A Soul To Servitude (Fgo x Ma...

By RedSpiderWeb

15K 381 76

For as long as you can remember you have served under someone whether it be a king or queen general or captai... More

Part 2: City In Ruins
Part 3: The Trouble Ahead
Part 4: A Friend Long Ago
Part 5: The Sound Of Metal
Part 6: A Duel of Spirits
Part 7: The Future

Part 1: Disaster At Chaldea

5.5K 80 25
By RedSpiderWeb

(Okay so your not going to appear in the story until a while Now trust me your going to appear it's just going to be basically at the end of the chapter although I will add your character in bits and pieces but I promise next chapter will include you very much)

The sky was tar black, wrapping around the moon and limiting the only source of light during the night. Tapping was heard all around, and then a pitter-patter. Puddles began growing as the rainfall became heavier.

One man looked up at the sky, droplets of water assaulting his steel armor. The man in steel armor could only reminisce about how beautiful the day once was. Another man covered in black approached the scene. His footsteps sunk into the muddy ground below him.

The two men just stood there in silence, both listening to the drumming beat the rain created when it hit the ground. The air flowed with a cold breeze as the rain roared on. The man in black raised his weapon towards the man in steel armor. The man in steel readied himself; his body felt tense, his hands were tight. Extracting his weapon from his sheath.

The two fighters got into a stance with their respective weapons and then just stared at each other, only standing still and not moving at all. The men were focused, concentrated. The rain almost stopped for them; it didn't dare interrupt their concentration. But one brave droplet fell to the ground and it decided their next choices.

Both fighters charged at each other, running through the rain, splashing on their armor, weapons drawn. They fought hard with expertise. Two masters duked it out. One would attack, the other countered. Both fighters underestimated their opponent.

They broke off from each other and stepped away before circling like predators, waiting for the perfect moment to strike each other. Taking a look on the inside, the man in steel armor was keeping himself calm and collected, while the man in black was upset and unfocused.

They both knew each other's style and tactics, but only one shall stand. The man in black lunged forward, ready to go on the offensive, but was only met with his opponent showing a stronger defense.

If things continued, this would lead into a stalemate, and they both knew this. The man in black was not letting this happen. He clashed against his enemy once more, but with a larger sense of aggression. The man in steel armor was lost in his thoughts for only a moment, but that was the moment his opponent had been waiting for.

The man in black unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one more fatal than the last. The battle was finally leaning in the man in black's favor. The man in steel was knocked back a little; the attack left him staggered. The man in black winds up with his weapon before bringing it down on his opponent with earth-shaking force. Just before it could land, the man in steel swiftly moves out of the way and kicks the man in black's weapon.

Now disarmed, the match has turned in the man in steel's favor, but shockingly, he throws his weapon to the ground and cracks his knuckles.

Black knight: "You know this is just a distraction, right?"

Steel knight: "I understand that. Now shut up and fight me."

They both continued to fight it out in the rain. Both had bloody and bruised hands. The man in black pushed forward as he became an uncontrollable ball of rage, unleashing everything he had against the man in steel armor. The man in steel pushes his aggressor back just so he could gain some distance.

Steel knight: "I just have one question... why did you come back to this place?"

Black knight: "I wanted to see a great man right before he lost everything... and then I wanted to beat the shit out of him for letting it happen."


Alarms blared ear piercingly loud through the building over and over like a broken record the only thing that could rival the sound was the oncoming rushing of footsteps of workers. Red lights flashed on and off indicating a emergency. The workers all seemed to be converging to the same location.

Eventually workers barged through doors there movements got slower as they finally were able to have a breath a of fresh air. It seems they finally reached there location. A white painted room with matching colored tiles to give the room a sort of clean aura. Seats were placed on the room and with each seat was a corresponding computer. At first glance you would think of this to be a sophisticated and quiet area

But it was anything but quiet.

Several fingers banged against then key on                                                         the keyboard it created a unison of clicking, ticking, and clattering on the keyboards. The atmosphere was tense each worker was wide eyed with fear as they focused on their special tasks. The calm aura this place gave off before was replaced by a sense of dread.

As the working continued it looked as if that's all they're oils be doing working... trying to fix this task this hopeless task. That was until a booming voice gained the attention of the workers, they kept there eyes on their screens but they gave their ears to the voice.

