Another Cinderella Story ā€¢ Ha...

By chrissybaeevans

19.1K 670 351

āœØ MINI SERIES āœØ After your father's passing, you're forced to stay with your stepmother and three step siste... More

Casting āœØ
Part l ā€¢ Introduction
Part ll ā€¢ Summer Has Begun
Part lll ā€¢ If This Were A Fairytale
Part IV ā€¢ Prince Charming Wears Dolce
Part VI ā€¢ Happily Ever After
bonus ā€¢ little barber bakers šŸŽ‚
moodboards + playlist
bonus ā€¢ the bake sale šŸ§

Part V ā€¢ King of Her Heart

2.5K 87 54
By chrissybaeevans

Part 5: King of Her Heart

Warnings: fluff, SMUT; loss of virginity, mentions of abusive parents, mentions of arrest.

Just to recap, Lily is absolutely awful to you and George is Hayden's abusive father. Hayden has helped you escape that toxic environment at the same time he's escaped his own toxic home, you guys head to the Hamptons where...well you know you read the warnings😏

Feel free to re read part 4 again before this one, I did include the end of part 4 at the beginning of this chapter....I know it's been a while since I updated! I hope you enjoy.... 👑

"It's a blueprint of a bakery." He dips his head closer to yours.

"Oh Hayden..." you were so taken back, you covered your mouth. On the verge of tears as your body became tingly at the fact that he remembered that one small detail of you.

"...thank you for contacting Mr.Gale, because now I get to make my dream career come true, the same time making yours come true too..." he points to the sketch.

This was love. Yes, it was. What Gila had mentioned to you for the years you've known her, when a man falls in love he always makes sure to put your desires, your feelings, your thoughts in front of his own.

You pushed your toes so you could catch his warm lips in a passionate kiss. He returned it with much enthusias, cupping your face in his hands - deepening the kiss.

Hayden pulls away first, he's out of breath and rests his forehead against yours.

"I like you." He confesses, "a lot."

You smile, his blue eyes sparkling, and his thumbs gently traveling over the skin of your cheekbones.

"I like you too." You say it back, because you most definitely did.

Hayden might be handsome and a total heartthrob, but you knew he was different from the rest, and that's what you liked about him.

He gives you a toothy smile, so relieved that you feel the same way, he grabs your face to keep kissing you.


" the Hamptons house?" You shuttered stepping out of the taxi.

Hayden smiles at you, chuckling as you basically looked at the house wide-eyed, your mouth hanging open in a delightful shock.

He was taking out your things from the back of the car as you looked around, there was a beach near, and the next house down was a great distance away.

"H-Hayden," You stutter, turning back to face him, everything was now attacking your emotions all at once.

"Y'okay?" He asks, approaching you, taking the time to look at your face before moving to place your bags at the front door.

He paid the taxi guy and waved him goodbye.

You were still in the same place, looking at this beautiful house.

"C'mon," he squeezes your shoulders, "inside is even better." He motions you to walk inside in front of him, such a gentlemen.

He was right, the inside looked like an HGTV explosion. Everything was so modern, with a beach vibe and so aesthetic.

"So?" He smiles big, eyes searching into yours as he turns around looking at the nice job his mother did with the decor the same time you turned and soaked it all in.

"It's all so beautiful," you say softly, feeling this strange sensation in the pit of your stomach.

"Just like you," he was suddenly behind you, you could feel his breath on your neck as he placed a kiss on your bare shoulder.

"Hayden," you turn to face him.


"Do you think what I did was right?" You begin to overthink, "Maybe we should go back...." You began to stutter and he noticed your hands were shaking.

Truth was, you never were experiencing home sickness....Lily and the penthouse was all you've ever known for a good chunk of your life.

However, home sickness is what it shouldn't be were actually experiencing Stockholm syndrome.

"Y/n," the way Hayden says your name calms you down almost immediately, cupping your chin with his fingers he titled your head back so you would look him in the eye.

"You did the right thing leaving that toxic environment you were in....I'm just glad I was there to help you out if it." Hayden gives you a confirming nod with a comforting smile.

You couldn't help but wrap your arms around him, pulling his warm body into yours, hugging him tight.

He took a deep breathe and smelt your shampoo, leaning his head into your shoulder.

"It's getting late, what kind of food do you like? I bet you're starving," he winks, fixing your hair and pushing it off of your shoulders as you kept holding him by his firm waist.

"I could....really go for a pizza." You murmur, quietly in your thoughts.

Now that Lily wasn't around to torment you, or her daughters. You were left with a lot of quietness around you to you were reminiscing the last time you saw your dad.

The last day you guys spent together was at a beach, you had the best day of your life, fooling around, making sand castles, playing volleyball....and at the end of the day your dad was met with the challenge of finding a pizza for you to eat because everything around here they mostly only sold organic food.....

"Hmmm," Hayden hums, kissing your temple, "I'll see if I can find a pizza place....cause around here is really all just organic stuff."

