academy, and ask him Do you Remember Opal and Salem"

Emerald:" why specifically that"

Cinder:" because my queen asked me to, so act natural and follow the script, got it"

All three:" yes Ma'am"

Now the Flashback is done

CMEN:" WHAT?!?!"

Y/N:" what do you mean what"

Cinder:" how could you be Y/N, the last time I checked, he was a 5.4 muscle bound kid, not this incredibly sexy 6 feet tall handsome man in front of me"

Y/N:" well Cindy, times a bitch right"

Emerald:" ok tell me something only Y/N would know"

Y/N:" you have a major crush on Cin-"


Y/N:" so how yall doing, it's been six months since I've last seen you guy"

Cinder:" well nothing exciting or out of the ordinary has been going on, except for Mercury getting us BANNED from my favorite cafe"

Mercury:" go fuck yourself Cinder"

Cinder:" well, u-uh um h-how have you been doing"

she said blushing 

Y/N:" oh yeah, shits been somewhat crazy and boring at the same time for me"

Cinder:" how so"

Y/N:" do you remember Vega"

Cinder:" your A/I partner"

Y/N:" making a lot of assumptions on the partner bit but yeah, but do you know that she got her android body, courtesy of me"

Cinder:" ok um but what does this have to do with what you were talking about"

Y/N:" you all know that I have been gone for the last five months right"

Cinder:" yeah we know and we hate you for it"

Y/N:" yeah sorry for that, well you see I have been helping a certain someone make a fully fledges sentient living Android"


Mercury:" the"

Neo:" hell"

Cinder:" did we just hear"

Emerald:" what do you mean a living android"

Y/N:" that exactly what I mean a living breathing live android that has a soul"

Mercury:" ok either you're telling the truth or I have had soo many brownies that I'm hearing shit"

Y/N: "guys come on, you've seen the shit I can make why are you four so shocked that I helped make a living android named Penny"

Neo:" it's never even ever heard of, the tech your talking about is revolutionary, it would make the entire Kingdom of Atlas  the strongest of Remnant as a whole"

Y/N:' ok when you put it like that yeah that does sound like a big deal but here's the catch, this tech is never going to be released its s triad secret, only know to a select few"

Cinder:" ok then why are you telling us this"

Y/N:" because I trust you guy, hell I trust you guys with my life that's why I'm giving this information to you"

Emerald:" o-oh"

mercury:" u-um thank you"

Neo just does a cute " awww " motion

Cinder( for some reason nervous ):" hmm "

Y/N:" also so I could somewhat replace Vega because I can't stand her outlandish fuck you, I do what I want personality "




Neo:" you ruined it, you ruined it and we're leaving"

Y/N:" oh come on, guys come back"

you said running after them, CMEN smiled and started running even faster

seeing this you just smiled and said

Y/N:" last on to the new ice cream shop, is a loser"

you said running at high speed, which created a sonic boom, pushing back nearly everything in a 100-meter radius

Mercury:" oh ho I am not going to stand for that shit"

she started to look around and saw two bikes parked next to each other

Emerald:" hop on now "

she said using a lockpick and hot-wiring both bike's turning them on

Emerald:" Cinder, put Fire dust in both bikes gas tanks"

Cinder:" oh ho ho man now your talking my language honey"

Emerald ( blushing ):" t-thank you"

after putting the fire dust in Mercury and Cinder revved up the motorcycle 

Neo was holding onto Mercury and Emerald was holding onto Cinder

Cinde:" hold on because this is going to be a bumpy ride"




Neo:" silently screaming on the inside "


and  they were able to catch up to You which fully surprise you but you just smirked 

Y/N:" if you pulling out the dirty tricks then I can go all out"

running full speed leaving CMEN in the dust, making them slightly irritated but what matters is having fun

after a minute of riding, they reach the new ice cream shop and Y/N having a shit-eating grin on his face loudly proclaims


Mercury:" Yeah, yeah wooooh hurray to the Atlassian super soldier, can we go in now, I want to know if they have butter Scotch parfait"

Cinder:" please don't ruin this place too, I don't wanna get my criminal record getting bigger"

Mercury:" what your record is already big, so what's one more-ow"

She gets hit in the sholder

Emerald:" just shut up, I'm hungry"

Neo:' I wonder if they have Neopolitan ice cream in here '

so they went into the shop, Y/N and CMEN spent nearly the whole day there, eating icecream and Mercury finally having her Botturscotch Parfait, and just talking and having a good time

After a while, night came sooner than they expected, and Mercury, Neo, and Emerald Went home, but Cinder stayed Back to talk to you a little longer 

Y/N:" so what did you want to talk about "