The voice belonged to a young feminine woman and even though she didn't look the part she was the one the workers listened to each word that would come out of her mouth was the most vital information for them. The reason for this is cause she was the Director for all of this

Director: "Quickly give me a summary of the situation!"

She shouted as quickly as she could and as loud no doubt all the workers heard her voice. Her eyes darted around the room one of her workers has to have the answer because she surely did not. No matter how hard she analyzes it she couldn't possibly process the situation at the moment.

Worker 1#: "The shiva lens has detected an abnormality"

Questions roamed around in the air what could they be dealing this is unlike anything they have ever faced before the Director shakes her head blowing past these thoughts. The director believes they can solve this problem.

Worker 2#: "Coordinates confirmed! Abnormal value rising!"

A screen formed itself up in the center area it seemed to be a map detailing the situation and by the look on the director's grim face things were getting bad. The directors breathing stopped her skin grew pale and she could only mutter a few small words "The Light...."

An older voice drowned out the Director's whisper this voice belonged to another higher up like herself. The voice belonged to an older man around the age of 40 he wore a polyester pine green over coat jacket and a styled top hat this was the one and only Professor Lev Lainur Flauros.

Professor Lev: "Chaldea was created from a reproduction of the Earth's soul. If the light of the civilization is extinguished then that..... could"

Professor Lev trailed off as his voice got silent he held his tongue for he wouldn't dare say the next words. Things looked hopeless this could spell the end if only... Then the director shot up from her seat she finally had an idea although it wasn't a guaranteed method to solve this problem they have little to no options.

Director: "Listen! We must gather humans who have potential to become Master's immediately we have no choice. We'll move on from the Ray-shift experiments to actually use.

Professor Lev: "Are you positive I'm not so sure we have run enough tests to use this?"

Director: "no! We don't have time to run any more tests. If we don't regain the light of Chaldean's then humanity has no future."

Chaldea on the brink of destruction there is only one option to save all of humanity and that option was finding potentials master they our Chaldea's only hope now this is where we begin our story.


The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming. she scrunched her eyes at the bright light that was sipping through her closed eyelids. She felt powerless and heavy. She could not move her hand, her head or her body.

The girl slowly started blinking, desperately trying to open her eyes and see what's around her. Where am I? She questioned. As blinding light slowly subsided she could take a look around her surroundings. She was at the hospital.

The room was pristine clean and gloomy. Typical hospital bed, IV and monitors beeping. The walls were a sickly green color and the linens were grayish. The place looked nothing like a room where a patient should be motivated to get better. If anything the murky room was making her even more nauseous.

She could not remember how she got here but she knew that she wanted out as soon as possible. Preferably right now. She pulled on the IV line and felt sharp pain. Seems that ripping out an IV is only easy in the movies...

"You probably shouldn't have done that." A reserved voice startled the once sleeping girl. This voice belonged to a young woman short lilac hair, lavender eyes and fair skin. Her figure is fairly athletic the Lilac haired woman wore rectangular frame glasses, a grey hoodie over a black shirt over a white-collar shirt, a red tie bearing the a strange insignia, a black skirt and tights, and brown shoes.

"Where am I?" The girl in the bed asked with a dazed look on her face. Her vision a bit foggy she at least needed to know her location

???: "Oh that's an easy question. This is an observatory, built to preserve the future of the human race as king and stein as possible. This is the Chaldea Security Organization."

Chaldea that name seemed familiar to the girl in the bed but she just couldn't put her finger on it if she spends any longer thinking about the subject she would certainly get a headache. The girl with lilac hair stood up from her seat and went off leaving the room and leaving the girl alone. It wasn't until ten minutes passed that the girl with lilac hair returned with a bottle of water

She handed it to the girl in the bed in which she gladly accepted it. She took a few swigs of the ice cold liquid and sighed, she felt refreshed.

???: "My apologies I haven't even said my name to you yet. You may call me Mash.

The girl with Lilac hair said. The girl in the bed thought the name was strange but then again her own name wasn't any better.

???: "My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Mash: "Do you have any memory of undergoing some kind of simulation?"

