Hold on, Love

By EnchancersID

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Fan-Fic "Greyson Love Story" for enchancers :-) Serial gls "Hold on, Love" made by one of @EnchancersHere_ (t... More

Hold on, Love (part 1) : The first meeting
Hold on, Love (part 2) : Sunshine + City Lights
Hold on, Love (part 4) : The Start Line
Hold on, Love (part 5) : Answer me!

Hold on, Love (part 3) : The Conflict

196 4 0
By EnchancersID

  "Heh, we're arrived!" ujar Grey dengan santainya memukul-pukul punggung gue. "Now you have to pay the costs -_-"

            "Huh? where are we??" tanya gue. "Hey ANSWER MEEE!"

"Hey don't you remember, last night?" ujar Grey lagi. "Should I explain it from the start? uh, you're such a forgetful person! -_-"

"Up to you! so where's this place??" ucapku.

"My home, hahaha!"

"Yeah so?" ujarku.

"Mmm, nope. Heh what's wrong with u?" tanya Grey.

"Nothing! i'm just getting tired" ucapku.

"Hmm okay, you can have some rest on my home first" sambut Grey. "Here I'll show you the room"

"Where's your parents?" tanya gue.

"They haven't come back" ucap Grey. "Yeah, vacation.. With Alexa"

"How about Tanner?"

"Stay on his friend's house. Maybe it takes a week, same as my parent's"

"Oke, where's your room?" tanyaku.

"Oh, here!" ucapnya.

Ya gue di"giring"nya masuk kedalam kamarnya. Gak terlalu gede, juga nggak terlalu kecil. Ya, istilahnya, comfortable gitu, buat gue.. Tapi ya, gimana ya.. guanya agak gakenak juga sama Grey-nya, baru sampai udah dibentak-bentak, udah gitu gua numpang tidur dikamarnya, lagi…

Udahlah, paling gara-gara gua lagi emosi aja.. :-)


            “Helen, wake up!!” ujar Grey bangunin gue.

            “Eh? Uh sorry, hehe yeaa I’m awake! -_-“ ujar gue, ngantuk.

            “Hm, because there’s just two of us in this house, I made a breakfast! Hehe what do you think?”

            “What? Oh what should I say?” ujarku.

            “Uh come on! Here I’ve made some fried bread!” ujar Grey.

            “Hm, lol it tasted so weird” ucapku. “Oh ya, where’s my mom?”

            “I’ve called her, by your phone” katanya. “Actually she called you, but you were sleeping. So I answer it. She said okay”

            “What? Impossible!” ujarku tercengang.

            “Yaaaa now what’ll we do? I’m getting bored” ucap Grey. *Phone Vibrates* “Oh I’ve got a text! Hey wanna join me, tonight to the reunion?”

            “Idk anyone there!” kataku.

            “Hehe it’s okay, I’ll be with you”

            “Aww thanks! Hooekk!!” ucapku sambil peragain orang muntah “Eh?”  Greyson terlihat agak sakit hati. HAH APAAN!? Ya Tuhan gua Cuma bercanda… kenapa jadi gini sih? Iya sih guenya agak kebangetan, tapinya nggak kayak gini juga kali… Aduh gua takut banget ini.. :-(  “Mmm, Grey..?”

            “Just do it! Everything you want!” kata Grey tiba-tiba. “Ya I’m so weird to force you to get here, now what?”

            “Umm Grey I don’t mean..” ucapku.

            “Oh there’s your mom! Now go outside!!” ucapnya ngusir gue.

            “It’s okay if you’re getting mad, IT’S ALL OKAY!! I DON’T CARE!!” bentak gue, tepat di hadapannya. Gua agak jinjit bentak dia. Mulutnya menganga. Aduh kenapa malah jadi begini!?! Kenapa!?


            “Ma, aku mau minum” ucapku ke mama, di mobil.

            “Heh tadi itu mama khawatir banget tau, kalo kamu diculik! Dia itu kan laki-laki! Kalo diapa-apain gimana!? Kamu kan belum begitu kenal sama dia!?”

            “Nggak kok ma, dia itu baik” ucapku. “Eh, nggak, nyebelin!” kataku lagi sambil minum soda yang diberikan mama padaku. Gue masih kepikiran sama kejadian yang tadi, kalo dia benar-benar marah, gimana??

            Oke akhirnya gua kasih sms ke Grey, semoga aja dibales..

To : Greyson

Re : Helen

Grey when’s the reunion? :-)

SMS sent! Yap gua hanya nunggu balesan dari dia.. semoga aja dibales, gua benar-benar merasa bersalah… emang tadi itu kata-kata gue kasar banget.. *Phone Vibrates* eh dibales!

To : Helen

Re : Greyson

            No one invited you.

            Anjrit gue harus bales apa!? Emang dianya sih yang nyebelin.. atau.. guanya yang egois? Aduh apa yang harus gua lakuin? Kenapa jadi begini? Dan akhirnya gua beraniin diri untuk sms dia balik..

To : Greyson

Re : Helen

            Oh.. -_-

            Hanya bisa ber –do’a agar sms gua dibales… kumohon..


            Greyson menatap sms yang diteimanya dengan segan. “What do you want!? Who do you think I am!?” dan dengan enaknya dia menghapus sms tersebut, dan meninggalkannya sendirian..

          --- So there it is! the third part of my story, hope you like it! <33 -@rereinne

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