//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

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My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chapter 17 : Kowloong

806 27 3
By KochoTurin




The Nighter arrives at the Ports of Kowloong as everyone took in to view the city getting nearer and nearer

Kamui and Chrome are hanging out or more like Chrome trying to reprimand Kamui
Lee and Liv calmly watches the waves and the nearing
Lucia was talking with Some of the Crew of the Nighter

Meanwhile Raiden was fidgeting his necklace... Toying with it as he looks forwards

After a some time everyone gathered as they neared the ports but stopped for a moment

Liv:"This Glow..."

Lee:"Its like a barrier"

Chrome:"If it is... Then that means"

Raiden:"It could be a gestalt... Correct Lee?"

Lee nodded

Lee:"Upclose we can see this barrier however when looking at satellite images it appears the place is perfectly normal... How can this be"

Chrome:"If it is indeed a Gestalt like the same one from Babylonia... Then that means for sure..."

Raiden:"Outside forces would try invade and take that device"

Chrome:"Even worse... Threat Babylonia"

Everyone agreed
Kamui meanwhile shouted as they neared the ports

Kamui:"Hello!? Anyone there!? Friendlies here!"

Then a certain construct made her way towards the group

Yazi:"Instead of shouting like a hoarse... Why don't we check in inside"

Raiden nodded while snapping his fingers anxiously

Lucia:"We won't get anything standing here... Let's move out"
The Civilians are about to step towards the solid ground when the Kowloong constructs suddenly ordered them to stop

There was no one in sight not even people or other mechanics... Empty

Raiden:"Strange... There's noone in the area"

Lucia:"Yes... It feels... Wrong"

Yazi:"How is the ports empty at a time like this? Something must be wrong"

Kamui once again began to shout but was quickly reprimanded by Chrome

Chrome:"Let's go inside... Everyone stay here for the time being"
The Gray Ravens along with Chrome and Kamui and Yazi went in towards the empty streets and buildings of the whole Kowloong

Raiden:"We haven't seen a single entity ever since we started walking"

Yazi:"Indeed... How could this place be empty"

Lucia:"Something about this doesn't feel right Commandant"

Liv:"Nothing in the radars..."

Lee stood his guard and prepared his guns

Chrome:"The Streets and buildings are empty... What could have happened here?"

Chrome questioned as he looked around the building halls and not a single person or machine is visible


Kamui said

Lee:"Impossible... The streets would have been ransacked and destroyed and according to my scanning the levels are very low"

Kamui:"Then explain this ghost town Lee"

Kamui said waving both hands into the air emphasising his point

???:"Because i ordered them to leave the buildings"

Raiden looked up and saw a screen... Everyone looked around confused until Yazi pointed her hand upwards and everyone looked to see Qu herself alive and well in a large hologram screen

Raiden:"...The Real Qu"

Liv:"Aren't you supposed to be"

Qu:"Dead? I'll give you shots but that other me is Viller or Vilier who impersonated me and stole a copy of the A.I Huaxu aswell as taking in people and activating Plan B the KCC ship the Nighter"

Qu said

Yazi:"La-Lady Qu!?"

Qu:"Yazi... After all that has happened you have the nerve to return after cooperating with that other one... Altho I'm glad you brought the ship in one piece your no longer welcome in Kowloong"

Yazi:"I fell for the other lady... Please"

Yazi was about to speak when Qu suddenly cut her off

Qu:"Your no longer part of Kowloong Yazi and so are the people in that Ship"

Lucia:"You'll abandon those civilians?"

Lucia said

Qu:"I've abandoned many things in my long life... The people are nothing more than i can erase in my page and book"

Qu said back
A moment of silence occured and no one dared uttered a word

Raiden:"The People of Kowloong i will assume... Is somewhere safe"

Qu:"Correct... I've ordered everyone to stay in the safe area in my protection along with several valuable items that have been moved"

Raiden:"I see..."

Raiden turned his head and He then noticed the Chinese looking statues in the corners...he knew this was a trap

Qu:"Any questions?"

