In which Elliott learns to tr...

By Anxiety_on_broadway

400 34 23

Elliott doesn't have many reliable friends. Their parents don't provide any support, and their boyfriend isn'... More

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 10

Part 9

24 3 2
By Anxiety_on_broadway

~~~Elliott ~~~

"Mitchell will be here to pick me up in a few hours."

Emile nodded while Remus and Remy stood there silently, looking as if they'd never see them again. 

Which may or may not be true.

They had a long talk that morning, they were always so accepting and kind. Why? They didn't deserve it. Remus and Emile had told Elliott that they never had to hide their regression and they wanted to help more than anything. 

"We care about you, Elliott." Picani had said. "We want you here."

"I'm going to stay with Mitchell." They said before things became too serious or emotional.


"It's nothing against you, he just doesn't like that I'm here. And I just don't want to fight with him anymore."

"You don't owe us an explanation," Emile said, "If this is what you want, we're very happy for you."

"Ditto," Remy added.

Elliott sighed. After checking outside for the hundredth time before they decided it best to just sit down. "I really appreciate you helping me and... taking care of me. I really do." Elliott said.

"We enjoyed it, Elliott. We really do care about you," Picani said.


"He means all of us," Remus says. 

Elliott nodded. "I know."

Remy doesn't add anything, they simply hum. Elliott also could've sworn they rolled their eyes, but it's hard to tell through the sunglasses.

"Want to watch a movie or something while we wait?" Emile asked.

Elliott shrugged, "sure, sounds great."

They watched a movie called: 'Onward.' Apparently, it's another Disney cartoon, though Elliott had never heard of it.

Wasn't as good as Lilo and Stitch, but it still made them cry.


Mitchell showed up to the house an hour later then he said he would.

The fact that Elliott got to stay an hour later with Remus, Emile, and Remy. It felt like a gift.

These people actually liked the person they were, these people wanted to care for them... They did, right? 

Unless they completely misread the whole situation. 

Elliott grabbed their things, and the four of them said their very casual goodbyes and promised to visit each other more often.

 "You're more than welcome to join us for movie nights, game nights, or any other gathering we have as a group," Emile promises.

Elliott smiles, "Thanks, Picani. I appreciate it."

They knew however, Mitchell wouldn't be ok with that.

They took a deep breath before walking out to greet Mitchell.

~~~Emile, Remy, and Remus~~~

"I don't know what I expected him to look like," Remus says, peaking out the window, "but that's not it."

Emile and Remy looked out with him.

"Wow," Remy's eyes widen. "They could do so much better."

"Agreed," Remus says. 

"We shouldn't be spying like this," Emile says, "It's a little creepy."

"You're right," Remus acknowledges, as they continue to stand there and watch them.


"What took you so long?" Mitchell asked.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to the people who let me stay here for a few weeks for nothing in return."

Mitchell sighed and rolled his eyes.

This isn't going to work.

They need to talk.

A real conversation.

'You have equal importance in your relationship.'

"You want to take a walk?" Eliott asks.

Mitchell shrugs, "Why?"

"Please? Just around the block once, I just want to talk."

"Ok, fine. I guess."

~~~ Hours Later, Emile: ~~~

It was getting late; Elliott and Mitchell had left hours ago.

But Emile couldn't stop thinking about it. Who knows if he ever will?

Elliott wasn't safe. The way Mitchell looked at them, something just seemed so wrong about it.

"How ya feeling?" Remus asked.

Emile sighed, "I'm fine."

Remy just directed their attention to the movie; they've never been great with emotions.

"I know you're worried, I wish there was something more we could do," Remus said.

"You could kidnap them." Remy suggests, joking of course.

"Tempting," Remus hummed as if taking the suggestion seriously. 

Emile laughed, he honestly already had a wonderful family, what more could he possibly want? 

Elliott and him will still be friends, if they need anything-

Suddenly, his phone went off: "Elliott?"



"Elliott? Are you ok?" Emile asked.


"Where are you?"

"Uhm, m' at the end of the street. Mitchell left. I can't walk."

"We're on our way, do you need me to stay on the phone with you?"

"Please," They cried.

"everything's gonna be ok, Elliott. We're coming, I promise."

"Here we go again..." Remy sighs, grabbing their coat. 

"Is Elliott, ok?" Remus asked.

"I don't know," Emile answered. 

"If we decide to keep them, we need to consider keeping them on a leash. They get themselves into a lot of trouble," Remy says.

They drove down the street until they spotted Elliott on some porch steps. They looked ok, just upset and alone. 

Which wasn't ok, but it's at least manageable.

Emile was the first to get out of the car, "Elliott! Are you ok? "He asked, as he watched the little emo weep. 

Elliott shook their head. "H-he doesn't love me anymore. What m' a' goin te' do?" They were breathing heavily, unable to control their tears.

The two caregivers and Remy walk over to Elliott in attempt to show support. "It's gonna be ok, Elliott. You're not alone. We're here for you, "Emile says.

Elliott continued to cry, so Remus offered his open arms. "Come here, baby. Everything will be ok.

They wrapped their arms around Remus and cried harder. After a few seconds, they look at Emile. "I'm sorry, I- I try to talk- I do."

"You did everything right, little one." Picani reassured.

Elliott shook their head again. "No cuz' den they'd still love me."

 Remy looked angry, probably at Mitchell, and Remus just looked crushed. Emile realized that he was no longer alone in his need to protect Elliott.

They're all in this together now, Elliott was stuck with their endless support now.

Emile took Elliott's hand. "None of this was your fault, I promise. I know it's hard, but it'll get better." 

"How?" they asked, drying a few tears.

"I don't really know, but we'll be here through all of it. We love you, Elliott."

Elliott looked surprised, "really?"

"Of course," Emile says. 

"We're here for ya, Ellie." Remus says.

Elliott cried again, but this time it was less sad.

"What to go home?" Remus asked.

"Wif you? "They ask, softly.

"Where else?" Remy asked, reaching to hold their other hand.

Elliott nodded, smiling as they squeezed Remy's hand. "Ok."

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