Now that formalities are over it seemed Mash wanted to get to the situation at hand. What Mash said sounded familiar yet the only word she could think of was

Ritsuka: "I remember something called the Spiritron Dive."

Mash: "That would explain things if your not used to the process it could put a lot of stress on the brain."

Ritsuka's head was still throbbing in pain she honestly was regretting taking part in the project but no matter. She rubbed her head trying to soothe the pain.

Mash: "By the way, are you on of the people with master potential?"

Mash was correct with this question. Ritsuka was a perfect candidate for making a contract with a servant though she still didn't understand what Ray shifting was so  that seems to be a question she should ask next

Ritsuka: "Yeah they said I was qualified to be a master making a contract with a servant and everything. Somebody invited me to the location and now I'm here. By the way, what is Ray shifting?"

Mash: "Strange how you don't know that, but I shall answer you. Chaldea is a research Facility and observatory that gathers research of every strip, from sorcery to science, all for the purpose of continuing the history of humankind for as long and strong as possible. Our top researchers have developed Chaldea's, a global environmental model."

Ritsuka: "Your saying a lot of big words and I just I don't understand?"

Mash: "Let's just say as long as the light of civilization burns in Chaldea, humanity is guaranteed to last at least for another 100 years."

That seems good right a smile formed on Ritsuka's face Humans are at least going to thrive for a little longer so that's a plus now she is wondering why they needed Master applicants. But that's when Ritsuka noticed Mash's gloomy face "What's wrong?" Ritsuka asked with concern in her voice

Mash: "The light is beginning to die. If the light disappears civilization will disappear along with it. And according to their observations humans will become extinct on December 2022"

And Now Ritsuka shared the gloomy look as Mash. December 2022 that wasn't so far away humanity only has months left to live no wonder Mash looked so sad. But this still doesn't explain why there are Master candidates from what mash described this is a hopeless situation

Mash: "But there is hope. On a closer examination of the information that has been stated they revealed a new abnormality. We discovered from 2004 to 2020 CE, there was a suburban city in Japan. That was an (Observable area) and did not exist in history. We must assume this is the cause of humanity's extinction so that's where the Ray shift experiment comes in. The Ray shift turns humans into Spiritrons and sends them back into the past to intervene in certain events.

Ritsuka: "So does that mean it's like time travel?"

Mash: "Correct. We can transfer ourselves to the past and investigate the cause of the future's disappearance then destroy it. So that is the idea behind Ray shift which Chaldea is currently trying to conduct."

From what Ritsuka could gather from all that science talk it seems like people who are Master candidates who shall use the ray shift experiment to fix the timeline. It's a short sentence yet if feels so big for her.  She honestly can't believe they decided to pick her.

Ritsuka: "I was invited to join something that incredible?

Mash: "Surprised?"

Ritsuka: "Yeah..."

Last hope for humanity that thought roamed around her head bouncing back and forth she honestly can't believe it. Sounds of footsteps alerted both the girls and then in walked a figure wearing a green long coat and a stylish top hat. It was Professor Lev once again. "So this is where you've been" The professor said as if he was appeased he finally found who he was looking for.

Professor Lev: "you better hurry. The briefing on the Master potential is about to begin."

His gaze seemed to be directed towards Mash as if Ritsuka was completely invisible. That was until a small cough from the ginger haired girl gained his attention.

Professor Lev: "Who might you be again?"

Instead of saying her own name Ritsuka said her designated number. "Number 48" Number 48 the 48th subject in this project

Professor Lev: "Ah I understand now. Your one of the common recruits

That comment stung a little bit, being known as only a common recruit it didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel important but that doesn't matter. The professor noticed her gloomy and tried to correct his comment.

Professor Lev: "Please don't be discouraged or disappointed. every member is necessary for this mission. I apologize I haven't even introduced myself yet. I'm Lev Lainur I happen to be one of the engineers."

Ritsuka: "Nice to meet you."

Professor Lev: "By the way shouldn't you get going?"

Ritsuka: "Uhm where?"

Professor Lev: "Well obviously the briefing. Make sure not to be late or the director might have your head."

This was her first day and Ritsuka didn't want to make a bad impression on the director of all people. Ritsuka darted her eyes from left to right but she couldn't exactly remember where the room was. "I- uh where is it?!" Upon hearing this Mash grasped RItsuka's forearm with a firm grip and ran out of the infirmary

Mash: "Just follow me."