You smile at him almost sounding like your step towards the window area, watching the waves crash again and again.

Was this was peace felt like? It still felt strange being here with Hayden, you've only known him for about a few weeks or so.

Hayden walks away to find the catalog his mom kept with all the restaurants and stores in the area.

Ir was nighttime now in the Hamptons and you were still near the seated area, this time on the home phone that Hayden had here because Lily took your other phone.

"Hello? Yes! I-I've been on hold for about 2 hours....I just want to talk with Andy Barber...tell him Y/n Y/l/n is calling." You speak fast to the fourth person you've talked to tonight, trying to get in contact with your dad's friend's law firm.

Andy worked primarily in Boston, had a cute son named Jacob and a wife named Laurie. They were good friends of your dad's and you thought maybe he could help with this sticky situation.

Immediately the girl connects you to Andy's personal line.

"Y/n?" Andy answers, the background wherever he was, creating this slashing sound.

"Andy! Oh Andy, I've been trying to reach you for two hours!" You laugh, half heartedly, Hayden smiling like a dork as he sat across from you on the couch, watching you.

"God damn it, don't tell me they put you through our four answering machines." Andy huffs.

"Yes," you shake your head, "listen Andy, I-I know it's been a long time. I-I haven't seen you since my mom's funeral but....I really need a favor."

"Anything for you kiddo...I'm sorry about you waiting for so long, I'm here in Mexico with Laurie and Jake." Andy apologizes, feeling very guilty.

"No! Please Andy, it's not your fault. I'm just glad I caught you now..." you start fidgeting with the charm on your necklace, pretending you don't see Hayden just looking at you, his cheeks a light pink.

"....hopefully not at a bad time?"

"No, please, what can I help you with Y/n?"

You begin to tell him everything that has happened, and he is absolutely furious.

"That's ridiculous!" He lets out a sigh of frustration, "Tell you what, I'm flying to New York next week and we will arrange all this out....I remember helping your father with those papers for the restaurant. Don't worry, kiddo. You're going to get what is belongs to you."

"Thank you, Andy," you wipe a tear that fell from your eye, "I-I will see you when you get to New York."

"Question before you go, Y/n. Who are you staying with?" Andy's protective side comes out, "I have a penthouse in Manhattan, you are welcome to use it while everything gets straighten out."

"Thank you, but I am staying with someone now....I think it's best if I'm not alone." You look up at Hayden and he winks at you, giving you one of those charming smiles.

Andy and you say your goodbyes, and you put down the home phone back onto the small table next to the love seat you sat in.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Hayden suggests, man spreading on the couch he sat on.

"I have a better idea," you whisper, seductively walking towards him.

He let you straddle his lap, in fact he loved where this was going.

Connecting your lips in a heated kiss, you let his hands roam all over you. Squeezing and rubbing all the right places.

"Thank you for everything," you whisper, kissing his lips once more before he could answer.

"I'll always be here to help you....I really care about're special considering I just met you about a month ago." He smirks. Tracing the skin on your thigh.

You squeal/giggle as you dip your head down to kiss him some more.

Then the doorbell was pushed and Hayden says: "it's the pizza guy."

"You found a place?" You wonder, hopping off of his lap.

"Of course I did, if you want pizza....I'm gonna get you your pizza..." he says, pulling out his wallet the same time opening the door.

"What's up, man?" He hands the teenager a $20 bill and grabs the pizza box from him.

Sitting down beside you, Hayden opens the pie and smiles when you took a deep breath inhaling the fresh pizza smile.

"By all means...." He motions the pizza and you take a slice, god you were so hungry.

And now you also felt, tired. Like your inner consciousness could finally rest....and it felt safe with Hayden were sleepy.

Hayden out on a movie as the both of you ate pizza, and drank some wine.

Looking over at you, you were laughing, a little bit of pizza sauce in the corner of your mouth but yet he still found you to be beautiful.

He hopes that one day, he'll tell his children all about their mother....and their little impromptu getaway in the Hamptons.

No, what was he thinking? That's too far down the road, you aren't even his girl.....yet.

You yawned about two times and Hayden knew you were tired. So...after the movie ended, he closed the pizza box that had about three slices left and helped you settle down in your room.

You wanted to sleep with him, you felt safe with him but you weren't sure if he'd be okay with that.

"Um, I-I'll just be across the hall...if you need me." He awkwardly says, not knowing if he should ask if you wanted to room with him.

He wanted to be respectful and keep boundaries.

"Hayden..." you say and he hope it is what he thinks it is.

"....can you sleep with me?" You ask like a child who just woke up from having a nightmare.

"I thought you'd never ask," he smiles and goes to change into his own pjs the same time you did as well.

Climbing into bed, you snuggled up close to the middle to meet Hayden halfway.

"I'm the best cuddler you know," he confidently explains.

You had your head held up by your hand, just simply admiring him.

"Are you, now?" You play around, not realizing you were biting your lip at how good he looked with  sleep shorts and nothing else.