Cinder:" oh you know, how you're doing, hows it been at your work, just stuff like that "

Y/N:' eh nothing been going on Beside's completing Project Penny"

Cinder:" hmm hey, um can I ask you another question it will be a quick on"

Y/N:" ok what is it"

Cinder:" are you single "

Y/N( blushing ):" um ahhhh that's a bit of a weird one, but the short answer is yes, yes I do, two girlfriends, in fact, there both sister's"

Cinder( somewhat down ):" o-oh u-um sorry if that came out of knowhere, but how did you get two sisters to fall in love with you"

Y/N:" actually there the one's who confessed to me, both of them, but at first they would start fights over who gets to have me, but as time went on they came to the conclusion of sharing me"

Cinder:" do you know of other people who are interested in you"

Y/N:"yes two more in fact "

Cinder:" wow would you look at that, having four girls after you, aren't you a playboy "

Y/N:" hey there the one's who fell for me, I didn't know they had feelings for me, I found that out later, "

Cinder:" hmm"

she looked at you with soft eye's and let band around her ponytail drop, making  beautifully flow in the air

Cinder:" how about you add one more to that count"

Y/N:" wait, what are yo- WOW" 

Cinder grabs your head and kissed you in the mouth, and this wasn't any normal just mouth to mouth kiss, no it was a full-on make-out session, she slips in her tongue in your mouth and tries to be the dominant one, but you didn't like that, so you fought back, slipping in your tongue and you two fought, you two brought each other closer, and made contact

you grabbed onto her hips, while cinder latched onto your neck, you could feel the heat coming off of her body as you lovingly kissed each other, after thirty seconds you won and you dominated Cinder's mouth with your tongue, exploring every bit of her mouth, and every crevis in there and Cinder runs her hand around you back pulling you towards herself even more and wanting to feel your warm body, after 2 minute's of kissing you two separate as both of you needed air

And after separating sge realizes what she has done

Cinder:"  oh u-um oh Oum I'm sorry Y/N uh, I um ahhh,"

Cinder:' A shit what have I done, shit what do I do, what do I do'

Y/N ( stunned ):" wow"

Cinder:" Im so sorry Y/N, I just got lost in the moment and did it, I didn't mean to, I just "

Y/N:" hey, hey, hey it's ok, listen to me, it's ok"

Cinder:" really "

Y/N:" yeah it's ok, you don't need to worry about it, lets just keep it a secret, between you and me, ok"

Cinder:" ... yes, ok ( big inhale ) ( exhale ) everything is going to be alright, everything is going to be alright"

Y/N:" so uh Cinder, you had feelings for me, huh, sorry I didn't notice all this time"

Cinder:" it's ok, I mostly kept it to myself, ever since I met you, I had this feeling in my chest,and every time I saw you, that feeling grew and grew until I figured out that i ... uh l-loved you"

Y/N:" well shit now I have five girls on my ass trying to get into my pants "

Cinder:" ( laughs ) man even in this type of situation you still have your, sense of humor"

Y/N:" what I have a reputation to keep you know"

Cinder:" and that is "

Y/N:" to be the Atlas's number one Merc with a mouth"

Cinder:" ( giggle's ) hey Y/N I think we should go, it's getting really dark"

Y/N:" yeah your right, some same time next week"

Cinder:" yeah sure"

Y/N:' well then bey Cinder"

Cinder:" oh wait before you go Y/N I have one last question "

Y/N:" oh well then shoot"

Cinder:" do you remember Opal and Salem "

Y/N:" ........................ Salem......... Opal.....why do those names sound...  so familiar"

your started to have visions as you see, a woman with long blonde hair with blue eye's cyan eye's in a white dress 

and another person woman show's up 

she has brown skin amber eye's, even browner and long hair,  wearing green clothing underneath a suit of armor

???:" @T&#@~^ please stay with me "

??? 2:" NO please of beg of you, stay with me, think about all the time we spent together "



another vision

???:" no... NO ...NOOOOOOOO"



??? 2:" YOU KILLED  @T$^#&% "




Visions end

Y/N:" ( PANT ) ( PANT ) ( PANT ) ( PANT )"

you drop to all fours as you try to catch your breath after that acid trip

Cinder:" Y/N ARE YOU OK"

she said worried

Y/N:" no, no i-ah, ( Pant ) i-im alright"

Cinder:" are you sure, you look like you had a panic attack"

Y/N:" no I'm alright, ( pant ) see I'm alright "

Cinder:"... ok, but I'm just worried"

Y/N:" no need to worry, ill be fine, I think you should be going now, it's late"

You said franticly before slowy walking off



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