No one dared to utter a word

Raiden:"I have one..."

Qu looked at him and so did everyone until he suddenly disappeared shocking everyone


*Sounding of Metal tearing*

*Electric circuit being fried*

Qu and everyone looked to the left and saw Raiden walking back to the with the head of a construct
And began playing with it

Raiden:"You didn't evacuate the people for nothing correct? Then that means something big is about to happen"

Raiden said before throwing it towards the back making it rolling to Chrome's feet


Qu did a small chuckle

Qu:"Indeed your too clever... The Ascendants and the Corrupted have arrived and a war will soon break out of every street and places"

Qu said... Everyone tensed until a familiar voice made itself known

Hassen:"Well i didn't came in a bad time correct?"

Lucia:"Mister President"

Chrome:"President Hassen"


Everyone except Qu and Raiden are shocked to see the president of Babylonia in the screen next to Qu

Hassen:"Things are quite hard to deal with and getting signal here is a difficult feat"

Qu:"President of Babylonia what an awful timing"

Raiden:"Kinda agree with her President not gonna lie"

Raiden sarcastically says
Hassen merely chuckled

Hassen:"So let's get down to business... Sources say that the Ascendants are making landfall towards Kowloong... Babylonia offers a helping hand president of Kowloong"

Qu:"Denied... We Kowloong will not ally itself with other organisations and will get through this with our own tech and will"

Hassen sighed and ended the conversation

Kamui:"What the why would you deny!"

Qu merely ordered her Constructs and three statues began to move before then Qu signed off... The Constructs then began surrounding the group and forcing everyone to take a stance and then a shaking caught them off guard

Liv:"This Place will collapse soon! Everyone fall back!"

Raiden:"Strike Hawk! Do not fully engage!"

Chrome:"Kamui! Do not fully engage!"

Kamui:"I know! That's why I'm pointing my weapon at this to cover our rear end!"

The Group ran towards the exit as the shaking continued and a few cracks made itself known and began to fall apart
This forced the group to fight the Constructs

Chrome slashed the Construct while Kamui attacked it from behind
Lucia and Lee tag teamed another one while Liv provided support

Liv:"Commandant the shaking!"

Raiden:"Everyone retreat!"

After that Chrome and Kamui finished off the construct before Lucia and Lee finished theirs and began running towards the group with Chrome and Kamui

The Group ran and ran towards the Exit
Raiden looked up and noticed a chunk of debry falling towards the Exit

Raiden:"Well shit..."

Raiden used 16-C's thrusters and used to send them all flying towards the exit... Lucia managed to look behind and screamed


She was cut off when the Debry fell and covered the exit
Babylonia HQ

Nikola:"Does dammed Kowloong! They may have lost their own minds refusing help from us!"

Hassen:"Flexing their muscles i guess"

Nikola:"Utterly vain and stupid! Since we saw that your negotiation plan failed its time for me to take the helm... Deploy every elite S Rank to get Gestalt! We cannot let that device fall into the wrong hands"

Hassen:"Doing that will further add fuel to the fire and may lead us to conflicts with Kowloong"

Nikola:"Do you have any other plans?"

Hassen:"We help them and keep the Corrupted at bay... That's my plan"

Nikola:"May i remind you that Kowloong outright refused our involvement"

Hassen:"Doesn't mean we can act on our own...for this battle... No for this war... I'll be in the front lines"

Hassen snapped his fingers and a map appeared

Nikola:"... You can't be serious Hassen... That is by far a large area to cover"

Hassen:"Does it look like im kidding?"

After that talk with Nikola... Celica pulled Hassen for a moment

Celica:"The Gray Ravens and Strike Hawk managed to escape the enemies..."