And soon enough the two girls were out of sight leaving Professor Lev by himself he could only chuckle as Ritsuka's worried and frightened look. This was going to be interesting to say the least


The room was large like a amphitheater the rows were filled with exceptional applicants  each row contained small steel desk with attached chairs crammed together to allow maximum number of students. The desks were clean no sort of scratch or dirt it was perfect.

The room was quiet no one talked only watched and listened as the esteemed Director began to speak.

Olga: "Welcome to the Chaldea Security Organization. I'm Olga Marie Animusphere, the director of Chaldea."

Olga Marie other wise known as the Director a woman who carries herself with confidence and pride Olga is a young woman with long white hair and golden-amber eyes, appearing to be around the age of twenty-two to twenty-three. She wore a black jacket with frilled sleeves under it was a white dress and a red ascot she also had red leggings and standard black high heels

Olga: "And all of you have been chosen or discovered around the world for the rare talent you posses. By talent, I mean the potential to do a Spiritron Dive. You possess magical circuits and the qualifications to become a Master."

She spoke to the recruits with such pride it honestly made there spirits shine to have such an esteemed worker complement them was engaging. But what she would say next would rip that excitement off there faces.

Olga: "That being said, it's a special talent, but you yourselves are not special people. Make yourselves aware that you are no more than tools. whose sole purpose is to protect humankind's history."

Her voice of confidence didn't disappear but there was a small hint of hostility in her voice. It stunned the participants it's like her entire mood changed. Some people whispered saying things like "She can't say that!" Others say "Tools?! Who do you think you are?!" The small whispers became moderate murmurs those became chattering of participants.

Olga: "Silence! If you don't like what I have to say, leave Chaldea immediately!"

Everyone went quiet no one dared to try to make her annoyed sadly one participant wasn't so lucky to avoid her wrath. An irritating snoring sound alerted everyone's attention and there it was or rather there she was. The snoring girl had short red hair with a side ponytail. Olga took a quick glance at the sleeping woman's shirt to notice her designated number. It happened to be commoner '48'. Olga grasped the girl's shoulder and shook her enough until her eyes start to flutter open.

Ritsuka: "Huh what's....happening"

She groggily said as she tried to open her eyes. She obviously fell asleep due to the less than captivating speech the Olga gave. Without giving her a moment of time to waste Olga escorted a confused and tired Ritsuka out of the room before closing the doors and resuming her speech. After being escorted out of the room one individual were waiting outside it was Mash.

Ritsuka: "What just happened??"

Mash: " Ritsuka it seems you've been excluded from the first mission. I'll take you to your room."

Mash took Ritsuka's hand and guided her through a hallway. A clean gray tiled floor with bright white light. The only thing that was heard was the squeaking on the floor caused by shoes.

Ritsuka: "So what's so special about the director?"

Mash: "Oh Olga.... The director is the head of the Animuspheres, a distinguished family of Mages."

So that's the reason everyone looks at Olga with such respect is cause she was born from a prestige family. There was another lingering thought in RItsuka's mind it was something she couldn't make leave her mind.   

Ritsuka: "Another question do you know why there's so many master applicants especially the common ones like me?"

Mash: "Many potential Masters were needed after moving the ray shift's experimental stage to practical use. But only a handful of Mages had that potential."

Ritsuka: "So that's why average citizens like myself were so aggressively recruited."

After Ritsuka said that the two went back to walking in silence through the hallway. Ritsuka couldn't help but think of her job of being a Master applicant . There was a balcony showing Mash the view of the sky. Ritsuka noticed Mash's gaze toward the sun that hid somewhere behind a featureless grey blanket of low clouds.

Mash: "As high as we are above the ground, we can't see one bit of the blue sky."

RItsuka: "Blue sky, huh?"

Mash was right there was no clear blue sky to be seen only a dark ominous grey cloud. Deep in Ritsuka mind she could feel something dark was hiding in those clouds. But moving on from that feeling she could see Mash's dreary look on her face and she could understand why.

Ritsuka: "Spending two years up in this place you must not see clear blue skies for a while."