He had these gorgeous muscles, carved by the Greek gods themselves....they weren't as defined yet but they were on their way to be.

"I can put a shirt on, if you want." Hayden asks, wondering if maybe he was being too fresh with not wearing a shirt but in all fairness this is how he sleep every night.

"No...." You shake your head, leaning down to cuddle on his shoulder and wrap your hand around his bicep, letting your eyes flutter close, ""

His skin felt warm, like a heated blanket and his presence felt like....home.

The craziness of everything wore you out and you didn't realize you had fallen asleep when mid way through trying to make more conversation because he really likes you - Hayden noticed you weren't answered and when he went to look down at you, your eyes were closed and you were snoring quietly on his shoulder.

Smiling down at you, he fixed a strand of your hair - moving it away from your face and letting his fingers linger on the outline of your beautiful face, thinking when you were going to be his because he felt this strong connection with you from the get-go.

Few Days Later

It's been an amazing last couple days with Hayden, he's been so thoughtful about your situation and tries his best to make you feel better and comfortable.

Right now you guys were taking a walk down the beach near his house here in the Hamptons.

You were quiet, arms crossed against your chest holding your white wrap in place.

He had his hands in the pockets of his shorts, and walk along beside you.

Feeling the warm sand on the bottom of the both of your feet, it felt so relaxing, along with hearing the waves crash down.

Sometimes the water would even reach up to where you guys were walking; it wasn't too close to the waves meet but then not too far.

"Is this Andy Barber guy really gonna help you?" Hayden asks, his eyes fixated on your sad expression but he just had to say something and break the silence.

"Yeah, I'll have to go back to New York the day after tomorrow to meet him there and settle all this out."

He stays quiet, shuffling around in his pockets. He wants to go with you, be there for you, but doesn't want to smother you or overstep.

"You're welcome to join me, Hayden." You invite him and watch his face light up.

"I'd be happy to," he says, breathing out.

"And thank you again, for everything." You stop walking, making him stop walking too, "I don't know what I can do to ever repay you."

"Don't worry about it," He grins at you, your hair flowing in the breeze, your face sun kissed and cheeks a gentle pink.

A few seconds went by when, he breaks it.

"I have a surprise for you..." he takes your hand and you let him lead the way, you didn't care where you were going you just knew you were safe with Hayden.

It was around 8:00pm, the sun was setting and it felt like you guys were the only ones on the beach.

He brings you behind this rock, on the shore. And what was behind it, made you gasp.

There were candles scattered around a large beach blanket, with a few pillows, a bottle of wine and two glasses along with a pizza box.

"Hayden," You cover your mouth, walking closer to the beautiful set up.

"Do you like it?" He asks. Watching you fawn over everything, but he still needed to ask just in case.

You know Hayden has desperately wanted to ask you out, or sometimes you catch him wanting to ask what you guys were, or what the future held for you both. But he stops himself from asking everytime.

You wonder too, you both like each other and you guys have gotten to know each other well. But you're so inexperienced that you're scared you're too inexperienced for Hayden.

"I love it," you look back at him, grabbing his hand, "if this is your idea of a first date, then I love it." You smirk at him being all nervous, that glint in your eye.

"It is--" he smiles at you, not knowing what to say, he wants nothing more than for this to be a date, "--a date." he finishes.

He's too adorable.

You guys take a seat on the beach blanket, and on either side of the pizza box.

You open it and grab a slice, as he opens the bottle of wine and pours some in a glass for you.

"Cheers," he clanks his glass with yours and you take a sip of the delicious wine.

There were only about two slices left when you and him decided you were full.

You look over at him and watch how his eyes squint in adjustment to the bleaming sunlight and orange color of it.

"You seem like you're really far away," You say quietly.

He looks at you and smirks, chuckling as he scoots closer to you.

You cuddle into his side and he takes that as a sign to wrap his arm around you, pulling you in even closer.

Your hand lands on his chest, scratching the surface of it with your fingernails.

He can't help but think of a future life with you, kids, marriage, moving far away from the city. Pursuing your dreams together, while also finishing school.

There's something about you, that he can't quite put his finger on, it's something addicting, something he never wants to stop experiencing.

He falls even more in love when he remembers how strong you are after everything you've been through. So much shit you've put up with, and yet you're still this amazing girl.

Hayden moves your hair off your shoulder to be able to properly wrap his arm around you.

His other hand held himself up as you cuddled on him.

In your mind, you were thinking of how crazy, weird, and intoxicating being in love was. You never experienced it before, and with Hayden nothing felt rushed or scripted.

It was all free, and natural and you loved it. He made you feel safe and after you broke your guard down, you know he won't hurt you like everyone else has.

"Y/n," he says very quietly.

You turn to look up at him, batting your eyelashes. Wondering what he wanted to say.

To your surprise, he didn't say anything, but pulled your chin in for a kiss -- and a soft one.

You sit up correctly, grabbing his face and deepening the kiss as your tongues fought for dominance, your lips brushing over each other, it felt like heaven.