Hassen:"Good tell them t-"

Celica cut him off by informing him Raiden went MIA and lost connection to save the two groups

Hassen:"I see... Assemble and deploy the support force immediately"

Celica nodded
Lee:"I can't get a response from Commandant"

Liv:"Me too"

Lucia looked at the rubble blocking the path

Lee:"If we need to find Commandant we would need a map"

Liv started scanning the area and tried to find a route to where the building is located and any other points of entry

Chrome:"You go find your Commandant... Me and Kamui will try to establish contact with HQ"


Lucia:"Very well... Thank you"

Chrome nodded before he and Kamui split off from the group and went separate ways

Lucia:"Have you found anything Liv?"

Liv:"I got one"

She then showed her findings towards the both of them

Lee:"Too far but its our only chance..."

Lucia nodded



Raiden was seen walking towards the exit by blasting a whole towards the opposite side of the building into a random museum

Raiden:"Bit explosive"

Raiden was in his Moon Shadow Knight battlesuit... Its black tight figure along with four purple round spiked appendages on his waist and purple glowing gauntlets
16-C was also de camo'd and kept a vigil eye towards any enemy

Raiden:"Thanks for this... Ishmael"

Ismael and Raiden was on the in on the Nighter

Ismael:"I couldn't do much but just reignite it... No matter how hard i tried to study it... It just confused me"

Raiden:"Did you learn anything tho?"

Ismael:"A Couple of them... There very old and the Technology is way ahead of Babylonia i can tell"

Raiden nodded as he puts on the battlesuit

Ismael:"In my records that suit is called Moon Shadow Knight... And its mostly used to exert and power your punches and kicks..."

Ismael said

Raiden:"I see"

Ismael:"Becareful still... I don't know if this has consequences upon use... Just transmission to me so i can be there asap"

Raiden:"Thanks Ishma... You always have my back"

Ismael:"Duh... I swear ill surpass Selena"

Raiden chuckled

Ismael:"By the way... When i got that... It also held this"

Ismael pulled out a White feather with a red tip and gave it to him

Ismael:"Don't know what it means but you'll find that... I hope"

End of Flashback
Raiden:"Time to figure out where and how the fuck do i return to my teammates"

He then suddenly grabbed his chest forcing him to kneel and take quick breaths

Raiden:"What the"

He then felt somesort of wave... He took a look at his necklace... It was glowing brighter before sending out a pulse of some sort

Raiden:"What's happening"

Raiden then clutched his head in pain
He then began to see blured images of someone and a young him

???:"Raiden don't go too far!?"

Raiden:"What do you mean ??? It's fun to run around"

???:"Becareful now!"

Raiden:"Your no fun"

Raiden:"What the... Who was that girl..."

He then took out the feather Ismael gave him and it began to dissappear into an aura of red light before going into his hand

Raiden:"Are these... My Memories?"

He questioned... He then felt the pulse again and looked at the direction
Raiden then began running before jumping and 16-C transforming into a motorcycle before riding of into the place where he felt that something was calling for him
Meanwhile in the Frozen Artic

Fisherman 1:"Oi! Tis a fine day to fish ain't it?"

However no other payed his call of invitation towards the sea

Fisherman 2:"Ain't no fishin today bruv..."

Fisherman 1:"Why tha? Ya scared?"

Fisherman 2:"Just not worth today aye"

Fisherman 1:"Why!?"

Fisherman 2 stood up and faced the other fisherman

Fisherman 2:"The Reddies be everywhere in the sea today mate"

Fisherman 1 stood in shock

Fisherman 1:"We safe here aight?"

Fisherman 2:"Probly mate"

Fisherman 1 sighed in relief

Diana:"The Corrupted has been acting strange lately"

Diana walked towards them and looked onwards to the sea

Fisherman 1:"What ya mean? Forest Guard?"

Diana:"They've been massing towards one direction...i got a bad feeling about this"

Diana and the Fisherman talked about something about the corrupted and how it may endanger the ports if left alone

Diana:"Dear Fishermen may the forest guards borrow your ships for the time being"

Fisherman 2 nodded and shouted for the boss

Boss:"I see ya noticed the reddies in the sea aight?"