Mash didn't answer as if what Ritsuka said was somehow insulting. Without noticing the two seemed to arrive on a door engraved with the numbers 48 "This is your room" Mash said with little passion.

Ritsuka: "Thank you for everything"

Mash: "No need."

It seemed like she was in a hurry.

Ritsuka: "Hey your going to the mission right?"

Mash: "Correct which is why I must be leaving now.

Having nothing else to say Mash left the area in a hurry leaving Ritsuka all by herself. "She's an interesting girl" she thought before giving a long sigh. She didn't think her first day would go like this  she especially didn't think she would get kicked out of the meeting because of sleeping.

Dammit was all she could say to herself the first mission and she's being excluded for just sleeping?!

Opening the door Ritsuka was met with a dark bland and empty. The room was rather unremarkable. The room contained a brown desk ready to be decorated and a single bed with dark grey blankets that probably haven't seen the light of day in years.

She reluctantly laid herself on the bed. There wasn't much to do Ritsuka would have to wait until the next mission so she had nothing better to do than sleep.

Her eyes became heavier and her breath started to slow before she finally dozed off into slumber.


From the rain-washed earth, from the rich black mud, came the gaily dancing flowers of summertime. The flowers were a dancing rainbow, as if light and music had found a new way to blossom together. Only one beauty could compare dare I say even rival the flowers.

A kind Maiden sat herself around the ground among the flowers she was quite the enchantress with scarlet hair that grew to her back. The maiden contained two teal eyes. It was peaceful the wind gave a slight breeze letting the maidens hair flow through the air.

A booming stomp breached the tranquility this was brought on by one who was equipped with polished silver armor and a clean armet helm. The maiden noticed the oncoming man in clad armor and she could only return a kind smile as she saw him approach.

Steel knight "I knew I would find you out here."

The man in steel armor spoke with a soft tone in his voice.

???: "Well know that you've found me care to gaze at the stars with me?"

Steel knight: "if that is what you wish my queen then I shall."

???: "Oh stop with the titles (Y/n) no one is around so you may call me by my name"

The steel knight known as (Y/n) adjusted himself before clearing his throat

(Y/n): I'm sorry Boudica."

Boudica the Queen of Iceni. Wife to King Prasutagus. Mother of her two daughters her eldest being Epona and her youngest named Bonvica. And most of all a dearest friend to you.

Boudica: " I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly I just couldn't stand another moment in that room with those people."

Now she didn't mean that comment with any malicious intent she knows those people she would never hate them so something obviously troubling her so you decide to ask

(Y/n): "If you don't mind may I ask what has caused you to take a sudden leave from the party?"

Boudica: " Have you ever been scared?"

It was a sudden question the Queen said that the Knight certainly wasn't expecting

(Y/n): "Of course I've been scared fear is something that'll constantly plague me, but what does this have to do with you leaving the party?"

Boudica could only be content with the response before speaking herself

Boudica: "Well I've never been more scared than today."

(Y/n): "And why is that?"

Boudica: "Well it's cause of King Prasutagus his health seems to be in a constant decline."

This has been a issue for the past few weeks the king has fallen ill the once mighty ruler of Iceni now was in a sorry state he couldn't even get out of bed. It was sad and although you didn't know him as long as you knew Boudica you still know he was a good man who treated his wife and daughters kindly he didn't deserve this Illness.

Boudica: "I was worried at first yes but when the guest from the party spoke of it only then did the fear truly set in me. If my husband doesn't ever get better what shall I do? I don't think I could ever lead my people like my husband. He brought our people together even in the harshest of times I don't think I could every do that. All these concerns were just too much for me I had leave and find somewhere secluded to clear my thoughts."

Your not the best with advice but you know your friend is stressed so you give her the best words you know.

(Y/n): "I'm not the best with words and I know I can't predict the future but whatever happens, I know whatever odds you face whatever challenges present themselves you'll take them head on with bravery and I know that I'll always be by your side no matter what."

While not the best answer Boudica was satisfied with the answer and rose from the bench and adjusted herself. "Well best be getting back inside" Boudica said as she sauntered off to rejoin the party (Y/n) shortly followed after.


*Knock Knock*. The hurried fist banging against a door seemed to wake up Ritsuka from her slumber. She groaned before rising out of her bed and scratching her head 'What a strange dream' she thought. Ritsuka waked to the door and opened it only to be met with a a young man. "I was wondering why the door was locked." The man said but it didn't seem like he was talking to her more so answering his own suspicions.