You haven't really kissed him much since you kissed him for the first time on the way to the Hamptons, when he showed you the sketch of a bakery that he wanted to build for you.

In this moment, it was just you and him, the ocean in front of you both and the night sky beginning to twinkle as the sun set completely.

The candles setting the mood up perfectly and you weren't sure if it was the four glasses of wine you had, or if it was the stars above you aligning.

But you suddenly felt ready, like this moment was supposed to happen.

"Hayden," you pull away, his lips swollen from your kisses. But you keep close.

"I-I wanna--" Was all you needed to say before he was moving you to lay on your back.

He gently hovers on top of you, and you make space as you move your legs apart for his figure.

Anyone walking past could see two college kids in love and probably about to have sex but luckily for the both of you, you guys were the only ones on the beach.

He kisses you hard again, this time with much more passion, he lets groans out and you let out whimpers of your own as he caresses your body. Moving away from your lips, he kisses the corner of your mouth all the way down to your jaw.

Beginning to mark up your neck with little lovemarks.

His hand gently made it's way up your dress, up your thigh.

"Hayden wait," nervousness floods your body, as you sit up on your elbows.

"What's wrong?" He worries too, maybe he misinterpretted the signs.

"I-I," You take a deep breath, god this felt so embarrassing, even though you had nothing to be embarrassed about, "I'm a virgin."

"Really?" He tilts his head, in complete shock, he thought you at least lost it to some guy at your school or in high school.

"Mhm," you nervously bite your lip, "god this is embarassing."

"Hey, hey," he cradles your face, "you have nothing to be embarassed about. Okay?" He nods, with a reassuring smile.

"If you wanna stop we can stop, and just go back to the house." Hayden proceeds to attempt to stand but you pull him down.

"No, no I-I, want to," your confession comes out as a quiet plea, "I want to do it with you, I trust you."

God, he's never felt so tingly inside.

Kissing you again, he lays you down against the beach blanket.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," you wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close to you, "I've never been so sure about anything in my life."

He gives you that gorgeous grin, leaning down to kiss you even more.

Now he knows to be extra gentle with you, treating you like the princess you are.

There was no talking from there on out, he was slowly taking your clothes off until you were in your bra and panties. He sat back and took his own shirt off, shimmed his shorts off.

And what was underneath all that clothing was beautiful, he had a slim figure, abs and these biceps that could choke you. Not too built but not too scrawny either. Just in the middle. Fluffy enough to cuddle with too.

"Woah," you reach out to touch him.

He giggles anxiously, making your heart flutter. His eyelashes hit the top of his pink putty cheeks as he looks down at you with sparkling eyes.

"Kiss me." He sighs, as he leans closer to you and you welcome his body onto yours. He can't get enough of your lips.

Wrapping your arm around his neck, pulling him down so he's impossibly close.

You rub your nose against his, searching into his eyes and you feel so safe and right at home. You've never felt this way before, all tingly inside and suddenly the air smelt so nicer and the ocean was so beautiful.

He smiles as he leans down to finally connect your lips together, in another fiery passionate kissing, his hands are at either side of your head as your hands travel down to hold him by his narrow waist.

Hayden can keep kissing you for what seems like a lifetime, your lips are so soft against his and so sweet. He can't get enough.

But then you pull away from his lips, kissing the corner of his mouth, his cheek and leaving gentle kisses on his jawline.

He can't help but flutter his eyes closed, sighing in pleasure as his feels your lips.

He brings your face back to him, "are you sure?" He asks you, yet again.

"So sure." You nod, reassuring him that you want this.

"We don't have to." He moved away a strand that was falling on your forehead and resting on your eyelashes.

"I want to." You nod again, your fingernails raking up and down his toned back.

"You want your first to be with me?" He needs to be completely sure that you want this and won't regret it later.

"Wouldn't want it to be with anyone else," you whisper, your hands moving up again to cradle his gorgeous face.

One of them reaching even further up to arrange his gold locks back into place since the ocean breeze messed it up.

He still looked unsure.

"I'm serious Hayden....I trust you....I want you to..." you were skeptical of the words that were going to come from your mouth but you knew with Hayden you could say anything, "....make love to me."

His heart fluttered, he's never felt such intensity and passion for someone before.

"Please let me know if you ever want to stop...okay?" He whispers, picking your hand up and kissing your knuckles.

"I promise." You agree and it's getting hard to breathe, you are nervous as shit but at the same time you're calm, it was a weird feeling.

Kissing you again, he reaches around you to take your bra off. Gently and he always looked at your expression, making sure it was alright and it was because your eyes sparkled under the sky.

You want this as much as he does.

He tosses your bra to the side as it joins the lump of discarded clothing.

Hayden licks his lips, taking in your bare breast. Your nipples were hard because of the ocean breeze.

You were starting to feel self conscious when he moves forward, gently taking one in his mouth. Wrapping his lips around the bud, he looks up at you with those twinkling blue eyes.