Diana nodded

Boss:"...Ya'll can use the ship for ye price"

Diana shrugged

Diana:"I fear i may not repay you cheaper then"

Boss:"We don't care bout wha happen in the past... Forest Guard... Ya'll can use the ship on one condition... Ya'll better return in one piece"

Diana nodded before looking at their leader Rosetta who was preparing

Diana:"We shall"
Back with Gray Ravens






Lucia:"We're close... I can feel it"

Lee shot another Corrupted while Liv fired her lasers towards the the advancing small corrupted as they all continued forward
With Chrome




Chrome:"I was doubting you would show up... Cerberus"

Once the smoke clears it was clear who stood in that rubble

Vera:"Blah! With this walls these Kowloong people would have been dumb beyond repair for refusing to accept our help"

Chrome:"It can't be fixed... Where's your other members Cerberus?"

Vera:"Tis on another Location good sir"

Vera said in a cocky tone like how she always says it before gripping her spear
Getting towards Chrome and Kamui
They got into some heated talk about how orders are meant to be taken without fail and mishaps

???:"[Ya got a problem with us!?]"

Chrome:"Why are you in Comms are you near?"

Noctis:"[Mind ya own business Blondy]"

Kamui:"Not nice"

Noctis:"[Oh I've been wanting to throw down with you... Ya got another person inside ya head right? I'll enjoy bashing your head]"

Vera:"[Stay where you are and don't abandon your position! I'll be throwing down and not you]"


*Sounds of Corrupted dying*



*Sounds of someone running*

Somewhere in Kowloong a long grayish hair with a hint of blue individual with chinese looking clothing runs from roof to roof and occasionally on the ground

Her golden eyes stayed sharp... On her hands was a medium length sword with a symbol of the yin yang on its holder and unlike other blades it had a light blue color

???:"I'm getting nearer"

She said looking forward
Roland:"Clingers to the old world they are"

Gabriel spoke something poetic that Roland didn't even bother trying ti understand

Luna:"Is that from your book Gabriel?"

Gabriel:"Yes Ms.Luna"

Luna:"You gotta let me borrow that sometime"

Luna smiled

Alpha:"Quite plenty..."

She said gazing at the Corrupted

Roland:"So we stick towards the Plan"

Alpha gazed at the three Ascendants Roland, Gabriel and Lamia who nodded

Roland:"Me and Gabriel will stay close to each other... Lamia you gotta conduct solo one to the inside"

Lamia shocked and started panicking due to her not liking to be near someone

Lamia:"I gotta go Solo? Are you kidding me?"

Luna:"Please Lamia?"

Lamia closed her eyes and sighed


Roland and Gabriel nodded before dissappearing
Lamia did a quick frown before dissappearing herself
Alpha motioned the Corrupted to go

Luna:"Can we stay like this for a while Sister?"

Alpha:"As long as you want"

Alpha however in her mind was busy with something else

Alpha:"I can't locate him... Where did he go?"
Back at Raiden

Raiden was shown walking out of a house before a red glow enveloped his hand and dissappearing

Raiden:"I'm starting to understand... But i still need answers"

He thought however he needed to find Lucia and the others who may have been worried for him

Raiden:"...This is absolute chaos"

He said looking at his hand... Instead of riding 16-C it would best he go on by foot

Raiden:"It may be faster with 16-C but..."

Raiden heard the sounds of the Corrupted

Raiden:"I got Company"

16-C de camo'd itself before sending itself towards the Corrupted and punching them in quick succession

A Corrupted then attempted to slash at him but Raiden managed to dodge and grab its arm before punching it straight in the chest breaking through its armor... His gauntlets glowed purple

Raiden:"Time to get serious i guess"

Raiden then quickly appeared into another one before uppercutting the corruoted up, another one tried to pounce on him but Raiden whipped out his hand before dissappearing into an afterimage where he kicked the corrupted upwards before pointing his hand upwards as a yellow glow appeared

He dissappeared but immediately descends back to the ground creating a small explosion... 16-C uppercutted a corrupted behind him before firing its cannons towards the advancing corrupted destroying them

It then went back to Raiden's side... Raiden began running towards somewhere and followed the sounds of clashing

Watanabe:"That's the last of them"

Watanabe and the Forsaken seemed to be in a place where a train should stop... Everyone rested not caring about the corrupted that have been dealt with

Nikola:"[Your pulling your weight just fine]"

Watanabe:"Don't mistaken this Nikola..."