Ritsuka being confused could only question why he knocked on her door, but before she could even get out a word the man spoke before her saying "Hey don't you know this is my snack hangout who said you could come here?".

Ritsuka: "I'm sorry but I was told this was my room."

The man's questions gaze turned into one of understanding. "So the last kid finally showed up?"

???: "Well I should introduce myself I'm Romani Archaman head of the medical division. Everyone just calls me Dr. Romani

The man named Romani had green emerald eyes and orange fluffy ponytail that went past his shoulders. "Hmm why are you still here isn't the ray shifting starting soon?" Romani asked with a questioning look

Rituska: "I kinda infuriated the director and was cut out from the mission."

Ritsuka sheepishly said as she looked down Dr. Romani could only smile before saying "We're two of a kind then"

Dr Romani: "The director chased me out, saying, 'When Romani is here, the mood softens up too much!' I came here to sulk but didn't expect to see the last person to be here."

Both of them seemed to briefly bond over their experience with the director but that moment was short lived as sudden ring was heard coming from Romani's pocket. Roman quickly pulled a phone from his pocket before answering the call "Hi lev" Romani greeted

Unbeknownst to the doctor he managed to accidentally turn on the speaker to his phone so Ritsuka could hear everything coming from the phone

Lev: "Romani ray shift is starting I need you to come here now!"

Lev said with worry in his voice Rituska could tell something bad was going to happen the conversation continued with Romani responding

Romani: "What seems to be the matter is the ray shift failing?"

Lev: "Team A is ready but Team B is down and having abnormality issues seems like they aren't used to the procedure"

Ritsuka could only think how similar it sounded to her experience with the ray shifting. "Then I'll anesthetize them that should do the trick" Romani responded calm and quickly.

Lev: "Well if your in your office you should be able to get here pretty soon rough fully about two minutes or more.

And with that the called ended leaving Romani in silence "This isn't the medical office is it." Ritsuka said clearly not asking a question and Romani could only shrug his shoulders and say "They won't be mad if I'm a little late right? beside A team is up first I should have enough time"

Romani: "OH that man I was just talking to was-"

Ritsuka quickly cut the man off before saying "That was Professor Lev right? I ran in to him earlier he said he was an engineer here." While rude for cutting Romani off he could only chuckle at what the orange haired girl said.

Romani: "Just some engineer huh? He's way to humble Levis the mage who created Shiva the lens that allows us to see into the near future it sort of allows us to see Chaldeas. With all those great people like Lev and the Director around kind of pointless to have a Doctor like me around yet when they call I will always answer"

And with that Romani got up from the bed and began to head out "Thanks for letting me hang out in here Ritsuka it was fun. Once things settle you should meet me in the office." The girl quickly got up to see him on his way out until a rumble from the ground stopped her movements. It was sudden and strange both Romani and Ritsuka gazed at each other questioning in their minds what just happened.

Then without warning the lights to the room turn off leaving the two in a pitch black room "What's this a power outage?" Ritsuka said with worry in her voice she wasn't all too familiar with this place so she could only assume yet Romani knew something was up

Romani: "Chaldea never had a power outage."

*Emergency Alert!* *Emergency Alert!* *Fires Have Broken Out In The Central Power Plant & Central Control Room!*

Romani was flabbergasted fires here in Chaldea this was strange sure maybe in a normal building he could expect this but not here this place would never. Rituska had her own worries when she heard the words control room she froze that's where Mash was and if she was hurt that's... Without taking a second thought Ritsuka ran out the doorway and took off in a flash Romani could only follow behind in her dust.

Running through the once white pristine hallways now pitch black and dreary gave a sense of dread to the two. Step after step it felt like the air changed it felt thin and while not visibly the two could feel smoke run through their hair finally passing through the final door it was as if the worst came true.

The pitch black room before was no more now the room was ablaze with color orange hot flames shimmered through every nook and cranny the smell of ash choked the two not even the most prepared fire fighter could handle the smoke.