You moan, it comes out and although you didn't expect it it was very welcomed by Hayden.

He takes this as a sign to start sucking, not too rough. Just enough to get you turned on even more than you were.

He licks around your nipple, once, twice, three times, almost as if he were teasing you he pulls away with a pop.

He kisses your other breast, licking around it once before he headed down to where he really wanted to go.

Hayden pushes you back onto the beach blanket so you're laying down, with him between your legs. You feel him kiss lower and lower, passing the valley of your breasts, skimming past your stomach and finally reaching your panty line.

You look up to the stars and swear you'll never ever forget this moment, the moment that girls anticipate when they get old enough to find out all the aspects of the adult world.

That magical moment between you and someone else.

You are taken out of your thoughts and gasp when Hayden starts pulling down your panties, kissing your hip bone and the rest of your skin.

"Is this okay?" He whispers against your thigh, kissing the area once, awaiting your response.

"Yes." You breathe out.

With that he takes your panties off completely, having it join the rest of the clothes.

"mmph," he groans, his big hands running down your thighs and pushing your legs up and towards your chest.

Your whining softly, you've never felt so hot, so sweaty, so exposed to anyone before. But yet it felt so right, so good, so...perfect.

Hayden begins with torturously kissing your inner thighs, he notices the beach blanket balled up in your hands and he hasn't even done anything yet.

He takes this as a reminder that it is your first, and you haven't done anything like this before so he remembers to go easy on you.

Your folds are glistening under the moon now, because the sun has gone away and the sky painted a pretty blue and faint yellow, the stars beginning to show.

You feel him near your core and then you gasp when he licks a firm strip from your entrance all the way up your clit.

"ohhh...." you moan deliciously for him, the friction is amazing. His tongue is hot and heavy against your pulsing core.

From his view, he watches your reactions, how your back arches and how your hand has magically made its way into his hair.

Gently, he kisses up and down, then he stops and softly suck's your clit into his warm mouth. Hw wraps his lips around it which makes you go're moaning louder, your gripping his hair tightly and your legs are crossed around his shoulders, pulling him in closer.

"ohhh shittt...." you say under a breathy whine.

Your back is arching, trying to process this new sensation and the intense knot building feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Hayden keeps sucking, every once in a while shaking his face to get deeper, he moans and it sends shivers of pleasure up your spine causing goosebumps across your sun-kissed skin.

"H-Haydennn....." you moan, and he will forever cherish you saying his name that way.

"Let go for me, baby," he says very quietly.

Licking his fingers, he lowers his head again to latch onto your clit, while also gently pushing one of his long fingers inside you. He took the sign that you were practically dripping wet and decided you could go a bit further.

"AWH!" You scream, in a good way, heat rushing to your face, your cheeks hot as he pulls his finger in and out of you.

"You're so tight.." he's fascinated with how well your body reacts to him, and how beautiful it looks under this moonlight.

"Haydennnn....." you moan his name again as the knot was on the verge of exploding and sending you into a heaven on earth.

You let your first intensifying orgasm crash into you, like the waves just a few feet away from you both.

Your body shivered, legs shaking around his head as he kept licking you through your orgasm.

You're breathless once the pleasureful feeling because just a mild feeling, leaving you breathless and no air in your lungs.

Hayden crawls up your body, kissing each inch of your soft skin along the way.

"You still with me?" He brushed a strand of your hair away from your forehead.

You flutter your eyes open, and loosen your grip on the beach blanket.

"Yeah...." you smile softly, "....that was amazing."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself..." he smiles too and leans his body down to kiss you. Your breasts pushed up and against his chest.

Making him even hornier.

You take your legs, realizing the feeling has came back into them and wrap them around his waist, crossing them tightly over his bum like a bow.

Your arm goes around his neck while your other hand cups his face.

He's so handsome, those long lashes brushing against the top of his cheeks which were stained a pretty pink.

He gives you a toothy smiles as you checked him out, he felt safe with you, and felt like the king of the world....the only guy in the world in fact...under your stare.

He rubs his nose against his, closing his eyes as you did too, letting him take over with his amazing mouth again.

Slotting his lips over yours, you feel the softness of his lips on yours. The way his tongue massaged yours...causing you to become even more drenched.

You felt him reaching down, after passionately making out a while. You began to feel nervous, those butterflies swarming in your tummy.

Hayden pulls himself out from his boxers and grabs himself, his hand wrapped around his shaft as he guided his tip to your core.

He runs it up and down your folds, loving the way it made a soft sloshing sound because of how wet you were.

On the other hand you were embarrassed that you were making those sounds, but then you looked at Hayden's blissed out face. Bottom lip tucked behind his front teeth and his eyes a bit droopy.

You didn't feel embarrassed anymore or nervous.

You grab his face, and he parts his lips in order to let you kiss him.

He lets his tip fall to your entrance, and he holds it there, teasing the area by pressing it around there.

Hayden pulls away breathless from your kisses. He admires you, your hands on his shoulders as you blushed under him.