Nikola:"[I don't care as long as you can pull your own weight]"

Watanabe:"So how will we get to Kowloong? You gave us the coordinates but we don't have means of transportation"

Nikola merely said nothing as Watanabe took a look around before it clicked on him

Watanabe:"I see you got Akdilek aswell"

As soon as he said that a Train stopped and three figures stood out meeting Watanabe

Changyu:"Forsaken huh... Names Changyu nice to meet you gramps"

Watanabe irked at Chanyu's joking introduction

Watanabe:"I'm not your gramps"

Sophia:"Chanyu stop that you'll hurt his feelings"

Jamilah:"Anyways...let's get down to business shall we?"

After a few minutes of Jamilah and Watanabe talking

Nikola:"[I'll say it again you schemers... You all should be ruled with force]"

Jamilah on her scary face said

Jamilah:"Then you'll have to send your troops from Kowloong to deal with us~"

Nikola tched before sending a final word of that he needed to do things
Meanwhile Watanabe complained about the section he and the Forsaken are in

Watanabe:"Oi? What's with the corrupted?"


Watanabe sighed


Raiden:"Liv!? Lucia!? Lee!? Yazi!?"

Raiden shouted trying to get a sense of direction to where the others are but to avail as no one shouted back
He then saw Lucia... However not Liv and Lee or Yazi is near
Raiden went to Lucia with suspicion

Raiden:"Where are the others?"

Raiden said with a voice and intent telling the truth

Lucia?:"Uhm Commandant... We got separated"

Raiden nodded before grabbing her hand and making way towards a random direction
Lucia? Yelped but followed without complaints

Raiden:"We need to get back to the others"

He said

Lucia?:"Yes ofcourse"

Raiden and Lucia? Walked together trying to find Lee and Liv aswell as Yazi

Lucia?:"His hand... Its so warm... It makes me feel safe"
The two made a sizeable distance before stopping suddenly and Raiden let's go of his hand but then felt Lucia? Gripping it
Raiden looked at Lucia?

Raiden:"Have i been found?"



Lucia? Snapped back to reality and let's go of his hand... The two the struck a moment of silence before Lucia? Figured everything out

Lucia?:"I've been found"

Raiden:"Quite literally yes..."

Lucia? Began transforming into a tall female like construct instead of a lowerbody composing of feet it was instead snake like covered armor she also had a metal like construct attached to her head

Raiden:"Your a Ascendant like Alpha... Huh"

The Ascendant became shocked that this human knows Alpha

???:"Ho-How di-did y-ou know?"

The Ascendant shyly says

Raiden:"Tell me your name first"

Lamia:"Lamia... Just Lamia"

Raiden nodded

Raiden:"Why are you following me?"

Raiden asked towards Lamia who puts two fingers together

Lamia:"Uhm... i just got lost... the sense of direction"

Raiden chuckled making Lamia curious about the Human she's in front off

Raiden:"I see why... Well then"

Raiden got a hologram of the map of Kowloong and gave it to Lamia... Lamia takes it

Lamia:"Uhm... Thank you?"

Raiden:"To easen your fears No that hologram doesn't have an inbuilt tracker"

Raiden assures Lamia

Lamia:"Why... Why are you helping me?"

Lamia shyly asks

Raiden:"Well... Father said that you always should help those who need it... Be it friend or foe"

Lamia didn't know what to say
Raiden did a two finger salute before jumping from the ground to the roof and then running out of her sight

Lamia just stood there confused and dazed
Lucia and the others stilled search for him

Liv:"I Got his signal!"

Lucia took her blade from a fallen corrupted before going towards Liv

Lucia:"[Commandant? Please respond?]"