This room was tarnished. The pillars that stood tall were now collapsing on themselves the fire roared as it continued to burn how could this happen every single thing in sight was consumed by the flames all but one thing That stood still was Chaldea the giant spherical machine was still as glorious as ever

Dr Roman: "It's possible this was an act of sabotage."

What he said was sudden Rituska could only look in surprise its the most likely outcome but why would anyone ever think of that who would have the power? Her questions weren't answered when once again the alarm went off again

*Suspension Of Power Output Unit Confirmed. Insufficient Power Generation. Unable To Switch To Reserve Power.*

*Personnel, please manually switch to reserve. To repeat*

Roman took a second to process the situation before sprinting off "I need to go to the basement power plant!"

Ritsuka: "Isn't that dangerous!?!"

Roman: "If I don't go then Chaldeans light will go out then Humanity is doomed. You should leave the way you came"

And with those final words Roman left the area. Now all alone she contemplated what action she should take it she could either save herself and evacuate to a safer side of the facility or she could try to see if Mash survived after a moment of thinking it was an easy choice.

Ritsuka ran forward into the flames it was a difficult road to travel constantly having to twist and turn some pathway being blocked by a wall of fire or large rubble but when she made it to higher ground she then saw the person who she was looking for Mash but it looked like some rubble covered her let's hope she's still breathing she thought to herself before sliding down some conveniently placed rubble.

"Mash!!" Rituska screamed hoping to gain her attention yet there was nothing Mash was unresponsive. Rushing over to mash she soon realized the situation was worse than expected She thought the rubble couldn't have caused to much damage but no seeing it at a closer look she could see the puddle of blood under the rubble slowly growing.

Quickly thinking Ritsuka tried to remove the rubble by lifting it off when she put her hands under the rubble to she met with a burning sensation she quickly removed her hands and winced in pain the rubble was too hot to touch. This sudden noise of pain managed to stir Mash awake. "..Ritsuka?..." The strain of her voice was clear as day

Ritsuka: "Yeah it me but save your breath"

Rolling her white sleeves down Ritsuka now had some protection so when she tried lifting once again she still felt a burning sensation but it wasn't as strong the only problem about this is that Ritsuka isn't strong enough by herself to lift something so heavy if only she hand another pair of hands.

Mash: "Don't worry... about me.....save yourself"

Mash said bluntly hoping Ritsuka would take her advice yet she didn't instead she kept on trying to lift even if nothing would budge "You need to run" Mash said with more of a stern tone but was quickly met with a yelling "No!" From Ritsuka

*Warning To Observation Staff. Chaldeas Condition Has Changed"

Looking up the the floating orb the violent twisting and turning could only mean one thing.

*Shiva's Near-Future Observational Data Will Be Overwritten*

*The Survival Of The Human Race On Earth For The Next 100 Years Cannot Be Confirmed*

*The Future Of Humanity Cannot Be Guaranteed.*

*Central Bulkhead Doors Will Now Close. Cleansing Of Room Will Now Begin*

As the message was said the doors sealed themselves off now there really was no escape not for any of the participants in ray shift not for Mash and not for Ritsuka. Having no other options Ritsuka simply slumped to the ground next to Mash "So are you alright?" she asked with a smile of concern it was strange how could she be smiling at a time like this Mash thought. "I'm okay as I can be right now" Mash thought it would be rather rude not to respond to someone no matter the situation

*Seeking For Qualifying Master*
The alarm was too quiet to compete with the roaring flames from so the two paid it no mind they were far too invested in their own chat to bother.

Ritsuka: "Can't really see the sky from here can you?"

She was trying to lighten the mood with a question

Mash: "No I suppose you can't"

Ritsuka "Hey once we get out of this how about I show you a nice blue sky."

Mash: "...... do..... Do you promise"

RItsuka: "Cross my heart hope to die"

Ritsuka lent her a hand trying to seal the deal even if she was injured Mash gladly grasped her hand to signify the deal had been struck. Unbeknownst to the two the alarm found the master it was seeking right in that moment.
Author note: okay here it is the moment you've been waiting for to see you arrive in the story.

This city is devoid of any life the screams of the innocent have king since passed all that is left is the crackles of fire in the distance "what a shit show" you said to no one in particular.

(Y/n): "Welp no time like the present I should get moving."