"This is going to hurt a little bit, baby," he whispers, kissing you in order to help with the anxiety, "I swear it'll go away after a few seconds.."

You nod, you're ready, you're fucking ready damn it.

"Okay..." You smile, taking a deep breath.

He smiles at you, pressing his body back onto yours more firmly this time. Kissing your neck, as he slowly began pushing his tip in, he worked up to your ear, and sucked a love mark behind your ear lobe, which is your sensitive spot.

It didn't take him long to find out.

You go cross eyed for a sec as you let your eyes flutter close, between him giving you hickeys and his dick pushing inside you, you felt like you were going to just float away.

"Breathe," he reminds you, as he looks at you biting your lip and pushing your head back.

You let go of your lip and take a deep breath, having it come back as a moan as he shifted deeper inside.

He can't help but connect his lips with yours once again. And he does, which distracts from the pain for a few seconds.

It's definitely hurting, and it's not helping that Hayden is literally so huge.

Your hands are still on his shoulders, one on his shoulders and the other on his bicep. Using them as something to hold onto and grab. Little nail marks indented into his skin but he doesn't mind.

Hayden's hand goes around you guys to bring your leg farther up to your chest and further up the side of his waist.

He's almost in, and he's trying his hardest not to finish right here because you're so so fucking tight it feels amazing. He wants to go slow though, and make this the best experience make sure you are comfortable as possible.

"Wait....unnhhh....wait...."you say breathlessly.

It hurts a lot you think you're gonna cry.

"What's wrong?" he responds, just as breathless.

" just really hurts...." you lick your lips, as you feel him rub your thigh gently, "....but don't stop just keep going."

You remember Gila and your best friend Kate telling you that your first time might hurt. But they taught you what to expect.

"I think this might help," he kisses your temple and reaches down where your bodies met, rubbing your clit in tight swift motions.

It definitely helped with the burning sensation, it was now being replaced with pleasure.

"Ohhh that feels good," you say into his ear, and he can't help but attack your neck with kisses again as he feels your pussy finally starting to flutter around his dick.

He finally makes it all the way in, and he moans when he bottoms out. God the sounds he was making alone could bring you to another orgasm.

"Y'okay?" he says between a chain of kisses up your neck.

"Yes....please move," you whisper back.

He begins rocking his hips forward, gently and slowly at first, letting you get used to his size and the feeling. He listens to your sweet sounds of pleasure, just spilling right out of your pretty mouth. Your lips parted, your cheeks red and hot, your breasts against his chest as he loved your neck and your chest with his mouth.

He can't help but groan too, feeling you clamp down around him. He doesn't stop rubbing your clit, in fact your hand was down on-top of his applying even more pressure to his movement.

It was amazing, the way he sounded, the way he felt, the way he kissed you, touched you....his touch was electrifying against anywhere his fingers roamed.

"You feel so good, sweetheart...." he says into your ear making you moan just at his words, "you're doing so good for me."

You feel the knot again in your stomach, come running back.

Three more thrusts from Hayden and you were cumming all over him, the same time pushing him into his own orgasm.

Quickly, he takes himself out and lets out hot ropes of his release onto your tummy.

You try your best to sit up on your elbows, biting your lip at how ruined Hayden looked and how sexy his cum looked on you.

"S-Sorry..." he's all of a sudden shy, and can't look at you.

"Hayden, that was amazing." You pull him onto you, "thank you."

He smiles and those feelings go away. Kissing your lips twice, he stands and covers his dick with his boxers as he jogged over to get a napkin from the picnic he set up from before.

He cleans you up, and even helps you dress yourself again. He puts his shorts back on, but throws his shirt over you. After you but your panties and bra back on.

Suddenly the moon disappears, as you were putting the food back into the basket that it came in the first place.

Thunder shakes the shore and Hayden looks at the sky and then at you.

He can't say anything before it starts pouring.

He grabs the last of the stuff that was out and takes your hand, rushing with you to the nearest place with a roof.

You laugh in the rain, Hayden laughs too as he keeps pulling you to one of the small food places on the boardwalk.

Once the rain calmed down, Hayden and you walked under the beach blanket that you just lost your virginity on back to his house here in the Hamptons.

His arm around you the whole time, protecting you and making sure you weren't getting as wet. Even though your hair and clothes were soaking.


Today you'd be going back to New York City, Andy is meeting you there.

You woke up this morning with a slight sore feeling between your legs but you smile at the memory at how it got there in the first place.

Hayden on top of you, grunting hotly, looking at you like you had hung the moon in the sky, and loving you so sweetly and being so patient with just made you feel good.

Like you could allow yourself to be this happy, you deserve this, you deserve someone like Hayden to treat you right.

"Mornin," he says quietly, smiling down at you.

Of course you were more comfortable with him now, that you cuddled alllll night with him and it felt so amazing and so safe to do so.

"Morning," you smile big at him and his adorable sleepy/morning face.

"You look so beautiful in the morning..." he frames your angelic face with the tips of his fingers, scanning over all your features.