Lucia felt joy crawl up to her to know her commandant is unharmed


Lee:"This dammed dome"

Liv:"Don't worry Lee... I got what i need..."

Liv then began running some tracking methods

Liv:"Since we knew that Commandants comms is not down. I can configure that signal with other signals and block them off..."

In Liv's hologram a spiderweb of lines appeared she the began filtering the signals

Liv:"I can now construct a radius filled pulse to know that same signal... Then we can know where Commandant is"

Liv then pressed a button and they can see there signal pulsing and another one pulsing back

Lucia:"Good job Liv"

Liv:"Thank you"

Lucia:"But we must be fast... Commandant can't be put in harms way"

Everyone nodded
Raiden saw himself standing upon an Area smiling as he looked up
He saw a female with long hair... Yellow golden eyes... Chinese looking clothing and on her hand was a blade
The Female also smiled

???:"I take it... That you figured out the memories..."

Raiden chuckled and nodded

Raiden:"It appears so..."

The Female's blade disappeared and she crossed her arms before smiling

Raiden:"Long time no see... Lin"

The Female jumped down with her eyes closed landing gracefully infront on him


Zhaoyu smiled before hugging him

Zhaoyu:"I know..."

Raiden hugged back... After a minute the two let go of each other

Raiden:"I still have a question... Zhaoyu"

Raiden said before looking at his hand

Raiden:"Who am i really? And why can i not remember my entire childhood?"

Raiden asked... Zhaoyu grabbed his hand gently

Zhaoyu:"When the time comes... Your entire past will comeback to you"

Raiden nodded
The two then are quickly startled by the sound of the Corrupted and the sound of slashes and gunfire

Raiden:"That's my team..."

Zhaoyu nodded before manifesting her Sword... The Two looked at each other and nodded before hurrying up
Liv and Lee fired their weapons in quick succession while Yazi and Lucia struggled fighting


Lucia was startled and looked behind her and saw a Corrupted incoming slash



Lucia saw a hand punch the Corrupted in the left side before hearing multiple slashes... Everyone saw a mysterious female within seconds destroyed the incoming Corrupted


Lucia said standing up and going towards Raiden who stood up and the two embraced each other

Raiden:"Good to see you too Lucia"

Lee:"Heh... Good to see you in good shape Commandant"

Liv nodded with a smile
Zhaoyu then went beside Raiden

Raiden:"Its good to see you all shape and sound Lucia, Lee, Liv and Yazi"

Liv:"Commandant? Who's that?"

Liv looked at Zhaoyu who smiled

Zhaoyu:"Lin Zhaoyu... In time you'll know me... I believe there are certain matters at hand"

Zhaoyu said

Lucia:"She's right... What's our next move?"

Lucia and Raiden let off the hug for now

Liv:"HQ is somewhere... In a safe area we need to go there first"

Raiden nodded

Raiden:"Then let's go team"
The Gray Ravens passed alot of other constructs who are setting up base
They all stood in a part of the camp resting and awaiting for further orders

Liv:"Its been a while..."

Lucia nodded
Lee was doing some checkups and getting Liv's and Lucia's weapons fixed aswell as his guns
Raiden and Zhaoyu stayed silent

Until their peace was suddenly disturbed

Vera:"Well Well well... The Commandant of the hour"

Raiden smiled a little

Raiden:"Long time no see Vera... Glad your safe and sound"

Vera smiled while twirling her hair

Vera:"This dog doesn't go down without a fight Raidy"

Raiden nodded and chuckled

Vera:"I heard Asimov got a special something with him on his private plane just for you"

Vera looked at Lucia

Lee:"Mind your business Vera"

Vera:"Easy their buckaroo I'm not in that phase for now"

Lee:"The Nerve... I can't wait to meet members of Cerberus... How do they stuck with this woman"

Then a meeting was called and everyone easily when towards the circle and began discussing the plan that was sent out for them

The War has finally started and everyone made a move
I'm getting nearer to writing a Plume fight scene that for sure will kill my hands...

Wrist-Kun don't fail me now

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