You pick yourself up and continue your journey to the top of the stairs the clang of rusted metal rang loud throughout the area. You didn't have much more steps left before you reach the top. You don't even know why your doing this anymore fighting, running, living. Without a true purpose a true goal it's all pointless.

An ear splitting boom drew you out of your thoughts and brought your attention to the top of the stairs it happened again and again something was wrong you sprint up the steps focused to figuring out what's happening.

Maybe one like yourself is fighting another that's the most likely cause. Finally reaching the top you burst through the doors and prepare yourself only to see a lone archer perched near the edge of the building shooting arrows down at someone. It seemed like the archer didn't notice you at all that can be used to your advantage.

You move closer to the archer before unsheathing your blade your not going to kill him you just wanna startle him so he retreats.

Just then the archer swiftly turns around and launches and arrow in your direction you catch it before it could hit any vital area.

???: "Oh it's you."

While he can't see your due to your helmet he well aware of your identity. The archer eyed you up and down he gazed at your armor it was drab and rusted a dirty worn cloak was draped over your body and on your back was the sheathe to your sword.

As the archer gazed at your appearance you did the same he had pale white hair and grey eyes and a red overcoat.

???: "While I would like to entertain the idea of us fighting I'm a busy man I hope to see you soon"

And with those final words the Archer disappears with the wind leaving you to your own devices. You sheathe your blade a turn your attention to the roads below

(Y/n): "Now time to see what the big deal was."

A few minutes earlier

Ritsuka P.O.V

I couldn't see I couldn't breathe could it be? Did I die? Was I consumed by the flames leaving only ashes? That's when I heard it A mutter that grew to whisper like soft sound trying it's best to awaken me.


It grew louder so wanted to respond I wanted to do something but my body was unresponsive I couldn't speak I couldn't feel I couldn't do anything.


There it goes again it got stronger yet I was still stiff yet I could feel the smallest of movements from my fingers tips they twitched in response to the voice yet that's all I could do.


The voice only grew louder from a whisper to a yell as the voice grew louder I grew stronger I could feel my heart beat in a rhythm I could see a little light as my eyes flutter trying to open


As the voice rang through my head as loud as I could I finally regained my spirit my eyes shoot wide as the light of the world enters my vision I open my mouth and gasp for air it was far too long.

My eyes adjusted to the area and it's was barren to say the least buildings were destroyed rubble was everywhere and in every corner not a single piece of this place wasn't tarnished

RItsuka: "It's so dark out here I could use some light"

As if god granted my wishes a bright red light illuminated the sky it rose higher and higher till it stopped it was stationary.

'Strange' I thought to myself but there's no reason to pay it any mind. I should find higher ground and try to access my situation.

Ritsuka: "I heard a voice begging me to wake up yet when I did no one was around."

I stopped in my tracks as I felt the heat of the red light grow turning my gaze back to the light I saw it was no longer stationary but it was coming down straight to me.

I turn away and start to run whatever it was I wasn't going to let it get any closer to me I sprint away from my location trying my best to escape the red light only for a sword plummeting into the ground to stop me in my tracks.

Looking back up in the sky I say the red lights glimmer down revealing a barrage of sword falling from the sky as if they were shot by a bow one by one a sword fell down into the ground some closer to killing me then others.

I wasn't going to die like this I resumed my sprint desperately hoping to find some building I could hide in yet there was none in sight and soon enough I tripped on a large piece of rubble my legs dive into the ground the hard cement scraped my knees.

Looking up once again I see a single sword fall down a sharp blade aimed directly at me so this was it dead on arrival? I didn't want it to end like this but I had no power to get up in time. I close my eyes awaiting the inevitable waiting for the pain of death.

The howling of wind the clang of metal as it clashes together. Opening my eyes I see my savior they wore skin tight armor mix with onyx and steel my gaze goes towards her hair it was lavender just like

RItsuka: "Mash?!"


Now I finally finished the chapter once again I'm sorry you weren't in the story for long but like I said previously you'll be in the next chapter soon but I just had to end it head if I continued any longer I don't know when I would have a chance to end it.

Also sorry that it's taken so long to do this chapter I've had to do a lot of redos on the story and then I had a burnout and almost didn't even want to continue writing this but eventually I just got back into the mood to write and got to finish this.

(7402 words)

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