"Just in the morning?" You tease.

"All the time," He says, his thumb gliding across your bottom lip. He also got flashbacks of how magical and amazing last night was.

Your hands on his back, touching him wherever you could, your moans, your whines, your lips, your scent....god he'll never forget.

He loves the fact that he's ruined you for any other man, you're completely his.

You made Hayden a spectacular breakfast, making mini croissants from the ingredients his mom had here in the Hampton House.

Hayden watched from the breakfast bar at how beautiful you looked while in your element, rolling out the buttery dough you made...from scratch he may add...and folding it up into small croissants.

All while in his shirt. He couldn't help but get up and sneak behind you as you sprayed a pan with non stick spray and gently placed the croissants on the pan.

This was your mom's recipe, and of course you committed it to memory.

You giggle as Hayden starts wrapping his big arms around your waist pulling you back towards the front of his body. Your eyes flutter close as he starts kissing your neck.

Telling you how beautiful and amazing you are. He doesn't want you to ever forget.

After breakfast, you guys showered and we're ready for when the taxi came to take you guys back to New York City to meet Andy.

Who was waiting for you at a private brunch place to discuss the next step in this complicated situation with Lily.

Hayden couldn't keep his mouth off you on the 40 minute ride back to the city.

You weren't sure if you made out the whole time with him because his kisses made you dizzy....and in fact you wanted him to keep kissing you all day if he could.

He's so gentle with you, like his fragile doll, his cradle your face softly in his big hands, thumbs rubbing over your cheeks as he goes back in for another round of intoxicating kisses.

The taxi driver didn't seem to mind, he mumbled something about being young and in love....

By the time you heard honking and lots of noise, you knew you were back in the hell hole. And your lips were super duper sore.

Hayden pulls away but not before kissing you once more, then you pulled you in under his arm, tucking you nice and close to him.

When the taxi passed the building that his father worked at, Hayden began feeling uneasy. He knew his father was going to beat the shit out of him when he saw him.

He's received multiple calls on his cell from his dad — never answered him.

Lily probably told him everything, and now Hayden had to deal with even more consequences.

Hayden had to unplug the phone after your phone call with Andy because he knew George would call there too.

"Y'okay?" You turn, rubbing his thigh when you realized he had gone quiet and was white as a ghost.

"Yeah....yeah...I'm okay....just nervous about telling my parents about school."

"I can be there to help you, if you want." You say reassuringly.

"I'd like that," he whispers, feeling his heart slow down.

The car comes to a stop, Hayden steps out to jog over and open your car door. He helps you out and the taxi driver gets your bags out as well.

Tom and Kate were walking out the store that was next door to the brunch. When Kate noticed you getting out of the cab.

They've been trying to get in contact with you, both of your best friends, but little did they know Lily had your phone.

"Y/N?!" Kate shouts, pushing on her heels to see you through the crowds of people walking by.

You turn to find the voice calling your name between the hurtles of tourists.

"Kate?" you say as you watch her push pass people to get to you, all the while holding Tom's hand and dragging him through too.

"Y/n!!!" she shouts as she engulfs you in a hug.

You scream too, hugging her back tightly as you both jumped up and down a bit from the excitement.

"Tommy, c'mere," you pull him in for a hug too, which turned into a three friend hug.

"Where have you been?! We've been calling you, texting you! We even went to the stepmonster's house and she said she didn't know who you were." Kate refers to lily as step monster.

"What's up with that?" Tom asks.

"It's a long story, guys," you sigh, "i promise i'll explain everything soon, but right now i have to meet—" your words zoned out as Kate noticed Hayden standing behind you, protectively.

Her gaze returns to you, she connected the dots in her head. The fact that you both stepped out the taxi, and you guys had bags with you.

"Shut. Up."

"What?" You ask her, turning to look at Hayden.

"Oh," You smile, feeling a bit bad that you forgot he was there. He hadn't met your friends properly before.

However they didn't like him very much, because the last time they saw him, Margaret kissed him and that's when you all found out he had a girlfriend.

"Guys, you know Hayden." You pull Hayden gently towards you, "Hayden this is my best friends, Tom and Kate."

"Yes, yeah," Hayden smiles at them, "we met that night at the fair."

"Yeah, and we also met your girlfriend." Kate says angrily, "she lovely by the way."

Hayden looks at you, Kate has a reason to be angry with him he gets it. But she doesn't know the whole story.

You drag Kate away from the boys, leaving Tom and Hayden alone.

"Kate I swear i'll explain, please go easy on him, he's not who you think he is." You reassure her.

She crosses her arms, "Mmph,"

"Plus, I have something to tell you. It happened." You squeal.

Kate blinks at you, and then once more and then again.

"No!" She denies it.

"Yes!" You nod, smiling big. She's never seen you so happy.

"That's why you're glowing!" Kate slaps your arm, "you lost your virginity?!"

"I did...." you nibble on your bottom lip.

"To Harvard Hottie?" Kate looks into your eyes, her hands on your shoulders.

You nod again, "Oh my god! How was it?!" She asks you.

You look back at Hayden and Tom speaking, you grab Kate hand and walk a bit further more away from the boys.

"It was amazing," You tell her, "he planned this dinner out on the beach....the sun was setting...everything was perfect. One thing led to another and....well....I woke up the next morning no longer a virgin."

"Shut. Up." She says again, "he popped your cherry on the beach?!"

"No one was around but was romantic. He was sweet, and patient and god his fingers..." you fantasize.

"Okay...okay....TMI..." Kate stops you right there.

Kate and you walk back, and she gives you her number again written on a napkin from the food place she walked out from with Tom.

She gave you strict orders to call her once you got a phone.

You hold Hayden's hand as you walk into the brunch place, after saying goodbye to Tom and Kate, holding your bag with your clothes and stuff while Hayden held his too.

Andy rises from where he was sitting in a corner of the restaurant, waving you over as soon as he locked eyes with you.

"Y/n Y/l/n, look at you, you're all grown up," Andy smiles, as you let go of Hayden's hand and hug Andy.

"Thanks for coming Andy, I-I didn't know what else to do."

"No worries, honey, we're gonna get this all sorted out." Andy nods, before his gaze wandered to Hayden behind you.

You turn to introduce them, "Hayden this is Andy, my dad's friend and Andy this is Hayden."

They greet each other, and shake hands and all that.

Then you guys all sit down, Andy takes out his briefcase and takes papers and records out.

"According to your Dad's will, Y/n," Andy looks at you, "the penthouse is yours, the restaurant is in your name and the house you guys had back home is yours too."

"The penthouse is mine? My childhood home is mine?" You repeat, you knew the restaurant was yours thanks to Nate but the penthouse was new.

" long as you're willing to testify against Lily and talk about the abuse she put you through, I can make a case out of this. And we can win it, easy." Andy waves his palm at you.

"Okay...." you nod, taking a big breath, looking at Hayden as he gently played with your thigh under the table, "....yes, i'll do anything."

"Great, that's great." Andy nods, closing his notebook after jotting something down.

Commotion stirred towards the entrance, the three of you turned to see Lily, Hayden's Dad and the police department storming to your table.

Hayden stands, as his father George, nears with two police officers.

"What is this?" Hayden asks.

You stand too, facing Lily. You look at Any, wondering if maybe he called the police, but he was just as confused as you.

"That him," Lily points at Hayden, "that's the boy who kidnapped my stepdaughter."

"WHAT?" Hayden and you both stand in unison.

One of the cops pulls out the handcuffs, and the other one grabs Hayden.

"He didn't kidnap me! I went willingly with him!"

"She's delusional, like we spoke about..." Lily nods at the officers.

"No! Stop!" You try to stop them from handcuffing Hayden, your heart beating fast starting to break at seeing him like this.

"Where's your probable cause?" Andy stands and helps, no one answers him, "where's the warrant for this young man's arrest? Cause I don't see one."

"This ain't none of your business, son." George shuts Andy up.

"This is false imprisonment." Andy frustratingly tells the police officers.

"He didn't kidnap me! I swear, I went with him on my own free will, please...please don't...don't take him away." You begged the cops, following after them as they dragged Hayden away.

"Y/n..." he calls for you, "'s okay." He tries to calm you.

"It's not!" The tears start rolling down.

You cut the cops off before they walk out the door, "please! listen to me! why aren't you listening!"

"please move ma'am," one of them says.

"Hayden...." the tears swelled up again in your eyes and he tells you not to cry.

Andy is on the phone with his firm, trying to figure out just how much he can help here with this situation.

You wrap your arms around Hayden, even though he can't hug you back. Kissing him on his cheek before his father George came to literally rip you off his son.

"LET ME GO!" You scream, kicking to get out his grasp.

"Don't. Touch. Her!" Hayden growls, as they cops led him away, god he wants to be there for you. Make sure no one keeps hurting you.

Especially at the hands of his abusive father.

They shove Hayden in the back of a cop car, driving away. George following behind them in his own car.

While you were left alone to deal with Lily.

Andy catching up soon behind you.

"" you don't know how to put your anger in words.

"You...nothing" Lily crosses her arms, "you see what I have to do, what you make me do?"

You scoff in her face, "now let's go, there's lots of chores to do at home, where you belong." She starts tugging at your wrist, pulling you to her car.

"I suggest you let go of my client before you get another list of charges." Andy says.

Lily turns to face the man she's never seen before.

"And who are you?" Lily scowls, letting you go, Andy walk closer, stepping in front of you and pushing you behind him.

"Andrew Barber, Y/n and Hayden's lawyer," Andy takes his hand out, even though he knows lily isn't going to shake it, "and you Miss Van der Woodsen just got yourself into a hell lot of trouble."

A/N: our baby Hayden will find justice...don't worry! This mini series is coming to a final end in this next part that I hopefully will update soon! stay tuned 👑

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